Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 37 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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hey guys thanks for helping me plant my birdie, so its zapdos

what should I synchro nature, and what ball? :) my lvl 100 marowak can false swipe it and resist its only damage move so I can eventually get it in damn near any ball xD
I'd go for Ultra Ball. Also, I believe Bold is preferred for defensive sets and Timid for offensive.
Is Lure Ball blue and red in XY as opposed to its green and red coloration in HG?
EDIT- well actually don't listen to me, not 100% on that
Wait for someone else lol :P
I thought I had a Lure Ball 'mon but I don't xD

EDIT2- Searched it up, it is blue for sure
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I just bread myself an HP Ice Rotom Modest, 31/30/30/31/31/31, one of them is a lucky random because my Ditto has the same spread. Would have liked Attack to be a lower even number but I didn't feel like breeding more.

I am now in need of a Scizor Adamant 5IV, preferably a cool pokeball and female if anyone would like an HP Ice Rotom I will breed one for you. I gots to get my Mega Scizz on.

And I can take all requests if you don't have a Scizor but have another cool 5IV female poke in a cool ball type, with choice egg moves depending on who it is. I'm all about flash.
-Random 5 IV adamant Kangaskhans in ultra balls. 2 x scrappy, 5 x early bird
-Random 5 IV relaxed Arons in timer balls. 2 x sturdy females, 1 x rock head female, 1 x sturdy male
PM/VM to pick up :)
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Which pokeball do you guys think looks best for hydreigon?

Dusk Ball is the best (for shiny ones though) :)
Could use master on non-shiny...
I have a bunch of 31/x/31/31/31/31 male cyndaquils in a repeat ball Em covet extrasensory quick attack and reversal pm if anyone is interested
I just bread myself an HP Ice Rotom Modest, 31/30/30/31/31/31, one of them is a lucky random because my Ditto has the same spread. Would have liked Attack to be a lower even number but I didn't feel like breeding more.

I am now in need of a Scizor Adamant 5IV, preferably a cool pokeball and female if anyone would like an HP Ice Rotom I will breed one for you. I gots to get my Mega Scizz on.

And I can take all requests if you don't have a Scizor but have another cool 5IV female poke in a cool ball type, with choice egg moves depending on who it is. I'm all about flash.
I have a female adamant 31/31/31/xx/31/31 scyther level 1, no cool ball though.
I just bread myself an HP Ice Rotom Modest, 31/30/30/31/31/31, one of them is a lucky random because my Ditto has the same spread. Would have liked Attack to be a lower even number but I didn't feel like breeding more.

I am now in need of a Scizor Adamant 5IV, preferably a cool pokeball and female if anyone would like an HP Ice Rotom I will breed one for you. I gots to get my Mega Scizz on.

And I can take all requests if you don't have a Scizor but have another cool 5IV female poke in a cool ball type, with choice egg moves depending on who it is. I'm all about flash.
CMT for one :) I can do Sport Ball Scyther, but if HookEm549 is already helping you for that, then I can breed you something else nice from my thread
Anyone have a female Love Ball Growlithe? Will trade nicely for one :)
I'm going to be afk for a bit (doing chores) but I'll be back later.
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