The Eon Shop | closed but ref for cmts

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Sorry, Mr Jebus beat you to it :[
Although I can give you one of my random coompetitive redis shinies I have lying around and don't trade anymore. Wanna play shiny roulette? Hehe

On that note, thanks Jebus! Although I'm rather disappointed manectric was level 51... jk.
what is a shiny roulette?:) And I am down for it, what should I do?
And are you interested in shiny furfrou by any chance?
what is a shiny roulette?:) And I am down for it, what should I do?
And are you interested in shiny furfrou by any chance?
Just add me, and I'll find some random redis shiny in my boxes to give you :P I won't tell you what it is though, surprise is the best part :D

(The shinies are competitive of course) GO AWAY TREV :I
Just add me, and I'll find some random redis shiny in my boxes to give you :P I won't tell you what it is though, surprise is the best part :D

Jebus you can play too if you'd like, being the other person active on my thread atm. No other people though :I
Okay bro, adding you now:)
I have one of those sorry.
Nah, it's okay:)
How about these:
5iv Adamant Grennja
5iv Jolly Gourgeist-Small (egg move Destiny Bond)
5iv Impish Furfrou
5iv Jolly Dugtrio
5iv Adamant Cloyster (Skill Link with egg moves)
5iv Adamant Electivire (with egg moves)
5iv Jolly Speed Boost Scolipede
5iv Toxic Boost Zangoose (egg move Night Slash)
5iv Jolly Medicham (with egg moves)
Quiet 5iv Argislash with HP Ice
6iv Love Ball Modest Ampharos
Nah, it's okay:)
How about these:
5iv Adamant Grennja
5iv Jolly Gourgeist-Small (egg move Destiny Bond)
5iv Impish Furfrou
5iv Jolly Dugtrio
5iv Adamant Cloyster (Skill Link with egg moves)
5iv Adamant Electivire (with egg moves)
5iv Jolly Speed Boost Scolipede
5iv Toxic Boost Zangoose (egg move Night Slash)
5iv Jolly Medicham (with egg moves)
Quiet 5iv Argislash with HP Ice
6iv Love Ball Modest Ampharos
Would I be right to assume all that the ball isn't mentioned are in regular ones?
Hmm. Would it be OK to ask a breeding project for you then?
I'm in need of a 31/31/31/x/31/31 Impish (Or jolly, whichever is easier for you) Nest ball Super Luck Female Pidove with Wish and Morning Sun. Is that alright? It doesn't have to be shiny of course, and I'll trade you my treecko when you've got it ready :)
yeah, it's all right:) I'll pm you when I am done with it


Nature: Jolly | Gender: Male | Ability: Swift Swim
OT: Carolina | ID: 64104
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: UT (Lv. 1)
Current Moves: Sonic Boom | Aqua Tail | Baton Pass | Switcheroo

Carvahna (to all the people who have already done this like evan0913 and TyVip I just wanna say it was my idea originally... not)

Nature: Adamant | Gender: Male | Ability: Speed Boost
OT: Tris | ID: 50372

IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: UT (Lv. 1)
Current Moves: Brine | Thrash | Hydro Pump | Destiny Bond



Nature: Timid | Gender: Male | Ability: Shell Armour
OT: Charlotte | ID: 15743
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
EVs: UT (Lv. 1)
Current Moves: Clamp | Water Gun | Whirlpool | Iron Defense


Also, I am not going to be doing breeding requests for a while, as I am fucking tired of the RNG trolling me.
May I request a poke?
So... you're essentially asking for me to give you the stuff free? I don't get what you're talking about, and I am not interested in what you're offering. Sorry.
No I think you mis understood me I'm offering
6iv froakie timid~protean
6iv shiny charizard jolly~blaze
6iv shiny charmander modest~blaze
6iv riolu adamant~justified with egg moves ele. punches
5iv Dragonite adamant~multiscale fire and thunder punch bred
5iv Reshiram modest~turboblaze
5iv Mawile adamant ~intimidate elemental fangs egg moves
5iv celebei timid~natural cure
No I think you mis understood me I'm offering
6iv froakie timid~protean
6iv shiny charizard jolly~blaze
6iv shiny charmander modest~blaze
6iv riolu adamant~justified with egg moves ele. punches
5iv Dragonite adamant~multiscale fire and thunder punch bred
5iv Reshiram modest~turboblaze
5iv Mawile adamant ~intimidate elemental fangs egg moves
5iv celebei timid~natural cure
I have several more to add huge list of water types but I'm on smogon on my phone and talking to my girlfriend and in the battle maison sorry if I may a bit in attentive
Everything in this section has been RNG abused. Until now, I didn't really offer stuff I abused myself, but as of now I'm going to be RNGing a lot more (mostly bored of kalos breeding >_<) and these will be listed. I'll fill in my OT/IDs later. I only list stuff from someone else if I received it directly from said user.

DaemonWhite 's Mew

Timid | FAL2010 | 10160 | Synchronize | Lv. 5
31/31/31/31/31/31 | Untouched | Ungendered
Thief | Stealth Rock | Earth Power | Heat Wave

TheMourningKing 's Kyogre

Modest | Hank | 01912 | Drizzle | Lv. 50
31/x/31/31/31/31 | Untouched | Ungendered
Aqua Ring | Ice Beam | Ancient Power | Water Spout

TheMourningKing 's Latias

Timid | Henry | 35295 | Levitate | Lv. 51
31/x/31/31/31/31 | 252 SpA / 252 Spd / 6HP | Female
Surf | Water Sport | Defog | Mist Ball

Imma Fly 's Jirachi

Careful | SMR2010 | 06260 | Serene Grace | Lv. 100
31/31/31/31/31/31 | 252HP / 252 SpD / 6 Atk
Thunder Wave | Stealth Rock | Iron Head | Wish

Imma Fly 's Giratina

Impish | SUM2013 | 09303 | Pressure | Lv. 100
31/31/31/31/31/31 | 252HP / 252 Def / 6 SpD | Ungendered
Will-O-Wisp | Dragon Tail | Shadow Sneak | Stone Edge

Widdly_Scuds 's Landorus

Impish | Trogdor | 02272 | Intimidate (Sheer Force) | Lv. 41
31/31/31/x/31/31 | 252 Swf 252HP 6SpD | Male
Stealth Rock | Knock Off | Earthquake | U-turn

Widdly_Scuds 's Thundurus

Timid | Trogdor | 02272 | Volt Absorb (Defiant) | Lv. 41
31/x/30/31/31/31 - HP Ice | 252 SpA 252 Spd 6HP | Ungendered
Thunderbolt | Hidden Power | Focus Blast | Nasty Plot


Gonzo206 's Meloetta

Naive | SPR2013 | 03013 | Serene Grace | Lv. 50
31/31/31/31/31/31 | Untouched | Ungendered
Round | Teeter Dance | Close Combat | Psychic
would very much like the landorus with knock off
I'm interested in a Female Elekid…. 5 IV or Spitback for SPitback, either works for me. THis is what I have:


Magikarp | Swift Swim
Adamant | 31/31/31/xx/31/31
No Egg Moves
I haven't actually bred this yet, but it shouldn't take too long of a time to breed this thing. You may not have them listed or I could have COMPLETELY missed them, but I can get one for you. My other offer is:


Mawile | Intimidate
Adamant | 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Fire Fang | Thunder Fang | Ice Fang | Sucker Punch
This is something that I do have ready to go, but I did see that you had a dream ball Mawile already so if you don't want this I understand. But hey, when did Diversity kill anyone? ;)
Heyo lockie,

I would like to get a female spitback of your tirtouga, in return I could offer you a dream ball shuppet (info below), dream ball gastly (info below) or a fast ball shroomish (info below). If those don't interesst you I could also trade bp-items for it or do ev-training for you.

Info: Shuppet (31,31,31,x,31,31/0)
egg moves: Gunk Shot, Phantom Force, Disable, Destiny Bond

Gastly (31,x,31,31,31,31)
nature: timid
egg moves: Haze, Perish Song, Disable, Clear Smog

Shroomish (31,31,31,x,31,31)
nature: adamant, jolly, careful
egg moves: Worry Seed, Charm, Drain Punch, Focus Punch

I hope you can find anything that interests you. :D

edit: misstakenly swaped your name with evan xD
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Heyo evan,

I would like to get a female spitback of your tirtouga, in return I could offer you a dream ball shuppet (info below), dream ball gastly (info below) or a fast ball shroomish (info below). If those don't interesst you I could also trade bp-items for it or do ev-training for you.

Info: Shuppet (31,31,31,x,31,31/0)
egg moves: Gunk Shot, Phantom Force, Disable, Destiny Bond

Gastly (31,x,31,31,31,31)
nature: timid
egg moves: Haze, Perish Song, Disable, Clear Smog

Shroomish (31,31,31,x,31,31)
nature: adamant, jolly, careful
egg moves: Worry Seed, Charm, Drain Punch, Focus Punch

I hope you can find anything that interests you. :D
Evan?You mean Lockie,rights?
Hi there, would you be interested in an HP Ice naive Landorus for this bad boy? :
Timid | Sunny3oy | 46460 | Fairy Aura | Lv. 100
31/x/31/31/31/31 | 252HP / 252 SpA
/ 6 Spd | Ungendered
Moonblast | Thunderbolt | Focus Blast | Geomancy
also I am quite the Latias fan myself. He is very fluffy in my opinion :3
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