Battle Maison Discussion & Records

I just try to clear all maison. I beated single very long ago. Look like it's time to post here

Single 106 Streak.

252 HP/252 Atk/4 Spe
- Play Rough
- Sucker Punch
- Iron head
- Sword Dance

252 S.atk/4 Atk/252 Spe
- Dragon Pulse
- Dark Pulse
- EQ
- Surf

Choice Band
252 HP/252 Atk/4 Spe
- Aqua Jet
- Play Rough
- Super Power
- Waterfall

Same as other Mawile User SD and mostly Solo on opponent. But if face fire or ground Pokemon Switch to Hydeigon or Azumaril Up to opponent that I face.
Hey guys, I was wondering if you could give me a few tips to help me with my team. Ive gotten into the late 40s 3 times now, but I haven't been able to get up to Nita yet. This is my team so far:

Kingdra @ Scope Lens
Modest Nature
252 SpA | 252 HP | 4 SpD
-Focus Energy
-Draco Meteor
-Hydro Pump

Pinsir @ Pinsirite

Adamant Nature
252 Atk | 252 Spe | 4 HP
-Close Combat
-Quick Attack

Gengar @ Life Orb
Modest Nature
252 SpA | 252 Spe | 4 HP
-Sludge Bomb
-Shadow Ball
-Focus Blast
-Double Team
What are the rules regarding swapping Pokemon mid-streak? I'm almost done with breeding this Growlithe I want to add, which will be replacing my Gyarados. Do I have to end the current streak before starting again with Arcanine?

EDI: XXTheDingoXX I can see a bit of a weakness to Flying and Rock-heavy teams, which aren't super common but have ended many of my own streaks (especially before Aegislash existed) since they can be surprisingly hard to take on with a balanced core. But before going too much into that, what did you lose to?
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Hey guys, I was wondering if you could give me a few tips to help me with my team. Ive gotten into the late 40s 3 times now, but I haven't been able to get up to Nita yet. This is my team so far:

Kingdra @ Scope Lens
Modest Nature
252 SpA | 252 HP | 4 SpD
-Focus Energy
-Draco Meteor
-Hydro Pump
Pinsir @ Pinsirite
Adamant Nature
252 Atk | 252 Spe | 4 HP
-Close Combat
-Quick Attack

Gengar @ Life Orb
Modest Nature
252 SpA | 252 Spe | 4 HP
-Sludge Bomb
-Shadow Ball
-Focus Blast
-Double Team

If you wanna keep using the same 3 mons, get destiny bond on Gengar if you can, replace double team with that and give it a focus sash. I would swap out Focus Blast for something with more accuracy like Dazzling Gleam or Thunderbolt, then make him your lead mon. I get that you want to utilize Kingdra's Sniper ability but honestly don't bother with focus energy. You may as well just use a different boosting move like Agility or Dragon Dance. If you don't mind missing you can keep Hydro Pump for the power boost (otherwise use Surf), but I would swap Draco Meteor for Dragon Pulse so you aren't weakening your only other attack after using it. Substitute is fine, otherwise you could give it another attack instead, maybe Flash Cannon to kill fairies. Give him the Life Orb that Gengar had...

Pinsir looks fine!

hope this isn't horrible advice!
I just finished a streak of 302 wins in Super Singles with a stock standard Water/Steel/Dragon team.

I have a video of my loss further down.



Greninja @ Choice Specs
ivs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
evs: 4/0/0/252/0/252
stats: 148/93/87/155/91/191

Ice Beam
Grass Knot

Greninja exceeded my expectations as a lead. It's like a Starmie that can actually kill things with its coverage moves. Its speed and power allow it to give me a 3-2 lead in many battles, and after that it is difficult for me to lose.

I run Choice Specs on my Greninja. My original plan was to use Life Orb but I didn't have one on me when I started using this team so I just gave it the Choice Specs I ran on my Goodra from my other streak attempt. I have since obtained Life Orb but I decided to stick with Choice Specs. Aside from my dislike of changing things mid-streak in fear of losing because of said change, I do really like the extra kick that Greninja has because of it. It's a shame that I can't fully take advantage of Protean's effect by switching up my moves but I still don't regret sticking with my original item. There were times where Greninja would seem to scrape a 2HKO against certain threats that it would have likely missed with Life Orb so Choice Specs definitely has its advantages.

I actually had Dark Pulse in the final slot for my first attempt with this team (I lost at around 53 or so), but then I decided to change to Extrasensory before starting this attempt. I found being able to hit Fighting- and Poison-types super-effectively more useful than the coverage that Dark Pulse provides. Also, Extrasensory changes Greninja from a Fighting-weak Pokemon into a Fighting-resistant one, which is very helpful against opponents that try to use Brick Break or Focus Blast to take me out.


Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
ivs: 31/31/31/x/31/0
evs: 252/0/4/0/252/0
stats: 181/114/152/63/184/22
Iron Barbs

Gyro Ball
Leech Seed

Ferrothorn was awesome in the Subway, and it's awesome in the Maison. But why wouldn't it be when 90% of the Pokemon are the same? :)

I tried to avoid using this early on in the streak because of how slow battles can become, but as my streak got higher it became my MVP. It's insane how many Pokemon Ferrothorn can set up on, and this is without any support from a crippler. Occasionally you need to use moves in a particular order to set up safely, but a lot of the time setting up is pretty brainless. My only gripe with Ferrothorn is its low Speed; most Pokemon get at least 1 free turn before Ferrothorn can throw up a Substitute and block their hax attempts. Its low Speed also means that you have to have a Substitute up before the follow-up Pokemon is sent out, unless you enjoy wasting Ferrothorn's boosts by having it roasted by a Flamethrower upon beating the first opponent.

One thing I noticed in this streak was the way opponents dealt with Substitute. I can't be 100% sure yet, but I have a suspicion that the AI may have become slightly smarter with dealing with it. In the Subway, you could throw a Substitute up against a status move and the opponent would usually spam the status move despite it having no effect on you. That gave set-up Pokemon occasional freebies. When I tried it here against moves like Will-O-Wisp and Sing, I found the Pokemon would become more aggressive. This doesn't apply to all status moves though (Dusknoir liked spamming Pain Split against Substitute even though it doesn't work). Maybe it was just luck, but I thought it was interesting anyway.


Dragonite @ Lum Berry
ivs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
evs: 4/252/0/0/0/252
stats: 167/204/115/97/120/132

Fire Punch
Dragon Dance

Not much to say here. Lum Berry and Multiscale combined pretty much guarantee at least 1 safe Dragon Dance against most opponents. That's usually sufficient for a sweep, and even if Dragonite falls short, it usually has enough of an impact for me to clean up with its teammates.

Outrage, Dragon Dance, and Earthquake are all moves that I consider compulsory for Dragonite. The other move depends on team needs. I'd consider running Extreme Speed over Fire Punch if I had access to it, since that would be helpful to hit faster and frail Pokemon without a Dragon Dance, and even at 1+ (Jolteon is notably faster than max Speed Adamant Dragonite after a boost). Fire Punch is ok for Skarmory, Levitate Bronzong, Ferrothorn, and the Bug/Steel-types though. Ferrothorn in particular would be a pain to deal with without Fire Punch. I guess Thunder Punch would be cool to hit Togekiss; Substitute and even Iron Head would also be acceptable replacements.

Threats/Interesting Opponents

Keep in mind that many of these are context-based threats; I can beat them in ideal conditions, but they can become dangerous when I'm vulnerable. Actually, not all of these are "dangerous" but I list them anyway because they require some thought to beat or are just interesting to deal with in general.
  • Togekiss: The most common set has Heat Wave and Dazzling Gleam which covers Ferrothorn and Dragonite. Greninja can outspeed and OHKO it with Ice Beam though, unless it's my last Pokemon and I'm locked into Grass Knot or something. If Greninja is dead and my other Pokemon aren't set up enough, it would be difficult for me to win. "Enough" in this case would either by 1+ with Multiscale for Dragonite, or Substitute active (preferably with some Curse boosts too) for Ferrothorn.
  • Gardevoir: Similar to Togekiss, though maybe not quite as dangerous. Gardevoir 4 has Focus Blast and Moonblast to cover my set-up sweepers, and Greninja doesn't do as well against Gardevoir as it does against Togekiss. My set-up sweepers can beat it one-on-one though, albeit while getting severely wounded and with little time to set up.
  • Scrafty: Scrafty 4 isn't even 2HKOed by Greninja, so Greninja loses. Dragonite has to be careful not to let it get too many Bulk Ups while it Dragon Dances, though it can beat it. I actually never tried using Ferrothorn against it but I actually think Ferrothorn would be the best choice. Despite the Fighting weakness, Curse should neutralise Bulk Up (Scrafty is pretty weak before boosting).
  • Lanturn: Lanturn 4 isn't actually a "threat" but it's not something you can just beat in a few turns either. Greninja can barely scratch it because too light for Grass Knot to have much of an effect and it can just Stockpile in its face. Ferrothorn can easily set up, but it can't beat it because Gyro Ball does barely anything and it can Rest to cancel out Leech Seed damage (plus Rest allows it to PP stall me). Dragonite is my fastest way of beating it but Ice Beam leaves a mark and Stockpile allows it to tank Earthquakes fairly well. The safest way to beat it is to just stall it with Ferrothorn and force it to use its Chesto Berry, and when it goes to use Rest next time (it's not that hard to predict), switch to Dragonite and start setting up. In fact, if you throw Leech Seed on it (which you should), you can lure it into Resting immediately after waking up, which means I get more Dragon Dances and Multiscale can be maintained at the same time. So, it can't really end a streak in ideal conditions, but it takes a while to beat safely and I don't like facing it because of that.
  • Regigigas: Not specifically a threat to this team, but I'm mentioning it because I loathe it so much. It's so bulky and it haxes the crap out of my team. Greninja does NOT like getting paralyzed, and Confuse Ray is annoying for something as slow as Ferrothorn.
  • Tornadus: I faced Tornadus 2 more often than I'd like. I know it's usually a non-threat but those priority Double Teams are pretty obnoxious.
  • Donphan: I still don't like how this thing has (possible) Sturdy + Quick Claw + Fissure + wide coverage with its other moves........
  • Gourgiest: lol this is honestly a joke but I remember trying to set up Ferrothorn against Gourgiest 4 and it used Trick-or-Treat against me before I could use Substitute. This means no Curse-boosting for me! Plus, it's immune to Leech Seed. I just thought it was funny how such a dumb Pokemon could completely shut down Ferrothorn like that. Well, almost completely - I can spam Substitute to stop Phantom Force and whittle its health down with Gyro Ball and Life Orb damage. Or I could just let beat Greninja/Dragonite beat it more quickly!
That isn't an exhaustive list but that's all I can think of right now.

Battle Videos

I have around 30 videos recorded with this team but I'll only post a few of them.

GU3W-WWWW-WWW4-LK8U (My losing battle.)
4ZUG-WWWW-WWW4-LKB2 (Shiftry being tricky.)
5HHG-WWWW-WWW4-LKCJ (Greninja is an Explosion magnet. Also, Scarf Pinsir tried to Guillotine me for once.)
7ARW-WWWW-WWW4-LKHM (Gourgiest Trick-or-Treats me, which I actually use to my advantage to speed up the battle against Meganium.)
6VKW-WWWW-WWW4-LKTJ (An early loss before I started using Extrasensory, although this wasn't really the reason why I switched. Turn 1 Explosion, and then I underestimate just how bulky max Defence Volcarona can be and use Earthquake instead of Outrage. I beat it, only to be cleaned up by Gale Wings Talonflame. I played poorly.)
S7QW-WWWW-WWW4-LLX7 (Beating Nita. Neither interesting nor particularly well-played but I felt that it should be included anyway.)

How I lost

You may have watched the video already but for those who didn't, I basically set up Ferrothorn on a Bouffalant (couldn't Leech Seed because of Sap Sipper) but foolishly didn't Substitute as it died. Jynx came in and used Lovely Kiss and I didn't wake up in time. From there I was in an awkward position. I knew it didn't have Forewarn so if it had Dry Skin then Greninja was basically screwed. I was doubtful that Dragonite could take a Blizzard even with Multiscale (I don't do damage calculations ever). For whatever reason I decided that going to Dragonite was the right choice anyway, but it was OHKOed. Greninja came in and I decided to Surf because Ice Beam and Extrasensory were resisted and Grass Knot would make me Ice-weak. Surf worked (so it was Oblivious). I 2HKOed as it missed with Blizzard, but then Water Absorb Vaporeon came in and blocked me.

Bad decision making. If I had Substitute up when Jynx came in, I would have won. If I had gone straight to Greninja against Jynx and killed it, I could have switched to Dragonite when Vaporeon came in, hit it with Outrage to weaken it, and then bring Greninja back in to finish it off with Grass Knot after Dragonite died to Ice Beam.

Not sure what I'll do next. I haven't even touched any of the other modes, but I'm not really in the mood to attempt them at the moment.
If you wanna keep using the same 3 mons, get destiny bond on Gengar if you can, replace double team with that and give it a focus sash. I would swap out Focus Blast for something with more accuracy like Dazzling Gleam or Thunderbolt, then make him your lead mon. I get that you want to utilize Kingdra's Sniper ability but honestly don't bother with focus energy. You may as well just use a different boosting move like Agility or Dragon Dance. If you don't mind missing you can keep Hydro Pump for the power boost (otherwise use Surf), but I would swap Draco Meteor for Dragon Pulse so you aren't weakening your only other attack after using it. Substitute is fine, otherwise you could give it another attack instead, maybe Flash Cannon to kill fairies. Give him the Life Orb that Gengar had...

Pinsir looks fine!

hope this isn't horrible advice!

Thanks for the advice! I never really thought about using Gengar as my lead for some reason, but Ill start doing it now. :P Also, the Focus Sash/Destiny Bond combo is more suited to a Timid Gengar, so I think I'll try breeding one. For Kingdra I think I'm going to keep Focus Energy, partly because he out speeds 70% of the enemy pokemon anyway, and partly because I absolutely LOVE the gimmick of getting 100% crits. Ill see how Surf does for him.
XXTheDingoXX so I just looked it up before replying because I thought you were crazy with that 100% crit statement, looks like you're right! wow so yeah maybe keep doing that seeings how crits ignore the stat drop from DM. only thing I would suggest then is moving the EV's from HP to speed just to make sure you're outspeeding everything possible. uninvested base 85 isn't very quick...

however I was running some calcs for the chatelaine match to see how you'd fair. her 3 genies all outspeed and 2HKO your whole team so setting up a focus energy with kingdra won't work coz it will just get killed, and gengar has to spam destiny bond on his first turn otherwise he's outsped on the second turn and ko'd. and pinsir is dead weight in that fight. best I could come up with was putting in agility and ice beam on kingdra, except lando has a scarf so will still outspeed you, and torn has a yache berry so ice beam wont ko... I feel like the team could work in all the regular battles but yeah nita shuts you down hard :(

EDIT: this may be gimmicky but do you have access to a baton pass / speed boost Blaziken? (I can help out if needed). You can baton pass focus energy and at least 3 speed boosts (with protect and a focus sash) to kingdra who will outspeed and wreck her team, just as long as she doesnt get a crit on the switch and kills you (like a 99% chance because hax) then you can drop focus energy on kingdra for another attack. Actually I kinda wanna try this out now
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What are the rules regarding swapping Pokemon mid-streak? I'm almost done with breeding this Growlithe I want to add, which will be replacing my Gyarados. Do I have to end the current streak before starting again with Arcanine?
You can switch as many times as you want. You can change your whole team if you want, and you can just continue your streak with the new team. I've done it plenty of times.
Welcome! I'm kinda new here too, but just got my 5 trophy with teams that had several of the pokes you listed (see 2 pages ago for my teams, if you want); but answering your question, my sugestion:

For singles, I'd go with the sugestion of SensoryFour and Fierza: M-Kanga (drop Fake Out for Earthquake - or Crunch, if you really hate ghosts, specially Hypnosis Gengar), Azumarill @ Assault Vest (drop Aqua Ring for Waterfall...or Bulldoze/Dig?), Dragonite @ Lum Berry (Roost for EQ).

Well, I think that's all, just some quick tips. Hope that I could help. :)

So I got to a streak of 46 with Dragonite Lead, M-Mawile, and Greninja. Ended up losing because of a bad switch on Aerodactyl. I overthought it and instead of sweeping with D-nite I switched to Greninja, expecting to out-speed and Ice Beam, and got one shot with Rock Slide. It was downhill from there, I don't even remember the rest of it, but my D-nite got countered and M-Wile couldn't kill the second pokemon.

THEN this morning I started again with M-Kanga, Aegislash, and Greninja. Got to 37, countered by the SAME Aerodactyl because of the SAME switch fuck up. So I'm thinking the next time I see an Aerodactyl lead I'm going to just tough it out with my lead and attempt to sweep.

Is Aerodactyl always going to be faster than my D-nite/Greninja? Pretty annoying.

And as for your team recommendation, I'm just a bit apprehensive about using it. I was told earlier that using an all physical attack team will get me countered by walls later on in my streaks. Or is that something that this particular team doesn't have to worry about? Sorry for the noob questions, trying to get past the Maison is kind of annoying, as I don't have 10 years of pokemon battling experience under my belt.

Edit: Tried the M-Kanga, Azumarill, and D-Nite team, lost to bullshit Will-O-Wisp spam that NEVER missed after 3 wins. I'm guessing a team all based on ATK stat is bad.

Edit 2: Lost the SECOND battle with M-Kanga, Greninja, and D-nite on a new attempt. What the hell? I can't be this bad. I got slept spam on Kanga by Lilligant, killed with Petal Dance because she wouldn't wake up. Switch to D-nite and Fire punch to take out Lilligant, Mr. Mime comes out and fake out to ruin my Dragon Dance, so I skip the set-up and go for an Earthquake, he then dazzling gleam kills D-nite with one shot because Multiscale is down from Fake-Out and somehow Mr. Mime is faster than my Jolly Max speed EV D-nite, then 1 shots Greninja because he outsped HIM somehow. Should I just give up? It's super frustrating seeing all the posts of people getting 100+ streaks on their 2nd and 3rd attempt and I'm just getting steam rolled.
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So I got to a streak of 46 with Dragonite Lead, M-Mawile, and Greninja. Ended up losing because of a bad switch on Aerodactyl. I overthought it and instead of sweeping with D-nite I switched to Greninja, expecting to out-speed and Ice Beam, and got one shot with Rock Slide. It was downhill from there, I don't even remember the rest of it, but my D-nite got countered and M-Wile couldn't kill the second pokemon.

THEN this morning I started again with M-Kanga, Aegislash, and Greninja. Got to 37, countered by the SAME Aerodactyl because of the SAME switch fuck up. So I'm thinking the next time I see an Aerodactyl lead I'm going to just tough it out with my lead and attempt to sweep.

Is Aerodactyl always going to be faster than my D-nite/Greninja? Pretty annoying.

And as for your team recommendation, I'm just a bit apprehensive about using it. I was told earlier that using an all physical attack team will get me countered by walls later on in my streaks. Or is that something that this particular team doesn't have to worry about? Sorry for the noob questions, trying to get past the Maison is kind of annoying, as I don't have 10 years of pokemon battling experience under my belt.

Edit: Tried the M-Kanga, Azumarill, and D-Nite team, lost to bullshit Will-O-Wisp spam that NEVER missed after 3 wins. I'm guessing a team all based on ATK stat is bad.

Edit 2: Lost the SECOND battle with M-Kanga, Greninja, and D-nite on a new attempt. What the hell? I can't be this bad. I got slept spam on Kanga by Lilligant, killed with Petal Dance because she wouldn't wake up. Switch to D-nite and Fire punch to take out Lilligant, Mr. Mime comes out and fake out to ruin my Dragon Dance, so I skip the set-up and go for an Earthquake, he then dazzling gleam kills D-nite with one shot because Multiscale is down from Fake-Out and somehow Mr. Mime is faster than my Jolly Max speed EV D-nite, then 1 shots Greninja because he outsped HIM somehow. Should I just give up? It's super frustrating seeing all the posts of people getting 100+ streaks on their 2nd and 3rd attempt and I'm just getting steam rolled.
Don't get frustrated, man. Better: get frustrated, learn with it, but do not give up. This shits sure happens, you must just adjust your team to the way you play and keep going - you said that you got to 46, for instance! You wouldn't get there if you were that bad as you said.

I remember being stucked in last gen' Battle Subway forever until beat those Subway master. Lost a lot of times - until got a good team keep going and, with a little luck (you always have to have some), finished all modes against them.

Regarding some things you said:
- Aerodactyl is one of the fastest pokes there, few are faster (maybe Electrode, Noivern...); I never try to outspeed him.
- Yeah, all attack may be a little problematic, but this squad is very balanced; sure WoW is a shit.
- I don't know how this last battle went, but you could have retreated Kanga when it slept, sent Dragonite and if it attacked with Petal Dance, could even DD and sweep the rest of team. But it is easy to say it after. :)
Don't get frustrated, man. Better: get frustrated, learn with it, but do not give up. This shits sure happens, you must just adjust your team to the way you play and keep going - you said that you got to 46, for instance! You wouldn't get there if you were that bad as you said.

I remember being stucked in last gen' Battle Subway forever until beat those Subway master. Lost a lot of times - until got a good team keep going and, with a little luck (you always have to have some), finished all modes against them.

Regarding some things you said:
- Aerodactyl is one of the fastest pokes there, few are faster (maybe Electrode, Noivern...); I never try to outspeed him.
- Yeah, all attack may be a little problematic, but this squad is very balanced; sure WoW is a shit.
- I don't know how this last battle went, but you could have retreated Kanga when it slept, sent Dragonite and if it attacked with Petal Dance, could even DD and sweep the rest of team. But it is easy to say it after. :)

I really REALLY appreciate your positivity. I think I'm gonna give this a break and go play some Black 2 because I think I'm going on tilt and just making more and more mistakes. I'll continue to post as I make more attempts throughout the weekend. If I have sit here with Bulbapedia open to memorize types and potential movesets, I'll do it. I feel the need to beat this thing pretty hard, haha. I need to not taking losing so personally. Just that 46 though! So close. Oh well, back to the beginning.
Trying Multis again with Charizard Y and Venusaur (but changed Sleep Powder for Double Edge just for better neutral coverage), and I did really well up Battle 39. I ran into the worst possible thing for my team: Trick Room Slowbro! I didn't have any way of knowing it had Trick Room. I had already lost my Charizard to a Durant with Rock Slide too. (I didn't realize it was that fast. I was thinking Durant was really slow since it's a Steel-type.) Here's the video: PEDG-WWWW-WWW4-M5AR

Still looking for advice. I'm willing to change anything or even everything. I just want to be done with Multi already! It's all I've got left until I'm done with the Maison!
Trying Multis again with Charizard Y and Venusaur (but changed Sleep Powder for Double Edge just for better neutral coverage), and I did really well up Battle 39. I ran into the worst possible thing for my team: Trick Room Slowbro! I didn't have any way of knowing it had Trick Room. I had already lost my Charizard to a Durant with Rock Slide too. (I didn't realize it was that fast. I was thinking Durant was really slow since it's a Steel-type.) Here's the video: PEDG-WWWW-WWW4-M5AR

Still looking for advice. I'm willing to change anything or even everything. I just want to be done with Multi already! It's all I've got left until I'm done with the Maison!
Which pokes IA have?
Which pokes IA have?
AI's Team:
Gallade @ Scope Lens
Ability: Steadfast
-Psycho Cut
-Stone Edge
-Night Slash

Typhlosion @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Blaze
- Eruption
- Focus Blast
- Heat Wave
- Extrasensory (Only seen it use this once. Every other time it's Eruption, even when the opponent has a Fire-type with Flash Fire.)

My Team:
Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Drought
Modest Nature
-Dragon Pulse
-Solar Beam
-Protect (Thinking about replacing this since I rarely use it.)

Venusaur @ Black Sludge
Ability: Chlorophyll
Jolly Nature
-Power Whip

It's a pretty good team when the AI cooperates. Gallade has good coverage and usually takes out at least one or two opponents before it dies. Typhlosion is deadly with STAB Eruption in Sun. The only problems come when there's a Flash Fire Pokemon or another Weather user. (Or Trick Room, which I've only run into this last time.) I just can't seem to win.
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AI's Team:
Gallade @ Scope Lens
Ability: Steadfast
-Psycho Cut
-Stone Edge
-Night Slash

Typhlosion @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Blaze
- Eruption
- Focus Blast
- Heat Wave
- Extrasensory (Only seen it use this once. Every other time it's Eruption, even when the opponent has a Fire-type with Flash Fire.)

My Team:
Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Drought
Modest Nature
-Heat Wave
-Dragon Pulse
-Solar Beam
-Protect (Thinking about replacing this since I rarely use it.)

Venusaur @ Black Sludge
Ability: Chlorophyll
Jolly Nature
-Power Whip

It's a pretty good team when the AI cooperates. Gallade has good coverage and usually takes out at least one or two opponents before it dies. Typhlosion is deadly with STAB Eruption in Sun. The only problems come when there's a Flash Fire Pokemon or another Weather user. (Or Trick Room, which I've only run into this last time.) I just can't seem to win.

Yeah, this team is pretty solid, should work very well. Regarding the Trick Room... thought about keeping Protect on Charizard and splashing on Venusaur (droping DE or Synthesis) so you can stall? And work with switcher?

Another approach would be change Venusaur for something different. Maybe a Rock-type, since Drought would make water 1x, like Terrakion (Rock Slide, Earthquake, Close Combat, X-Scissor @ Choice Scarf/Band).

Yeah, this team is pretty solid, should work very well. Regarding the Trick Room... thought about keeping Protect on Charizard and splashing on Venusaur (droping DE or Synthesis) so you can stall? And work with switcher?

Another approach would be change Venusaur for something different. Maybe a Rock-type, since Drought would make water 1x, like Terrakion (Rock Slide, Earthquake, Close Combat, X-Scissor @ Choice Scarf/Band).

Are you saying put Protect on Venusaur? (Didn't know what "Splashing on Venusaur" meant.) It seems like a pretty good idea. I'll try dropping Double-Edge since Synthesis would work better for stalling, and it was kinda filler anyways. I think I just ran into bad luck with that run. I just hate getting so far and having to start all over again.

I would love to try Terrakion, but the chances of getting one (especially with a good Nature and IV's) is slim to none. I've got nothing good enough to trade for a competitive Legendary.
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XXTheDingoXX so I just looked it up before replying because I thought you were crazy with that 100% crit statement, looks like you're right! wow so yeah maybe keep doing that seeings how crits ignore the stat drop from DM. only thing I would suggest then is moving the EV's from HP to speed just to make sure you're outspeeding everything possible. uninvested base 85 isn't very quick...

however I was running some calcs for the chatelaine match to see how you'd fair. her 3 genies all outspeed and 2HKO your whole team so setting up a focus energy with kingdra won't work coz it will just get killed, and gengar has to spam destiny bond on his first turn otherwise he's outsped on the second turn and ko'd. and pinsir is dead weight in that fight. best I could come up with was putting in agility and ice beam on kingdra, except lando has a scarf so will still outspeed you, and torn has a yache berry so ice beam wont ko... I feel like the team could work in all the regular battles but yeah nita shuts you down hard :(

EDIT: this may be gimmicky but do you have access to a baton pass / speed boost Blaziken? (I can help out if needed). You can baton pass focus energy and at least 3 speed boosts (with protect and a focus sash) to kingdra who will outspeed and wreck her team, just as long as she doesnt get a crit on the switch and kills you (like a 99% chance because hax) then you can drop focus energy on kingdra for another attack. Actually I kinda wanna try this out now

Thank you so much! I probably would have just gotten myself killed in that battle with Nita. Ill probably switch Mega Pinisir out for Mega Kanghaskan, and when Landorus uses Focus Blast Ill switch to Gengar and set up with Double Team, just for that battle.

And I'm not really sure what I'll do with Kingdra for that battle. :/ I might just switch him for something like Skarmory that can wall the Genies.

EDIT: Skarmory probably wouldn't be the best choice because Thundurus has STAB Wild Charge and Tornadus can set up with Prankster Double Team.
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Are you saying put Protect on Venusaur? (Didn't know what "Splashing on Venusaur" meant.) It seems like a pretty good idea. I'll try dropping Double-Edge since Synthesis would work better for stalling, and it was kinda filler anyways. I think I just ran into bad luck with that run. I just hate getting so far and having to start all over again.

I would love to try Terrakion, but the chances of getting one (especially with a good Nature and IV's) is slim to none. I've got nothing good enough to trade for a competitive Legendary.
Yeah, to replace DE or Synthesis with Protect; don't know if it will help, but it is a possibility.
Regarding Terrakion, I know what you mean. Same here. :P
But good luck anyway! :)
After losing to hax many times in Super Singles, I started a streak in Super Doubles. I'm in battle 35 right now and going strong! I'm using my favourite playstyle for this: Tailwind Hyper-offense. Two of these Pokemon some of you know already, while two are new, but here's the movesets for all four. Note that since IV breeding is boring, I just breed whichever offensive IV the Pokemon uses, plus speed.


Clawfire (Talonflame) @ Leftovers
Lonely nature (+Atk, -Def)
IVs: 31 Attack, 31 Speed
EVs: 252 Attack, 252 HP, 4 Speed
Ability: Gale Wings
Brave Bird
Flare Blitz

Clawfire. Sort of like Talonflame, but different. Anyway, this is my Tailwind setter, and Clawfire is awesome for it because Gale Wings gives it priority. Brave Bird and Flare Blitz are for insanely powerful STABs, one of which gets priority due to Gale Wings, and Protect is used if I suspect that the opponent will use a Rock attack. I was previously running Rocky Helmet until I got Lefties, which I now use to make the recoil not hurt as much. Because of Gale Wings, I can invest in HP instead of Speed, although I'm starting to suspect that it's unnecessary, since Clawfire gets OHKO'd by pretty much any Rock-type attack. I'm running Lonely instead of Adamant because, well, it's what I had when I was breeding.


Fun Guy (Breloom) @ Life Orb
Hasty nature (+Spe, -Def)
IVs: 31 Attack, 31 Speed
EVs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP
Ability: Technician
Bullet Seed
Force Palm

Get it? Fun Guy... Fungi... Breloom's a mushroom... Oh Arceus I'm so sorry. Anyway, I love this guy so much, especially since Sleep Clause doesn't exist in the maison, although I can only remember ever breaking it once. Now, you may be wondering, "Why Force Palm instead of Mach Punch"? The reason is that since I'm using Tailwind, I'll almost always be going first anyway, and since both are boosted by Technician, I chose Force Palm for the extra power (I'd use Low Sweep, but it was "buffed" to 65 BP and therefore is no longer Technician-boosted). Bullet Seed hits 187.5 base power if it hits 5 times, which is incredible; I was running Seed Bomb before this, until I saw how much better Bullet Seed is (Although it was a total pain to get, since Bullet Seed is only an egg move). Generally, what I do is if Fun Guy outspeeds both opponents, I Spore whichever one is more threatening, while setting up Tailwind with Clawfire. If one of them outspeeds me, I go for Protect first turn, and then use Spore when Tailwind is up. I do remember stealing the idea of Tailwind + Breloom from Laga, but I guess it just goes to show how awesome it is.


Ribbit-kun (Greninja) @ Expert Belt
Timid nature (+Spe, -SpA)
IVs: 31 SpA, 31 Speed
EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Speed, 4 Attack (For Shadow Sneak, even though I'm not running it atm)
Ability: Protean
Ice Beam
Grass Knot
Dark Pulse

Ribbit-kun returns to wreak havoc in Doubles, and he does so well! Fun Guy gets the Life Orb, so instead I'm running Expert Belt, since Ribbit-kun has such amazing coverage. I'm using Surf instead of Hydro Pump because a) it has better accuracy, and I was tired of Hydro Pump missing at crucial moments, and b) it can hit both opponents in Doubles, and the feeling when this little (OK, 4 foot 11 according to Serebii) froggy KOs both enemies with Surf is awesome. Other than that, it's still the same Ribbit-kun that you know and love from singles: I'm running 4 attacks to take full advantage of his fantastic ability; I've also noticed that since he's so fast and he can hit so many things, he makes a good revenge killer.
And no team by me would be complete without...


Liz and Amy (Kangaskhan) @ Kangaskhanite
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SpA)
IVs: None
EVs: ~240 Atk, ~240 Speed, ~24 SpA (Will fix... eventually)
Ability: Scrappy->Parental Bond
Power-up Punch
Sucker Punch

The titan and her child. Liz and Amy, despite not being IV bred and being improperly EV trained, still dominate on the field of doubles. I don't think they have ever fainted in all 35 battles so far, and they have been able to OHKO/2HKO pretty much everything. Since this is Doubles where there are less opportunities to set up, I generally just go for Return or Crunch, whichever one will do more damage. Yes, I am aware that I'm not using Fake Out. Yes, I have considered it. No, I will probably not run it due to four-moveslot-syndrome. But if you guys have any suggestions on how to incorporate Fake Out and/or EQ into the moveset, I would love to hear them.

I think my team's main weakness is that three of the four members are very frail, so most of the matches are the kill-or-be-killed scenario. It has worked out well so far, though, so I'm sticking with my Hyper-Offense playstyle. ;)

And that's my team! Like I said, I'm going strong at 35 wins. If someone has a suggestion for how I can make my guys even more awesome, I would love to hear it. I'll post in the thread again when I either beat the Chatelaine or lose.
Got a streak of 87 on Super Doubles. Here's the team:


Kristoff (Hawlucha) [M] @ King's Rock
Hasty Nature
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- High Jump Kick
- Acrobatics
- Fling
- Protect

Hawlucha is a really interesting Pokemon. Unique typing, base 118 speed, nifty abilities, and access to moves such as Endeavor, Encore, and Ally Switch. Unburden is a neat ability and pairs well with STAB Acrobatics, so I came up with a few different sets to take advantage of this combination. Hawlucha's mediocre defenses and 5 fairly common weaknesses screamed Focus Sash. I originally bred this Hawlucha for a set using Focus Sash over King's Rock and Endeavor over Fling, hence the Hasty nature (also has imperfect Def and SpD IVs). Basically, I thought this Hawlucha could be used similar to Aron, except it could actually do something besides Endeavor. Furthermore, unlike Aron, Hawlucha's speed, which doubles after losing it's sash, does not necessitate team support in the form of Trick Room. After being knocked down to it's sash, Hawlucha could use Endeavor on any bulky threats, allowing its partner Garchomp to easily finish them off with a spread move.

When it worked, it worked really well. A 1 HP Hawlucha also makes a prime target, so Protect helped create free turns for Garchomp. The downside was that it didn't work all that often - status, random weak spread attacks, HJK misses, and even some neutral STAB hits prevented the activation of Focus Sash. Although these moves made Endeavor less effective, Acrobatics suffered the most - with no recovery, burn, poison, and non-OHKO moves doomed Hawlucha to a pathetic 55 BP Acrobatics. This meant relying on a 90 accuracy HJK for damage, which is never a good thing.

It's important to note that this Hawlucha has a 31 IV in HP and non-0 IVs in Def and SpD; breeding one with 0 IVs in HP/Def/SpD would increase that likelihood of attacks being OHKOs. Regardless though, the prevalence of Will-O-Wisp, Toxic, and weak Rock Slides would still make activating Hawlucha's sash not as reliable as I would like.

Despite Endeavor not panning out as I had hoped, Hawlucha remained a useful Pokemon that carried its weight on the team. I decided to try a different set.

My next idea was Fling. Flinging a King's Rock is a 30 BP Dark-type attack that always causes the opponent to flinch. Though it lacks the priority of Fake Out, it has the advantage of being useable past turn 1. Hawlucha's incredible speed made the priority loss fairly inconsequential, and faster Pokemon such as Crobat, Jolteon, Aerodactyl, and fast scarfers were never much of an issue. Besides, after Flinging away it's King's Rock, Hawlucha's Unburden boost allowed it to outspeed all of these threats. The freedom to save my King's Rock for a later opponent, on the other hand, added a lot of versatility to the team.

This set was incredibly useful and paired really well with Garchomp. Up against a significant threat that Garchomp can't OHKO? Chuck a King's Rock at it, add on some residual damage from a spread EQ/RS, and finish it off next turn with a boosted Acrobatics/HJK. Even with only a modest base attack stat and a lack of a damage boosting item, the high BP of Hawlucha's moves combined with its blistering speed allowed it to pick off defensively weak or damaged opponents. Hawlucha and Garchomp would often 4-0 the other team, they worked very well together. If I keep these two as leads I may re-breed a new Hawlucha with a Jolly nature and flawless defenses.

My last idea for an Unburden Hawlucha set involves Power Herb+Sky Attack. I haven't tried this out personally yet, as I hesitate to give up the invaluable flinch of Fling+King's Rock. I'm not sure this set would be quite as effective though - I imagine that Sky Attack's imperfect accuracy and Hawlucha's mediocre base attack may hold it back, but it's worth a try I suppose.

Whew, well that's a lot on Hawlucha. It's a great, versatile Pokemon that provides support that is useful to a wide variety of teams. I encourage everyone to try it out! And don't worry, the rest of my team is fairly standard, so I won't have nearly as much to say about them...


Gilly (Garchomp) [F] @ Yache Berry
Sand Veil
Jolly Nature
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
- Rock Slide
- Protect

Standard Garchomp we all know and love. Very effective. Partnering with Hawlucha or Talonflame allows her to spam Earthquake. Yache Berry lets her survive most non-STAB, non-crit Ice-type attacks.


Gail (Talonflame) [F] @ Sharp Beak
Gale Wings
Adamant Nature
164 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SpD / 84 Spe
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- Tailwind
- Protect

Again, pretty standard Talonflame. Speed EVs allow it to outspeed 252 Spe+ base 90s, rest dumped into bulk. Mainly just spammed powerful priority Brave Birds. Great at cleaning up damaged foes and dealing with frail and fast opponents. I used Tailwind maybe twice.


Kanga (Kangaskhan) [F] @ Kangaskhanite
Scrappy -> Parental Bond
Jolly Nature
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Fake Out
- Return
- Power-Up Punch
- Sucker Punch

Again, nothing terribly new here. Fake Out is one of my favorite moves for doubles, and having a second guaranteed flinch user in the back is a huge help. Having Scrappy in her normal form is nifty if I need to flinch Gengar or another ghost. Powerful priority in STAB Parental Bond Fake Out and Parental Bond Sucker Punch. Mostly used to clean up, so PuP didn't see as much use as when I used her as a lead on other teams.

Perhaps the teams most glaring weakness is lack of type synergy. No ice, water, psychic, flying, dragon, dark, or normal resists. Yikes. That's just asking for Blizzard- and Surf-spam, Trick Room, and Lati@s to come in and streamroll me. Also very susceptible to electric-types if Garchomp goes down early. Though the team has what appears to be crippling weaknesses to certain types defensively, this is somewhat made up for offensively. That is, ice-types aren't as threatening as they may first appear because I have High Jump Kick/Rock Slide/Flare Blitz/Power-Up Punch to handle them.

Another obvious flaw is that this team is comprised entirely of physical attackers. Will-O-Wisp sucks (though Talonflame is immune). Intimidate sucks. Physically defense threats that I can't hit super-effectively suck (Spiritomb, Weezing). Acid Armor/Iron Defense/Cotton Guard suck. Usually I muscled through these annoyances, but I could see them eventually causing a loss (this isn't how I lost the streak, however).

Despite these two flaws, the team does have some great advantages. I already expressed my love of guaranteed flinch moves, and this team sports two of them. It also runs on the speedy side, without sacrificing too much bulk. Garchomp and M-Kanga have an excellent balance of power, bulk, and speed that makes them so effective in the Maison. Talonflame and M-Kanga have incredibly powerful priority. Three of the four members can afford to run Protect, which can give a lot of free turns with the right prediction (I've done a lot of Battle Subway in BW, so I've had lots of practice with predicting the AI).

87 isn't a terribly impressive streak, so I may give this team another go as it stands now to see if I can get farther. I'm really liking the Hawlucha-Garchomp combo, so I may switch out the back two to try and alleviate some the weaknesses I've outlined above. Anyways, fun team to play with and I encourage people to try out Hawlucha!

My 3DS cannot access the internet where I am right now, so I'll have to go old school and use a boring picture as proof:
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And 15 battles later, I have defeated the Chatelaine! My team is two posts up; here's the battle log.

Evelyn leads with Entei and Suicune. I lead with Clawfire and Fun Guy.
Fun Guy uses Protect; Clawfire uses Tailwind.
Suicune uses Blizzard; It misses Clawfire; Fun Guy protected itself.
Entei uses Stone Edge; OHKOs Clawfire. I send out Ribbit-kun. Time to hit back!
Ribbit-kun uses Grass Knot, OHKOing Suicune. Fun Guy uses Spore on Entei. Evelyn sends out Latios.
Ribbit-kun uses Ice Beam on Latios. (Latios in low red.) Fun Guy uses Force Palm on Entei. (Entei in mid yellow).
Latios uses Luster Purge (?!?) on Fun Guy. (OHKO)
I send out Liz and Amy.
Ribbit-kun uses Ice Beam on Latios. (KO)
Liz and Amy go Mega and use Return on Entei. (KO) Evelyn sends out Raikou.
Ribbit-kun uses Ice Beam. (Raikou at just over half). Raikou uses Thunderbolt. (Ribbit-kun in red).
Liz and Amy use Return! KO! I win!

I'd post the video instead, but... well, I forgot to save it.
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Just had the AI use WoW on its partner for the first time. I've heard about it a lot, but haven't seen it happen until now. Wonder why it does that. Do you think it's just a problem with the programming or something?
With the Rotation team at:

...I finally lost Rotation at 95.

The mistakes are:
Azumarill getting slain
Too many Dragon Dances at the end because either I thought he's out of Rock Slides or was afraid of Metal Burst.

I hate losing because of bad play, I really hate getting the "how could I have lost this!" feeling. And at this point, with all the trophies out of the way, I personally rather lose to hax. :D

Now I have my Doubles and Multi streaks left. I think I'll continue Multi next. Right now, I gotta go out and play Tekken...

Just won my 46th battle in Super Singles again. Crazy fight. Moltres came out, I set-up and one shot with Dragonite Outrage, then Entei comes out, and I drop him to 1HP due to Focus Sash. Dragonite goes down. Greninja out, immediately Hydro Pump. Misses, I get Rock Slide and my Focus Sash goes off. I hydro pump, MISS. Greninja down. I'm thinking it's all over. Mawile goes out, and I grit my teeth. I mega transform, and as I'm about to hit Iron head I stop myself, and realize Entei is probably gonna try to OHKO my M-Mawile, so I hit Sucker Punch for a laugh. Down goes Entei! Then Cobalion comes out. M-Mawile misses a Play Rough and Cobalion gets a Sacred Sword off. Play Rough hits, Cobalion down to less than half. Another Sacred Sword and M-Mawile is one hit from going down. I trust my instincts and hit Sucker Punch even though this dude is resistant to steel, I know I won't survive another SS from him. Sucker Punch goes off on a crit, I win the battle. I had to take a break after this. I know you bros have prob had WAY better fights but this was literally down to the wire for me. I don't think my poor little heart can even handle the the 50th battle.

Nice victory! Congrats. You should be able to do the 50th just fine with your team, all you need to remember is that Landorus is scarfed.
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Just won my 46th battle in Super Singles again. Crazy fight. Moltres came out, I set-up and one shot with Dragonite Outrage, then Entei comes out, and I drop him to 1HP due to Focus Sash. Dragonite goes down. Greninja out, immediately Hydro Pump. Misses, I get Rock Slide and my Focus Sash goes off. I hydro pump, MISS. Greninja down. I'm thinking it's all over. Mawile goes out, and I grit my teeth. I mega transform, and as I'm about to hit Iron head I stop myself, and realize Entei is probably gonna try to OHKO my M-Mawile, so I hit Sucker Punch for a laugh. Down goes Entei! Then Cobalion comes out. M-Mawile misses a Play Rough and Cobalion gets a Sacred Sword off. Play Rough hits, Cobalion down to less than half. Another Sacred Sword and M-Mawile is one hit from going down. I trust my instincts and hit Sucker Punch even though this dude is resistant to steel, I know I won't survive another SS from him. Sucker Punch goes off on a crit, I win the battle. I had to take a break after this. I know you bros have prob had WAY better fights but this was literally down to the wire for me. I don't think my poor little heart can even handle the the 50th battle.

Nice victory! Congrats. You should be able to do the 50th just fine with your team, all you need to remember is that Landorus is scarfed.

Will my current team be able to handle the trio? I'm not sure if I should save and switch out to something with a better chance of victory.

Also thanks! Appreciate the congrats, haha.
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