XY LC The Gang [peak #1 on PS Ladder] and first RMT


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Hello guys, I'm Tricking and this is my first RMT. I hope you'll like it. After playing in the OU tier, I tried LC, a fantastic tier, with a successful team which was created by Fran17. He lended it to me for the ladder and he wants me to do this RMT:)

Proof Of the Ladder Peak

Misdreavus got banned in the recent Suspect Test. RIP. You can try to change it with a Spritzee. Or maybe a future "The Gang 2.0" RMT will show you the new version.
Timmy (Timburr) (M) @ Eviolite
Ability: Guts
Level: 5
EVs: 236 HP / 196 Atk / 76 Def
Adamant Nature
- Drain Punch
- Mach Punch
- Knock Off
- Poison Jab / Bulk Up

The fighting type in LC is very good. So Timburr is a fantastic choice in my opinion with a max HP spread, eviolite bulk, and guts. I usually use it as a lead. So I can knock off berry juices and eviolites in the first turns. Poison Jab is only for Cottonee, Snubbull and Spritzee, which are often switched-in in order to wall Timburr's attacks.


Rugrats (Pawniard) (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Defiant
Level: 5
EVs: 236 Atk / 76 Def / 196 Spe
Jolly Nature
IVs: 0 HP
- Sucker Punch
- Knock Off
- Brick Break
- Iron Head

Pawniard is one of the most-used pokemon in the tier. With an high attack, a decent speed and sucker punch as a priority. He can be used to kill the fairy type which are a big problem for Timburr. Brick Break is very useful to kill other Pawniards. Defiant is a fantastic ability, the only problem is Midreavus with will-o-wisp, but I don't use it with choice scarf only to outspeed misdreavus. Life orb is better:)


Calamita Fiera (Magnemite) @ Berry Juice
Ability: Sturdy
Level: 5
EVs: 36 Def / 236 SpA / 236 Spe
Modest Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch / Endure
- Flash Cannon

Magnemite is one of the best electric type in the tier, but it's completely walled by Chinchou and its volt absorb. This set is fantastic: Thunder Wave will paralyze the opposing pokemon thanks to Sturdy, then you can kill it with the two powerful STAB moves. Volt Switch is only to get momentum, Endure is a better choice. If there are the rocks, you can use Endure to activate berry juice, instead of switching out or get a OHKO.


Lucid (Misdreavus) (F) @ Eviolite
Ability: Levitate
Level: 5
EVs: 196 HP / 76 SpA / 236 Spe
Timid Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt / Dazzling Gleam
- Substitute
- Will-O-Wisp

Misdreavus is fantastic. Every team has got one. The fastest ghost pokemon in the tier, it can wall fighting attack, burn physical attackers, except Guts users. Shadow ball is the main STAB move and Thunderbolt helps me against shell smashers which are often water types. Substiute is an unexpected move. If your opponent is going to switch, to boost, or to protect you can use Substitute to burn/attack it.


WindowsXP (Porygon) @ Eviolite
Ability: Trace
Level: 5
EVs: 236 HP / 36 Def / 236 SpA
Calm Nature
- Tri Attack
- Shadow Ball
- Thunder Wave
- Recover

Porygon is the other Thunder Wave user. IT has a bad speed stat, so thanks to thunder wave, it can outspeed lots of pokemon. Tri Attack is the powerful STAB with the haxy secondary effect lol. Shadow ball is for Ghost Type especially for Misdreavus. Recover is a must-have. Trace is a fantastic ability which copies the opponent's one. Thanks to Carvanha it could become the fastest pokemon in the tier.


Ergisildo (Drilbur) (M) @ Eviolite
Ability: Mold Breaker
Level: 5
EVs: 60 HP / 236 Atk / 212 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Stealth Rock
- Rapid Spin / Poison Jab

Drilbur is a good sweeper and a Stealth rock user. I use Rapid Spin to save my Magnemite's combo. Earthquake is the main STAB which is very powerful also thanks to Mold Breaker. Rock Slide is for coverage against flying type. It has a good speed with the jolly Nature. So it can outspeed Archen in a speed tie.


Sorry if I haven't many logs, because I usually forget to save them.

Timmy (Timburr) (M) @ Eviolite
Ability: Guts
Level: 5
EVs: 236 HP / 196 Atk / 76 Def
Adamant Nature
- Drain Punch
- Mach Punch
- Knock Off
- Poison Jab

Rugrats (Pawniard) (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Defiant
Level: 5
EVs: 236 Atk / 76 Def / 196 Spe
Jolly Nature
IVs: 0 HP
- Sucker Punch
- Knock Off
- Brick Break
- Iron Head

Calamita Fiera (Magnemite) @ Berry Juice
Ability: Sturdy
Level: 5
EVs: 36 Def / 236 SpA / 236 Spe
Modest Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Endure
- Flash Cannon

Lucid (Misdreavus) (F) @ Eviolite
Ability: Levitate
Level: 5
EVs: 196 HP / 76 SpA / 236 Spe
Timid Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt
- Substitute
- Will-O-Wisp

WindowsXP (Porygon) @ Eviolite
Ability: Trace
Level: 5
EVs: 236 HP / 36 Def / 236 SpA
Calm Nature
- Tri Attack
- Shadow Ball
- Thunder Wave
- Recover

Ergisildo (Drilbur) (M) @ Eviolite
Ability: Mold Breaker
Level: 5
EVs: 60 HP / 236 Atk / 212 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Stealth Rock
- Rapid Spin

Tricking :mad:
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This is obviously a solid team, considering the Pokemon that comprise it. One or two comments.

First, I notice that your team is weak to Fighting-type threats, which could be a problem. Yes, I know that you have a Ghost-type on your team, but every Pokemon and its mother carries Knock Off nowadays, and it's a miracle if Misdreavus survives an encounter with a Guts Timburr.

Second is just a simple thing. I think that you should put Endure next to Thunder Wave instead of next to Volt Switch. As I mentioned before, this team is somewhat susceptible to Fighting-type threats. As such, Will-O-Wisp is the best possible status move to inflict upon opponents. On top of that, Fighting-types are somewhat common switch-ins for Magnemite, as they survive any hit from it and Drain Punch their health back. Here's what I suggest the slashes look like:
- Endure / Thunder Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Flash Cannon

Lastly, Rapid Spin on Drilbur is less than important to have. That's why you run Endure on Magnemite. If Stealth Rock or Spikes break Sturdy, then you just Endure, take the hit, and recover while resetting Sturdy.

That's all I've got. This is a solid team.

Thank you for the rating. For Magnemite I'd like to try Endure + Recycle, but Thunder Wave is too important.
hi tricking
The standard fare for Life Orb Pawniard is to reduce Pawniard's HP IV to 9 or below, allowing Pawniard to hit 19 HP. This is useful because Life Orb recoil rounds down, meaning by hitting 19 instead of 22 HP, Pawniard only loses one HP from Life Orb recoil instead of 2, resulting in more survivability in the long run. The 76 HP EVs could be shifted to 36 in each of Defense and Special Defense.
If you're trying to fit Endure on Magnemite somewhere, I honestly think Thunderbolt is more expendable than Volt Switch; the momentum provided by Volt Switch is incredibly useful for getting Pawniard in particular in safely, and it still deals decent damage. More importantly, however, you're missing a Speed EV (232 instead of 236), costing you an entire point for nothing.
Other than that, you seem to lack switch-ins to Timburr, which is problematic because it is able to come in on Pawniard, Porygon, Magnemite, and Misdreavus, but I suppose it can be played around to an extent, and I don't really want to suggest a replacement for your team because it might ruin your synergy. What you could try doing is replacing Thunderbolt with Dazzling Gleam on Misdreavus, which 2HKOs Timburr after Stealth Rock; you can already burn physical Shell Smashers, while -1 Omanyte is put within KO range of Timburr's Mach Punch or Pawniard's Sucker Punch by Shadow Ball (Thunderbolt fails to OHKO Omanyte anyway). Of course, Misdreavus shouldn't be switching in on Timburr, but it will still help to wear Timburr down.

With that being said, though, this team is incredibly solid, and I'm really not surprised about your peak. I hope to see you around n.n
hi tricking
The standard fare for Life Orb Pawniard is to reduce Pawniard's HP IV to 9 or below, allowing Pawniard to hit 19 HP. This is useful because Life Orb recoil rounds down, meaning by hitting 19 instead of 22 HP, Pawniard only loses one HP from Life Orb recoil instead of 2, resulting in more survivability in the long run. The 76 HP EVs could be shifted to 36 in each of Defense and Special Defense.
If you're trying to fit Endure on Magnemite somewhere, I honestly think Thunderbolt is more expendable than Volt Switch; the momentum provided by Volt Switch is incredibly useful for getting Pawniard in particular in safely, and it still deals decent damage. More importantly, however, you're missing a Speed EV (232 instead of 236), costing you an entire point for nothing.
Other than that, you seem to lack switch-ins to Timburr, which is problematic because it is able to come in on Pawniard, Porygon, Magnemite, and Misdreavus, but I suppose it can be played around to an extent, and I don't really want to suggest a replacement for your team because it might ruin your synergy. What you could try doing is replacing Thunderbolt with Dazzling Gleam on Misdreavus, which 2HKOs Timburr after Stealth Rock; you can already burn physical Shell Smashers, while -1 Omanyte is put within KO range of Timburr's Mach Punch or Pawniard's Sucker Punch by Shadow Ball (Thunderbolt fails to OHKO Omanyte anyway). Of course, Misdreavus shouldn't be switching in on Timburr, but it will still help to wear Timburr down.

With that being said, though, this team is incredibly solid, and I'm really not surprised about your peak. I hope to see you around n.n

Thank you very much for rating my team. I'm not so good giving the EVs because I played a lot of OU matches before lol. I've already tried dazzling gleam, but Thunderbolt is a nice move for fletchling switch-ins, clamperl and co. Timburr is a big problem for my team. The only way to kill him is knocking off the eviolite and finishing it with misdreavus. I tried also trubbish in my team to wall timburr, but every member is fundamental. Thanks again for rating my team in a very precise way:)
Hey Tricking! Very solid team you have here and congrats on your ladder peak annnnnnnnnnnd welcome to smogon! :O

With this team being very solid, and every member playing important roles it is quite difficult to make changes to this team, but as mentioned Timburr looks extremely hard to play around, there is not much that can be done about this, but as Alphose_Elric mentioned if you decide to go with Endure on Magnemite, Rapid Spin support isn't needed as much freeing a move slot on Drilbur, The loss on Thunderwave isn't that bad because Porygon can already spread Thunder Wave, with a move slot free on Drilbur you can run Poison Jab which lets you lure in and beat Cottonee, and damage Fairy-types in general. If you want to keep Rapid Spin, this could also be tried over Stealth Rock although I do see the benefits of having Stealth Rock too.

Now with Poison Jab on Drilbur you could use
Bulk Up>Poison Jab on Timburr, Pawnaird, Magnemite and Drilbur all help deal with Fairy-types that prevent a Timburr sweep and Magnemite also has the added benefit of beating Flecthing that makes the Bulk Up set inneffective. Not only does Bulk Up Timburr give you a sweeper, but it gives you a way of beating other Timburr's that don't run Bulk Up 1 on 1 since you can just Bulk Up so their attacks do less and recover the damage with Drain Punch.

These are just things to consider rather than changes that should be made since the team is great

Poison Jab On Drilbur (either replace Rapid Spin or Stealth Rock)
Bulk Up>Poison Jab on Timburr

Hey Tricking! Very solid team you have here and congrats on your ladder peak annnnnnnnnnnd welcome to smogon! :O

With this team being very solid, and every member playing important roles it is quite difficult to make changes to this team, but as mentioned Timburr looks extremely hard to play around, there is not much that can be done about this, but as Alphose_Elric mentioned if you decide to go with Endure on Magnemite, Rapid Spin support isn't needed as much freeing a move slot on Drilbur, The loss on Thunderwave isn't that bad because Porygon can already spread Thunder Wave, with a move slot free on Drilbur you can run Poison Jab which lets you lure in and beat Cottonee, and damage Fairy-types in general. If you want to keep Rapid Spin, this could also be tried over Stealth Rock although I do see the benefits of having Stealth Rock too.

Now with Poison Jab on Drilbur you could use
Bulk Up>Poison Jab on Timburr, Pawnaird, Magnemite and Drilbur all help deal with Fairy-types that prevent a Timburr sweep and Magnemite also has the added benefit of beating Flecthing that makes the Bulk Up set inneffective. Not only does Bulk Up Timburr give you a sweeper, but it gives you a way of beating other Timburr's that don't run Bulk Up 1 on 1 since you can just Bulk Up so their attacks do less and recover the damage with Drain Punch.

These are just things to consider rather than changes that should be made since the team is great

Poison Jab On Drilbur (either replace Rapid Spin or Stealth Rock)
Bulk Up>Poison Jab on Timburr


Thank you for rating my team:)
First of all, I've seen a lot of Timburr with bulk up, but Misdreavus, Abra and Cottonee switch-ins do about a 70% of damage on Timburr. This means you are forced to switch out and lose the boost or use only mach punch in the following turns because Timburr is slow and hasn't so much life. Btw the replacement of rapid spin is useful so I decide I'll try the sets you suggested. Thanks again for the rating ^_^
i was just trying to battle with this team i foundout that your team is has huge weakness against fighting and there i no moves to counter fighting so i would suggest giving Pyshic to misdreavus instead of will o Wisp so you can hit fighting
i was just trying to battle with this team i foundout that your team is has huge weakness against fighting and there i no moves to counter fighting so i would suggest giving Pyshic to misdreavus instead of will o Wisp so you can hit fighting
Thanks for the suggestion, but all Fighting Type can be burned by will o wisp, except for guts timburr which is the only problem. I'll try this set, too:)
I fought you a couple of times on the ladder and although it was a very solid team, you seem to have wayy too much trouble with timburr. In both the games we played that I remember Timburr severely crippled your team, so I'm not saying it's unstoppable, but it seems to be a lot more trouble than it's worth. So I agree with levi's suggestion of adding in dazzling gleam over thunderbolt to more easily combat this. Grats on the peak, will rate more later if I have time :)
Thanks for the Rating. I have changed Thunderbolt with dazzling gleam in the last battles as you and Levi have suggested. Timburr isn't a big threat any more:)