What Are Your Bad Habits?

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due to siblings i reflexively flinch and close my eyes if someone raises their arm while talking to me
happens when they try to wave or point at something
putting stuff in my mouth when i'm focused on something or daydreaming, unconsciously. it goes from pieces of papers, plastic, pens, pen caps, random stuff. i also try to wring or shattering it in little pieces. when i realise i'm like wow why am i doing this zzz. probably anxiety
1. Using Zoroark.

2. Overusing hand sanitizer.

3. Taking too many showers.

4. I keep going back to MapleStory.

5. Forgetting to bring water to the gym.

6. Laughing at my own jokes (even though they're terrible)
When I play videogames and have an important match (close advancing to desired rank / elo or whatever), I start drinking gallons of water and I lose the game because I have to pee in the middle of match
I have this terrible habit of thinking certain animals are actually other animals. Like, I'll see a bear for instance, and I'll think its a dog and I'll go try to pet it. I'm banned from the zoo.
Right now I'm having a very bad sleeping habit.

I've been starting to sleep at 4am and wake up at 2pm.

Not good for the circadian cycle.
Right now I'm having a very bad sleeping habit.

I've been starting to sleep at 4am and wake up at 2pm.

Not good for the circadian cycle.
Do you normally sleep 10 hours long, or is it just a result of the situation that allows you to wake up in the afternoon?

I do (on non-school days), and it completely messes up my sleep cycle, since I typically stay awake longer than 14 hours a day, which results in >24-hour sleep-wake cycles.

Here are my bad habits (all of these are nervous habits):
  • Chewing things. Especially plastic. ESPECIALLY bottlecaps, to the point people around me just confiscate them from me when I buy bottles so I can't chew them. Like I'm super orally fixated and for awhile I was buying chewing gum for this purpose but they discontinued my favourite flavour so I just reverted to chewing plastic...
  • Clenching/grinding my teeth from stress. It's so bad I have to get a (rather expensive) dental splint (when I can afford so much... zzz) to train me out of the habit, because I get jaw/facial pain from it constantly. T_T
  • Tying knots in things, especially my hair.
  • Undoing my hair randomly and consequently losing all my hair ties.
  • Talking into a pillow instead of directly into the microphone when I'm on Skype or the phone.
On the bright side, I used to have a really bad habit of falling asleep with my glasses on (this still happens 'cause sometimes I fall asleep at the table/computer/wherever, but not when I go to bed anymore! Now I don't break or lose my glasses :D It took awhile of training, but I put them away before I go to sleep now.
Do you normally sleep 10 hours long, or is it just a result of the situation that allows you to wake up in the afternoon?

I do (on non-school days), and it completely messes up my sleep cycle, since I typically stay awake longer than 14 hours a day, which results in >24-hour sleep-wake cycles.

Here are my bad habits (all of these are nervous habits):
  • Chewing things. Especially plastic. ESPECIALLY bottlecaps, to the point people around me just confiscate them from me when I buy bottles so I can't chew them. Like I'm super orally fixated and for awhile I was buying chewing gum for this purpose but they discontinued my favourite flavour so I just reverted to chewing plastic...
  • Clenching/grinding my teeth from stress. It's so bad I have to get a (rather expensive) dental splint (when I can afford so much... zzz) to train me out of the habit, because I get jaw/facial pain from it constantly. T_T
  • Tying knots in things, especially my hair.
  • Undoing my hair randomly and consequently losing all my hair ties.
  • Talking into a pillow instead of directly into the microphone when I'm on Skype or the phone.
On the bright side, I used to have a really bad habit of falling asleep with my glasses on (this still happens 'cause sometimes I fall asleep at the table/computer/wherever, but not when I go to bed anymore! Now I don't break or lose my glasses :D It took awhile of training, but I put them away before I go to sleep now.
It depends how long it takes for me to fall asleep, which greatly depends on humidity for some reason.
Once I'm really asleep, I usually wake up 6~8 hours after that.
Right now I'm having a very bad sleeping habit.

I've been starting to sleep at 4am and wake up at 2pm.

Not good for the circadian cycle.

Holy shit, that's EXACTLY what I'm doing now. O_O It's 3:30 and I've been sleeping anywhere til 10-2! I'm giving my self a bed time from now on, I'm ALWAYS tired. :/
I pick at the skin of my lower lip. I have no idea when I developed this habit, but I have. What always ends up happening is that I manage to make my lips bleed, but there is still skin on them, so I keep trying to get at that bit of skin while also making my fingers look all bloody from trying to get at said piece of skin.

I guess also biting the nails on my toes qualifies as a bad habit?
I pick at the skin of my lower lip. I have no idea when I developed this habit, but I have. What always ends up happening is that I manage to make my lips bleed, but there is still skin on them, so I keep trying to get at that bit of skin while also making my fingers look all bloody from trying to get at said piece of skin.

I guess also biting the nails on my toes qualifies as a bad habit?

I'm somewhat similar, but with the skin around my fingernails. I see a bit of skin peeling off, so I take the whole thing off, which makes it look worse. My thumbs are the worst by far, pretty much every other finger has skin off as well. It's weird, but it's just subconscious at this point, like I'll notice I do it when driving and have nothing to do with my hands, and try to stop, but do it again an hour later.

I also eat the little bits of skin, still not sure why. I really need to stop it somehow, it gets awkward whenever someone asks me what happened to my fingers...
I get really bored sometimes, so I'll purposely hide my dogs toys so he freaks out. It's sadistically fun watching him panic when he can't find his favorite toys. I also sometimes put him in my bras and watch him struggle to get out of them.
I get really bored sometimes, so I'll purposely hide my dogs toys so he freaks out. It's sadistically fun watching him panic when he can't find his favorite toys. I also sometimes put him in my bras and watch him struggle to get out of them.
When you're bored, please do something other than cause suffering to a poor innocent dog who just wants his toys (and don't try to make him struggle to get out of bras, that's really not okay). There's lots of things you can do, play Pokemon, fap, just... this shouldn't even be a bad habit it's just cruel :/

Also @ picking skin off lips I do that too :C
When you're bored, please do something other than cause suffering to a poor innocent dog who just wants his toys (and don't try to make him struggle to get out of bras, that's really not okay). There's lots of things you can do, play Pokemon, fap, just... this shouldn't even be a bad habit it's just cruel :/

Also @ picking skin off lips I do that too :C
"Cause Suffering" Because he's totally suffering. I'm 100% sure he's not suffering at all. He struggles to get out of my bras, but he enjoys the struggle. He has fun doing it. And him finding his toys is somewhat of a hide and seek thing. It's a bad habit because He'll sometimes chew up bras or rip them trying to get them off.
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i've bitten my nails as long as i can remember, to the point that the skin around them constantly looked shredded. even when i manage to go without biting them, i compulsively 'clean' under them by scraping under them with my teeth, which inevitably causes them to break or at least flake. somehow, that makes it okay for me to 'just chew this one down so it doesn't tear and hurt' and then i end up back at square one. i've even tried putting clear polish on them, and it ends the same way.

i also grit my teeth so hard i actually cracked one this past year. $200 visit to the dentist for that one.

doesn't help that i also chew on everything. i literally buy bags of plastic plackers just to chew on because gum just doesn't cut it. it has to be hard.
Anyone else just bite their shirt collar for no reason when they are bored/tired/focused? I do it all the time and even though I think about it I always catch myself doing it. I've ruined more than 1 shirt like this haha.

yes aha i read your post and it hit me that i was biting on the collar of my shirt without even realising it. i bite the edge of my blanket as well
I trim my nails with my teeth instead of using clippers like a normal person. I haven't used clippers on my fingers in years...don't even remember the last time I used clippers on my nails. I've never bit my nails until they bled, though. I also spend an unhealthy amount of time Facebook-stalking people. Actually, not just on Facebook, pretty much on any site where members have profiles. I will end up spending a few hours a day just going through people's posts, photos and friends' lists for no good reason other than curiosity. The most worrying thing about it is that I never feel slightly weirded out by what I do.
- Biting Nails
- Being Stubborn
- Not finishing half of whats on my plate in dinner
- Lying to parents
- Procrastination
- Not even studying for any exam or test
- Drinking

Yea. Those are to name a few. I have a lot more that I can name but that would take up like 50% of this damn page which I don't want to do.
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I have a horrid list of bad habits.

- I tend to cuss a shit ton.
- I play pokemon a lot.
- I get horribly pissed when I lose.
- I try to hard to be the best there ever was. (and should probably give up by now).
- I have been looking for a job for so long that I'm almost ready to give up. #ThanksObama
- I don't really give a shit about what happens on the internet.

This is just a few examples to a huge list of shit I should probably stop doing. Or even attempt to change.
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