(❤️) Valkyrie's Wonder Emporium (❤️) [Closed]

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Lady Valkyrie
Hello, I wanted to ask about your cloning services, I have some pokemon that I'd like to clone, they are Klefki, Fletchling, Bunnelby, espurr, Flabebe and Skrelp, all 6 shiny, I don't know as to what you refer when you say hack pokemon, I obtained them in trades from other shops here on smogon,

By hacked Pokemon I would mean anything that was forced shiny, manipulated with say Pokegen, but since you got them from shops here on Smogon, they're likely fine. The mods usually do a good job of checking everything over in people's threads for anything illegal.

So you want the six done?

Any specific number of clones you want? And do you have redi rights on them (ie. full, semi)?

CMT for shiny Heracross

Checking now.
It'd prefer if it had Sand Veil it's (HA) but otherwise I'd like a Static one, 31/x/31/31/31/31 with a Bold nature. Could I get it with the EMs Earth Power, Curse, Shock Wave and Yawn?

Once we agree on a trade I'll start on Murkrow, note you will be going on a waiting list :).
Would a relaxed nature work?
By hacked Pokemon I would mean anything that was forced shiny, manipulated with say Pokegen, but since you got them from shops here on Smogon, they're likely fine. The mods usually do a good job of checking everything over in people's threads for anything illegal.

So you want the six done?

Any specific number of clones you want? And do you have redi rights on them (ie. full, semi)?

Checking now.
Yeah i want the 6 of them done, and I'm only asking for 1 copy of them since I dont want to cause you much trouble, as for redis rights, I dont really mind, they were traded to me fully redistributable,
Yeah i want the 6 of them done, and I'm only asking for 1 copy of them since I dont want to cause you much trouble, as for redis rights, I dont really mind, they were traded to me fully redistributable,

No problem. That's farily straight forward. Im out at the moment but should be good to clone within 3-4 hours if you're good to go.

Will response or VM you when I get back.
I'm interested in Lure Ball Magikarp. I got 5 IV Rash Natured Deinos in a Net Ball with Egg Moves Dragon Pulse, Earth Power, and Head Smash, Female. I can also breed you a Heavy Ball Skarmory with Egg Moves, for that I'd do spit back for Spitback. Either interest you?
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