Jerricent's Trading Post - Shiny & Non-Shiny Pokemon - Update: Some with matching balls!

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Sorry I had some trouble getting home, it's been snowing very hard here and traffic was terrible just got home now. I am ready now though, thanks for your patience

Oh, and can I get shuckle instead?
Sorry I had some trouble getting home, it's been snowing very hard here and traffic was terrible just got home now. I am ready now though, thanks for your patience

Oh, and can I get shuckle instead?
Can we do 2:2, Phantump and Shuckle for Brave makuhita and friend ball Sandshrew
jerricent Interested in any of these 5 IV females?
  • Fast Ball Ponyta
  • Love Ball Ralts
  • Love Ball Mawile
  • Love Ball Cherubi
  • Love Ball Miltank
  • Love Ball Chansey
  • Moon Gastly
  • Heavy Ball Skarmory
  • Nest Ball Cottonee
  • Premier Ball Cottonee
  • Premier Ball Zangoose
  • Heal Ball Swirlix
  • Heal Ball Chansey
And more. I didn't post my Dream Ball females since the list will be look long. I'll post details if you're interested in any of them. I was hoping to get these from you:
  • Female Dratini
  • Female Klefki
  • Female Noibat
  • Female Moxie Heracross
jerricent Interested in any of these 5 IV females?
  • Fast Ball Ponyta
  • Love Ball Ralts
  • Love Ball Mawile
  • Love Ball Cherubi
  • Love Ball Miltank
  • Love Ball Chansey
  • Moon Gastly
  • Heavy Ball Skarmory
  • Nest Ball Cottonee
  • Premier Ball Cottonee
  • Premier Ball Zangoose
  • Heal Ball Swirlix
  • Heal Ball Chansey
And more. I didn't post my Dream Ball females since the list will be look long. I'll post details if you're interested in any of them. I was hoping to get these from you:
  • Female Dratini
  • Female Klefki
  • Female Noibat
  • Female Moxie Heracross

Yes, I'd be interested in the love ball cherubi and heal ball swirlix.

If it's not too much trouble, do you mind posting your dream ball females as well?
I have a shiny 6iv reckless staraptor or a shiny 5iv brave honedge for trade. I'm really interested in your shiny impish chespin with the egg moves please let me know :)
I'm interested in your patrat and female espurr. Is there another one you wanted from me, or just the hp fire hoppip?
in that case, i like your hp fire horsea as well :) let me know if you want to go thru with this trade, and i can start cloning those two for you :)
hello, i have the patrat and female espurr cloned and ready =] let me know when you're ready
Sorry got home pretty late today, I'll clone your two for you and let you know when I'm ready :)

Modest lvl 52
Volt absorb
Premier ball
Haven't checked for egg moves yet
Ah I"ll pass on that one then, I'm still waiting for a level 1 pachirisu

What about the hp ground caterpie? Does it have memory? I know there was previously a hacked one
Sorry got home pretty late today, I'll clone your two for you and let you know when I'm ready :)

Ah I"ll pass on that one then, I'm still waiting for a level 1 pachirisu

What about the hp ground caterpie? Does it have memory? I know there was previously a hacked one
LOL what?! i should check my caterpie as well then loll cuz i traded him that caterpie >___< and i'll be on for like few more hours so let me know when youre ready :)
Sorry got home pretty late today, I'll clone your two for you and let you know when I'm ready :)

Ah I"ll pass on that one then, I'm still waiting for a level 1 pachirisu

What about the hp ground caterpie? Does it have memory? I know there was previously a hacked one
i checked female espurr and patrat, and they both have memories.. whew..
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