V.I.P Showcase Galleria

Update :


Jolly Arena Trap Trapinch
Ot : Anshlun 56916

Bug Bite, Focus Energy, Signal Beam, Earth Power
Bred by me, hatched by Anshlun
Adamant Guts Larvitar
Ot : Allen Aeries 34349

Dragon Dance, Pursuit, Outrage, Stealth Rock
Bred by me, hatched by EmptyxLuck

Im interested in obtaining one of these :)

i can offer any of the following for trade all are flawless 5 iv shiny Kalos born, uncloned and have favorable egg moves and ball just ask for more info
Pinsir F jolly moxie

Phanpy F adamant

zoura M modest

pawniward M/F adamant

pawniward F with nickname Sabre

Lilipup M adamant

Shieldon in regular pokeball named Castile this one is a clone from a joint breeding project

Adamant Guts Larvitar
Ot : Allen Aeries 34349

Dragon Dance, Pursuit, Outrage, Stealth Rock
Bred by me, hatched by EmptyxLuck

Im interested in obtaining one of these :)

i can offer any of the following for trade all are flawless 5 iv shiny Kalos born, uncloned and have favorable egg moves and ball just ask for more info
Pinsir F jolly moxie

Phanpy F adamant

zoura M modest

pawniward M/F adamant

pawniward F with nickname Sabre

Lilipup M adamant

Shieldon in regular pokeball named Castile this one is a clone from a joint breeding project

yeah but mine will be clone :/
thats ok mine wont be a clone, i just ask you use it to battle and not clone or trade, what are you interested in?
i don't even trade stuffs that are not mine anymore :) . Is that pinsir nickname it or no ?
Hi just here to say f u for copying my trapinch ball idea so ya go to hell anyone who wants tys trapinch should go to my thread for one with more relevant egg moves

Oh, and cmt for a female rhyhorn :~;
shiny or breedables ?
breedables preferably :P
don't see anything :/ , get more shinies dude lol
no the pinsir is not nicknameable, if you contact the person who hatched it for me then yeah you can have him name it :/

plus it is a 6 iv one in dive ball feint, quick attack, me first, close combat
:/ probably too lazy to get it nickname it lol, i will take him if that's alright :) .
But i have a question, if you don't clone your pokemon then how do you get more ? Like you are trading not clone pinsir for my larvitar . You just lost your pinsir .
Hi ! In answer to your CMT I would like this :

Quiet Mummy Hp Fighting Yamask
Imprison, Memento, Disable, Nasty Plot

Take all the time you need as I'm pretty busy atm and can't breed a lot :/

EDIT: Btw, is the Safari Ball Ludicolo a Want ? Because I own a Shiny Safari Ball Lotad, have to update my thread.
don't see anything :/ , get more shinies dude lol

:/ probably too lazy to get it nickname it lol, i will take him if that's alright :) .
But i have a question, if you don't clone your pokemon then how do you get more ? Like you are trading not clone pinsir for my larvitar . You just lost your pinsir .
awsome! im online now :)

and when i go shiny hunting via tsv, i like to obtain 6 or more eggs and attempt to get them hatched to increase my odds of getting what i want. as soon as i get my shiny, any extra replies just become trade tools for me. I already have my shiny pinsir named Beetleborg :) But i prefer to not saturate the shiny market with more clones thats why my shinies are non-redis so that the time and effort i put into makeing these pokes get used for battle instead of sitting in the boxes of others. for example every trade shop here has the same HP ice shiny manectric in a quixk ball and it is is just frustrating to see
Hi ! In answer to your CMT I would like this :

Quiet Mummy Hp Fighting Yamask
Imprison, Memento, Disable, Nasty Plot

Take all the time you need as I'm pretty busy atm and can't breed a lot :/

EDIT: Btw, is the Safari Ball Ludicolo a Want ? Because I own a Shiny Safari Ball Lotad, have to update my thread.
oh its attack won't be 12 , my bad editing :) . Do genders matter ? I have 3 males in stock . No it's just my reference :) .
i got a 31/31/31/x/31/31 jolly 4em swift swim fast ball buizel hatched earlier today if you're interested :P
srsly though, i have a whole box full of pokemon I need to get around to sv hatching. i'm also doing a dream ball ducklett right now, so don't freaking steal my idea :I
I might, let me think about it . I do believe my shiny rhyhorn is female, but i need to edit that ( too lazy) . One last thing, pink do not go well with purple

awsome! im online now :)

and when i go shiny hunting via tsv, i like to obtain 6 or more eggs and attempt to get them hatched to increase my odds of getting what i want. as soon as i get my shiny, any extra replies just become trade tools for me. I already have my shiny pinsir named Beetleborg :) But i prefer to not saturate the shiny market with more clones thats why my shinies are non-redis so that the time and effort i put into makeing these pokes get used for battle instead of sitting in the boxes of others. for example every trade shop here has the same HP ice shiny manectric in a quixk ball and it is is just frustrating to see

Lol if you have ask me to trade this larvitar earlier, i had like 6 shinies larvitar hatched . I keep 2 and gave away all to my friends
oh its attack won't be 12 , my bad editing :) . Do genders matter ? I have 3 males in stock . No it's just my reference :) .

I might, let me think about it . I do believe my shiny rhyhorn is female, but i need to edit that ( too lazy) . One last thing, pink do not go well with purple

Lol if you have ask me to trade this larvitar earlier, i had like 6 shinies larvitar hatched . I keep 2 and gave away all to my friends
Yeah it does. Just like Briars Dratini.
TyVip said:
oh its attack won't be 12 , my bad editing :) . Do genders matter ? I have 3 males in stock . No it's just my reference :) .

It's fine, I just want it with HP Fighting and 0 ivs speed. Attack and gender don't matter at all ^^
BriarRose has AWESOME taste in colours.

TyVip on the other hand thinks that Shiny Mismaguis looks nice in a Safari Ball. :/

BTW, do you want Klutz on that Buneary?
BriarRose has AWESOME taste in colours.

TyVip on the other hand thinks that Shiny Mismaguis looks nice in a Safari Ball. :/

BTW, do you want Klutz on that Buneary?
please enlighten me then ;) . 10 bucks say no ball matches misdreavus than a safari ball . I have 900+ ability capsule, let me use it :) .
Update :


Female Modest Chlorophyll Oddish
Ot : Tomita 09566

Absorb, Synthesis, Teeter Dance, Tickle
Original parent Esmeya , bred by me, hatched by Luizatomita


Female Bold Liquid Ooze Tentacool
Ot : Jack 38813

Poison Sting, Haze, Knock Off, Rapid Spin
Bred by me, hatched by EddiesCouch


Female Calm Volt Absorb Chinchou
Ot : Felipe 52127

Brine, Water Pulse, Agility, Soak
Bred by me, hatched by FelipeRossini

Also update for genders​
Last edited:
In response to your CMT for a Garden Scatterbug

Adamant Intimidate Mawhile
Sucker Punch, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang

Female one of those please? =).

Are you wanting an Egg so you can TSV it, or would you rather I trade you a hatched one?
In response to your CMT for a Garden Scatterbug

Adamant Intimidate Mawhile
Sucker Punch, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang

Female one of those please? =).

Are you wanting an Egg so you can TSV it, or would you rather I trade you a hatched one?
an egg please , i have the mawhile in stock :)