Ubers Blissey (GP 2/2)

Ice Beam is actually not too shabby, you trade hitting Scizor for Lando-t (and Gliscor too!) which is fair enough, I'd slash it or at least mention in moves.
Counter switch isn't a thing, it's called double switching. I kinda don't like that whole section cause you first talk about Blissey being an obvious play and then you talk abot the double switch being an obvious play so it just ends up being very confusing. I think if you want to include a usage tips talking about the threat of double switching, you should do so by mentioning how Blissey is fairly specialized as a special sponge and thus can be taken advantage of by a large number of pokemon, such as spike setters or physical attackers.

Just say Mewtwo instead of mentioning the Mega. Classictwo can punish the same things in the context you mention the mega in. (especially since you ddin't even specifiy which mega)

Stall breakers is too vague, Id rather you break that up into multiple sections centered around what makes them stall breakers in the first place. In other words, individual sections for Taunt users, Status immune Pokemon, etc.
*Rest Users**: These foes can recover off any Seismic Toss damage while eliminating Toxic.The cost is that they are now asleep and most cannot beat Blissey thus creating a stalemate; one exception is Rest Ho-Oh which can just crush Blissey with Sacred Fire. Other common users include Kyogre, and Giratina-A. [...]
Rest Ho-Oh

It is immune to Burn, Toxic gets cushioned by Regenerator, Paralysis only mildly annoys the turkey. There is no little to no reason why Ho-Oh should run Rest.... Ever...
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It is immune to Burn, Toxic gets cushioned by Regenerator, Paralysis only mildly annoys the turkey. There is no little to no reason why Ho-Oh should run Rest.... Ever...
Ya true Resttalk used to be a thing but yes that is pretty outdated.
AM Check



In XY Ubers, (AC) Blissey is preferred over her younger sister Chansey because of her ability to hold Shed Shell and in turn to prevent from being trapped by Shadow Tag. Her smaller weakness to Knock Off and ability to be slightly less predictable than Chansey are also reasons why she is the premier pink blob in Ubers. In addition, (AC) she has the single highest HP stat of any Pokemon to date, at a whopping 255 coupled with a great 135 base Special Defense, (AC) giving her the best special bulk in the tier. An demonstration example (A demonstration is visual) of this excellent special bulk is her ability to survive an unresisted 150 base power Choice Specs Kyogre Water Spout, a feat that no other viable Pokemon can achieve. Blissey manages to find a niche with this bulk by learning two of the most rarest and most useful support moves in the game;: Heal Bell and Wish. Natural Cure is also quite a useful ability, allowing her to sponge status without having to waste a turn and to PP healing herself. Blissey’s typing is a double-edged sword, giving her a single weakness and a handy immunity to the Ghost-type at a cost to not having any resistances, something that many other walls in Ubers rely on to mitigate damage (This is kinda unclear, what do they rely on? Blissey not having resistances? Rephrase). Her physical bulk is also quite pathetic, making it so that she can't wall powerful physical threats. Her over-reliance on support moves and inability to hit strongly with offensive moves make her even more Taunt prone than many other walls, (AC) while in certain team matchups she can be outright weak. However, (AC) don’t let these shortcomings discourage use, as she can provide invaluable support for certain builds and wall many special nukes quite effectively.

name: #1 Blob
move 1: Toxic
move 2: Seismic Toss / Flamethrower
move 3: Soft-Boiled / Wish
move 4: Heal Bell / Protect
ability: Natural Cure
item: Shed Shell / Leftovers
evs: 252 Def / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
nature: Calm


Toxic is mandatory for this set, as it is Blissey’s only way to bring down users of Roost and Recover with reliable recovery (There are more than just these two, there's also Wish, Giga Drain, HP sucking moves in general). In addition, (AC) this punishes set up setup sweepers and foes that switch into Blissey to smack it with a hard physical hit. Blissey has two options when it comes to an offensive move. Seismic Toss deals reliable damage to most threats excluding Ghost types, (AC) while Flamethrower is excellent for not only a surprise hit on Scizor, Genesect, and Ferrothorn switch-ins, but allows Blissey to actually touch Mega Gengar. If Leftovers are run, so must Flamethrower, (AC) as Gengar leaves you unable to escape due to Shadow Tag, (AC) and with Flamethrower, (AC) the standard Mega Gengar is forced to trade one on one (What exactly does this mean? Clarify). Blissey also has two options for in recovery which are in the form of Wish and Soft-Boiled. Wish has the advantage of being able to pass lumps of 325 HP to teammates, which even in Ubers, (AC) is basically a full recovery. The disadvantage to Wish however, (AC) is that it is not instant recovery, and thus when running Wish Blissey is usually required to run Protect in conjunction. Soft-Boiled is the more reliable recovery option for Blissey, but offers no support to teammates.

The final move slot moveslot is usually decided by what was run in slot three. Opting for Soft-Boiled leaves Blissey free to run cleric support in the form of Heal Bell rather than Wish support, which is highly coveted as status is very prevalent in the metagame. As previously mentioned, (AC) Protect should usually be run with Wish so that Blissey doesn’t have to take two hits before recovery. In addition, (AC) Protect has other utility, mainly stalling for Toxic damage and locking choice item users. It should be noted that Blissey can run both Wish and Soft-Boiled on the same set which because it allows Blissey to heal reliably without being Roared out during its Protect turn, (AC) while also providing support for teammates. Although it is not slashed, (AC) Ice Beam is also an option on the Leftovers set as it givinges Blissey a way to damage Mega Gengar while trading coverage to punish Landorus-T and Gliscor switch ins.

Set Details

With Blissey’s incredible base HP, no investment is needed in that stat, as she rather she appreciates max investment in both defenses. The Defense investment allows Blissey to decently take physical attacks while max Special Defense is to abuse Blissey’s naturally excellent special bulk. Shed Shell is the preferred item in most situations as it leaves you free to run Seismic Toss, unfortunately but this item has no utility beyond escaping Shadow Tag, (AC) unfortunately. Leftovers can be run, and the recovery is very handy when walling special nukes, however this forces you to run Flamethrower. With Leftovers, (AC) a spread of 20 HP / 232 Def / 252 SpD should be run as this HP investment increases Leftovers recovery by 1 HP. An alternate spread of 248 HP / 252 SpD / 8 Def can be run on certain teams to maximize her ability to sponge special attacks, however this leaves Blissey completely incapable of taking even weak physical attacks.

Usage Tips

Blissey is relatively straightforward to use. Mainly She is mainly a punching bag for the special nukes that roam Ubers. However, despite her incredible special bulk she should not be switched into a healthy Choice Specs Kyogre (How relevant is this that it needs to have its own sentence?). Upon switching in, she usually forces the opponent to switch, therefore breaking their momentum. In this time, (AC) Blissey is excellent for providing support to allies, allowing her to get off a Heal Bell or Wish before the opponent’s Blissey counter gets to attack. However, (AC) this can become disadvantageous as with team preview it is very clear when Blissey will be sent in to sponge an attack since she is highly specialized, thus attracting double switches from your opponent. In addition to this, users of Blissey must be wary of mixed attackers such as Close Combat Xerneas which can surprise KO you if they are not scouted first. Other than this, Blissey should spread Toxic as much as possible and heal whenever turns it's allowed it.

Team Options

Blissey’s best team options are physical walls that can take the physical blows that for Blissey cannot. In addition, (AC) most of these walls have trouble with special attacks and / or status which that Blissey can provides support to. Landorus-Therian and Groudon are especially good teammates as they both have immense physical bulk, have support options, have good defensive typing, and can threaten premier physical threats such as Ho-Oh. Blissey also greatly appreciates anti-hazard support as it takes all forms of hazard damage and thus gets worn down especially by Spikes. Many hazard setters, mainly Spikers, (AC) also have no trouble setting hazards on Blissey, (AC) therefore warranting Defog or Rapid Spin support. Support Arceus forms in general tend to be excellent partners for Blissey as they not only provide Defog support, but can also neuter physical attackers with Will-O-Wisp and can soft check some of the threats that Blissey has trouble with. Arceus-Ghost in particular is immune to fighting moves, and provides a good defensive core as both Blissey (when running Shed Shell) and Arceus-Ghost are immune to Shadow Tag. Arceus-Water and Arceus-Rock are also notable support Arceues forms as the first can soft check Kyogre and Ho-Oh while the second can soft check Ho-Oh and Yveltal.

Calm Mind Arceus forms also make good teammates as they can only really be brought down by status, which Blissey can remove with cleric support. In general Many of the Calm Mind Arceus forms in general can also soft check several Blissey threats. Most Fighting-type checks such as Ho-Oh and Giratina are also good choices as partners. A Choice Specs Kyogre check is also of great use when running Blissey, as it is essentially the only special attacker than she cannot stall out, (AC) assuming it is healthy. Tanks such as Tyranitar, Heatran, and Klefki not only appreciate Blissey’s Wish support, but in return check Blissey’s weaknesses to threats such as Ho-Oh, Yveltal, and Substitute Geomancy Xerneas. Mewtwo is also a good teammate as it can take down stall breakers stallbreakers such as Gliscor and Arceus-Poison that halt Blissey completely. Lastly, U-Turn pivots can be handy when used with Blissey as it gives an opportunity to switch into predicted Taunts from foes such as Mewtwo and Darkrai while still being valuable to a defensively oriented team.

Other Options

Blissey has several options for alternate support and offensive moves, however she suffers greatly from four-moveslot syndrome so she cannot typically afford to run any of these options. Blissey can run Thunder Wave over Toxic to cripple setup sweepers and offensive foes that come in (space) to threaten her, however this leaves her unable to take down anything with recovery. Snatch can be handy for countering Clalm Mind sets and attempts to eliminate Toxic status. Counter can troll hit physical attackers that are not powerful enough to OHKO Blissey. She also has the ability to can run Fire Blast as an offensive move over Flamethrower, however the increased power is usually not worth its unreliability and low PP. Thunder gives Blissey a way to damage Choice Specs Kyogre to the point where she can wall it, (AC) while also being able to hit Mega Gengar. Finally, (AC) Blissey can function as a Stealth Rock user to potentially save another ally’s set from being ruined or hindered, however this is still a waste of a move on Blissey for on most teams.

Checks and Counters

**Powerful Physical Threats**: These have no trouble bypassing Blissey’s pathetic physical bulk and thus are very straightforward threats. These foes are typically very obvious and thus can be capitalized on, however the best Blissey can usually hope to do to them is slap them with Toxic when they come in while some are Toxic immune anyways. Notable foes under this classification are Mewtwo, Scizor with Superpower, Swords Dance Arceus forms, Zekrom, Ho-Oh, Mega Kangaskhan, and Offensive ground types.

**Toxic Immune + Recovery**: These threats can also have access to Taunt which also prevent Blissey from fulfilling its support role. Even those without Taunt can lock Blissey into a stalemate since without Toxic damage these threats can continue to recover off Seismic Toss damage while in return these threats can set up or smack Blissey hard. Such common threats in this category are Gliscor, Calm Mind Refresh Arceus, Poison and Steel Arceus, Substitute sweepers, and Gothitelle.

**Taunt Users**: Since Blissey is especially weak to Taunt weak even for a wall, (AC) these foes can proceed to force Blissey to use Seismic Toss or Flamethrower while they can set up, drop hazards, or inflict status. Some users are Defensive Yveltal, Skarmory, Sableye, and Darkrai.

**Spikers**: While these threats can’t do much to Blissey, they can punish her by setting layers of Spikes that most teams despise including Blissey. The most common users of this move are Klefki, Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Forrtress, and Scolipede.

**Rest Users**: These foes can recover off any Seismic Toss damage while eliminating getting rid of (incorrect use of "eliminate")Toxic. The cost is that they are now asleep and most cannot beat Blissey thus creating a stalemate. Common users include Kyogre and Giratina-A.

**Mega Gengar**: The support set is partially built around not being threatened by this foe, but it is mentioned simply because without Shed Shell or Leftovers with Flamethrower, Blissey is trapped and brought down. In addition it is important to note that the rare Perish Trapper Gengar beats even the Leftovers with Flamethrower set.
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AM Check



In XY Ubers, (AC) Blissey is preferred over her younger sister Chansey because of her ability to hold Shed Shell and in turn to prevent from being trapped by Shadow Tag. Her smaller weakness to Knock Off and ability to be slightly less predictable than Chansey are also reasons why she is the premier pink blob in Ubers. In addition, (AC) she has the single highest HP stat of any Pokemon to date, at a whopping 255 coupled with a great 135 base Special Defense, (AC) giving her the best special bulk in the tier. An demonstration example (A demonstration is visual) of this excellent special bulk is her ability to survive an unresisted 150 base power Choice Specs Kyogre Water Spout, a feat that no other viable Pokemon can achieve. Blissey manages to find a niche with this bulk by learning two of the most rarest and most useful support moves in the game;: Heal Bell and Wish. Natural Cure is also quite a useful ability, allowing her to sponge status without having to waste a turn and to PP healing herself. Blissey’s typing is a double-edged sword, giving her a single weakness and a handy immunity to the Ghost-type at a cost to not having any resistances, something that many other walls in Ubers rely on to mitigate damage (This is kinda unclear, what do they rely on? Blissey not having resistances? Rephrase). Her physical bulk is also quite pathetic, making it so that she can't wall powerful physical threats. Her over-reliance on support moves and inability to hit strongly with offensive moves make her even more Taunt prone than many other walls, (AC) while in certain team matchups she can be outright weak. However, (AC) don’t let these shortcomings discourage use, as she can provide invaluable support for certain builds and wall many special nukes quite effectively.

name: #1 Blob
move 1: Toxic
move 2: Seismic Toss / Flamethrower
move 3: Soft-Boiled / Wish
move 4: Heal Bell / Protect
ability: Natural Cure
item: Shed Shell / Leftovers
evs: 252 Def / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
nature: Calm


Toxic is mandatory for this set, as it is Blissey’s only way to bring down users of Roost and Recover with reliable recovery (There are more than just these two, there's also Wish, Giga Drain, HP sucking moves in general). In addition, (AC) this punishes set up setup sweepers and foes that switch into Blissey to smack it with a hard physical hit. Blissey has two options when it comes to an offensive move. Seismic Toss deals reliable damage to most threats excluding Ghost types, (AC) while Flamethrower is excellent for not only a surprise hit on Scizor, Genesect, and Ferrothorn switch-ins, but allows Blissey to actually touch Mega Gengar. If Leftovers are run, so must Flamethrower, (AC) as Gengar leaves you unable to escape due to Shadow Tag, (AC) and with Flamethrower, (AC) the standard Mega Gengar is forced to trade one on one (What exactly does this mean? Clarify). Blissey also has two options for in recovery which are in the form of Wish and Soft-Boiled. Wish has the advantage of being able to pass lumps of 325 HP to teammates, which even in Ubers, (AC) is basically a full recovery. The disadvantage to Wish however, (AC) is that it is not instant recovery, and thus when running Wish Blissey is usually required to run Protect in conjunction. Soft-Boiled is the more reliable recovery option for Blissey, but offers no support to teammates.

The final move slot moveslot is usually decided by what was run in slot three. Opting for Soft-Boiled leaves Blissey free to run cleric support in the form of Heal Bell rather than Wish support, which is highly coveted as status is very prevalent in the metagame. As previously mentioned, (AC) Protect should usually be run with Wish so that Blissey doesn’t have to take two hits before recovery. In addition, (AC) Protect has other utility, mainly stalling for Toxic damage and locking choice item users. It should be noted that Blissey can run both Wish and Soft-Boiled on the same set which because it allows Blissey to heal reliably without being Roared out during its Protect turn, (AC) while also providing support for teammates. Although it is not slashed, (AC) Ice Beam is also an option on the Leftovers set as it givinges Blissey a way to damage Mega Gengar while trading coverage to punish Landorus-T and Gliscor switch ins.

Set Details

With Blissey’s incredible base HP, no investment is needed in that stat, as she rather she appreciates max investment in both defenses. The Defense investment allows Blissey to decently take physical attacks while max Special Defense is to abuse Blissey’s naturally excellent special bulk. Shed Shell is the preferred item in most situations as it leaves you free to run Seismic Toss, unfortunately but this item has no utility beyond escaping Shadow Tag, (AC) unfortunately. Leftovers can be run, and the recovery is very handy when walling special nukes, however this forces you to run Flamethrower. With Leftovers, (AC) a spread of 20 HP / 232 Def / 252 SpD should be run as this HP investment increases Leftovers recovery by 1 HP. An alternate spread of 248 HP / 252 SpD / 8 Def can be run on certain teams to maximize her ability to sponge special attacks, however this leaves Blissey completely incapable of taking even weak physical attacks.

Usage Tips

Blissey is relatively straightforward to use. Mainly She is mainly a punching bag for the special nukes that roam Ubers. However, despite her incredible special bulk she should not be switched into a healthy Choice Specs Kyogre (How relevant is this that it needs to have its own sentence?). Upon switching in, she usually forces the opponent to switch, therefore breaking their momentum. In this time, (AC) Blissey is excellent for providing support to allies, allowing her to get off a Heal Bell or Wish before the opponent’s Blissey counter gets to attack. However, (AC) this can become disadvantageous as with team preview it is very clear when Blissey will be sent in to sponge an attack since she is highly specialized, thus attracting double switches from your opponent. In addition to this, users of Blissey must be wary of mixed attackers such as Close Combat Xerneas which can surprise KO you if they are not scouted first. Other than this, Blissey should spread Toxic as much as possible and heal whenever turns it's allowed it.

Team Options

Blissey’s best team options are physical walls that can take the physical blows that for Blissey cannot. In addition, (AC) most of these walls have trouble with special attacks and / or status which that Blissey can provides support to. Landorus-Therian and Groudon are especially good teammates as they both have immense physical bulk, have support options, have good defensive typing, and can threaten premier physical threats such as Ho-Oh. Blissey also greatly appreciates anti-hazard support as it takes all forms of hazard damage and thus gets worn down especially by Spikes. Many hazard setters, mainly Spikers, (AC) also have no trouble setting hazards on Blissey, (AC) therefore warranting Defog or Rapid Spin support. Support Arceus forms in general tend to be excellent partners for Blissey as they not only provide Defog support, but can also neuter physical attackers with Will-O-Wisp and can soft check some of the threats that Blissey has trouble with. Arceus-Ghost in particular is immune to fighting moves, and provides a good defensive core as both Blissey (when running Shed Shell) and Arceus-Ghost are immune to Shadow Tag. Arceus-Water and Arceus-Rock are also notable support Arceues forms as the first can soft check Kyogre and Ho-Oh while the second can soft check Ho-Oh and Yveltal.

Calm Mind Arceus forms also make good teammates as they can only really be brought down by status, which Blissey can remove with cleric support. In general Many of the Calm Mind Arceus forms in general can also soft check several Blissey threats. Most Fighting-type checks such as Ho-Oh and Giratina are also good choices as partners. A Choice Specs Kyogre check is also of great use when running Blissey, as it is essentially the only special attacker than she cannot stall out, (AC) assuming it is healthy. Tanks such as Tyranitar, Heatran, and Klefki not only appreciate Blissey’s Wish support, but in return check Blissey’s weaknesses to threats such as Ho-Oh, Yveltal, and Substitute Geomancy Xerneas. Mewtwo is also a good teammate as it can take down stall breakers stallbreakers such as Gliscor and Arceus-Poison that halt Blissey completely. Lastly, U-Turn pivots can be handy when used with Blissey as it gives an opportunity to switch into predicted Taunts from foes such as Mewtwo and Darkrai while still being valuable to a defensively oriented team.

Other Options

Blissey has several options for alternate support and offensive moves, however she suffers greatly from four-moveslot syndrome so she cannot typically afford to run any of these options. Blissey can run Thunder Wave over Toxic to cripple setup sweepers and offensive foes that come in (space) to threaten her, however this leaves her unable to take down anything with recovery. Snatch can be handy for countering Clalm Mind sets and attempts to eliminate Toxic status. Counter can troll hit physical attackers that are not powerful enough to OHKO Blissey. She also has the ability to can run Fire Blast as an offensive move over Flamethrower, however the increased power is usually not worth its unreliability and low PP. Thunder gives Blissey a way to damage Choice Specs Kyogre to the point where she can wall it, (AC) while also being able to hit Mega Gengar. Finally, (AC) Blissey can function as a Stealth Rock user to potentially save another ally’s set from being ruined or hindered, however this is still a waste of a move on Blissey for on most teams.

Checks and Counters

**Powerful Physical Threats**: These have no trouble bypassing Blissey’s pathetic physical bulk and thus are very straightforward threats. These foes are typically very obvious and thus can be capitalized on, however the best Blissey can usually hope to do to them is slap them with Toxic when they come in while some are Toxic immune anyways. Notable foes under this classification are Mewtwo, Scizor with Superpower, Swords Dance Arceus forms, Zekrom, Ho-Oh, Mega Kangaskhan, and Offensive ground types.

**Toxic Immune + Recovery**: These threats can also have access to Taunt which also prevent Blissey from fulfilling its support role. Even those without Taunt can lock Blissey into a stalemate since without Toxic damage these threats can continue to recover off Seismic Toss damage while in return these threats can set up or smack Blissey hard. Such common threats in this category are Gliscor, Calm Mind Refresh Arceus, Poison and Steel Arceus, Substitute sweepers, and Gothitelle.

**Taunt Users**: Since Blissey is especially weak to Taunt weak even for a wall, (AC) these foes can proceed to force Blissey to use Seismic Toss or Flamethrower while they can set up, drop hazards, or inflict status. Some users are Defensive Yveltal, Skarmory, Sableye, and Darkrai.

**Spikers**: While these threats can’t do much to Blissey, they can punish her by setting layers of Spikes that most teams despise including Blissey. The most common users of this move are Klefki, Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Forrtress, and Scolipede.

**Rest Users**: These foes can recover off any Seismic Toss damage while eliminating getting rid of (incorrect use of "eliminate")Toxic. The cost is that they are now asleep and most cannot beat Blissey thus creating a stalemate. Common users include Kyogre and Giratina-A.

**Mega Gengar**: The support set is partially built around not being threatened by this foe, but it is mentioned simply because without Shed Shell or Leftovers with Flamethrower, Blissey is trapped and brought down. In addition it is important to note that the rare Perish Trapper Gengar beats even the Leftovers with Flamethrower set.
Changes made.


In XY Ubers, Blissey is preferred over her younger sister, Chansey, because of her ability to hold Shed Shell to, which prevents her from being trapped by Shadow Tag users. Her smalllesser weakness to Knock Off and capability to be slightly less predictable than Chansey are also reasons why she is the premier pink blob in Ubers. In addition, she has the single highest HP stat of any Pokemon to date, at a whopping base 255 HP stat coupled with a great 135 base 135 Special Defense, givmaking her the best special bulkwall in the tier. An example of thBlissey is her abilityle to survive an unresisted 150 base power Choice Specs Kyogre Water Spout from Kyogre, a feat that noa lot of other viable Pokemon cannot achieve. Blissey manages to find a niche with this bulk by learning two of talso learns Heal Bell and Wish, which makes her a grest and most usefulteam support moves in the game: Heal Bell and Wish.er. Her ability, Natural Cure, is also quite useful ability, allowing her to sponge status without having to waste a turn and PP to husing Heal herselfBell. Blissey’s typing is a double-edged sword, giving her a single weakness and a handy immunity to the Ghost-type at athe cost to notof having anyno resistances, something that many other walls in Ubers rely on to mitigate damage. Her physical bulk is also pathetic, making it so that she can't wall powerful physical threats. Her over-reliance on support moves and inability to hit strongly with offensive movpresence make her even more Taunt prone than many other walls, and while in certain team matchups, she can be outright weak. However, don’t let these shortcomings discourage use, as sheBlissey can provide invaluable support for certain builds and wall many special nukes effectivelyyour team.

name: #1 BlobSupport
move 1: Toxic
move 2: Seismic Toss / Flamethrower
move 3: Soft-Boiled / Wish
move 4: Heal Bell / Protect
ability: Natural Cure
item: Shed Shell / Leftovers
evs: 252 Def / 252 SpD / 4 Spe (Why do you have 4 Speed here? Speed Creep shouldn't be included in analyses, I suggest adding it into HP or something.)
nature: Calm


Toxic is mandatory for this set, as it iallows Blissey’s only way to bring down users with reliable recovery. In addition, this punishe to put a timer on dangerous setup sweepers and foes that switch into Blissey to smack it with a hard physical hitor walls. Blissey has two options when it comes to an offensive move. Seismic Toss deals reliable damage to most threats excluding Ghost-types, while Flamethrower is excellent for not only a surprise hit for hitting Steel-types that like to switch in on Blissey such as Scizor, Genesect, and Ferrothorn switch-ins, but, as well as allows Blissey to actually touching it to hit Mega Gengar. I Note that if Leftovers are run, you should muste Flamethrower over Seismic Toss, as Mega Gengar leaves you unable to escape due to Shadow Tag, and with Flamethrower, the standard Mega Gengar is forced to trade one for one. Blissey also has two options in recovery which are Wish and Soft-Boiled. Wish has the advantage of being able to pass lumphuge Wishes of 325 HP to teammates, which even in Ubers, is basically keeps them at full recoveryhealth. The disadvantage to Wish, however, is that it is not instant recovery, and thus when running Wish Blissey is usually required, you have to run Protect in conjunction. Soft-Boiled is the more reliable recovery option for Blissey, but offers no support to teammates.

The final moveslot is usually decided by what was run in slot three. Opting for Soft-Boiled leaves Blissey free to run cleric support in the form of Heal Bell rather than Wish support, which is highly coveted, as status is very prevalent in the metagame. As previously mentioned, Protect should usually be run with Wish so that Blissey doesn’t have to take two hits before recovery. In addition, Protect has other utility, mainly stalling for Toxic damage and lockscouting cChoice itemd users. It should be noted that Blissey can run both Wish and Soft-Boiled on the same set because it allows Blissey to heal itself reliably without being Roarphazed out durwhen using its Protect turn, while also being able to providinge support for teammates. Although it is not slashed, Ice Beam is also an option on the Leftovers set as it gives Blissey a way to damage Mega Gengar while tradas well as hitting coverage to punishPokemon such as Landorus-T and Gliscor super effectively, however then Blissey is left prone to Steel-types such-ins as Ferrothorn and Scizor.

Set Details

With Blissey’s incredible base HP, no investment is needed in that stat, as she rather appreciates max investment in both defenses. The Defense investmentEVs allows Blissey to decently take physical attacks while max Special Defense iEVs allow it to abusetake advantage of Blissey’s excellent special bulk. Shed Shell is the preferred item in most situations as it leaves you free to run Seismic Toss, but this item has no utility beyond escaping Shadow Tag, unfortunately. Leftovers can be run, and the passive recovery is very handy when walling special nuattackers, thoweverugh this forces you to run Flamethrower. With Leftovers, a spread of 20 HP / 232 Def / 252 SpD can alshould be run as this HP investment increases Leftovers recovery by 1 HP. A. In addition, an alternate spread of 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD / 8 Def can be run on certain teams to maximize her ability to sponge special attacks, however this leaves Blissey completely incapable of taking even weak physical attacks.

Usage Tips

Blissey is relatively straightforward to use. She is mainly a punching bag for the special nukes that roam Ubers. However, despite herDespite Blissey's incredible special bulk, she should not be switched into a healthy Choice Specs Kyogre. (Explain why) Upon switching in, she usually forces the opponent to switch, therefore breaking their momentum. InDuring this time, Blissey is excellent forcan providinge support to allies, allowing her to get off a Heal Bell or Wish before the opponent’s Blissey counter gets to attack switches into a better matchup. However, this can become disadvantageous, as with team preview, it is very clear when Blissey will be sent in to sponge an attack since she is , whighly specialized, thus attractings double switches from your opponent. In addition to this, users of Blissey must also be wary of mixed attackers such as Close Combat Xerneas which can surprise KO you if they are not scouted first. Blissey should spread Toxic as much as possible and heal whenever it's allowedpossible.

Team Options

Good partners for Blissey’s best team options ar include physical walls thatsuch as Skarmory and Gliscor, as they can take on most physical blows forattacks that trouble Blissey. In addition, most of these walls have trouble with special attacks and / orare status thatprone, and Blissey can provide support to them. Landorus-Therian and Groudon are especially good teammates as they both have immense physical bulk, support optionsaccess to Stealth Rock, good defensive typing, and can threaten premier physical threats such as Ho-Oh. Blissey also greatly appreciates anti-hazard support as it takes all forms of hazard damageremoval and thus gets worn down especially by Spikes. Many hazard Blissetters, mainly Spikers, also have no troublwill be settwitching hazards lot, and Blissey, therefore warranting Defog or Rapid Spin support worn down easily. Support Arceus formes in general tend to be excellent partners for Blissey as they not only provide Defog support, but can also neuter physical attackers with Will-O-Wisp and can soft check some of the threats that Blissey has trouble with. Arceus-Ghost in particular is immune to fFighting-type moves, and provides a good defensive core as both Blissey, (when running Shed Shell), and Arceus-Ghost areis immune to Shadow Tag. Arceus-Water and Arceus-Rock are also notable support Arceus formes as the firstormer can soft check Kyogre and Ho-Oh while the secondlatter can alsoft check Ho-Oh, and Yveltal.

Most Calm Mind Arceus forms alsoes make good teammates as they can only really be brought down by status, which Blissey can remove with cleric support. Many of the Calm Mind Arceus forms in generalThey can also soft check severalome of Blissey threats. Most fighting type checks such as Ho-Oh and Giratina are also good choices as partnersand counters (Include examples). A Choice Specs Kyogre check is also of great use when running Blissey, as it is essentially the only special attacker than she cannot stall out, assuming it is healthy. Tanks such as Tyranitar, Heatran, and Klefki not only appreciate Blissey’s Wish support, but in return check Blissey’s weaknesses to, they can check threats such as Ho-Oh, Yveltal, and Substitute Geomancy Xerneas. Mewtwo is also a good teammate as it can take down stallbreakers such as Gliscor and Arceus-Poison that halt Blissey completely. Lastly, U-Turn or Volt Switch pivots (include examples) can be handy when used with Blissey, as it gives an opportunity to switch into predicted Taunts from foes such as Mewtwo and Darkrai while still being valuable to a defensively oriented team.

Other Options

Blissey has several alternate support and offensive moves, however she suffers greatly from four-moveslot syndrome so she cannot typically afford to run any of these options. Blissey can run Thunder Wave over Toxic to cripple setup sweepers and offensive foes that come in to threaten her, however this leaves her unable to take down anything with recovery. Snatch can be handy for countering Calm Mind sets (from which Pokemon?) and attempts to eliminate Toxic status. Counter can hit physical attackers that are not powerful enough to OHKO Blissey. (You can also mention here that it can get some surprise KOs) She also can run Fire Blast as an offensive move over Flamethrower, however the increased power is usually not worth its unreliability and low PP. Thunder gives Blissey a way to damage Choice Specs Kyogre to the point where she can wall it, while also being able to hit Mega Gengar. Finally, Blissey can function as a Stealth Rock user to potentially save another ally’s set from being ruined or hindered, however this is still a waste of a move on Blissey for most teams.

Checks and Counters

**Powerful Physical Threats**: ThesePhysical attackers such as Mewtwo, Scizor with Superpower, and Ho-Oh have no trouble bypassing Blissey’s pathetic physical bulk and thus are very straightforward threats. These foes are typically very obvious and thus can be capitalized on, however the best Blissey can usually hope to do to them is uslap them with Toxic when they comeswitch in while, though some are Toxic immune anyways. Notabto it. (put examples in the foes under this classification are Mewtwo, Scizor with Superpower, Swords Danceront, and just give like 3 examples)
**Toxic Immune + Recovery**: Blissey cannot really touch Pokemon such as Calm Mind + Refresh Arceus formes, Zekrom, Ho-Oh, Mega Kangaskhan, and Offensive ground types.**as they are immune to Toxic Immune + Rand have access recovery**: Th moves. Some of threatese Pokemon, such as Gliscor and Gothitelle, also have access to Taunt which also prevent Blissey from fulfilling its support role. Even those without Taunt can lock Blissey into a stalemate since without Toxic damage, these threats can continue to recover off Seismic Toss damage while in return these threats can set up or smackor hit Blissey hard. Such common threats in this category are Gliscor, Calm Mind Refresh Arceus, Poison
**Taunt Users**: Taunt users such and Steel Arceus, Substitute sweepers,ableye and Gothitelle. **Taunt Users**: SinceDarkrai render Blissey is especially weak to Taunt even for a wall,setup bait, and these foesy can proceed to force Blissey to use Seismic Toss or Flamethrower while they can set up, dropremove entry hazards, or inflict status. Some u
**Spike Users are Defensive Yveltal, Skarmory, Sableye,**: Pokemon such as Klefki and Darkrai.**Spikers**: While these threatsSkarmory can’t do much to Blissey, but they can punish her by setting layers of Spikes that most teamsrovide additional despise includingtriment to Blissey. The most common users of this move are Klefki, Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Forrtress, and Scolipede and her teammates later in game by setting up Spikes.

**Rest Users**: These foesRestTalk such as Kyogre can recover off any Seismic Toss damage while getting rid of Toxic. The cost is that they are now asleep and most cannot beat Blissey thus creating a stalemate. Common users include Kyogre and Giratina-A.

**Mega Gengar**: The support set is partially built around not being threatened by this foe, but it is mentioned simply because withoutMega Gengar can trap Blissey, and if she is not holding Shed Shell or Leftovers with Flamethrower, Bl, she cannot do anything since Gengar issey is trapped and brought downmmune to both Toxic and Seismic Toss. In addition it is important to note that the rare Perish Trapper Gengar beats even the Leftovers with Flamethrower set.
Wow this took a long time. ;_;
Don't implement this until an official GP member stamps this or GP checks it by themselves!
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I think this thing should be in ubers pronto. This thing only takes around 40% or so attack from most max boosted special attacks.
+4 252+ SpA Mega Mewtwo Y Psychic vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Blissey: 382-451 (53.5 - 63.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
(yes mega mewtwo y has psystrike and that would obvs ohko >.>)
As soon as I calc'd that, I was stunned. I don't even need to say anything else.
i use this thing w/ max spd and HP investment

But what's really uber about Blissey is that it checks almost all special attackers.
Heatran? Seismic Toss
anything else non-steel/poison type can be toxic stalled
it has a recovery move w/ decent pp
this is a MUST Have on a stall team

this thing checks just too many pokes, and any physical attacks coming at it? switch to a def wall?

ik this post looks like it was made by a 6 year old noob :o
In XY Ubers, Blissey is preferred over her younger sister, Chansey, because fofr her ability to hold Shed Shell to prevent from being trapped by Shadow Tag users. Her smaller weakness to Knock Off and ability to be slightly less predictable than Chansey are also reasons why she is the premier pink blob in Ubers. In addition, she has the single highest HP stat of any Pokemon to date, at a whopping base 255 HP coupled with a great 135 base 135 Special Defense, giving her the best special bulk in the tier. An example of this is her ability to survive an unresisted 150 bBase pPower Choice Specs Kyogre Water Spout, a feat that no other viable Pokemon can achieve. Blissey manages to find a niche with this bulk by learning two of the rarest and most useful support moves in the game: Heal Bell and Wish. Natural Cure is also quite a useful ability, allowing her to sponge status without having to waste a turn and PP to heal herself. Blissey’s typing is a double-edged sword, giving her a single weakness and a handy immunity to the Ghost-type at athe cost tof not having any resistances, something that many other walls in Ubers rely on to mitigate damage. Her physical bulk is also pathetic, making it so that she can't wall powerful physical threats. Her over-reliance on support moves and inability to hit strongly with offensive moves make her even more prone to Taunt prone than many other walls, while in certain team matchups, she can be ouextrightemely wuseakless. However, don’t let these shortcomings discourage you from using Blissey, as she can provide invaluable support for certain builds and wall many special nukes effectively.
name: #1 Blob
move 1: Toxic
move 2: Seismic Toss / Flamethrower
move 3: Soft-Boiled / Wish
move 4: Heal Bell / Protect
ability: Natural Cure
item: Shed Shell / Leftovers
evs: 252 Def / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
nature: Calm
Toxic is mandatory for this set, as it is Blissey’s only way to bring down users with reliable recovery. In addition, this punishes setup sweepers and foes that switch into Blissey to smack it with a hard physical hit. Blissey has two options when it comes to an offensive move. Seismic Toss deals reliable damage to most threats excluding Ghost-types, while Flamethrower is excellent for not only a surprise hit on Scizor, Genesect, and Ferrothorn switch-ins,; buFlamethrower allsows give Blissey toa wactually touc h Megait Gengar. If Leftovers are run, so must Flamethrower, as Gengar leaves you unable to escape due to Shadow Tag, and with Flamethrower, the standard Mega Gengar is forced to trade one -for -one. Blissey also has two options in recovery which aren Wish and Soft-Boiled. Wish has the advantage of being able to pass lumps of 325 HP to teammates, which, even in Ubers, is basically a full recovery to most Pokemon. The disadvantage tof using Wish, however, is that it is not instant recovery, and thus when runningo Wish Blissey is usually required to run Protect in conjunction. Soft-Boiled is the more reliable recovery option for Blissey, but it offers no support to teammates.
The final moveslot is usually decided by what was run in slot three. Opting for Soft-Boiled leaves Blissey free to run cleric support in the form of Heal Bell rather than Wish support, which is highly coveted, as status is very prevalent in the metagame. As previously mentioned, Protect should usually be run with Wish so that Blissey doesn’t have to take two hits before recoverying health. In addition, Protect has other utility, mainly stalling for Toxic damage and locking cChoice -item users. It should be noted that Blissey can run both Wish and Soft-Boiled on the same set because it allows Blissey to heal reliably without being Roared out during its Protect turn, while also providing support for teammates. Although it is not slashed, Ice Beam is also an option on the Leftovers set as it gives Blissey a way to damage Mega Gengar while trading coverage to punish Landorus-T and Gliscor switch-ins.
Set Details
With Blissey’s incredible base HP, no investment is needed in that stat, as she rather appreciates max investment in both defenses. The Defense investment allows Blissey to decently take some physical attacks, while maximum investment in Special Defense is used to abuse Blissey’s excellent special bulk. Shed Shell is the preferred item in most situations as it leaves you free to run Seismic Toss, but this item has no utility beyond escaping Shadow Tag, unfortunately. Leftovers can be run, and the recovery is very handy when walling special nukes,; however, this forces you to run Flamethrower. With Leftovers, a spread of 20 HP / 232 Def / 252 SpD should be run as this HP investment increases Leftovers recovery by 1 HP. An alternate spread of 248 HP / 252 SpD / 8 Def can be run on certain teams to maximize her ability to sponge special attacks, thoweverugh this leaves Blissey completely incapable of taking even weak physical attacks.
Usage Tips
Blissey is relatively straightforward to use. She is mainly a punching bag for the special nukes that roam Ubers. However, despite her incredible special bulk, she should not be switched into a healthy Choice Specs Kyogre. Upon switching in, she usually forces the opponent to switch, therefore breaking their momentum. In this time, Blissey is excellent for providing support to allies, allowing her to get off a Heal Bell or Wish before the opponent’s Blissey counter gets to attack. However, this can become disadvantageous, as with team preview, it is very clear when Blissey will be sent in to sponge an attack asince she is highly specialized, thus attracting double switches from your opponent. In addition to this, users of Blissey must be wary of mixed attackers such as Close Combat Xerneas whicthat can surprise KO you if they are not scouted first. Blissey should spread Toxic as much as possible and heal whenever it's allowed.
Team Options
Blissey’s best team options are physical walls that can take physical blows for Blissey. In addition, most of these walls have trouble with special attacks and / or status that Blissey can provide support to. Landorus-Therian and Groudon are especially good teammates, as they both have immense physical bulk, support options, good defensive typing, and can threaten premier physical threats such as Ho-Oh. Blissey also greatly appreciates anti-hazard support as it takes all forms of hazard damage and thus gets worn down especially by Spikes. Many hazard setters, mainly Spikes users, also have no trouble setting hazards on Blissey, therefore warranting Defog or Rapid Spin support. Support Arceus formes, in general, tend to be excellent partners for Blissey as they not only provide Defog support, but can also neuter physical attackers with Will-O-Wisp and can soft check some of the threats that Blissey has trouble with. Ghost Arceus-Ghost, in particular, is immune to fFighting-type moves, and provides a good defensive core as both Blissey (when running Shed Shell) and Ghost Arceus-Ghost are immune to Shadow Tag. Water Arceus-Water and Rock Arceus-Rock are also notable support Arceus forms. as the first can soft check Kyogre and Ho-Oh while the second can soft check Ho-Oh and Yveltal.
Calm Mind Arceus formes also make good teammates as they can only really be brought down by status, which Blissey can remove with cleric support. Many of the Calm Mind Arceus formes, in general, can also soft check several Blissey threats to. Most fchecks to Fighting -type checks such as Ho-Oh and Giratina are also good choices as partners. A Choice Specs Kyogre check is also of great use when running Blissey, as it is essentially the only special attacker than she cannot stall out, assuming it is healthy. Tanks such as Tyranitar, Heatran, and Klefki not only appreciate Blissey’s Wish support, but in return check Blissey’s weaknesses to threats such as Ho-Oh, Yveltal, and Substitute Geomancy Xerneas. Mewtwo is also a good teammate as it can take down stallbreakers such as Gliscor and Arceus-Poison Arceus that halt Blissey completely. Lastly, U-Tturn pivots can be handy when used with Blissey as it gives an opportunity to switch into predicted Taunts from foes such as Mewtwo and Darkrai while still being valuable to a defensively oriented team.
Other Options
Blissey has several alternate support and offensive moves, howeverbut she suffers greatly from four-moveslot syndrome so she cannot typically afford to run any of these options. Blissey can run Thunder Wave over Toxic to cripple setup sweepers and offensive foes that come in to threaten her, thoweverugh this leaves her unable to take down anything with recovery. Snatch can be handy for countering Calm Mind sets and attempts to eliminate Toxic status. Counter can hit physical attackers that are not powerful enough to OHKO Blissey. She also can run Fire Blast as an offensive move over Flamethrower,; however, the increased power is usually not worth its unreliability and low PP. Thunder gives Blissey a way to damage Choice Specs Kyogre to the point where she can wall it, while also being able to hit Mega Gengar. Finally, Blissey can function as a Stealth Rock user to potentially save another ally’s set from being ruined or hindered, thoweverugh this is still a waste of a move on Blissey for most teams.
Checks and Counters
**Powerful Physical Threats**: These have no trouble bypassing Blissey’s pathetic physical bulk and thus are very straightforward threats. These foes are typically very obvious and thus can be capitalized on, however the best Blissey can usually hope to do is to them is slap them with Toxic when they come in, while some are Toxic immune anywaysto Toxic. Notable foes under this classification are Mewtwo, Scizor with Superpower, Swords Dance Arceus formes, Zekrom, Ho-Oh, Mega Kangaskhan, and Ooffensive gGround -types.
**Toxic Immune + Recovery**: These threats can also have access to Taunt, which also prevents Blissey from fulfilling its support role. Even those without Taunt can lock Blissey into a stalemate, asince without Toxic damage, these threats can continue to recover off Seismic Toss damage, while, in return, these threats can set up or smack Blissey hard. Such common threats in this category are Gliscor, Calm Mind Refresh Arceus, Poison and Steel Arceus, Substitute sweepers, and Gothitelle.
**Taunt Users**: SinceAs Blissey is especially weak to Taunt even for a wall, these foes can proceed to force Blissey to use Seismic Toss or Flamethrower while they can set up, drop hazards, or inflict status. Some users are Defensive Yveltal, Skarmory, Sableye, and Darkrai.
**Spikers**: While these threats can’t do much to Blissey, they can punish her by setting layers of Spikes that most tPokeamson despise, including Blissey. The most common users of this move are Klefki, Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Forretress, and Scolipede.
**Rest Users**: These foes can recover off any Seismic Toss damage while getting rid of Toxic. The cost is that they arewill nowe asleep and most of them cannot beat Blissey, thus creating a stalemate. Common users of Rest include Kyogre and Giratina-A.
**Mega Gengar**: The support set is partially built around not being threatened by this foe, but it is mentioned simply because without Shed Shell or Leftovers with Flamethrower, Blissey is trapped and brought down. In addition, it is important to note that the rare Perish Trapper Gengar beats even the Leftovers with Flamethrower set.
GP 1/2
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In XY Ubers, Blissey is preferred over her younger sister, Chansey, because fofr her ability to hold Shed Shell to prevent from being trapped by Shadow Tag users. Her smaller weakness to Knock Off and ability to be slightly less predictable than Chansey are also reasons why she is the premier pink blob in Ubers. In addition, she has the single highest HP stat of any Pokemon to date, at a whopping base 255 HP coupled with a great 135 base 135 Special Defense, giving her the best special bulk in the tier. An example of this is her ability to survive an unresisted 150 bBase pPower Choice Specs Kyogre Water Spout, a feat that no other viable Pokemon can achieve. Blissey manages to find a niche with this bulk by learning two of the rarest and most useful support moves in the game: Heal Bell and Wish. Natural Cure is also quite a useful ability, allowing her to sponge status without having to waste a turn and PP to heal herself. Blissey’s typing is a double-edged sword, giving her a single weakness and a handy immunity to the Ghost-type at athe cost tof not having any resistances, something that many other walls in Ubers rely on to mitigate damage. Her physical bulk is also pathetic, making it so that she can't wall powerful physical threats. Her over-reliance on support moves and inability to hit strongly with offensive moves make her even more prone to Taunt prone than many other walls, while in certain team matchups, she can be ouextrightemely wuseakless. However, don’t let these shortcomings discourage you from using Blissey, as she can provide invaluable support for certain builds and wall many special nukes effectively.
name: #1 Blob
move 1: Toxic
move 2: Seismic Toss / Flamethrower
move 3: Soft-Boiled / Wish
move 4: Heal Bell / Protect
ability: Natural Cure
item: Shed Shell / Leftovers
evs: 252 Def / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
nature: Calm
Toxic is mandatory for this set, as it is Blissey’s only way to bring down users with reliable recovery. In addition, this punishes setup sweepers and foes that switch into Blissey to smack it with a hard physical hit. Blissey has two options when it comes to an offensive move. Seismic Toss deals reliable damage to most threats excluding Ghost-types, while Flamethrower is excellent for not only a surprise hit on Scizor, Genesect, and Ferrothorn switch-ins,; buFlamethrower allsows give Blissey toa wactually touc h Megait Gengar. If Leftovers are run, so must Flamethrower, as Gengar leaves you unable to escape due to Shadow Tag, and with Flamethrower, the standard Mega Gengar is forced to trade one -for -one. Blissey also has two options in recovery which aren Wish and Soft-Boiled. Wish has the advantage of being able to pass lumps of 325 HP to teammates, which, even in Ubers, is basically a full recovery to most Pokemon. The disadvantage tof using Wish, however, is that it is not instant recovery, and thus when runningo Wish Blissey is usually required to run Protect in conjunction. Soft-Boiled is the more reliable recovery option for Blissey, but it offers no support to teammates.
The final moveslot is usually decided by what was run in slot three. Opting for Soft-Boiled leaves Blissey free to run cleric support in the form of Heal Bell rather than Wish support, which is highly coveted, as status is very prevalent in the metagame. As previously mentioned, Protect should usually be run with Wish so that Blissey doesn’t have to take two hits before recoverying health. In addition, Protect has other utility, mainly stalling for Toxic damage and locking cChoice -item users. It should be noted that Blissey can run both Wish and Soft-Boiled on the same set because it allows Blissey to heal reliably without being Roared out during its Protect turn, while also providing support for teammates. Although it is not slashed, Ice Beam is also an option on the Leftovers set as it gives Blissey a way to damage Mega Gengar while trading coverage to punish Landorus-T and Gliscor switch-ins.
Set Details
With Blissey’s incredible base HP, no investment is needed in that stat, as she rather appreciates max investment in both defenses. The Defense investment allows Blissey to decently take some physical attacks, while maximum investment in Special Defense is used to abuse Blissey’s excellent special bulk. Shed Shell is the preferred item in most situations as it leaves you free to run Seismic Toss, but this item has no utility beyond escaping Shadow Tag, unfortunately. Leftovers can be run, and the recovery is very handy when walling special nukes,; however, this forces you to run Flamethrower. With Leftovers, a spread of 20 HP / 232 Def / 252 SpD should be run as this HP investment increases Leftovers recovery by 1 HP. An alternate spread of 248 HP / 252 SpD / 8 Def can be run on certain teams to maximize her ability to sponge special attacks, thoweverugh this leaves Blissey completely incapable of taking even weak physical attacks.
Usage Tips
Blissey is relatively straightforward to use. She is mainly a punching bag for the special nukes that roam Ubers. However, despite her incredible special bulk, she should not be switched into a healthy Choice Specs Kyogre. Upon switching in, she usually forces the opponent to switch, therefore breaking their momentum. In this time, Blissey is excellent for providing support to allies, allowing her to get off a Heal Bell or Wish before the opponent’s Blissey counter gets to attack. However, this can become disadvantageous, as with team preview, it is very clear when Blissey will be sent in to sponge an attack asince she is highly specialized, thus attracting double switches from your opponent. In addition to this, users of Blissey must be wary of mixed attackers such as Close Combat Xerneas whicthat can surprise KO you if they are not scouted first. Blissey should spread Toxic as much as possible and heal whenever it's allowed.
Team Options
Blissey’s best team options are physical walls that can take physical blows for Blissey. In addition, most of these walls have trouble with special attacks and / or status that Blissey can provide support to. Landorus-Therian and Groudon are especially good teammates, as they both have immense physical bulk, support options, good defensive typing, and can threaten premier physical threats such as Ho-Oh. Blissey also greatly appreciates anti-hazard support as it takes all forms of hazard damage and thus gets worn down especially by Spikes. Many hazard setters, mainly Spikes users, also have no trouble setting hazards on Blissey, therefore warranting Defog or Rapid Spin support. Support Arceus formes, in general, tend to be excellent partners for Blissey as they not only provide Defog support, but can also neuter physical attackers with Will-O-Wisp and can soft check some of the threats that Blissey has trouble with. Ghost Arceus-Ghost, in particular, is immune to fFighting-type moves, and provides a good defensive core as both Blissey (when running Shed Shell) and Ghost Arceus-Ghost are immune to Shadow Tag. Water Arceus-Water and Rock Arceus-Rock are also notable support Arceus forms. as the first can soft check Kyogre and Ho-Oh while the second can soft check Ho-Oh and Yveltal.
Calm Mind Arceus formes also make good teammates as they can only really be brought down by status, which Blissey can remove with cleric support. Many of the Calm Mind Arceus formes, in general, can also soft check several Blissey threats to. Most fchecks to Fighting -type checks such as Ho-Oh and Giratina are also good choices as partners. A Choice Specs Kyogre check is also of great use when running Blissey, as it is essentially the only special attacker than she cannot stall out, assuming it is healthy. Tanks such as Tyranitar, Heatran, and Klefki not only appreciate Blissey’s Wish support, but in return check Blissey’s weaknesses to threats such as Ho-Oh, Yveltal, and Substitute Geomancy Xerneas. Mewtwo is also a good teammate as it can take down stallbreakers such as Gliscor and Arceus-Poison Arceus that halt Blissey completely. Lastly, U-Tturn pivots can be handy when used with Blissey as it gives an opportunity to switch into predicted Taunts from foes such as Mewtwo and Darkrai while still being valuable to a defensively oriented team.
Other Options
Blissey has several alternate support and offensive moves, howeverbut she suffers greatly from four-moveslot syndrome so she cannot typically afford to run any of these options. Blissey can run Thunder Wave over Toxic to cripple setup sweepers and offensive foes that come in to threaten her, thoweverugh this leaves her unable to take down anything with recovery. Snatch can be handy for countering Calm Mind sets and attempts to eliminate Toxic status. Counter can hit physical attackers that are not powerful enough to OHKO Blissey. She also can run Fire Blast as an offensive move over Flamethrower,; however, the increased power is usually not worth its unreliability and low PP. Thunder gives Blissey a way to damage Choice Specs Kyogre to the point where she can wall it, while also being able to hit Mega Gengar. Finally, Blissey can function as a Stealth Rock user to potentially save another ally’s set from being ruined or hindered, thoweverugh this is still a waste of a move on Blissey for most teams.
Checks and Counters
**Powerful Physical Threats**: These have no trouble bypassing Blissey’s pathetic physical bulk and thus are very straightforward threats. These foes are typically very obvious and thus can be capitalized on, however the best Blissey can usually hope to do is to them is slap them with Toxic when they come in, while some are Toxic immune anywaysto Toxic. Notable foes under this classification are Mewtwo, Scizor with Superpower, Swords Dance Arceus formes, Zekrom, Ho-Oh, Mega Kangaskhan, and Ooffensive gGround -types.
**Toxic Immune + Recovery**: These threats can also have access to Taunt, which also prevents Blissey from fulfilling its support role. Even those without Taunt can lock Blissey into a stalemate, asince without Toxic damage, these threats can continue to recover off Seismic Toss damage, while, in return, these threats can set up or smack Blissey hard. Such common threats in this category are Gliscor, Calm Mind Refresh Arceus, Poison and Steel Arceus, Substitute sweepers, and Gothitelle.
**Taunt Users**: SinceAs Blissey is especially weak to Taunt even for a wall, these foes can proceed to force Blissey to use Seismic Toss or Flamethrower while they can set up, drop hazards, or inflict status. Some users are Defensive Yveltal, Skarmory, Sableye, and Darkrai.
**Spikers**: While these threats can’t do much to Blissey, they can punish her by setting layers of Spikes that most tPokeamson despise, including Blissey. The most common users of this move are Klefki, Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Forretress, and Scolipede.
**Rest Users**: These foes can recover off any Seismic Toss damage while getting rid of Toxic. The cost is that they arewill nowe asleep and most of them cannot beat Blissey, thus creating a stalemate. Common users of Rest include Kyogre and Giratina-A.
**Mega Gengar**: The support set is partially built around not being threatened by this foe, but it is mentioned simply because without Shed Shell or Leftovers with Flamethrower, Blissey is trapped and brought down. In addition, it is important to note that the rare Perish Trapper Gengar beats even the Leftovers with Flamethrower set.
GP 1/2
Minority Suspect



In Ubers, Blissey is preferred over her younger sister, Chansey, for her ability to hold Shed Shell to prevent herself from being trapped by Shadow Tag users. Her smaller weakness to Knock Off and ability to be slightly less predictable than Chansey are also reasons why she is the premier pink blob special wall I'd like to avoid saying "pink blob" if we can in Ubers. In addition, she has the single highest HP stat of any Pokemon to date, at a whopping base 255, (AC) HP coupled with a great base 135 Special Defense, giving her the best special bulk in the tier. An example of this is her ability to survive an unresisted 150 Base Power Choice Specs Kyogre Water Spout, a feat that no other viable Pokemon can achieve. Blissey manages to find a niche with this bulk by learning two of the rarest and most useful support moves in the game: Heal Bell and Wish. Natural Cure is also quite a useful ability, allowing her to sponge status without having to waste a turn and PP to heal herself. Blissey's straight > curled typing is a double-edged sword, giving her a single weakness and a handy immunity to the Ghost-type at the cost of not having any resistances, something that many other walls in Ubers rely on to mitigate damage. Her physical bulk is also pathetic, making it so that she can't wall powerful physical threats. Her over-reliance on support moves and inability to hit strongly with offensive moves make her even more prone to Taunt than many other walls, while in certain team matchups, she can be useless. However, don't let these shortcomings discourage you from using Blissey, as she can provide invaluable support for certain team builds and wall many special nukes effectively.

name: #1 Blob
move 1: Toxic
move 2: Seismic Toss / Flamethrower
move 3: Soft-Boiled / Wish
move 4: Heal Bell / Protect
ability: Natural Cure
item: Shed Shell / Leftovers
evs: 252 Def / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
nature: Calm


Toxic is mandatory for this set, as it is Blissey's only way to bring down foes users with reliable recovery. In addition, this punishes setup sweepers and foes that switch into Blissey to smack it her one or the other, just keep it consistent with a hard physical hit. Blissey has two options when it comes to an offensive move. Seismic Toss deals reliable damage to most threats excluding Ghost-types, while Flamethrower is excellent for a surprise hit on Scizor, Genesect, and Ferrothorn switch-ins; add "on the switch" if you like Flamethrower also gives Blissey a way to hit Gengar. If Leftovers are run, so must Flamethrower, as Gengar leaves you Blissey unable to escape due to Shadow Tag, and with Flamethrower, the standard Mega Gengar is forced to trade one-for-one. Blissey also has two options for recovery in Wish and Soft-Boiled. Wish has the advantage of being able to pass lumps of 325 HP to teammates, which, even in Ubers, is basically a full recovery to most Pokemon. The disadvantage of using Wish, (AC) however, is that it is not instant recovery, and so Wish Blissey is usually required to run Protect. Soft-Boiled is the more reliable recovery option for Blissey, but offers no support to teammates.

The final moveslot is usually decided by what was run in slot three. Opting for Soft-Boiled leaves Blissey free to run cleric support in the form of Heal Bell rather than Wish support, which is highly coveted as status is very prevalent in the metagame. As previously mentioned, Protect should usually be run with Wish so that Blissey doesn't have to take two hits before recovering health. In addition, Protect has other utility, mainly stalling for Toxic damage and locking Choice-item users. It should be noted that Blissey can run both Wish and Soft-Boiled on the same set because it allows Blissey to heal reliably without being Roared out during its Protect turn, while also providing support for teammates. Although it is not slashed, Ice Beam is also an option on the Leftovers set as it gives Blissey a way to damage Mega Gengar while trading coverage to punish Landorus-T and Gliscor switch-ins.

Set Details

With Blissey’s incredible base HP, no investment is needed in that stat, as she rather appreciates max investment in both defenses. The Defense investment allows Blissey to take some physical attacks, while and maximum investment in Special Defense is used to abuse Blissey's excellent special bulk. Shed Shell is the preferred item in most situations as it leaves you Blissey free to run Seismic Toss, but this item has no utility beyond escaping Shadow Tag, unfortunately. Leftovers can be run, and the recovery is very handy when walling special nukes; however, this forces you Blissey to run Flamethrower. With Leftovers, a spread of 20 HP / 232 Def / 252 SpD should be run as this HP investment increases Leftovers recovery by 1 HP. An alternate spread of 248 HP / 252 SpD / 8 Def can be run on certain teams to maximize her ability to sponge special attacks, though this leaves Blissey completely incapable of taking even weak physical attacks.

Usage Tips

Blissey is relatively straightforward to use. She is mainly a punching bag for the special nukes that roam Ubers. However, despite her incredible special bulk, she should not be switched into a healthy Choice Specs Kyogre. Upon switching in, she usually forces the opponent to switch, therefore breaking their momentum. In this time, Blissey is excellent for providing support to allies, allowing her to get off a Heal Bell or Wish before the opponent's Blissey counter gets to attack. However, this can become disadvantageous, as with team preview, it is very clear when Blissey will be sent in to sponge an attack as she is highly specialized, thus attracting double switches from your opponent. In addition to this, users of Blissey must be wary of mixed attackers such as Close Combat Xerneas that can surprise KO you Blissey if they are not scouted first. Blissey should spread Toxic as much as possible and heal whenever it's allowed.

Team Options

Blissey's best team options are physical walls that can take physical blows for Blissey. In addition, most of these walls have trouble with special attacks and/or status that Blissey can provide support from to. Landorus-Therian and Groudon are especially good teammates, as they both have immense physical bulk, support options, and good defensive typing, and threaten premier physical threats such as Ho-Oh. Blissey also greatly appreciates anti-entry hazard support as it she takes all forms of hazard damage and thus gets worn down especially by Spikes. Many hazard setters, mainly Spikes users, also have no trouble setting hazards on Blissey, therefore warranting Defog or Rapid Spin support. Support Arceus formes, in general, tend to be excellent partners for Blissey as they not only provide Defog support, but can also neuter physical attackers with Will-O-Wisp and can soft check some of the threats that Blissey has trouble with. Ghost Arceus, in particular, is immune to Fighting-type moves, and thus provides a good defensive core as both Blissey (when running Shed Shell) and Ghost Arceus are immune to Shadow Tag. Water Arceus and Rock Arceus are also notable support Arceus formes, as the first can soft check Kyogre and Ho-Oh while the second can soft check Ho-Oh and Yveltal.

Calm Mind Arceus formes also make good teammates as they can only really be brought down by status, which Blissey can remove with her cleric support. Many of the Calm Mind Arceus formes, in general, can also soft check several threats to Blissey. Most checks to Fighting-types such as Ho-Oh and Giratina are also good choices as partners. A Choice Specs Kyogre check is also of great use when running Blissey, as it is essentially the only special attacker than she cannot stall out, assuming it is healthy "it" being kyogre here, I'm sure? Just making sure. It might be good to use a non-pronoun here. Tanks such as Tyranitar, Heatran, and Klefki not only appreciate Blissey's Wish support, but in return check Blissey's weaknesses to threats such as Ho-Oh, Yveltal, and Substitute Geomancy Xerneas. Mewtwo is also a good teammate as it can take down stallbreakers such as Gliscor and Poison Arceus that halt Blissey completely. Lastly, U-turn pivots can be handy when used with Blissey as they it gives an opportunity to switch into predicted Taunts from foes such as Mewtwo and Darkrai while still being valuable to a defensively oriented team.

Other Options

Blissey has several alternate support and offensive moves, but she suffers greatly from four-moveslot syndrome so she cannot typically afford to run any of these options. Blissey can run Thunder Wave over Toxic to cripple setup sweepers and offensive foes that come in to threaten her, though this leaves her unable to take down anything with recovery. Snatch can be handy for countering Calm Mind sets and attempts to eliminate Toxic status. Counter can hit physical attackers that are not powerful enough to OHKO Blissey. She also can run Fire Blast as an offensive move over Flamethrower, however the increased power is usually not worth its unreliability and low PP. Thunder gives Blissey a way to damage Choice Specs Kyogre to the point where she can wall it, while also being able to hit Mega Gengar. Finally, Blissey can function as a Stealth Rock user to potentially save another ally's set from being ruined or hindered, though this is still a waste of a move on Blissey for most teams.

Checks and Counters

**Powerful Physical Threats**: These Strong physical attackers have no trouble bypassing Blissey's pathetic physical bulk and thus are very straightforward threats. These foes are typically very obvious and thus can be capitalized on, however the best Blissey can usually hope to do is to slap them with Toxic when they come in, while some are immune to Toxic. Notable foes under this classification are Mewtwo, Scizor with Superpower, Swords Dance Arceus formes, Zekrom, Ho-Oh, Mega Kangaskhan, and offensive Ground-types.

**Toxic Immunity + Recovery**: These threats can also have access to Taunt, which also prevents Blissey from fulfilling its support role. This sentence needs to be reworded with a subject; I'll let you fix it so I don't mess it up Even those without Taunt can lock Blissey into a stalemate, as without Toxic damage, these threats can continue to recover off Seismic Toss damage, while, in return, these threats can set up or smack Blissey hard. Such common threats in this category are Gliscor, Calm Mind Refresh Arceus, Poison and Steel Arceus, Substitute sweepers, and Gothitelle.

**Taunt Users**: As Blissey is especially weak to Taunt even for a wall, these foes Taunt users can proceed to force Blissey to use Seismic Toss or Flamethrower while they can set up, drop entry hazards, or inflict status. Some users are defensive Yveltal, Skarmory, Sableye, and Darkrai.

**Spikers**: While these threats Spikes users can't do much to Blissey, they can punish her by setting layers of Spikes that most Pokemon despise, including Blissey. The most common users of this move are Klefki, Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Forretress, and Scolipede.

**Rest Users**: These foes Pokemon with Rest can recover off any Seismic Toss damage while getting rid of Toxic. The cost is that they will be asleep and most of them cannot beat Blissey, thus creating a stalemate. Common users of Rest include Kyogre, Xerneas, and Giratina-A.

**Mega Gengar**: The Blissey's support set is partially built around not being threatened by Mega Gengar this foe, but it is mentioned simply because without Shed Shell or Leftovers with Flamethrower, Blissey is trapped and brought down. In addition, it is important to note that the rare Perish Trapper Gengar beats even the Leftovers with Flamethrower set.

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