Sports Pro Wrestling Discussion Thread

Name one guy on the roster that would have worked with ending the streak?

If only there was an active wrestler who's been directly linked with the Undertaker for the bulk of his career, who no one would be upset with if he beat him and would actually be a fitting final opponent. Nope, no one like that.
Fairly certain that had Bryan not been successful, WM30 would have been an utter disappointment. Cena/Wyatt was kind of weak overall, and fans were in tears at Taker/Lesnar, the latter being barely built upon and poorly executed. The Divas match was, like usual, bad, the only notable highlight being Cameron's exposed cleavage, and Shield/Authority should have been longer. Generally, this year's WM was average, but better than last year's, for the least.
Taker took a nasty bump which gave him a concussion during the match and from what I can tell he made the call to end it in the ring. He was rushed to hospital after the match and reportedly arrived unconscious. They probably would have put on a great match had that not happened, and who knows, maybe Taker would have gone and won it, maybe Lesnar was planned to win it after an amazing Wrestlemania Match like we know both guys are capable of delivering. It's sad that the streak ends like this, but you have to remember that The Undertaker is the man who decides who ends the streak, when and how. If he wants to put over Brock, that's his call and who are we to argue with him. I'm fine with Brock ending the streak if he's going full-time, I hope Taker has discussed that with him and he's not planning to disappear again.

After getting over the shock of all that, the only real disappointments for me was Bray not going over Cena and the incredibly short Shield match. I'm not sure how Bray's character progresses now that he's failed to do what he said he would. It's really taken the wind out of the sails. There were plenty of opportunities to give Bray the win without harming Cena in any way, but LOLCENAWINS. The match itself was fantastic, I'm just disappointed with the ending.

The Shield match was terrible and they deserved better. Simple as that. These guys put on 5 star matches every week on raw and smackdown, they are the future of the WWE and they are relegated to a 5 minute squash match that did nothing to showcase any of their individual talents. Even Kane was wasted.

All of the Daniel Bryan stuff was perfect. Wouldn't change any of it. Apparently Orton took a really painful blow to the back/kidneys landing on one of the monitors during the Powerbomb RKO spot, but continued the match through the pain before throwing up at the side of the announce tables after the match. He's really been the unsung hero of the program lately. Since after the Royal Rumble his work rate and character has improved leaps and bounds, but he's still not really getting too much credit for it.

Let's not forget also that Cesaro went over big time, split from Swagger, and is well on his way to a huge singles push. Well deserved as he is an amazing talent and my top guy at the moment along with Bray and all of The Shield.
It's interesting that you guys have such an opinion of the Cena/Wyatt match, pretty much everywhere I've been looking for info post-Mania thought that the match ended well and that Wyatt came out of it looking strong.
Wyatt definitely looked strong. But he could have looked stronger. Instead, Cena actually managed to beat all three members of the Wyatt family, and it did nothing for him, where a loss wouldn't have hurt him at all, and it would have given Wyatt a bigger boost.

And I still can't even about the streak. I just can't even.

Cesaro. Holy shit Cesaro. This guy is not human. How he's not been pushed to main event status is beyond me, but they have to be pulling that trigger now.

Shield match shouldn't have even happened. Four of those men deserved a better match.

I actually enjoyed the divas match. But they had the unfortunate timing of following the end of the streak and having the stigma of being divas. But I thought it had a decent pace throughout and while it was a spot fest, the selling was decent.

I know that the only person who could make the call to end The Streak was Taker but why to Lesnar. Of all people, why Lesnar. They should have rewritten the script when Taker said this was his last time. And this had to be his last match. The Streak was the only reason he kept coming back, it was a bigger attraction than he was.

I'm a little surprised Hulk didn't do more. I expected HHH to march down the ramp during the main event for Hulk, Stone Cold, and Rock to stop him. I thought SCSA and Rocky would have a bigger role.

I did enjoy this Wrestlemania but Taker losing has seriously put a damper on it.
No, Taker is a really oldschool guy, who wants to shock. He has the mentality, that you go in losing you go out losing especially on a bang. The match might have been boring on purpose but that seems a bit far-fetched.
Taker took a nasty bump which gave him a concussion during the match and from what I can tell he made the call to end it in the ring.

wwe still knows how to work the smarks

taker losing was planned from the start. the entire storyline led to this (taker having the advantage this entire time, the premature casket for lesnar, taker being just too old for this). EVEN IF taker needed to end it, he would've just given another tombstone to lesnar - the ending of the match was tombstone -> f5

at the end of the day, this is the story they were going for and it was the correct decision. they couldnt give it to a young guy, hed be a main eventer with heat for life and the writers would fuck it up. theyre not giving it to sting or cena. instead, taker and the staff made the right choice in giving it to lesnar, a guy they tout up as a larger than life monster with his out of wwe accomplishments - this gives him something that can be used to put over anyone who beats him in the coming year.

lesnar doesn't give a shit about the heat he'll have or the fan reaction, he is going to be used as the guy who puts over younger talent because of this accomplishment. and on the flip side, this now leads to taker/sting just being about undertaker and not about a silly fake streak that has overshadowed the character of the undertaker for the last 5 years.

as an aside, this wm was a 10/10 for me, much better than wm 17. undercard was much stronger, the wrestling was better, the stories were better, even the segments backstage and entrances were awesome. felt like wrestlemania for the first time in a long time
People are seriously defending this.

Gotta give it to Vince, he knows his audience. More specifically, that he can do literally anything and his fans will defend it to the death.
maybe you just don't understand storytelling or just lack common sense

taker is 49 and the streak needed to come to a close. if he fights sting next year in his retirement match, it should be about the mystique of the 2 icons, not "sting vs the streak".

secondly, i'm assuming you're completely oblivious, wm 30 was essentially the door opening for the younger talent. how much more clear could it be, they had the 3 biggest icons of all time having 1 final toast in the ring to start the show. from there we had:

"new blood" daniel bryan beating hhh
"new blood" the shield absolutely squashing the attitude era
"new blood" cesaro winning the memorial and creating a new wm moment we'll all look back on similar to how current fans looked back at wm 3 hogan slamming andre
cena took a midcard role vs "new blood" wyatt and it looks like its going to lead to a cena heel turn finally (bryans now "the guy") assuming the wyatt feud continues.
"new blood" daniel bryan beating randy orton and batista the same night he beat hhh

undertaker losing represents the end of an era where they now will focus on this younger talent because they HAVE to.

and third, lesnar is the best option to end the streak period. no one else is even close to capable of shouldering it (please tell me who you think could) - he is a "larger than life" character in his own right and a special attraction, people will buy just to see if someone can "beat lesnar" now.

this wm would've been disgusting if the old age outlaws beat the shield, if bryan's story ended without him leaving as champ, if big show won the battle royal, if wyatt was barely promoted but instead, they're focusing on these young guys and made the right decisions. every match was booked correctly and this was a strong showing from a show that was mainly written by hhh and steph - wwe might be in capable hands after all.
maybe you just don't understand storytelling or just lack common sense

taker is 49 and the streak needed to come to a close. if he fights sting next year in his retirement match, it should be about the mystique of the 2 icons, not "sting vs the streak".

secondly, i'm assuming you're completely oblivious, wm 30 was essentially the door opening for the younger talent. how much more clear could it be, they had the 3 biggest icons of all time having 1 final toast in the ring to start the show. from there we had:

"new blood" daniel bryan beating hhh
"new blood" the shield absolutely squashing the attitude era
"new blood" cesaro winning the memorial and creating a new wm moment we'll all look back on similar to how current fans looked back at wm 3 hogan slamming andre
cena took a midcard role vs "new blood" wyatt and it looks like its going to lead to a cena heel turn finally (bryans now "the guy") assuming the wyatt feud continues.
"new blood" daniel bryan beating randy orton and batista the same night he beat hhh

undertaker losing represents the end of an era where they now will focus on this younger talent because they HAVE to.

and third, lesnar is the best option to end the streak period. no one else is even close to capable of shouldering it (please tell me who you think could) - he is a "larger than life" character in his own right and a special attraction, people will buy just to see if someone can "beat lesnar" now.

this wm would've been disgusting if the old age outlaws beat the shield, if bryan's story ended without him leaving as champ, if big show won the battle royal, if wyatt was barely promoted but instead, they're focusing on these young guys and made the right decisions. every match was booked correctly and this was a strong showing from a show that was mainly written by hhh and steph - wwe might be in capable hands after all.

The problem with Taker losing like this was, that the match was bad (for a Taker Wrestlemania match), it almost broke my heart seeing the guy so broken as he is. The biggest issue is, Brock Lesnar fucking sucks at everything. He sucks at promos, he sucks at wrestling, he no-sells like super-cena and has the charisma of A rock, not the Rock.
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Just because you're opinion isn't gospel doesn't mean his is wrong. Honestly you wonder why people think you're a salty fuck.
The problem with Taker losing like this was, that the match was bad (for a Taker Wrestlemania match), it almost broke my heart seeing the guy so broken as he is. The biggest issue is, Brock Lesnar fucking sucks at everything. He sucks at promos, he sucks at wrestling, he no-sells like super-cena and has the charisma of A rock, not the Rock.
Watch his SummerSlam match vs Punk, it was the 2nd best match on the card with the best match being pretty much everybody's MOTY. Brock also can sell, look at No Way Out 2004 vs Eddie, he sold his leg like the knee was broken.

You know he's paired with one of the best mic workers of all time? Heyman's a guy that will make sure this heat that Brock's getting will go to good use. Kd said it best that no-one else really on the roster could shoulder the massive amount of heat he got from beating taker. Ok, you beat taker... now what? Brock will give a rub to other guys who beat him and because he's a part-timer, the effect of that rub won't run it's course as fast, look at Henry or Kane for examples of beating them used to be a massive rub, now it's not really any of a rub.

People are seriously defending this.

Gotta give it to Vince, he knows his audience. More specifically, that he can do literally anything and his fans will defend it to the death.
You know this was Hunter at the helm this WM, also Taker actually calls the shots to his match. Taker chose Brock to beat him, not Vince, not Hunter, not Linda, not Steph, not anybody but Taker
Watch his SummerSlam match vs Punk, it was the 2nd best match on the card with the best match being pretty much everybody's MOTY. Brock also can sell, look at No Way Out 2004 vs Eddie, he sold his leg like the knee was broken.

You know he's paired with one of the best mic workers of all time? Heyman's a guy that will make sure this heat that Brock's getting will go to good use. Kd said it best that no-one else really on the roster could shoulder the massive amount of heat he got from beating taker. Ok, you beat taker... now what? Brock will give a rub to other guys who beat him and because he's a part-timer, the effect of that rub won't run it's course as fast, look at Henry or Kane for examples of beating them used to be a massive rub, now it's not really any of a rub.

You know this was Hunter at the helm this WM, also Taker actually calls the shots to his match. Taker chose Brock to beat him, not Vince, not Hunter, not Linda, not Steph, not anybody but Taker

Cause Heyman has been relegated to being Lesnar's bitch?
The guy suuuuuuuuuuucks, Punk carried him. Lesnar is a great fighter, not a wrestler.
Just because you're opinion isn't gospel doesn't mean his is wrong. Honestly you wonder why people think you're a salty fuck.
It's not even because of his opinion, it's because of his arguments. Mainly that he goes on and on about WM30 being about opening the door for new talent, to back up his point that someone who isn't even remotely new and will most likely not be around for very long afterword being the one to break the streak was the best possible outcome.

And, really? You're going after me for being a "salty fuck"? In other cases, maybe that would be appropriate, but not when the comment in question is replying to someone who opened with:

maybe you just don't understand storytelling or just lack common sense

It's unfair to expect me to hold a post like this in high regard. No one else would. (the way he opened also made me think he was trolling, acting like I said something completely retarded while at the same time doing a piss poor job defending his "obviously" correct opinion).
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Mainly that he goes on and on about WM30 being about opening the door for new talent, to back up his point that someone who isn't even remotely new and will most likely not be around for very long afterword being the one to break the streak was the best possible outcome.


i guess you somehow missed the point, i'll try to be as clear as possible:

- taker cannot wrestle anymore and no young guy could get the rub from him
- lesnar can wrestle on his schedule every now and then, and he can put people over by losing to them, without it affecting that young wrestler like it would with taker
- taker leaving marks the end of the old era and the ushering of a new one with the young new talent
- taker's slot opening up leaves room for the new guys to fill the card

if taker has 1 more match, it'll be vs sting but thats it. he is of no use to the current roster and its just a sad reality people don't want to accept. the dude can barely stand, hes close to 7 foot and 49, its a miracle he is able to walk right now.
I get it, it needed to end. That's the primary pro-Lesnar argument, but almost no one was arguing the opposite. The real issue is with how it ended. Why Lesnar? Why make such an abrupt end? If they wanted to make it a huge twist, why not make it an exciting one instead of a disappointing one? Why have such an action-oriented match when Taker obviously couldn't handle it?
i guess you somehow missed the point, i'll try to be as clear as possible:

- taker cannot wrestle anymore and no young guy could get the rub from him
- lesnar can wrestle on his schedule every now and then, and he can put people over by losing to them, without it affecting that young wrestler like it would with taker
- taker leaving marks the end of the old era and the ushering of a new one with the young new talent
- taker's slot opening up leaves room for the new guys to fill the card

if taker has 1 more match, it'll be vs sting but thats it. he is of no use to the current roster and its just a sad reality people don't want to accept. the dude can barely stand, hes close to 7 foot and 49, its a miracle he is able to walk right now.

No young guys? Bray? Brian? One of the Shield members? Cesaro? The problem is WWE is afraid or unable to push young talent. Its why they keep bringing guys like 50 year old Batista back.

And how the fuck does Taker leaving open up room for new guys? He was wrestling one match year!!!

I agree he is too old, but why not just have him win and retire?

Losing the streak to Lesnar probably pissed off a shitload of fans. It doesnt benefit WWE at all.

Hell they could have had the Rock beat him or something. I remember reading that Taker wanted to lose to Angle because he thought he was the future of the company.

Cause Heyman has been relegated to being Lesnar's bitch?
The guy suuuuuuuuuuucks, Punk carried him. Lesnar is a great fighter, not a wrestler.

Just curious, did you watch Lesnar from 2002-2003?
Simple question for people complaining, who else on the current roster fits these requirements

1. Can work with Taker in his normal style (as opposed to the "mma inspired" stuff he sometimes does) and not look stupid doing so (because no, Daniel Bryan cannot work with Taker).
2. Not require too much physically from Taker / is someone Taker would be comfortable working with.
3. Have the WWE be happy to keep that wrestler as a heel for the foreseeable future.
4. Isn't some horribly buried mid carder.
5. Hasn't already worked Wrestlemania with Taker.
3. Have the WWE be happy to keep that wrestler as a heel for the foreseeable future.
5. Hasn't already worked Wrestlemania with Taker.

Why do these matter at all? Even then, point #3 should disqualify Lesnar because you know he's gonna be gone in a few years and most likely will never go full-time.

edit: might as well say this now; If this was legitimately how Undertaker planned to end his streak, then I respect his decision.
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No young guys? Bray? Brian? One of the Shield members? Cesaro? The problem is WWE is afraid or unable to push young talent. Its why they keep bringing guys like 50 year old Batista back.
Bats is only 45, still old, not super old. Also, I don't know about you, but i think he tapped out at WM to Bryan. If a young guy ended the streak, they would have gotten a massive rub of course, but what do they do with that? I don't know myself to do with something like that. Aside from Bray, you listed all faces. Beating the streak will give you absolutley massive heat for the rest of your career, so you're stuck as a heel for pretty much almost forever.

And how the fuck does Taker leaving open up room for new guys? He was wrestling one match year!!!
Kd means opening up the WM card, not the whole program, yeesh.

I agree he is too old, but why not just have him win and retire?
Because Taker is massively old school where if you retire, make sure you send off by giving another guy a rub. Winning and retiring benefits nobody else on the roster except you, and you're not going to be on the roster after the match.

Losing the streak to Lesnar probably pissed off a shitload of fans. It doesnt benefit WWE at all.

No matter who beat the streak, aside from Kane who hasn't really been at the top of the card for a few years now, fans would be angry. This actually is beneficial as beating Brock really really means something as you pretty much get the rub from beating the streak without any of the backlash from fans. And Brock and Heyman can take the heat, Brock's absolutely great at the asshole heel and Heyman can really work a crowd, look at his promo on Raw (No not him with Cesaro, the other one)
at the end of the day its as simple as you cannot give the young guy a streak for several reasons, the most important being that theyre burdened with it for the rest of their careers. the writers would have too much pressure to constantly have them in the main event because they'd have no other choice. the other reason is that if those guys turn their backs on the wwe in the coming years, it'll all be for nothing. lesnar isn't going to compete in tna or trash wwe, he is pretty much set for life just doing what he is doing now. can you imagine the embarrassment of the wwe if they couldnt even acknowledge who broke the streak because theyre in a different brand.