Crimz's Trade Thread for Trading Stuff I Guess

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Hey there I have Heavy Ball, Careful Snorlax with Thick Fat and the egg moves: Curse, Whirlwind, Pursuit, and Counter. Obviously perfect females are hard to breed for, but I'd be willing to trade an imperfect female for a Dream Ball, Unnerve, female Houndour if you're interested.
I'm interested in modest Squirtle, could you breed me one?
I have a modest salamence KB 31/xx/31/31/31/31 to offer.
I don't need the slamence, since I have bred my own already. If you don't mind taking a male squirtle, I can probably just give you one. If you want a female, then that might take a while so I'd rather not do that one for free.

Hey there I have Heavy Ball, Careful Snorlax with Thick Fat and the egg moves: Curse, Whirlwind, Pursuit, and Counter. Obviously perfect females are hard to breed for, but I'd be willing to trade an imperfect female for a Dream Ball, Unnerve, female Houndour if you're interested.
Sorry, I meant to remove that from my wants list! I already got a snorlax from somebody. Got anything else in a neat ball? Or something with egg moves? Doesn't need to have flawless IVs if it is something interesting. :)
Oh okay! I actually have a list of cool ball-mon combos, but am I allowed to link google docs in a reply?
I'll take the male ones :) its all good! could you trade it now?
I've only got my parent squirtle now. I have to breed it first. Maybe by tomorrow.
Oh okay! I actually have a list of cool ball-mon combos, but am I allowed to link google docs in a reply?
I'm actually not sure about that, but I have seen others link to documents so I think it's okay.
Actually, turns out that that's against the rules. Can you just copy/paste or list some of the ones that you have?
Something something Elgyem
Something something Elgyem
So I have been breeding elgyem for the past several days, and in about five hours total of hatching eggs, I have only managed to get one 5IV female with analytic...What rotten luck. So I thought I'd ask if either of you would accept a female with the stats 31/x/31/31/31/x? I figured speed doesn't matter much since beheeyem clocks in with an INCREDIBLY WHOPPING base 40 speed. (Sarcasm) Or I could keep going for another flawless female if the speed does matter.
So I have been breeding elgyem for the past several days, and in about five hours total of hatching eggs, I have only managed to get one 5IV female with analytic...What rotten luck. So I thought I'd ask if either of you would accept a female with the stats 31/x/31/31/31/x? I figured speed doesn't matter much since beheeyem clocks in with an INCREDIBLY WHOPPING base 40 speed. (Sarcasm) Or I could keep going for another flawless female if the speed does matter.
I am fine with either this elgyem or a male flawless elgyem. I was going to breed for 0 speed anyway, so it's fine with me. I just like analytic :)
So I have been breeding elgyem for the past several days, and in about five hours total of hatching eggs, I have only managed to get one 5IV female with analytic...What rotten luck. So I thought I'd ask if either of you would accept a female with the stats 31/x/31/31/31/x? I figured speed doesn't matter much since beheeyem clocks in with an INCREDIBLY WHOPPING base 40 speed. (Sarcasm) Or I could keep going for another flawless female if the speed does matter.
I'll be fine w/that considering I can't seem to get 0 speed for your Pineco.
I am fine with either this elgyem or a male flawless elgyem. I was going to breed for 0 speed anyway, so it's fine with me. I just like analytic :)

I'll be fine w/that considering I can't seem to get 0 speed for your Pineco.
Okay then. If I had a zero speed ditto or something, I would try to breed these with zero speed. But as of now, the only pokemon I have with zero speed are tepig and eevee...I needs me a new ditto.
I should be available to trade in an hour or two.
Okay then. If I had a zero speed ditto or something, I would try to breed these with zero speed. But as of now, the only pokemon I have with zero speed are tepig and eevee...I needs me a new ditto.
I should be available to trade in an hour or two.
ok cool. i am free for today actually so just let me know.
Apricon Ball spitbacks (female):
Bold Moon Ball Chinchou with useless egg moves
Timid Dream Ball Goldeen Lightning rod with Hydro Pump+Signal Beam
Jolly Friend Ball Trapinch with Superpower+Feint+Bug Bite
Adamant Heavy Ball Aron with Stealth Rock+Head Smash+Iron Head+Superpower
Naive Friend Ball Absol with Sucker Punch+Play Rough+Baton Pass
Timid Moon Ball Houndour with Sucker Punch+Destiny Bond+Nasty Plot
Timid Moon Ball Misdreavus with Psywave+Sucker Punch+Nasty Plot+Destiny Bond
Timid Dream Ball Ralts Telepathy with Destiny Bond+Encore+Disable+Memento
Jolly Love Ball buneary with Fire Punch+Ice Punch+ThunderPunch+Switcheroo

I'm only interested in your Elekid in Level balland I only agree to 1 to 1 trades. The pokemon that I listed above are redistributable, although I ask for your consent that I also am given the right to redistribute your pokemon.
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Okay, I am able to trade now. (Don't know what the problem with it was, but whatev, it's fixed.)

For recap:
Magis4Life Turtwig for elgyem(dream ball, analytic) And I need your FC
$teele Pineco(dream ball), houndour(levelball) and shellder(lure ball) for elgyem(dream ball, analytic), shinx(moon ball) and mawile(love ball) done!
xXJasmineXx Squirtle for Monopoly money :D
Mad_Rat Did you still want a shinx or corphish? I can just give you one.
Did I miss anyone?

DracoNinja I don't think that heavy ball aron is legal. That's a hacked ball. You didn't mean safari ball by chance, did you?
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Okay, I am able to trade now. (Don't know what the problem with it was, but whatev, it's fixed.)

For recap:
Magis4Life Turtwig for elgyem(dream ball, analytic) And I need your FC
$teele Pineco(dream ball), houndour(levelball) and shellder(lure ball) for elgyem(dream ball, analytic), shinx(moon ball) and mawile(love ball)
xXJasmineXx Squirtle for Monopoly money :D
Mad_Rat Did you still want a shinx or corphish? I can just give you one.
Did I miss anyone?

DracoNinja I don't think that heavy ball aron is legal. That's a hacked ball. You didn't mean safari ball by chance, did you?
Adding you now

EDIT: Thanks!
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