Metagame Gen VI NU New/Creative/Underrated Movesets

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On top of that nigga wtf are you pursuit trapping which retard is like lol lemme randomly switch on this +2 zangoose.

Toxic Orb is the optimal item on Zangoose because of the sheer power behind it, and SD Variants really should only be running SD / Facade / Quick Attack / Knock Off

Lol SD + Pursuit clearly a genius I bet it goes well on a team with Spikes + Sticky Web + Defog + Rapid Spin.


Aurorus @ Life Orb
Ability: Refrigerate
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Rock Polish
- Echoed Voice
- Ancient Power
- Hidden Power [Fire] / Thunderbolt
Aurorus, to put it bluntly, isn't really that good. However, I present to you a very fun set I've been enjoying greatly! Rock Polish bolsters Aurorus' Speed to threatening levels, outspeeding Accelgor by one point. Of course this can be changed to outspeed certain threats and retain bulk, but I prefer Max Speed because it outspeeds everything below uninvested base 88 Pokemon before a Rock Polish, which can come in handy. Echoed Voice is a gimmicky move, but on Aurorus it sees use because it is 52 power thanks to Refrigerate. It's the same power as most priority, so keep that in mind before thinking it's weak. After one Echoed Voice (then using it again), it hits 104 base power after Refrigerate (same as Nature Power), making it a powerful STAB move. And after this, it just keeps getting stronger and stronger. The max power is 260 (Refrigerate), but you'll often not get this far. But, this is the main issue, it requires being used consecutively to be of use, which can be difficult at times. But, if pulled off, it is a snowball effect that not even resists want to stomach. Ancient Power is a secondary STAB move and has a nifty side effect that can be really helpful! Hidden Power [Fire] hits Steel-types, while Thunderbolt hits Water-types. Both are useful, but I prefer Thunderbolt for the most part. However, this set has a lot of flaws too. It can be outspeed by most Choice Scarf users and it has issues setting up. Its bulk is still horrible and it can't stomach much priority, which is a real bummer. Overall, though, Aurorus is a really fun and cool Pokemon that I think people should try out!

Cool set but at the end of the day, I would forgoe Refrigirate if it means being able to run Ice Beam, which is a far stronger and more reliable STAB in the long run. You could also run Snow Warning + Blizzard right or is snow warning banned.
On top of that nigga wtf are you pursuit trapping which retard is like lol lemme randomly switch on this +2 zangoose.

Toxic Orb is the optimal item on Zangoose because of the sheer power behind it, and SD Variants really should only be running SD / Facade / Quick Attack / Knock Off

Lol SD + Pursuit clearly a genius I bet it goes well on a team with Spikes + Sticky Web + Defog + Rapid Spin.

Cool set but at the end of the day, I would forgoe Refrigirate if it means being able to run Ice Beam, which is a far stronger and more reliable STAB in the long run. You could also run Snow Warning + Blizzard right or is snow warning banned.

Snow Warning isn't even released ;__;7
ca CAW (Archeops)
Ability: Defeatist
EVs: 252 Atk / 52 Def / 204 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Roost
- Taunt
- Acrobatics
- Knock Off

dont know how original this is, but this is a pretty effective stallbreaker. i wanted to use aerial ace / lefties but the damage is way too low. Adamant gets a few surprise kills one wouldn't expect. you get a 60% chance to 2hko max max seismitoed after a layer of spike. pretty decent answer to shiftry with no item, def evs and roost / sucker mind games.

you do about 4.5% more damage with adamant vs jolly on defensive mons and 7+% to most pokemon that don't run defensive investment.

still outspeed base 90s.

pairs well with special fire types as thickfat or fat mons [licky/miltank/hari] need investment to take specs fire hits and if they're special defensive they get hit by 70sh by acrobatics
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Aurorus @ Life Orb
Ability: Refrigerate
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Rock Polish
- Echoed Voice
- Ancient Power
- Hidden Power [Fire] / Thunderbolt
Aurorus, to put it bluntly, isn't really that good. However, I present to you a very fun set I've been enjoying greatly! Rock Polish bolsters Aurorus' Speed to threatening levels, outspeeding Accelgor by one point. Of course this can be changed to outspeed certain threats and retain bulk, but I prefer Max Speed because it outspeeds everything below uninvested base 88 Pokemon before a Rock Polish, which can come in handy. Echoed Voice is a gimmicky move, but on Aurorus it sees use because it is 52 power thanks to Refrigerate. It's the same power as most priority, so keep that in mind before thinking it's weak. After one Echoed Voice (then using it again), it hits 104 base power after Refrigerate (same as Nature Power), making it a powerful STAB move. And after this, it just keeps getting stronger and stronger. The max power is 260 (Refrigerate), but you'll often not get this far. But, this is the main issue, it requires being used consecutively to be of use, which can be difficult at times. But, if pulled off, it is a snowball effect that not even resists want to stomach. Ancient Power is a secondary STAB move and has a nifty side effect that can be really helpful! Hidden Power [Fire] hits Steel-types, while Thunderbolt hits Water-types. Both are useful, but I prefer Thunderbolt for the most part. However, this set has a lot of flaws too. It can be outspeed by most Choice Scarf users and it has issues setting up. Its bulk is still horrible and it can't stomach much priority, which is a real bummer. Overall, though, Aurorus is a really fun and cool Pokemon that I think people should try out!

Well I think HP Ground is better coverage over all since the huge list of Steel types on NU is:
  • Bastiodon (4x weak to ground)
  • Klinklang (2x weak to ground)
  • Probopass (4x weak to ground)
  • Wormatrash Wormadam-trash (neutral damage)
  • Steelix (2x weak to ground)
  • Metang (2x weak to ground)
  • Ferroseed (neutral damage BUT your STAB does more)
(Not to mention that you have STAB Ancient Power to hit opposing Ice types making HP Fire a bit redundant.)

Also I'm not really a fan of Echoed Voice in this particular situation, you have to set up a Rock Polish and an Echoed Voice in order to be useful and your opponent can take advantage of that because Aurorus doesn't have the best defensive typing, that's why I think Nature Power is a much better STAB allowing you to avoid Sucker Punches that are in your way.
You could even run Freeze-Dry to get rid off the Water types but the lack of power would be pretty noticeable by this point.
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Well I think HP Ground is better coverage over all since the huge list of steel types on NU is:
  • Bastiodon (4x weak to ground)
  • Klinklang (2x weak to ground)
  • Probopass (4x weak to ground)
  • Wormatrash Wormadam-trash (neutral damage)
  • Steelix (2x weak to ground)
  • Metang (2x weak to ground)
  • Ferroseed (neutral damage BUT your STAB does more)
Also I'm not really a fan of echoed voice in this particular situation, you have to set up a rock polish and an echoed voice in order to be useful and your opponent can take advantage of that because Aurorus doesn't have the best defensive typing, that's why I think Nature Power is a much better STAB allowing you to avoid Sucker Punches that are in your way.

Honestly, all the more I test this, the less times I actually set up Rock Polish. As surprising as it seems, Aurorus is actually not //completely// slow when invested, still slow, but not deadweight.
Mr. Mime @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Timid Nature
- Charge Beam
- Icy Wind
- Psychic
- Magical Leaf

just a neat technician set on mr mime, i was looking through pokemon to use for a special sweeper/attacker and noticed there isnt really many good ones in NU, atleast ones i enjoy running, it gets boltbeam coverage (kinda) and even if it doesnt KO with something like icy wind, it will slow the opponent and let something comein and get off a big hit for free. havent seen this before so thought i would share

hidden power is now base 60 so if you're running technician that's a free 90bp coverage move. i would go charge beam/magical leaf/psyshock/HP fire or ground
With the new focus energy mechanics, we've seen the infamous Critdra set. well, since Seadra also shares the same defense, special attack, and speed stat as kingdra, it can do the same thing its big brother does only slightly less powerful as it doesnt get the coveted stab draco meteor. it is also a mono water type which imo hurts it both offensively and defensively due to grass and electric weaknesses.


Seadra @ scope lens
Ability: Sniper
Timid/Modest 252Sp.Atk/252Spd/4Hp
-Focus energy
-Hydro pump/Surf
-Ice Beam
-Agility/Dragon pulse

After 1 focus energy, surf can 2 hit ko full special bulky things like audino and dusknoir. and since its defense stat is decent, it can eat a life orb sucker punch from shiftry and ohko it.

Dragon pulse is so you don't get walled by water types (best thing is to rid of them before a sweep)

i prefer agility due to faster grass,fire,and flying types mainly Archeops.

if your opponent has said types on his team, boost with agility and you can still ohko Rapidash, Swellow, archeops, dodrio, scarfed magmortar, liligant, and Scarfed typhlosion without a focus energy. if theres nothing faster that threatens you, boost with focus energy.
hidden power is now base 60 so if you're running technician that's a free 90bp coverage move. i would go charge beam/magical leaf/psyshock/HP fire or ground
I don't know why people keep losing their minds over 60 BP Tech-boosted Hidden Power now when it could already be done last Generation, and no one gave a shit about that >.>

One thing that always bothered me about special Aurorus is the relatively low BP of its attacks. Ancientpower and Hidden Power as coverage? Your Refrigerated attack only has 80 power as a base? I mean special Aurorus gets coverage against Waters with Freeze Dry, but it is too weak to be actually used as the main STAB move and one would still be inclined to carry Thunderbolt anyway for the sake of neutral coverage, increasing the redundancy.


Aurorus @ Life Orb
Ability: Refrigerate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Rock Polish
- Return
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

Physical Aurorus is a lot more straightforward. No need for fancy coverage moves with low BP; just blast through opponents with 100 BP attacks, STAB or not. Refrigerate Return is also stronger than Refrigerate Nature Power, and hits speedy targets such as Mismagius and Accelgor so much harder. Stone Edge is obviously much stronger than Ancientpower, and can actually OHKO shit like Typhlosion and Pyroar while Ancientpower doesn't come close. Earthquake is better against Probopass and Lanturn than HP Ground and Freeze Dry respectively, not to mention it covers them both in one move. Physical Aurorus is cool, y'all.
I don't know why people keep losing their minds over 60 BP Tech-boosted Hidden Power now when it could already be done last Generation, and no one gave a shit about that >.>

One thing that always bothered me about special Aurorus is the relatively low BP of its attacks. Ancientpower and Hidden Power as coverage? Your Refrigerated attack only has 80 power as a base? I mean special Aurorus gets coverage against Waters with Freeze Dry, but it is too weak to be actually used as the main STAB move and one would still be inclined to carry Thunderbolt anyway for the sake of neutral coverage, increasing the redundancy.


Aurorus @ Life Orb
Ability: Refrigerate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Rock Polish
- Return
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

Physical Aurorus is a lot more straightforward. No need for fancy coverage moves with low BP; just blast through opponents with 100 BP attacks, STAB or not. Refrigerate Return is also stronger than Refrigerate Nature Power, and hits speedy targets such as Mismagius and Accelgor so much harder. Stone Edge is obviously much stronger than Ancientpower, and can actually OHKO shit like Typhlosion and Pyroar while Ancientpower doesn't come close. Earthquake is better against Probopass and Lanturn than HP Ground and Freeze Dry respectively, not to mention it covers them both in one move. Physical Aurorus is cool, y'all.

Just echoing what Punch said.

I started off this gen using a specs aurorus, then moved to a scarf one, then moved to a Special RP one, and eventually gave up on it entirely cause I concluded the mon itself was complete and utter garbage.. Then a few weeks ago I decided to go back and throw on a physical set for shits and kicks, and it worked out much better than I imagined.

Basically take standard Special RP Aurorus, give it a noticeably more powerful Ice-stab to work with, a Rock-stab that can actually hurt things, and throw on one of the best coverage moves in the game? Sounds like a sweet deal. I also have to give a shout-out to a kind of mixed set with Freeze-Dry in the 4th slot over Rock Polish, as otherwise you're hard-walled by Seismitoad. Another potential benefit of running physical over special is it might have some sort of surprise factor to it, as most people assume this thing is purely a special attacker. Either way, just make sure all you youngins' out there run Frustration over Return. Nothing scarier than a pissed-off Dinosaur (also, fuck ditto).

With the new focus energy mechanics, we've seen the infamous Critdra set. well, since Seadra also shares the same defense, special attack, and speed stat as kingdra, it can do the same thing its big brother does only slightly less powerful as it doesnt get the coveted stab draco meteor. it is also a mono water type which imo hurts it both offensively and defensively due to grass and electric weaknesses.
Seadra @ scope lens
Ability: Sniper
Timid/Modest 252Sp.Atk/252Spd/4Hp
-Focus energy
-Hydro pump/Surf
-Ice Beam
-Agility/Dragon pulse

After 1 focus energy, surf can 2 hit ko full special bulky things like audino and dusknoir. and since its defense stat is decent, it can eat a life orb sucker punch from shiftry and ohko it.

Dragon pulse is so you don't get walled by water types (best thing is to rid of them before a sweep)

i prefer agility due to faster grass,fire,and flying types mainly Archeops.

if your opponent has said types on his team, boost with agility and you can still ohko Rapidash, Swellow, archeops, dodrio, scarfed magmortar, liligant, and Scarfed typhlosion without a focus energy. if theres nothing faster that threatens you, boost with focus energy.
You're gonna have a hard time setting up both focus energy and agility with the bulk seadra has, especially if you're going univested. The thing that makes kingdra viable is that it has a better typing to begin with, giving him acces to dual stabs which seadra obviously doesn't have. Also as you mentioned before yourself dragon pulse is there for water types (don't see why you're not using hp grass but whatever) if you're not going for the speed boost this however means you're gonna get revenge killed pretty easely since seadra only sits at a base 85 speed stat. If you really want a seadra set, the only viable seadra (imo) is a bulky water set with resttalk.
Did you not read my post? most of What you pointed out i already mentioned. And kingdra is not nu. No hp grass because it is shit damage unless it hits 4x. Redundant against rock/water types if u use surf. You play the set like doubledance. Choose the boost that suits the situation
Super effective HP grass still hits harder than a neutral dragon pulse, so the only thing HP grass hit weaker is Qwilfish and Ludicolo, not to mention without it Seismitoad is going to give you problems.

Further, it only have a small chance of beating audino with protect and despite you calling it bulky it misses out on so many ohko's it needs that it needs to not get revenged. Not to mention if you boost speed it's so weak offensively some of the things you said died (lilligant mainly) survives and ko's back.

Lastly, if you want a water sweeper even golduck outclasses this after rain dance. It gets the same boost, same speed but better coverage with just one turn of set up compared to two, which is much easier to do.
With the new focus energy mechanics, we've seen the infamous Critdra set. well, since Seadra also shares the same defense, special attack, and speed stat as kingdra, it can do the same thing its big brother does only slightly less powerful as it doesnt get the coveted stab draco meteor. it is also a mono water type which imo hurts it both offensively and defensively due to grass and electric weaknesses.
Seadra @ scope lens
Ability: Sniper
Timid/Modest 252Sp.Atk/252Spd/4Hp
-Focus energy
-Hydro pump/Surf
-Ice Beam
-Agility/Dragon pulse

After 1 focus energy, surf can 2 hit ko full special bulky things like audino and dusknoir. and since its defense stat is decent, it can eat a life orb sucker punch from shiftry and ohko it.

Dragon pulse is so you don't get walled by water types (best thing is to rid of them before a sweep)

i prefer agility due to faster grass,fire,and flying types mainly Archeops.

if your opponent has said types on his team, boost with agility and you can still ohko Rapidash, Swellow, archeops, dodrio, scarfed magmortar, liligant, and Scarfed typhlosion without a focus energy. if theres nothing faster that threatens you, boost with focus energy.

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hidden power is now base 60 so if you're running technician that's a free 90bp coverage move. i would go charge beam/magical leaf/psyshock/HP fire or ground
Mr. Mime is one of the few pokémon that has access to a reliable Fairy / Ground type coverage. This type coverage is only resisted by: Charizard, Mega Charizard Y, Zubat, Golbat, Moltres, Crobat, Skarmory, Ho-oh, Fletchinder, Talonflame. While Shedinja has an immunity to it. With that knowledge, I'll try to explain why I use another moveset.

Mr. Mime @ Life Orb / Expert Belt
Ability: Soundproof
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Dazzling Gleam
- Hidden Power [Ground]
- Psyshock
- Shadow Ball

The first move on the set I use is Dazzling Gleam. This will be your main Fairy type STAB move, which is base 80 power(120 after STAB). This will hit many types for neutral damage, with 3 exceptions. Being Poison, Fire and Steel.And for those 3 types, you have Hidden Power Ground. Hidden Power Ground will hit those types for Super Effective damage, and with Technician this basically becomes an Earth Power without the chance to drop the Special Defense. And with that you hit the entire NU tier for atleast neutral damage. Unless you run into those nitwits which like to use Zubat, Shedinja and/or Bronzor. Next up is Psyshock or Psychic. This will be your Psychic type STAB move. Both have their advantages over the other one. Psychic is a tad stronger than Psyshock. Psychic is a base 90 power STAB move for Mr. Mime. This move has a 10% chance to lower the opponents Special Defense by 1 stage, while hitting on the Special side. Then Psyshock, which is base 80 power, which will hit on the Physical side. Without a chance to lower a stat. Specially Defensive pokémon will take more damage from Psyshock, considering this will hit their weaker defense with a STAB Psychic move. This will hit all the afore mentioned pokémon for Neutral damage. With an exception to Shedinja and Skarmory. The last move will take care of both of those. The last move is Shadow Ball. This will hit Shedinja for Super Effective damage, meaning it will OHKO it, because of his 1 HP stat. And it will hit Skarmory for Neutral damage which is mainly based around the physical Defense side.

Mr. Mime is a great pokémon to use, but it kind of lacks power. Shadow Ball can be changed to Nasty Plot, that way Mr. Mime will be able to do some damage. I personally think this is the best moveset for a non-choiced Mr. Mime. But people might disagree.
Shiftry @ Life Orb
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Lonely / Naughty Nature
- Knock Off
- Sucker Punch
- Leaf Storm
- Explosion

Standard mixed Shiftry, but with Explosion > Defog. Lures in pretty much all of Shiftry's traditional checks and kicks them in the shin--strips about 80% from standard Plume, 60% from max / max Togetic (which is a lot more than it seems esp. with SR factored in), straight OHKOes Hariyama, etc. Main draw to this set over boosting ones is the ability to run 4 attacks, so you can run all of Knock + Sucker + Leaf Storm on the same set and still lure in everything. Obviously only for use on teams that don't need / already have hazard control. You could also use +Spe for Zeb's lure Toad but I think the extra power is more important.
There's a flareon set that I like to use, and the best part is that it is as easy to get in the actual DS version as it is to make

Flareon @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Guts
EVs: HP 60 / Atk 196 / Spe 252
Nature: Jolly
-Flare Blitz
-Sleep Talk

The plan of attack is simple: all you have to of is get the toxic orb up and running against your opponent then feel free to facade and flare blitz away. Once flareon begins to run low on HP, then rest it back to full health. The best part is, sleeping will still activate the guts ability. Then once flareon awakens, it will become toxiced at the end of the turn once more and the heavy hits can continue.
Sudowoodo @ Red Card
Ability: Sturdy
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 whatever
Adamant Nature
-Stealth Rock
-Stone Edge
-Sucker Punch

Decent lead. Loses to taunters and things with Sleep Powder, but whatever, nothing's perfect. Last slot is filler, I ran Earthquake, but Counter, Wood Hammer and Toxic are all decent choices based on your needs and play-style. My favorite thing about it is how it shits all over sweepers that try to set-up on you only to get switched out by Red Card. When using this set, always use Stealth Rock first, unless it's an obvious taunter. It's basically an NU Deo-D.
Sudowoodo @ Red Card
Ability: Sturdy
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 whatever
Adamant Nature
-Stealth Rock
-Stone Edge
-Sucker Punch

Decent lead. Loses to taunters and things with Sleep Powder, but whatever, nothing's perfect. Last slot is filler, I ran Earthquake, but Counter, Wood Hammer and Toxic are all decent choices based on your needs and play-style. My favorite thing about it is how it shits all over sweepers that try to set-up on you only to get switched out by Red Card. When using this set, always use Stealth Rock first, unless it's an obvious taunter. It's basically an NU Deo-D.

Not sure what benefit this has over sturdy golem, who has higher or the same stats as sudowoodo, can run the exact same set, while having higher attack and more bulk, immunity to electrics and is faster. Also if this poke is a lead, then most pokes won't try to set up first turn on sudowoodo, so the novelty of the red card is gone if used midmatch and hazards are up. imo wood hammer is a must to put a dent into common leads golem, omastar and seismitoad, that is the only reason why i would consider (probably would never use this thing but still) using sudowoodo
There's a flareon set that I like to use, and the best part is that it is as easy to get in the actual DS version as it is to make

Flareon @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Guts
EVs: HP 60 / Atk 196 / Spe 252
Nature: Jolly
-Flare Blitz
-Sleep Talk

The plan of attack is simple: all you have to of is get the toxic orb up and running against your opponent then feel free to facade and flare blitz away. Once flareon begins to run low on HP, then rest it back to full health. The best part is, sleeping will still activate the guts ability. Then once flareon awakens, it will become toxiced at the end of the turn once more and the heavy hits can continue.
I like the set, but the EV's are odd. Why do you have 196 Attack? And why do you have 252 Speed?
The sets looks like it could be fun tho.
Not sure if anyone's used this set yet. If so, please tell me.


Leafeon @ Life Orb
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 8 HP / 252 Atk / 248 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Leaf Blade
- Knock Off
- Aerial Ace

I haven't used it outside of OU Monotype. I'm probably going to test it and report the results.
and now for something fun and actually useful...

Qwilfish @ Life Orb
Ability: Poison Point
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Explosion
- Waterfall / Aqua Jet
- Poison Jab

Qwilfish usually lures Bulky Water and Grass Types (think Seismitoad and Vileplume) who can most of the time come in and take Waterfalls or kill it while it sets up Spikes. This set aims to lure and kill them with a powerful Explosion to open a wave to Feraligatr and other Water Type Pokemon to sweep.
Adamant vs Jolly is preference mostly but i prefer Waterfall to Aqua Jet as i really like the flinch chance but Aqua Jet is strong after a boost thanks to Life Orb and its decent Attack Stat. I want to specify this should be used ONLY with Feraligatr and sweepers that appreciate Vileplume, Seismitoad, and Bulky water and Grass types gone as it can't sweep by itself.
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Qwilfish Explosion vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Vileplume: 500-589 (141.2 - 166.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Qwilfish Explosion vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Seismitoad: 539-636 (130.1 - 153.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Qwilfish Explosion vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Tangela: 273-322 (81.7 - 96.4%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Qwilfish Poison Jab vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Tangela: 265-312 (79.3 - 93.4%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Qwilfish Explosion vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Dragalge: 482-568 (144.3 - 170%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Qwilfish Poison Jab vs. 40 HP / 252 Def Lanturn: 331-390 (82.5 - 97.2%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Qwilfish Poison Jab vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Exeggutor: 484-569 (122.8 - 144.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+1 252+ Atk Life Orb Qwilfish Poison Jab vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Granbull: 390-460 (101.5 - 119.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Qwilfish Explosion vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Pelipper: 448-529 (138.2 - 163.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Qwilfish Poison Jab vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Pelipper: 216-255 (66.6 - 78.7%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Qwilfish Explosion vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Torterra: 434-512 (110.1 - 129.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO
A lot of those spreads aren't even common but for them consider as the worst case scenario
I like the set, but the EV's are odd. Why do you have 196 Attack? And why do you have 252 Speed?
The sets looks like it could be fun tho.
The reason I have it set like that is to make for more buffer on flare blitz recoil as well as toxic resistance, not to mention flareon having a high attack as it is. I made it that way to give it a better survivability, so to speak.
The reason I have it set like that is to make for more buffer on flare blitz recoil as well as toxic resistance, not to mention flareon having a high attack as it is. I made it that way to give it a better survivability, so to speak.
But does 60hp in specific ad anything or is it just a random number? I also think (pretty sure) flareon's isn't bulky enough for a rest talk set, especially if you're going with uninvested defensive stats.
I'd like to take a second to talk about a Pokemon that I personally love, but haven't seen all that much. Meowstic, more specifically Meowstic-M is one of the, if not the only final eveolution prankster user in the lower tiers. From my testing, even in higher tiers, Meowstic-M shines brightly in its priority ways. Setup is simple, and can be done in many seperate ways:

Dual Screener:
Meowstic-M @ Leftovers
Nature: Modest
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpAtk / 4 Spe
-Light Screen
-Psychic / Psyshock
-Hidden Power Fighting

This first set is set up to get a priority screen or two. A set I ran once was to mainly out-stall my opponent. Here is a video of a surprise Meowstic all the way up in UU: (fun starts at about turn 18)

It's setup was this

Toxic Staller:
Meowstic-M @ Leftovers
Nature: Timid
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpAtk / 252 Spe
-Reflect / Light Screen / Calm Mind
-Psychic / Psyshock

The reason for the option of walls is to simply slow your opponent down. The main weakness is the lack of ability to fight literally any dark type.

My final option for creating a fighting machine as an all-out attacking Meowstic is this

Setup Breaker:
Meowstic-M @ Choice Specs / Choice Scarf
Nature: Timid / Modest
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spe
-Psychic / Psyshock
-Hidden Power Fighting / Dark Pulse
-Calm Mind

None of these options have much for the idea of recovery, so Meowstic will have to fight with sheer force or tactically with walls. Ultimately in the end though, it was meant to be a buffer piece (with the exception of the setup breaker) but a powerful one can be achieved through a powerful setup and a skilled trainer :D

Drifblim @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Unburden
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Acrobatics
- Will-O-Wisp
- Destiny Bond / Disable
- Substitute

Legit my current favorite set. Plays just like AcroBlimp did last gen, and still disrupts like crazy this gen. It has put in a lot of work on all my teams, and checks so much crap it isn't funny, and basically guarantees to kill 1 opponent while crippling another every match. Its great bulk also means that it can tank some surprising hits, and great typing offers a slew of Immunities and Resistances to round off edges on a team. On top of this, it can act as a great revenge killer if the opponent as SR up, since you can switch in 3x and proceed to revenge kill. It does surprising work, and people often underestimate how much it can cripple and opponent for allies such as SD Tree or SD Gatr to sweep! Great set, try it!
Granbull @ Choice Band
Ability: Rattled
EVs: 64 HP / 252 Atk / 192 Spe or 8 HP / 252 Atk / 248 Spe
Adamant Nature or Jolly Nature
- Play Rough
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch
- Close Combat

Im about to test this now, but it looks great on paper. Gets a +1 speed boost from knock off, and can outspeed neutral nature shiftry after the boost. Yeah it will lose the choice band in the process, but 120 base attack is pretty strong. First spread will outspeed shiftry without speed boosting nature, second set outspeeds Jolly zangoose. Not sure if most zangoose now run jolly or adamant though, so ev's can be adjusted there. Play rough and eq probably 2 most popular moves to span, as they have great coverage. Ice punch there for vileplume, which has a better than 50% chance to ohko after rocks with adamant spread (really dont want risk effect spore twice). CC kills zangoose becuz jolly play rough without choice band does not guarentee kill zangoose even after rocks and 1/16 toxic damage smh. I'll probably go with second spread, unless I can lower speed if jolly zangoose isnt as big of a threat
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