Wi-Fi Room(Pokemon Showdown) [Please read first post before posting]

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is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Approved by The Immortal, SopS4nd and wingg
What is the Wi-Fi room in P.S?

This is a room on Pokemon Showdown dedicated to finding Wi-Fi battles and also trades as well.
Import links in Wi-Fi room...
>Approved Cloners list
>Scammers list
>Trading Rules
>Battling Rules
>Writing a scammer report
Why was this thread made?
This is so that users who have any complaints/questions can get into easy contact with any of the staff members in the room and all of them can take a look at it, no matter which timezone. To divulge more of the Wi-Fi room on Smogon as well.
Who can see what I'm complaining about?
Anyone. This is simply so we don't get the same complains over and over and also so multiple staff(if needed) can post a reply to the question/complaint.
Why should I even bother posting here instead of telling a staff on Showdown 1 on 1?
This is so all the staff can see it and act upon the issue, if it happens multiple times the issue will get worse and much more severe.
Who will be answering my questions/complaints?
To be honest, if users feel they know the answer to questions I don't see why they can't answer it however the staff you see on Showdown in the Wi-Fi room will be. The people with the (#, @ or %) beside their names.
What sort of things are to be complained about?
Anything. It can be from issues with a staff member of being wrongly muted/banned with obvious proof, from being falsely accused of being a scammer. Could be that a certain user has been a bad presence continuously in the chat.
Is there anyway to make my post anonymous?
Just make it so that your Pokemon Showdown name doesn't match your Smogon name. When taking screenshots to prove something it may expose you but it should be worth it to prove your point on if you think you have been treated wrongly.
Can I get a specific staff member to answer my question?
Sure you can. Just make sure to leave there name in the beginning of the post but if another staff thinks that staff member is too busy and they are available they may attempt to also answer it.

I think that is all guys. Please feel free to post away and thanks for joining our room.
~The PokemonShowdown Wi-Fi Room Staff Team. :]
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feel free to pm me directly on here or on PS with any questions/concerns if needs be :)
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I will try to help everyone who needs help! Private Message me if you have questions or concerns! <33
I can also help to make you an Approved Pokemon Cloner, help you host a giveaway, get you a trusted Middle Man, be your opponent in a battle, and approve your wager battles!
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I could help with any information you might need...
I dont know everything, so i might not know the answer to one of your questions...
Meaning, if you have gave me a question that i don't know the answer to, i will refer you to one of the other people
So since everyone is picking their roles and how can they help I'll just inform that I'm a useless douchebag.

But feel free to talk to me when you need something, I might help. Donger Almighty on showdown.
As regular user you cant do much to help maybe answer a few question host a few giveaways. The most important thing is to have fun :)
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