Resource ORAS OU Simple Questions, Simple Answers (Read the OP First!)

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sorry if i asked this question before i didnt keep track but who is a better wallbreaker mix dragonite or mixmence

To answer your question, Mixed salamence would be the better wall breaker because of its higher Sp. Attack and speed stats. However both of these choices are incredibly overshadowed by both mega garchomp and kyurem black as mixed dragon type wall breakers. (choice band Dnite is a pretty good one too though)

Garchomp @ Garchompite
Ability: rough skin-> sand force
EVs: 224 Atk / 32 SpA / 252 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Earthquake
- Draco Meteor
- Fire Blast
- Stone Edge


Kyurem-Black @ Life Orb
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Rash Nature
- Fusion Bolt
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
- Substitute

Both of these monsters have a very strong base special attack and even higher base attack stat to work with. Kyurem-B can break through all sorts of walls with its mold breaker and decent coverage. Garchomp can muscle through walls with its incredible draco meteor and also hit hard with a sand boosted EQ or stone edge.

I've been trying out rain teams this gen, but every team I make has a weakness to at least one of these four pokemon: Rotom-Wash, Mega-Venusaur, Azumarill, and Ferrothorn. I decided to try and start a rain team by choosing one or two pokemon that can successfully deal with these four without losing too much momentum and then I'll add in my rain sweepers. The best I've come up with to deal with these four are Lati@s, Mega-Manetric, Mega-Ampharos, or Dragonite. Anyone else have any better ideas?

Not to sound like i think that Kyurem-b is the best thing ever, suggesting it for two people in a row, It can handle all 4 of those threats decently well (azumaril cannot switch in, terravolt breaks through rotom and mega venusaur and kyurem can hit ferrothorn very hard with ice beam) being only a shaky answer to ferrothorn should be mitigated by including keldeo on the team to break through it with its powerful secret sword, plus it works amazingly on rain teams with its rain boosted hydro pumps.
I've been trying out rain teams this gen, but every team I make has a weakness to at least one of these four pokemon: Rotom-Wash, Mega-Venusaur, Azumarill, and Ferrothorn. I decided to try and start a rain team by choosing one or two pokemon that can successfully deal with these four without losing too much momentum and then I'll add in my rain sweepers. The best I've come up with to deal with these four are Lati@s, Mega-Manetric, Mega-Ampharos, or Dragonite. Anyone else have any better ideas?
Outside of what you've already come up with: AV Conkeldurr can take Ro-dub and Ferrothorn. Mega Venu can take Ro-dub and Azumarill (and Ferro with HP Fire, but that won't go very well in the rain), though it doesn't like synthesis being weakened by rain. Banded Talonflame or Banded Staraptor can take Mega Venu; Banded Staraptor also checks Azumarill, while Banded Talonflame can deal with Ferrothorn though fails to OHKO physically defensive variants in the rain. There's no one thing really that can neutral all four of those threats at once, though, especially not in rain which boosts Ro-dub's hydro pump and Azumarill's water moves (meaning fewer things can safely switch into them) and makes fire less effective against Ferro.
Ok thanks that makes sense.
In defense of your curiosity though, it makes sense theoretically and certainly on PS or other online-only pokemon battle web sites since you can just set the friendship of your pokemon to 0. It does not make *as* much sense on a cartridge since it is generally easy to max friendship and friendship does not decay unless you take a deliberate action to decrease it (like feeding certain berries). Getting friendship to a level of 0 is rather annoying on a cartridge and there are a few ways to inadvertently increase it.
In defense of your curiosity though, it makes sense theoretically and certainly on PS or other online-only pokemon battle web sites since you can just set the friendship of your pokemon to 0. It does not make *as* much sense on a cartridge since it is generally easy to max friendship and friendship does not decay unless you take a deliberate action to decrease it (like feeding certain berries). Getting friendship to a level of 0 is rather annoying on a cartridge and there are a few ways to inadvertently increase it.
Just a nitpick, but the happiness should be brought down to 1 not 0. 0 can't be used to measure happiness, 1 is the lowest possible.
So I completely new to the competitive seen, as was looking for some tips on a team. I really don't know a lot about UUs and what they mean, or what they really do in the long run to be honest. I have been trying to put a team together for awhile now.

I already have an Absol, Adamant, 252/Atk 252/Spd and the rest in defense.

The ones I have planned are:

Absol (This one being my Mega)

I have also been considering:


I will also be RNGing all of these, to guarantee perfect Ivs and such. What changes should I make? Yes, I am doing this to for competitive battling, but I also want to have fun! Thanks for responding if you do :)
What's the easiest way to get 0 Speed IV mons for breeding?
The easiest way is probably to use a Normal-type Friend Safari and hunt for wild Ditto. Put a pokemon with Synchronize at the front of your party (can be fainted) with a Nature that hinders Speed. All of the pokemon in FS are level 30, and a Speed-hindered Ditto with 0 Speed IVs has a Speed stat of 30. So send out a pokemon with a Speed stat of 31. If Ditto moves after your pokemon, then that Ditto has a 0 Speed IV. Actually, it can also be a Speed IV of 1, but it's close enough. (The IV Judge will tell you if any IV is 0 by saying something like "you will never get anywhere with a Speed like that!". But this method is quicker.)

Synchronize will only work 50% of the time, and a pokemon in FS has at least 2 IVs that are guaranteed to be perfect. So you have a (1/2)(2/3)=(1/3) chance of a wild Ditto in FS having a hindered Speed Nature without a perfect IV. Then the Speed IV has to be 0, so the chance of getting the Ditto you want is 1/(3*32)=1/96. It's not terribly bad.

Then from there just make sure when you breed to use the Destiny Knot so that the Ditto has a much higher chance to pass on its Speed IV.

edit: Oh, there is one important complication. If the wild Ditto has its Hidden Ability Imposter, it will Transform into your lead pokemon immediately, thus copying your Speed stat. So if the Ditto has Impostor, this method will not alert you to its Speed IV. (When pokemon speed-tie, turn order is determined by a 50-50 coin flip at the beginning of each turn.)

There is a way to prevent this, but it's probably not worth it. Imposter does not work on transformed, disguised (meaning under the effect of the Ability Illusion), or substituted targets. So the only way to prevent the wild Ditto from activing Imposter is by leading with a Zorua or Zoroark (thus leading with a disguised pokemon). It's really not worth it to be honest, since there is only a small chance a wild FS pokemon has its Hidden Ability. (The chance goes up if the friend is online.) But I still felt like I had to mention that work-around just for sake of completeness.
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Is there a thread or forum to casually muse over overpowered stuff, potential bans, annoying things on the ladder, etc?
Why are people using Zapdos in OU? It was one of the best defoggers in UU and I miss it. But in OU, isn't it outclassed offensively by Thundurus and defensively by Mandibuzz/Skarmory?

On that note, why is Latias being used?
Why are people using Zapdos in OU? It was one of the best defoggers in UU and I miss it. But in OU, isn't it outclassed offensively by Thundurus and defensively by Mandibuzz/Skarmory?

On that note, why is Latias being used?

Zapdos is one of the most reliable counters to Mega Pinsir atm and Defog keeps it from being outclassed by Thundurus. It's not outclassed by Mandibuzz because it actually has offensive presence with 125 SpA and Thunderbolt (and Heat Wave) and is faster.

Latias is being used because of Defog as well, it's used over Latios because it has more natural bulk and can support its teammates with Healing Wish or Wish, and it's an excellent check to threats like Lando-I and CharY.

Stop crying for the UU losses, there are still great defoggers there, especially Mew.. and Crobat.
What/who is the best pursuiter out there? I really would love to run a Mienshao, but that would require ghosts to die (HJK). Really, the only ghosts I need to worry about are Aegislash and Gengar, but if it can beat other less common ghosts out there, that would be awesome. I'm currently thinking about an Expert Belt Scizor, as Scizor's are known for being Choiced. The set I'm thinking of running is Bullet Punch/U-Turn/Aerial Ace/Pursuit. Is this a good idea? Are there better Pursuiters? Is my Scizor a good idea (does it lose out on too much power?)? Thanks!
What/who is the best pursuiter out there? I really would love to run a Mienshao, but that would require ghosts to die (HJK). Really, the only ghosts I need to worry about are Aegislash and Gengar, but if it can beat other less common ghosts out there, that would be awesome. I'm currently thinking about an Expert Belt Scizor, as Scizor's are known for being Choiced. The set I'm thinking of running is Bullet Punch/U-Turn/Aerial Ace/Pursuit. Is this a good idea? Are there better Pursuiters? Is my Scizor a good idea (does it lose out on too much power?)? Thanks!

Tyranitar has always been a solid one, otherwise there is scizor or bisharp. Aegislash does get it, but i dont know how viable it is with it. There is also krookodile, metagross, even scolipede.
Ttar, scizor or bisharp are your best choices. Mienshao doesnt force out psychics/ghosts much. (baned scizor should be bp, uturn, superpower and puruit)
It doesn't really matter if Mienshao does/does not force them out, I just need Ghosts to die to open up a Mienshao sweep, without me having to worry about HJK hitting a Ghost. The reason why I didn't really want to use Bisharp or Tyranitar is due to Focus Blast and Sacred Sword on Gengar and Aegislash, respectively. Are these moves I shouldn't worry about? Are they used often? Should I just Chople either Bisharp or Tyranitar? Also, would M-Absol be a good user of it?
It's hard to suggest a catch-all pursuiter for ghosts because as you said, between the possibilities of ghost and fighting coverage, as well as scalds and will-o-wisp and HP fire, scizor, tyranitar, and bisharp don't 100% win against all of Aegislash, Gengar, Jellicent, Chandelure, and Sableye. Bisharp can be OHKOd by them so there's a guessing game between sucker punch or pursuit. Scizor is robust but fears fire coverage and burns and has an iffy fight against Aegis. Tyranitar is also bulky but again falls to fighting moves. Weavile is faster than gengar and guarantees the OHKO but can't quite get through Aegislash with a mere pursuit. Metagross can't have his attack lowered by Aegislash but can be OHKO'd by life orb gengar and shadow plate Aegis. These pokemon are great choices if you can scout the ghost's set first and if you play carefully, but you can't easily accomplish what you are trying to do.

I've looked over every possibility from Scizor to Contrary Bisharp to Defiant Thundurus-I and the plain fact is there is no pursuiter that can guarantee a KO on Aegislash by only using pursuit. You will have to wear it down to ~50% if you want something like scizor or bisharp to kill it, or, you have to get lucky and it stays in while you hit it with a strong Knock Off without getting your attack lowered. Gengar is less problematic because of his sheer frailty, even scarf metagross can kill him with just a pursuit. Sableye is also there, and is also tough to kill unless your pursuiter has a Lum Berry or something.

You will need more than one pokemon to guaranteed clear out Aegislash, Gengar, and Sableye for a Mienshao sweep unless you can always guess correctly when to use Pursuit and when to use Sucker Punch and when to use Knock Off with Bisharp.
How to you find out your shiny value, and is a high or low number better and is there any way to improve it?
Pokecheck is what people used to check their shiny values, but Nintendo released a patch that kinda made it not work anymore, so it's impossible to know your shiny value now unless someone comes up with an updated version of the Pokecheck that works with XY or something.

I don't think high/low numbers are relevant with shiny values.
Pokecheck is what people used to check their shiny values, but Nintendo released a patch that kinda made it not work anymore, so it's impossible to know your shiny value now unless someone comes up with an updated version of the Pokecheck that works with XY or something.

I don't think high/low numbers are relevant with shiny values.
Actually, pokecheck yet has to implement their 6th gen support. Instacheck was used in order to reveal hidden values.

How high or low the numbers are is not important. The Pokemon will only turn out shiny when the number matches the personal Shiny Value. That said, the number is best when it is matches your own, second best when it matches a SV of someone on the Shiny Hatcher Community Database (providing they are still alive and active in order to hatch the egg).
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