Item Choice Band and Choice Specs (Viable Users, and Current Role in the Metagame)

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Until you learn a bit more of the gen 6 meta I'll have a hard time taking you seriously. Especially since you suggested RETURN (lol) on choice band Talonflame.

You didn't have to be a shit about it. Return was suggested by other people and I've seen others use it, to be fair. I know my shit about gen 6 meta, absolutely regardless of what you have to say. I'm no expert, but I'm not new to it. Sorry pal, bet your last post made you feel pretty good. Sorry I had to drop it like that.

Don't expect CB tyranitar to be on this list either :-)
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If CBand TTar isn't on the list then that's only hurting your list, not me. I didn't invent the set, lol. The point is that it's a viable CBand user and you're going to leave it out because of a dispute over a move, which is kind of sad honestly.

but it's your thread of course, do as you wish.
Just throwing out a bullshit set I just made that I may add to the thread:


Item: Choice Band
Nature: Jolly/Adamant
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
- Flare Blitz
- Rock Slide
- U-Turn
- Superpower

Just something that came to my mind, Flare Blitz is STAB, Rock slide is 107 BP with sheer force, U-Turn is standard, and SP is nice damage and coverage.
You didn't have to be a shit about it. Return was suggested by other people and I've seen others use it, to be fair. I know my shit about gen 6 meta, absolutely regardless of what you have to say. I'm no expert, but I'm not new to it. Sorry pal, bet your last post made you feel pretty good. Sorry I had to drop it like that.

Don't expect CB tyranitar to be on this list either :-)
Honestly, no you do not or you still wouldn't have stuff like waterfall Dragonite (fire punch is mandatory for skarm, scizor, and ferrothorn) iron tail haxorus (poison jab for fairies) and choice band sharpedo (sharpedo is borderline viable and its viable set is not a choice band one) Lessen your ego and start to listen to players who know what they are doing. CB tyranitar is a hell of a lot more viable than choice band sharpedo.
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Honestly, no you do not or you still wouldn't have stuff like waterfall Dragonite (fire punch is mandatory for skarm, scizor, and ferrothorn) iron tail haxorus (poison jab for fairies) and choice band sharpedo (sharpedo is borderline viable and it's viable set is not a choice band one) Lessen your ego and start to listen to players who know what they are doing. CB tyranitar is a hell of a lot more viable than fucking choice band sharpedo.

Ok, fair enough, changes made. However, I will not subtract a set from the thread. And my ego isn't high as well, I stated that I was no newbie, as well as not an expert. Now my response to you is to fully read what I post, and to not lose your marbles every time something doesn't fully satisfy you.

Since I am attentive to other posts, the phrase "Honestly, no you do not or...." is not a valid phrase, since there is nothing I claim "doing"
Choice Band Tyranitar should definitely be on the list. Quoting myself from earlier in the thread:

Tyranitar may have fell off as a CB user, but it's still pretty decent. Steel no longer resisting Dark allows you to select Crunch more safely. Tyranitar is good at removing Talonflame which is big for sweepers. Seems like it'd be a pretty strong teammate for Pinsir, since it can also hit a Zapdos as it switches out, putting it into KO range.

Even if it's not as amazing as it was in generations past, it works pretty great with physical set up mons like Pinsir, Talonflame, Garchomp etc.. It traps Latios and Latias like any Tyranitar set, while also being able to lure and weaken physical walls: Skarmory, 2HKOd by Stone Edge, Gliscor and Landorus, OHKOd by Ice Punch (Max HP Impish Landorus can avoid the OHKO just barely), Zapdos can't stay in for of Stone Edge and takes 50% switching out of Pursuit meaning it won't be stopping Pinsir, Talonflame, etc.. Stone Edge is just hard to switch into period. Rock Slide should realistically never be used. Aqua Tail is neat for 2HKOing physical Hippowdon and still doing a ton to Gliscor and Landorus. Fire Punch guarantees the 2HKO on Skarmory without worrying about Skarmory being fast and Roosting on Stone Edge as well as hitting Ferrothorn.

Shit like Sharpedo and Machamp being listed while Tyranitar is snubbed literally makes no sense.
CB Machamp is almost entirely outclassed by CB Conkeldurr, the only reason we don't see CB Conkeldurr is because AV Conkeldurr is a fucking menace.

Sharpedo is a terrible CB user, I vote for removal
You can't admit you are wrong.

I've admitted I'm wrong on this thread, but I'll take it off because otherwise you're going to keep making comments that are rude followed up by getting 5 likes.

Just pointing out - if you didn't make a bunch of comments that don't only make me look wrong (which I've been) but like a complete idiot, this whole thread would've gone like I was hoping for.
This thread really is a train wreck. The op choice banders:
Terrakion- yes
Gyarados- good last gen to bate in rotom and smash with double edge, now can barely bait it due to mold breaker eq
Scizor- yes
Excadrill- serously, there are much better sets for it
Garchomp- i guess
Heracross- not too viable in ou
Sharpedo- definately no
Haxorus- again, not to viable in ou

Then for specs you mentioned zam, jolteon, charizard and vaporeon.

Keep it with simple, viable users like scizor, dnite and ttar rather than pokes who wont get an ou analysis with the set.

Band/specs has definately decreased in viability now, it is hard to lock yourself into a move without something coming in and setting up on you.

Please, please get rid of this
Although it is not common, banded users can always use ninjask baton pass support.
Go scolipede or go home

(this does seem harsh but then again so are 99% of the other posts)
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This thread really is a train wreck. The op cb:
Terrakion- yes
Gyarados- good last gen to bate in rotom and smash with double edge, now cam barely bait it due to mb eq
Scizor- yes
Excadrill- srsly, there are much better sets for it
Garchomp- i guess
Heracross- not too viable in ou
Sharpedo- def no
Haxorus- again, not to viable in ou

Then for specs you mentioned zam, jolteon, charizard and vaporeon.

Keep it with simple, viable users like zor, dnite and ttar rather than pokes who wont get an ou analysis with the set.

Band/specs has definately decreased in viability now, it is hard to lock yourself into a move without something coming in and setting up on you.

Please, please get rid of this
Go scolipede or go home

(this does seem harsh but then again so are 99% of the other posts)

I'm no grammar maniac, but that writing physically hurt me.
Just throwing out a bullshit set I just made that I may add to the thread:


Item: Choice Band
Nature: Jolly/Adamant
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
- Flare Blitz
- Rock Slide
- U-Turn
- Superpower

Just something that came to my mind, Flare Blitz is STAB, Rock slide is 107 BP with sheer force, U-Turn is standard, and SP is nice damage and coverage.
This is a pretty good set. I've used it before, and it hits like a truck. I prefer running the same set with a Scarf, but if you're looking for power, this thing is second to none. Just a reference for how hard this guy hits:
252 Atk Choice Band Sheer Force Darmanitan Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 184+ Def Gliscor: 261-307 (73.7 - 86.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Poison Heal
252 Atk Choice Band Sheer Force Darmanitan Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Hippowdon: 259-306 (61.6 - 72.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
-1 252 Atk Choice Band Sheer Force Darmanitan Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 172 Def Landorus-T: 246-289 (64.3 - 75.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Choice Band Sheer Force Darmanitan Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Porygon2: 208-246 (55.6 - 65.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
This is a pretty good set. I've used it before, and it hits like a truck. I prefer running the same set with a Scarf, but if you're looking for power, this thing is second to none. Just a reference for how hard this guy hits:
252 Atk Choice Band Sheer Force Darmanitan Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 184+ Def Gliscor: 261-307 (73.7 - 86.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Poison Heal
252 Atk Choice Band Sheer Force Darmanitan Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Hippowdon: 259-306 (61.6 - 72.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
-1 252 Atk Choice Band Sheer Force Darmanitan Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 172 Def Landorus-T: 246-289 (64.3 - 75.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Choice Band Sheer Force Darmanitan Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Porygon2: 208-246 (55.6 - 65.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Thank you for being the first person to agree with me.

And shit, I'll add that to the OP!
My thoughts...
I think that Tyranitar is worth mentioning as a very viable Choice Band user. The lack of steel type dark resistance has made CBand an even more viable set this generation than the last.

One might feel the CBand set is overshadowed by the Tyranitarite. While it may be true that the Tyranitarite has given Ttar placement in a better speed tier and the added bulk necessary to set up DDance(s) more easily, it takes a turn of set up that oftentimes can be undesirable.

Setting up with Mega-Tyranitar without being fazed, crippled, or sometimes OHKO'd can be difficult. Therefore, the immediate power of a Choice Band on Tyranitar can be extremely helpful for breaking holes through your opponents team, especially because it requires no set up turn.

Here's the standard set:


Tyranitar @ Choice Band
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 180 HP/252 Atk/76 Spe
Nature: Adamant
  • Stone Edge/Rock Slide
  • Crunch
  • Pursuit
  • Earthquake/Ice Punch
76 EVs are dumped in Spe to outpace uninvested base 70's, and the rest is dumped into Atk and HP for maximized bulk and power. Rock Slide is an option over Stone Edge if you fear the chance of missing, but beware the drop in power. Ice punch can be used if you want to punish x4 weak Pokemon effectively, namely Lando-T; however, Earthquake is generally the preferred option.
Banded ttar is pretty obscure, but is also pretty effective. The thread is mostly a thread list, and so it doesn't have to be posted. It's really tSS' chice. But I do agree, it's a cool set.
Superpower can be slashed, however with the prevalence of Aegislash it is undesirable to be locked into, especially with so much resisting it this gen (introduction of Fairy type) and the drop in power and defense that immediately follows its use. This leaves you incredibily vulnerable to set up sweepers who resist superpower.

As mentioned in my post, I already say stone edge is preferred, but rock slide may be used for increased accuracy at the cost of power.

If you had actually read the official XY analysis, CBand ttar does NOT have superpower listed as an option. It's exactly the set I posted because that set is the most effective and viable CBand Ttar in the 6th generation, SP banded Ttar is no longer as viable as it was in Gen 5 due to exactly the reasons I listed.
Again, I agree. Superpower can be used, but isn't a staple, and is a pretty poor move to get locked into.
It's not listed because it's not as viable. If it was as viable, the XY analysis would have it slashed. Earthquake is the better option, as is ice punch as well.

Until you learn a bit more of the gen 6 meta I'll have a hard time taking you seriously. Especially since you suggested RETURN (lol) on choice band Talonflame.
Agreed. Return is pretty terrible.
P.s. no one good uses hydreigon this gen
This isn't true. Hydreigon can be used very effectively as a fast, hard hitting pivot, as well as a special wall breaker with impeccable coverage. It isn't really a "noobish" pokemon either.
Just throwing out a bullshit set I just made that I may add to the thread:


Item: Choice Band
Nature: Jolly/Adamant
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
- Flare Blitz
- Rock Slide
- U-Turn
- Superpower

Just something that came to my mind, Flare Blitz is STAB, Rock slide is 107 BP with sheer force, U-Turn is standard, and SP is nice damage and coverage.
I'm not so sure about this. It hits like a truck, but imho, it's too frail and slow for a band. I think Victini and Entei are both better fire type band users, and probably deserve a slot in the OP.
Honestly, no you do not or you still wouldn't have stuff like waterfall Dragonite (fire punch is mandatory for skarm, scizor, and ferrothorn) iron tail haxorus (poison jab for fairies) and choice band sharpedo (sharpedo is borderline viable and its viable set is not a choice band one) Lessen your ego and start to listen to players who know what they are doing. CB tyranitar is a hell of a lot more viable than fucking choice band sharpedo.
1. Agreed
2. Agreed
3. Not true. Sharpedo is a pretty great pokemon now, and is currently B- ranked, which isn't borderline viable.
CB Machamp is almost entirely outclassed by CB Conkeldurr, the only reason we don't see CB Conkeldurr is because AV Conkeldurr is a fucking menace.

Sharpedo is a terrible CB user, I vote for removal
1. Dynamic Punch + Choice Band hits super hard, and can disrupt common switchins, like Azumarill. I like AV Champ better, but I still think it's pretty good.
2. And, to be honest, I've never seen Band sharpedo. But just because it's uncommon doesn't mean it's bad. It hits hard with a band, and can only be revenge killed with priority after awhile. It is underrated, but it shouldn't be made bold, imo, as it isn't a huge threat.
This thread really is a train wreck. The op choice banders:
Terrakion- yes
Gyarados- good last gen to bate in rotom and smash with double edge, now can barely bait it due to mold breaker eq
Scizor- yes
Excadrill- serously, there are much better sets for it
Garchomp- i guess
Heracross- not too viable in ou
Sharpedo- definately no
Haxorus- again, not to viable in ou

Then for specs you mentioned zam, jolteon, charizard and vaporeon.

Keep it with simple, viable users like scizor, dnite and ttar rather than pokes who wont get an ou analysis with the set.

Band/specs has definately decreased in viability now, it is hard to lock yourself into a move without something coming in and setting up on you.

Please, please get rid of this
Go scolipede or go home

(this does seem harsh but then again so are 99% of the other posts)
1. Agree
2. Maybe. I think scarf, SD, mega, and defensive are all-around better.
3. Agree. Scarf and mega are the best.
4. I have no experience with it, but maybe. In theory, yes, but I think life orb may be better. Don't kill be The Shellder Smuggler :'(
5. Coming from the analysis:
Choice Band provides immediate power and a faster means of wallbreaking, but all common moves have immunities and would require Adamant to benefit the most from the power to be effective.
I think Ddance is better, tbh.
6. Agreed. Ninjask n'est pas bon.
Rotom-W (Trick)


Kingdra is good, Politoed is good, Rotom-W is good, Latios is good, Starmie is good, Gengar is good, Porygon-Z is good, and Magnezone is good, but the others, not really. Jolteon is so bad now, it isn't even funny, Vaporeon's only niches, barely keeping it ranked, are its Cleric set and its baton pass set, Charizard should never not cary a mega stone, and Alakazam should pretty much never not hold a sash.

Sorry If I sounded too harsh to anyone.
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I think Black Kyurem should get a meantion here. I mean that attack stat plus choice band plus outrage = destruction. The only problem with it is that it has an average speed (95) and even that isn't that bad when you think about it.
Alakazam should pretty much never not hold a mega stone.

Unless it's Sash Magic Guard.

Another thing that may be worth mentioning: What about that Specs Exploud set? Scrappy Boomburst is scary strong and it's overall a great wallbreaker. It struggles in OU, what with Conkeldurr and Bisharp and Ferrothorn running around, but it has a niche, at least more so than Vaporeon and non-mega Charizard.
Unless it's Sash Magic Guard.

Another thing that may be worth mentioning: What about that Specs Exploud set? Scrappy Boomburst is scary strong and it's overall a great wallbreaker. It struggles in OU, what with Conkeldurr and Bisharp and Ferrothorn running around, but it has a niche, at least more so than Vaporeon and non-mega Charizard.

Porygon Z can do the same damage with adaptibility tri attack, is faster and still isn't great in OU so why bother with Exploud.
Porygon Z can do the same damage with adaptibility tri attack, is faster and still isn't great in OU so why bother with Exploud.

IDK, Scrappy? Or Fire Blast, Focus Blast, even? I mean a Boomburst with no immunities whatever no big deal its not like Cresselia even gets 2HKOd.

Anyway, Hydreigon is definitely usable. Vaporeon not really. Also "Alakazam should never be used without a mega stone" is where I stopped reading.
exploud is usable, is it good? no

but he's really hard to switch into with a STAB boomburst and with scrappy, ghost types aren't free switch-ins, not even aegislash thanks to focus blast

i'd give him honorable mention as specs is really the only set he's viable with
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