Metagame NP: RU Stage -1: Message to Oglemi, Nails, and Honko (VENOMOTH STOLEN FROM US))

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Anyone see how broken set up sweepers will be? Quagsire and Clefable left RU so the only unaware users we have are Swoobat lol and Bibarel lol. Stuff like nastly plot Azelf will just wreck the tier.
Awww yeeeeah, RU is finally upon us. Can't wait for it to be implemented on Showdown to start laddering.

Some initial threats (In my book anyways):

Reuniclus: This thing is good. Like, crazy good. I've been using this on one of my more recent teams in RU and it has just been wrecking house. I feel like this well end up being one of the first things to leave the tier. (Or I can hope anyways.) In the mean time, we are going to have some fun facing a good amount of Trick Room.

Mega-Banette: I think this is a bit of a stretch, but I'm going to throw my money out and say that people will hop on the Mega-Banette bitch train eventually to have this thing leave. Mainly because it poses the threat of taking down anything it wants with priority Destiny Bond.

Escavalier: As said previously, the combination of Assault Vest and the Knock Off buff just made this thing a lot better. It's crazy hard to kill without a good fire type move. Also I can see this being associated with Reuniclus a lot, both as a solid counter and participant in the potential 'Trick Room Terror' that will be RU.

Gourgeist: I'm just slapping this on here because of its super bulk and not wanting to die-ness. I honestly don't know why people have preferred Trevenant over this in the past (Outside of being stally pricks with SubHarvest). Gourgeist-Super has INSANE physical bulk, and Gourgeist-Small is a super annoying SubSeeder (who still packs the crazy 122 defense stat).

Sableye: <--- (Don't know that I need to say much about it, but I will) Everyones favorite premiere Prankster burninating all of the things.

Jellicent: I feel like I'm starting to move onto a list of pokemon that I'll just find annoying in the tier. So I'm going to move on now.

There are some expected drops that I'm going to have a blast using in the tier with Shaymin, Tornadus-I, Gligar, Hitmontop, and Zoroark.

I'm kind of upset that Flygon isn't in the tier any more..I wanted to use it as a defogger super bad ;~;
Same goes for Nidoqueen..I wanted to make a Cobra Unit themed team from MGS3, but that was kinda ruined by this.

Also, people can bet their sweet ass that I'm going to be one of the people who are going to abuse the tits out of Rain in the tier with Tornadus, Toxicroak, and Heliolisk running about :]

EDIT: As for hazards. Screw Sticky Web, that broken pos, and best we got for Defog is Xatu and Gligar. Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's back to spin we go.
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Also, people can bet their sweet ass that I'm going to be one of the people who are going to abuse the tits out of Rain in the tier with Tornadus, Toxicroak, and Heliolisk running about :]

And Kabutops, and Omastar, and Ludicolo, and Qwilfish, and Gorebyss, and Magikarp.
All of those Pokemon you listed are already in RU.

Probably could have phrased that better. They were pokes that I expected to drop down to RU from last gen, and they did.

Some pokes that I'm expecting to drop (or at least hoping) are Scrafty and Flygon. Mainly Flygon though...I want my fav Defogger in my tier...
Ah, this looks good, I'll get to work with my horrendous teambuilding later today.

Looking forward to using Shaymin and Jellicent, as well as the more overlooked threats such as Clawitzer and Gallade.

I am a bit disappointed to see smeargle in the tier though, I'd hoped it would stay up in uu :(
EDIT: As for hazards. Screw Sticky Web, that broken pos, and best we got for Defog is Xatu and Gligar. Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's back to spin we go.
Don't forget Skuntank, Togetic, Shiftry and Braviary. And also Drifblim, since it can spinblock and defog at the same time (it's counterproductive but who knows)

Also looking forward Hyper Offense, especially Slurpuff. Memento Dugtrio to catch grounded Steels and the frightenning BD muffin surely pack a powerful punch.
One mon that has had people buzzing is aromatisse and i think i found sometinhg really interesting to counter it, sub salac magmortar with belch
252+ SpA Magmortar Sludge Bomb vs. 252 HP / 184+ SpD Aromatisse: 230-272 (56.6 - 66.9%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock and 3 layers of Spikes (120 power sludge bomb) ok it doesn't ohko it without hazards but still...
subpetaya allows you to ohko it though
+1 252+ SpA Magmortar Sludge Bomb vs. 252 HP / 184+ SpD Aromatisse: 346-408 (85.2 - 100.4%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO
hello so after some brief testing with a couple of friends:

hitmonlee (and other fighting-types) rule. reckless hjk is phenomenal, and knock off + poison jab threatens almost every pokemon that could come in. mach punch cleans up sharpedo and checks things like various scarf pokemon. 120 atk with super powerful STAB and means to hit every pokemon that resists? yes pls. zoroark + fighting-types are even scarier.

trick room is very, very viable. aromatisse is virtually impossible to prevent setting up TR, and we have a plethora of guys that can just sit on their fat butts and smack everything around, from cofagrigus to bronzong to escavalier and even some stuff like mega abomasnow.

smeargle / froslass stir up a pretty hazards-based game. with limited defoggers (someone did make a list above, but nonetheless.. not sure how much i'd want to use any one of those guys on a team) and the momentum that those two can generate, it's rather hard to slow down.

kyurem was not as infinitely game-ending as everyone seems to think it will be, so please slow up on the cries of banning it and let the meta play out a bit. it might be just because it was a small sample size or the fact that we were all playing very offensively, but there are a handful of things i think are more frightening than kyurem right now.

rhyperior is rly fricken bulky. *-* whatever the metagame ends up like, rhyperior will surely be a staple pokemon on various playstyles. i can't imagine it'd be anything under top 15 in usage.
things i want to look at:

azelf (speed tier seems very good, important for froslass),
venomoth (once meta settles it'll probably be a very dominating force),
gastrodon (fat slug is probably kinda bad but wutevz),
whimsicott (fast fairy with an actually good stab and unique moveset, seems very cool),
milotic (not sure what the best set/spread is for now but probably worth looking at once things slow down),
emboar (cool new egg move in sucker punch!!).​

things i didn't like: jellicent (too frail / slow / weak all in one package)
Cinccino is a pretty nasty little brat. It sits at a beautiful Speed tier, and with Stealth Rock alone can get a really decent amount of KOs against some pretty top threats, and dissuades hazard setup by smashing Smeargle and Froslass

252 Atk Life Orb Cinccino Rock Blast (5 hits) vs. 52 HP / 0 Def Kyurem: 325-390 (80.4 - 96.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
252 Atk Life Orb Cinccino Tail Slap (5 hits) vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Raikou: 275-330 (85.4 - 102.4%) -- approx. 93.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
252 Atk Life Orb Cinccino Bullet Seed (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Solid Rock Rhyperior: 350-430 (80.6 - 99%) -- approx. 6.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

It is of course walled by stuff like Gourgeist and Escavalier, but is definetly a nice momentum grabber against offensive teams

Delibird is also hilariously viable with Spikes, Spin and Destiny Bond
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I'm gonna go ahead and hype my man Spiritomb:


Spiritomb @ Choice Band / Leftovers
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Shadow Sneak
- Pursuit
- Trick / Will-O-Wisp

Sure, it's pretty much last gen's set, but it did get an awesome new buff to Infiltrator, meaning it can revenge setup sweepers even if they're behind a sub! Do you hate getting set up on and swept by Azelf? This thing is pretty much Azelf's worst nightmare, since it has to deal with Sucker Punch / Pursuit mind games. Not to mention, Spiritomb is completely capable of switching in on +2 Azelf, with the exception of Dazzling Gleam (who knows, maybe Azelf will start running that). BandTomb can do plenty of other nifty things like OHKOing Tornadus after rocks, OHKOing Trick Room Reuniclus, and being immune to Calm Mind Reuniclus' major coverage moves. It's not useless against stall teams either, since it can Trick away it's Choice Band onto something that hates being locked into one move.

Other hype-worthy mons
  • Defiant Tornadus/Broviary - both take advantage of Defog/Intimidate and hit stuff hard
  • Trick Room mons (namely Reuniclus) - from what I've seen, it looks to be a very strong playstyle so far
  • Gastrodon - A physically defensive set with Sticky Hold is especially useful since it walls all forms of Escavalier (unless Specscavalier w/ Energy Ball *cough* Expulso)
  • Speed Boosters - Be prepared to deal with offensive threats such as Sharpedo and Yanmega, also, Combusken is a decent new Speed Boost passer.
Kyurem would be OP nuking hard with Draco Meteor, having little to fear from the fairies since none are left to tank well specially based hits. Mr. Mime, Eviolite Togetic(STAB Ice Beam) and Aromatisse would probably see usage because of this.

Reuniclus looks like a monster, being capable of sweeping/nuking/tanking alone with Calm Mind, Recover, STAB and coverage. It could support the fearsome Escavalier with Trick Room Support. The Knock Off would be a prime way of dealing with it, but after the item is lost and the damage is recovered, Un-STAB-ed hits won't do as much. It could also bait the dark move for Justified users like Cobalion.

Mega Abomasnow seems very scary. It has many weaknesses and loses speed as it mega evolves, but with proper switching it could nuke very hard in the tier. The trick room support could also aid it greatly. The Snow Warning support could also help Kyurem so some synergy between these three threats already exists.
that thing caught me so offguard yesterday lol but the thing is that being locked into sucker punch is kinda bad, but I don't know what else could go there anyways.
Sucker Punch is obviously something to be careful with if you're choiced, but at the very least it'll force something out if the opponent is incapable of taking one (Azelf). Blackglasses can also be used on the set if you want to feign a Choice set.
Delibird is also hilariously viable with Spikes, Spin and Destiny Bond

Confirmo, beats Smeargle leads without fearing Spore/Dark Void and you can spin the entry hazards/2HKO Smeargle with Ice Beam :). Destiny Bond is also really useful since it is pretty easy to KO Delibird, and not a lot of people actually expect it ( Zebraiken ).


Delibird (F) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Vital Spirit
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 Atk
Naive Nature
- Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Ice Beam
- Destiny Bond

Mega Abomasnow is also a really cool mon, not much wants to come on its STABs outside of Steel-types, but not a lot of them wants to take a Hidden Power Fire or an Earthquake either (you can 2HKO AV Escavalier on the switch if you speed creep a bit (ik its 4x weak to Fire, but its a nice lure to remove it for your teammates!)).

Liking the tier atm
Kyurem would be OP nuking hard with Draco Meteor, having little to fear from the fairies since none are left to tank well specially based hits. Mr. Mime, Eviolite Togetic(STAB Ice Beam) and Aromatisse would probably see usage because of this.
Vest Escavalier pretty much hard counters it. I wouldn't be too concerned. Bronzong also kinda shits on it. You can run HP Fire, but that's an awful move to be locked into on a Specs set, and I doubt it even gets the 2HKO on Bronzong (too lazy to calc though, so I could be wrong). Kyurem is really good, but it's also something that you should be able to prepare for pretty easily. In fact, you should probably be able to cover it during teambuilding without trying to.
things i want to look at:

azelf (speed tier seems very good, important for froslass),
venomoth (once meta settles it'll probably be a very dominating force),
gastrodon (fat slug is probably kinda bad but wutevz),
whimsicott (fast fairy with an actually good stab and unique moveset, seems very cool),
milotic (not sure what the best set/spread is for now but probably worth looking at once things slow down),
emboar (cool new egg move in sucker punch!!).​

things i didn't like: jellicent (too frail / slow / weak all in one package)

Azelf - This thing used to do not much except for rocks and explode on you last gen. However, Nasty Plot is scary, coming off of a +2 Psychic and 125 Special Attack stat.

Venomoth - I think Sleep Powder + Quiver Dance + Defog + Baton Pass could be an excellent support set this gen, and in RU, making it one of the only defoggers.

Gastrodon - This thing was in OU last gen, but the fact that it is now RU kinda bugs me. It has a crazy HP stat, and could definitely run a physically defense set. Ice Beam + Scald + Earth Power + Recover would be terrifying.

252 Atk Life Orb Infernape Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Gastrodon: 199-235 (46.7 - 55.1%) -- 13.7% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252+ Atk Huge Power Azumarill Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Gastrodon: 163-193 (38.2 - 45.3%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Crawdaunt Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Gastrodon: 263-309 (61.7 - 72.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Whimsicott - It didn't change from last gen, but it is still the placeholder for being able to have the most annoying set in the world. Leech Seed + Taunt + Substitute + Protect with Prankster, in case you didn't know.

Milotic - From UU to RU :( It still struggles to find a useful niche in this gen, but still can use a physically defensive set from last gen consisting of Scald + Recover + Ice Beam + Haze

Emboar - Out of all starter pokemon, Emboar is unfortunately one of the worst. Sucker Punch is cool and all, but I can't see the use of this pokemon in a tier with a lot of water type pokemon. Still, it can still use Flare Blitz and Superpower to cause one-time damage. Reckless is a nice addition, too.
I am completely confounded that gastrodon made it into RU. Anyone who played UU at all ran into it or used it themselves at least half the time. I've had to always carry a grass type or a strong user because if not gastrodon, it was swampy or swagsire. After shaymin gets banned there will be nothing to reliably remove this stupid thing before he cripples your team with toxic or burns
Confirmo, beats Smeargle leads without fearing Spore/Dark Void and you can spin the entry hazards/2HKO Smeargle with Ice Beam :). Destiny Bond is also really useful since it is pretty easy to KO Delibird, and not a lot of people actually expect it ( Zebraiken ).


Delibird (F) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Vital Spirit
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 Atk
Naive Nature
- Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Ice Beam
- Destiny Bond

Mega Abomasnow is also a really cool mon, not much wants to come on its STABs outside of Steel-types, but not a lot of them wants to take a Hidden Power Fire or an Earthquake either (you can 2HKO AV Escavalier on the switch if you speed creep a bit (ik its 4x weak to Fire, but its a nice lure to remove it for your teammates!)).

Liking the tier atm

Triple confirming Delibird is finally viable out of super joke teams, would be better with froslass out of the way but it is still decent as it is.

Druddigon is still broken pls ban

Posting later on:
Offensive Azelf. This should be obvious
Cress. It is fucking Cress
Clawitzer. Cool movepool, decent enough speed, great sp.A. Not beating Milotic like its Mexican Brother might be a problem, but being able to beat Ferroseed who should still be good and hitting the broken as fuck Lego Dragon for massive damage look like solid advantages.
Shuckle. Looks like the superior sticky web user because it doesn't die to everything and can hold Mental Herb to get it up vs most mons or get a nuke in safely by encoring Taunt.
Tangrowth. AV Tangrowth will be a thing trust me (lol not really)
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Kyurem is as broken as we claim. You've got Escavalier and that's it.

Special-spam is going to be everywhere. This tier looks INSANELY dissapointing. Back to Gen2 for me.
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