Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 41 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Can anyone point me towards a regenerator ho oh and multiscale lugia?
If you like the ones I have in my thread, send me a PM with what you're offering :)
I know I'm probably pretty late, but this has been touched on heavily in the past. I'll just cut to the chase and quote Tatertot

There was even an exact conversation a while back about Regigigas himself (itself?). Even though I was too late for that one, too, I still decided to voice my opinion. In a VM on Tatertot's profile, I had said:

To which Tatertot responded (sorry, bud, but this conversation is view-able by anyone):


Really love that post, Tatertot. Would nominate for best post of the year, if I could. Again, props to you. Five
to you!
D'aww, thanks man :)
For those in the US/Canada, the Pokeball Vivillon Pattern is now active for North America. You have six days to claim yours.

  • Mystery Gift > Internet > Claim
Oh boy guess I better step up my sring for fancy.although once the wondercard has been received, a save state will continue to have the girl at the counter each time you go back to it right? (I know how awkward that brain is nonfunctional)
Oh boy guess I better step up my sring for fancy.although once the wondercard has been received, a save state will continue to have the girl at the counter each time you go back to it right? (I know how awkward that brain is nonfunctional)
Yes you can also switch the order of your Wondercards by viewing the album. That determines what Pokemon you get from the woman in-game first.
Does anyone have a Modest nature Male non-shiny Clauncher? In return I could give a Sassy nature Skrelp or a Timid nature Deino, both male.
Does anyone have a SV of 3531? I cant see the SV spreadsheet.

It seems that SV is determine to be elusive, which added to the recent AegiBAN supports my belief that the universe is determined to keep me from my shiny perfect IV Aegy :(
Anyone want a Torchic spitback? Male, Calm Nature, Speed Boost, IVs x/31/31/31/31/31 (attacks are Scratch and Growl... I'm not so good at breeding down moves yet). Can include a Destiny Knot or Everstone if you want; just message me with an offer (I'm not very picky, just... something decent, ideally a different HA starter-- I have Protean Froakie. Johto or Sinnoh starters are top choice, but I'm also looking for HA Squirtle and Bulbasaur!) I'll be on... at least another 30 minutes, probably quite a lot longer than that.

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Would you accept a careful female lickitung with body slam any ability but not perfect? :P
no sadly I have one in a safari ball I can breed myself so I am just looking for a perfect one sorry:/ I am trying to avoid breeding it though. Looking for event pokemon can trade my shinnies. Also looking for competitive fletchling with tailwind and quick guard, competitive lickitung with body slam and own tempo adamant would be good but I can take another nature. Also looking for a swinub with thick fat and icicle crash.
edit: I would prefer not to breed these just for myself because I have other orders to get to.
i am looking for the following pokemon, untrained:
  • 31/01/30/30/30/30 hidden power fighting timid misdreavus with trick (bw2 move tutor); any odd-numbered attack iv can work but i prefer the lowest possible
  • 31/00/31/30/31/31 hidden power grass timid volt absorb chinchou with hydro pump and heal bell (bw2 move tutor); any even-numbered attack iv can work but i prefer the lowest possible
  • 31/31/31/xx/31/31 jolly archen with defog
  • 31/31/31/xx/31/31 jolly regenerator mienfoo with drain punch and knock off, preferably in a heal ball but it doesn't matter
obviously the first two are from 5th generation games only and the last two can be bred in xy. chinchou and mienfoo respectively get hydro pump and drain punch as level up moves, but i need them on as egg moves. i don't really care about shininess but it's preferred since that's what i'm offering in return

i'm offering anything from my old trade thread:

CMT for Archen.
Anyone want a Torchic spitback? Male, Calm Nature, Speed Boost, IVs x/31/31/31/31/31 (attacks are Scratch and Growl... I'm not so good at breeding down moves yet). Can include a Destiny Knot or Everstone if you want; just message me with an offer (I'm not very picky, just... something decent, ideally a different HA starter!) I'll be on... at least another 30 minutes, probably quite a lot longer than that.
Thanks for your time!
I'm interested. I could give you a protean froakie if you want it.
FC is 0147-0844-7691

Does anyone have a Modest nature Male non-shiny Clauncher? In return I could give a Sassy nature Skrelp or a Timid nature Deino, both male.
I can get you one for that Deino :)
FC is just above
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