The Eon Shop | closed but ref for cmts

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Hi! Interested in Poison Heal Shroomish with egg moves. Can you make it Adamant? Will prefer it Adamant.
You can choose any Pokemon from my thread, ready to breed you what you need.
Are any of your pokemon in special balls?
Are any of your pokemon in special balls?






Perfect :) It has all the 4EMs it can have too.

Can I get this:
Jolly | Rough Skin | Female
31/31/31/x/31/31 | Outrage, Iron Head

Since it takes quite a lot of steps to hatch it, will attach a PP Max to the Dedenne as compensation.
Awesome! You don't have to attach a PP Max though, Dedenne does have HP Ice xD
It might take a while to get ready though, as I am quite busy atm :/
Going away for the weekend and will have no DS Wifi, sorry to all pending trades. They shall be conducted upon my return :D
Responding to your CMT for female modest 31/x/31/31/31/31 female dream ball chlorophyll seedot with Defog, Foul Play, Nasty Plot and Leech Seed.

I'm interested in breedable dream ball HA gible and nidoran-f. This'll take me a bit of time to breed, since I'm starting from scratch (thank goodness for smeargle, though, lol). The optimal IV spread will definitely be the hardest; I'll let you know when I get further down the breeding process.
Responding to your CMT for female modest 31/x/31/31/31/31 female dream ball chlorophyll seedot with Defog, Foul Play, Nasty Plot and Leech Seed.

I'm interested in breedable dream ball HA gible and nidoran-f. This'll take me a bit of time to breed, since I'm starting from scratch (thank goodness for smeargle, though, lol). The optimal IV spread will definitely be the hardest; I'll let you know when I get further down the breeding process.
Hm, anything else? I'd really rather not breed Gibles due to the insane hatching time. If you need a 6IV Ditto to help your breeding along or something, I can get it to you.
Hm, anything else? I'd really rather not breed Gibles due to the insane hatching time. If you need a 6IV Ditto to help your breeding along or something, I can get it to you.

Just double checked on seedot, didn't realize that chlorophyll is NOT the HA. That'll drastically reduce the breeding time. Considering this, I can get you the optimal spread definitely by the end of the weekend (maybe tomorrow evening if I get some time to breed tomorrow morning).

I'm more interested in the gible than getting 2 pokemon. Would you be interested in a 1:1 trade for the gible?

If not, I'd be willing to trade for carvahna and murkrow, female, dream ball, HA. (I noticed that the nidoran didn't have hustle/sheer force).
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Just double checked on seedot, didn't realize that chlorophyll is NOT the HA. That'll drastically reduce the breeding time. Considering this, I can get you the optimal spread definitely by the end of the weekend (maybe tomorrow evening if I get some time to breed tomorrow morning).

I'm more interested in the gible than getting 2 pokemon. Would you be interested in a 1:1 trade for the gible?

If not, I'd be willing to trade for carvahna and murkrow, female, dream ball, HA. (I noticed that the nidoran didn't have hustle/sheer force).
Gible would be OK then. I'll give you a shout when she's ready :)
Alright, I finished EV training your mons (also ran into a shiny bellsprout while doing so :D), I'll be online for the next 30-40 mins, and then again later tonight
Hey there! I can ev train your 6 pokemon for a shiny if you still need EV trainer
Sorry, Mr Jebus beat you to it :[
Although I can give you one of my random coompetitive redis shinies I have lying around and don't trade anymore. Wanna play shiny roulette? Hehe

On that note, thanks Jebus! Although I'm rather disappointed manectric was level 51... jk.
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