Shiny Charm and Masuda Method

Ok I just started here and I got my shiny white flabébé! Egg 177 :3
Sadly is 4iv with 0 spatk and random atk, but I'll keep trying for a 5iv flawless.
Ok I just started here and I got my shiny white flabébé! Egg 177 :3
Sadly is 4iv with 0 spatk and random atk, but I'll keep trying for a 5iv flawless.
best way i found to do that is to switch out parents everytime you get a higher iv baby you like. like i was breeding poochyena's and made my own parent before i pledged another batch. kept breeding with a 6iv ditto to get them higher. like i started with a 3iv and as soon as i got a 4iv i liked i switched. then same with 5iv. Doing the same with my Houndours but got lucky and skipped the 5iv and got a 6iv i liked so i pledged another batch with 6iv ditto and 6iv houndour so ill be almost guaranteed a 5iv or 6iv shiny
Guys, before you start MM breeding you should;
*Prep your 3ds and get 4000 steps to boost o-power charge time.
*Given you have a 6IV Ditto and a crap partner, breed for a 5IV first. Usually there'll be 1 in 5 eggs.
*Once you have a 5IV, breed for a 6IV, Usually 1 in 30 eggs.
*Finally after all the parents are 6IV's. Do a non-stop breed.

The fastest way will be (no not in the Lumiose Tower)
*Once you get 2 eggs, start the hatching O-power then max your party full of eggs.
*Usually you will hatch 2-3 at a time your party is full of eggs.
*Now don't stop biking left and right until the Husband has an egg for you again.
*When he is facing at you, deposit all your eggs & hatched eggs.
*Repeat this process.
After you are done with a batch, hatch the unhatched ones that you deposited.

The benefit of this is, you get the most number of eggs in the least amount of time. And also the unhatched eggs will already have some steps chipped off of them so time till hatch is shorten a lot.

Another tip:
Go to the options and set L = A button so you can play with one hand only. This is useful because you can have your free hand hold a phone and watch 9gag or something.
best way i found to do that is to switch out parents everytime you get a higher iv baby you like. like i was breeding poochyena's and made my own parent before i pledged another batch. kept breeding with a 6iv ditto to get them higher. like i started with a 3iv and as soon as i got a 4iv i liked i switched. then same with 5iv. Doing the same with my Houndours but got lucky and skipped the 5iv and got a 6iv i liked so i pledged another batch with 6iv ditto and 6iv houndour so ill be almost guaranteed a 5iv or 6iv shiny

I know, I had a JAP 6iv ditto and my highest iv flabébé(5iv). I'll keep trying until I get a 6iv one, then I'll switch :3
Guys, before you start MM breeding you should;
*Prep your 3ds and get 4000 steps to boost o-power charge time.
*Given you have a 6IV Ditto and a crap partner, breed for a 5IV first. Usually there'll be 1 in 5 eggs.
*Once you have a 5IV, breed for a 6IV, Usually 1 in 30 eggs.
*Finally after all the parents are 6IV's. Do a non-stop breed.

The fastest way will be (no not in the Lumiose Tower)
*Once you get 2 eggs, start the hatching O-power then max your party full of eggs.
*Usually you will hatch 2-3 at a time your party is full of eggs.
*Now don't stop biking left and right until the Husband has an egg for you again.
*When he is facing at you, deposit all your eggs & hatched eggs.
*Repeat this process.
After you are done with a batch, hatch the unhatched ones that you deposited.

The benefit of this is, you get the most number of eggs in the least amount of time. And also the unhatched eggs will already have some steps chipped off of them so time till hatch is shorten a lot.

Another tip:
Go to the options and set L = A button so you can play with one hand only. This is useful because you can have your free hand hold a phone and watch 9gag or something.
Another tip is to take a penny and stick it under the circular pad (pushing it right) making the whole thing basically hands free except to touch the screen when the egg is hatching and pushing A or B to nickname the poke.
I'm planning on hatching 300 eggs, all in one batch. Shiny Charm and 6V Japanese Ditto + Local Bisharp. Will edit this post once I have results.

Also I've been hatching Pawniards with the above parents already and haven't gotten any shinies yet, about 400+ eggs. Does this skew/invalidate my data?

All 300 hatched, none shiny.
I'm thinking about starting my pledges here, but I have some questions:

1- Which one is the best way to get a shiny? Prepare a 150 batch ou hatch every 30 eggs? I've tried both ways and not even a single shiny yet.
2- My Ditto is a 6IV Jap poké, but he's not from Kalos. Does this change anything?
3- Will you guys love and respect me and rejoice with me if I get a shiny?

As soon as these questions are answered (especially 3!) I'll pledge some eggs for the glory of Smogon!
I'm thinking about starting my pledges here, but I have some questions:

1- Which one is the best way to get a shiny? Prepare a 150 batch ou hatch every 30 eggs? I've tried both ways and not even a single shiny yet.
2- My Ditto is a 6IV Jap poké, but he's not from Kalos. Does this change anything?
3- Will you guys love and respect me and rejoice with me if I get a shiny?

As soon as these questions are answered (especially 3!) I'll pledge some eggs for the glory of Smogon!

1- The way you hatch has no impact on whether you get a shiny. I got up to 500 and got discouraged by how I haven't seen a single shiny. Before I reached egg 600, I managed to hatch 3 shinies. ALSO, I just hatch 5 at a time and release. Repeat.
2- Nope.
3- Yes.
I'm thinking about starting my pledges here, but I have some questions:

1- Which one is the best way to get a shiny? Prepare a 150 batch ou hatch every 30 eggs? I've tried both ways and not even a single shiny yet.
2- My Ditto is a 6IV Jap poké, but he's not from Kalos. Does this change anything?
3- Will you guys love and respect me and rejoice with me if I get a shiny?

As soon as these questions are answered (especially 3!) I'll pledge some eggs for the glory of Smogon!
The way you hatch your eggs doesn't matter. Also doesn't matter if it's kalos born or not and Yes I well respect and rejoice with you as long as you do the same ;)
So I'm pledging 3000 eggs, with batches of 150. I'm starting today, and as soon as the first batch arrives I'll update the spreadsheet ^^

PS: thanks for all the love <3

Edit: why does the quote says I'm (and everyone else) is fat? =D
Okay, it's been a little bit since I have been able to post. I finished my 2500 eggs and got a 31/31/31/31/31/21 Adamant, Shiny Heracross at egg 1834 and a 31/X/31/31/31/31 Bold Shiny Feebas at egg 2304. I'm pretty happy even though my results don't match up with the Data. I would like to pledge another 1000 eggs, I'm not sure how often I will be able to update as things are a bit hectic at the minute and for the same reason I have been unable to add myself to the spreadsheet.

I updated post #746, but just a recap: Eggs Hatched-2500
Shinies Hatched-2
My current MM is for a shiny Totodile, hopefully my next 1000 eggs will make up for my last 2500
Before I pledge myself into this study.

I just got my shiny charm today.

Would this count as masuda method?

Female ITALIAN Hariyama (Does not have italian name) + Male USA Hariyama
From the first 100 eggs I hatched a shiny on egg #10 and egg #49

*Update: of the next 100 eggs no shiny were hatched.

*Update 2: As of egg 400 no new shinnies were hatched. 2 / 400 is the current rate since I began recording

*Update 3: Hatched another shiny on egg #531. 600 eggs hatched in total. 1/200 has been going strong for me. Still haven't gotten the 31/x/31/31/31/31 though :/

*Update 4: 800 eggs hatched, 3 shinnies in total
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Just got my shiny charm today. I plan to hatch 1000 eggs with a 6IV non-kalos japanese Ditto in intervals of 100.

I will update this post after I complete a batch

Batch #1 (1-100) Shinies:1(froakie)
Batch #2 (101-200) Shinies: 1 (Honedge)
Batch #3 (201-300) Shinies: 0
Batch #4 (301-400) Shinies: 0
Batch #5 (401-500) Shinies: 0
Batch #6 (501-600) Shinies: 0
Batch #7 (601-700) Shinies: 1 (Honedge)
Batch #8 (701-800) Shinies: 0
Batch #9 (801-900) Shinies: 0
Batch #10 (901-1000) Shinies: 1 (froakie)
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I still don't know how to edit the Chart without screwing it up, but here goes my status right now

Pledge: 3000 - Batches: 150

Batch #1 - #001-#150 - No Shinies
Batch #2 - #151-#300 - No Shinies
Batch #3 - #301-#450 - No Shinies
Batch #4 - #451-#600 - No Shinies
Batch #5 - #601-#750 - No Shinies
Batch #6 - #751-#900 - No Shinies
Batch #7 - #901-#1050 - No Shinies
Batch #8 - #1051-#1200 - No Shinies
Batch #9 - #1201-#1350 - No Shinies
Batch #10 - #1351-#1500 - No Shinies
Batch #11 - #1501-#1650 - No Shinies
Batch #12 - #1651-#1800 - No Shinies
Batch #13 - #1801-#1950 - No Shinies
Batch #14 - #1951-#2100 - No Shinies
Batch #15 - #2101-#2250 - 1 Shiny (Hasty Protean Male Froakie, 4IVs - HP, Attack, Special Attack, Speed)
Batch #16 - #2251-#2400 - No Shinies
Batch #17 - #2401-#2550 - 1 Shiny (Timid Blaze Male Fennekin, 5IVs - HP, Attack, Defense, Special Defense, Speed)
Batch #18 - #2551-#2700 - No Shinies
Batch #19 - #2701-#2850 - 1 Shiny (Timid Adaptability Male Eevee, 5IVs - HP, Attack, Defense, Special Defense, Speed)
Batch #20 - #2851-#3000 - 1 Shiny (Modest Overgrow Male Treecko, 5IVs - HP, Attack, Defense, Special Defense, Speed)

I'll keep updating this post, but now I'm going to sleep. It's 5AM in my country =/
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I hatched 176 eggs and got a shiny buneary. (And of course, it's a male.)
Just my luck, eh.

I never posted in this thread before, but I have been watching. I will try for another shiny soon. Probably a venipede. Maybe.
This is an update to my previous post.

1-100: 1 Shiny Squirtle
101-200: no shiny
201-300: no shiny
301-400: no shiny

It's crazy how quickly I got a Squirtle and yet Honedge is nowhere to be found. Good luck hatching everyone :)
Another tip is to take a penny and stick it under the circular pad (pushing it right) making the whole thing basically hands free except to touch the screen when the egg is hatching and pushing A or B to nickname the poke.

Yeah, I did that but it just takes so much time depositing/withdrawing eggs because of the 2 areas gap loading. Also, if you use the coin trick it would not be practical because of how the o-power shortened the hatching time dramatically during the time you collected the eggs assuming you followed the previous steps.
Although if you're going for slow hatching eggs, the coin trick would be recommended.
I updated the data. I just hatched my shiny Nincada at 270 eggs! And it turned out to be so awesome because it was flawless on all six stats! :D
Too bad there were no egg moves because I was intending him to be just a support.