Other XY OU Viability Ranking Thread (V2) (Last update on post #5189)

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It doesn't completely wall SD Mega Cross, Mega Cross breaks through at +2.

+2 252+ Atk Mega Heracross Rock Blast (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Gliscor: 245-290 (69.2 - 81.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Poison Heal

I don't really think anyone runs max def Gliscor anymore, that was just for the calc. It's not that hard for Mega Cross to come in on Chansey or something else it completely breaks and grab a boost on the subsequent switch. Even then, Gliscor can't OHKO Hera with STAB Aerial Ace (and who the hell runs max def AA Gliscor?)

Ya you are right, Gliscor is just an Heracross check, a good check but still not a fully counter (there are even fully Heracross counters in the game? lol), it can switch into everything bar Sword Dance and process to force Heracross out with Toxic (if Gliscor is healthy of course), but if it switches into Sword Dance it just gets 2HKO'd by Rock Blast. Max HP Max Def Gliscor doesnt exist as you already said because you rly want to run some bulk on it and AA Gliscor is too more situational imo, its just for Heracross and obv not all the teams has this, so it will be an useless slot the most part of the times. Gliscor remains of the best Heracross check in the game, but it really isn't a super solid answer to it.
Victini should def go up to B+ imo, mainly for its StallTini set. The usefulness of StallTini is phenomenal, being able to deal with so many threats to stall is just incredible. Out of the big 3 wallbreakers, MCham and MGarde fails to 2HKO with any moves and gets OHKOed by V-Create. MHera is outsped with just 56 Spe EVs and Victini makes a good switch into anything that's not Rock Blast. Tini takes on Stallbreaker Mew and BU Talonflame pretty decently. StallTini also has a pretty good matchup against opposing Stall teams thanks to a fast Taunt, immunity to WoW, and high BP moves with no drawbacks. It also takes on the mighty wallbreaker Charizard Y by resisting everything.

All I have covered is just one set out of the many which it can run. Band/Specs sets are incredible wallbreakers hitting extremely hard with V-Create and Blue Flare respectively. Scarf Final Gambit is basically a 1 turn Perish Song against most teams, being extremely handy to destroy defensive cores, or simply to remove a +6/+6 CroCune or something to that effect.

B+ for Victini? It's not that Victini is bad, but it's not really that good either. StallTini is a pretty cool gimmick, but sadly it struggles with the pokes you bring up, not to mention it lacks recovery:

252 SpA Mega Gardevoir Hidden Power Ground vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Victini: 158-186 (39.1 - 46%) -- 86.7% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Pure Power Mega Medicham High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Victini: 176-207 (43.5 - 51.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery (that's Jolly btw)
252+ Atk Mega Heracross Pin Missile (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Victini: 290-350 (71.7 - 86.6%) -- approx. 93.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock (Rock Blast wrecks you too)

As for Stallbreaker Mew yes you win 1 vs 1, but Knock Off leaves you crippled. BU Talonflame is really not that common that you need to run Taunt Victini, and considering Brave Bird 2HKO's at +1 you don't have much time to switch in, use Taunt and Bolt Strike twice to beat it. As for opposing Stall there is Quagsire who still wins with Scald even if you burn it. Here's the calc against Charizard Y:

252 SpA Mega Charizard Y Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Victini in Sun: 156-185 (38.6 - 45.7%) -- 85.2% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

Yes Victini can run other sets, but they're not that good by OU standards because Victini's not particularly fast and its defensive typing is mediocre (Tyranitar anyone?). V-Create also leaves you pretty vulnerable to revenge killing/setup and Choice sets are really crippled by its SR weakness. Pursuit is also a thing. Final Gambit is pretty cool, but not if Rocks are up and either way it's a 1 for 1 trade at best, which Stall is usually okay with.

B rank is reserved for pokemon that are great in the metagame, but Victini just seems like a UU mon that can potentially work in OU although there's not much reason to run it. C+ rank describes it much better.
It doesn't completely wall SD Mega Cross, Mega Cross breaks through at +2.

+2 252+ Atk Mega Heracross Rock Blast (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Gliscor: 245-290 (69.2 - 81.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Poison Heal

I don't really think anyone runs max def Gliscor anymore, that was just for the calc. It's not that hard for Mega Cross to come in on Chansey or something else it completely breaks and grab a boost on the subsequent switch. Even then, Gliscor can't OHKO Hera with STAB Aerial Ace (and who the hell runs max def AA Gliscor?)

You are correct that SD Heracross does beat Gliscor, but the fact remains that SD Heracross really is not very good or very common compared to his other sets (refer to usage stats/month for my point on its commonality). The simple fact is, M-Hera is a wall-breaker, not a sweeper, it has 75 base speed which is no where near enough to sweep, but its kit and stats are VERY well suited for wall crushing (high attack high bulk). As such it is better to give it the maximum amount of coverage possible for its wall-breaking ability. Yes, SD Heracross does exist, but it is quite uncommon.

Also as a side note, Max Def Gliscor is absolutely viable, and there are still several people who will run max or near max def.

But you are correct that it is just a check since some people do run the SD set (only viable at all because Aegislash is no longer a thing).
B+ for Victini? It's not that Victini is bad, but it's not really that good either. StallTini is a pretty cool gimmick, but sadly it struggles with the pokes you bring up, not to mention it lacks recovery:

252 SpA Mega Gardevoir Hidden Power Ground vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Victini: 158-186 (39.1 - 46%) -- 86.7% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Pure Power Mega Medicham High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Victini: 176-207 (43.5 - 51.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery (that's Jolly btw)
252+ Atk Mega Heracross Pin Missile (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Victini: 290-350 (71.7 - 86.6%) -- approx. 93.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock (Rock Blast wrecks you too)

As for Stallbreaker Mew yes you win 1 vs 1, but Knock Off leaves you crippled. BU Talonflame is really not that common that you need to run Taunt Victini, and considering Brave Bird 2HKO's at +1 you don't have much time to switch in, use Taunt and Bolt Strike twice to beat it. As for opposing Stall there is Quagsire who still wins with Scald even if you burn it. Here's the calc against Charizard Y:

252 SpA Mega Charizard Y Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Victini in Sun: 156-185 (38.6 - 45.7%) -- 85.2% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

Yes Victini can run other sets, but they're not that good by OU standards because Victini's not particularly fast and its defensive typing is mediocre (Tyranitar anyone?). V-Create also leaves you pretty vulnerable to revenge killing/setup and Choice sets are really crippled by its SR weakness. Pursuit is also a thing. Final Gambit is pretty cool, but not if Rocks are up and either way it's a 1 for 1 trade at best, which Stall is usually okay with.

B rank is reserved for pokemon that are great in the metagame, but Victini just seems like a UU mon that can potentially work in OU although there's not much reason to run it. C+ rank describes it much better.

HP Ground Gardevoir isn't a thing so why are you bringing it up? StallTini isn't supposed to counter any of those Pokemon, in fact not many people who post here know what a counter is so this is pointless. The fact that with SR removed (see: a good team with Victini) Victini can counter Mega Charizard Y is another reason. Defog Latias is a good partner for that reason, Defog and Healing Wish.

This part especially:

B rank is reserved for pokemon that are great in the metagame, but Victini just seems like a UU mon that can potentially work in OU although there's not much reason to run it. C+ rank describes it much better.

"seems like a UU mon that can work"

Ok it works, so the ranks should reflect that, it's not dropping a rank just because it's UU. Being used less doesn't make a Pokemon worse, like Hippowdon or Slowbro (I'm sure we all remmeber the days of stuff like Landorus, Terrakion, Keldeo, Kyurem-B being UU)
You are correct that SD Heracross does beat Gliscor, but the fact remains that SD Heracross really is not very good or very common compared to his other sets (refer to usage stats/month for my point on its commonality). The simple fact is, M-Hera is a wall-breaker, not a sweeper, it has 75 base speed which is no where near enough to sweep, but its kit and stats are VERY well suited for wall crushing (high attack high bulk). As such it is better to give it the maximum amount of coverage possible for its wall-breaking ability. Yes, SD Heracross does exist, but it is quite uncommon.

Also as a side note, Max Def Gliscor is absolutely viable, and there are still several people who will run max or near max def.

But you are correct that it is just a check since some people do run the SD set (only viable at all because Aegislash is no longer a thing).

Uh so you are telling me that you believe that SD heracross is "not very good" because usage stats say it isn't?
Son SD heracross is THE best set for wallbreaking as at +2 you OHKO practically anything not named quagsire, max defense sylveon (?_?), or doublade. There are zero switch-ins and the coverage that you claim increases its wall-breaking ability really doesn't do much; bullet seed is honestly the only other move you'd run on mega hera and quite frankly bullet seed on mega heracross sucks. anything that bullet seed even hits (rotom-w, quagsire) is already outsped and 2hko'd by CC.

TL; DR: SD>Bullet seed, don't rely on usage as your main argument.
As much of a fan of CM raikou that I used to be, I really can't support it nowadays. Sand rush exca is literally fucking everywhere and pal if you can exaggerate that azu and keldeo are on every team then I can sure as hell tell you that you will find exca on 80% of any offensive team you face on the ladder these days, paired with a ttar of course. Not to mention that AV azu actually beats AV raikou 1v1, so doesn't beat it as well as you say. (play rough+jet kills 100% of the time, tbolt does 63.8% max)

As far as generating momentum goes, its not too bad at that, but its momentum is stopped cold n clean by urs truly exca drill every damn time; even some less common grounds like hippo can easily stop it and nobody likes playing the guessing game between hp ice and volt switch when there's that pesky lando-t on the opposing side. It doesn't threaten that much out cuz its so weak (115 base sp. att isn't that impressive, especially when your strongest attack is 90 base power). And as if sand rush exca wasn't the least of it problems, you still have to deal with the ever so common scarf lando-t and the less common scarf chomp and diggersby ready to revenge you if you're trying to clean up or something.

I might've supported a raise to B+ at best back when double genies was super common because raikou just blows through that, but now that its a lot less common and that sand rush exca has taken a huge rise, I really feel like the meta has been unkind to raikou and it should just stay in B.
Actually in my opinion the popularity of Excadrill helps Raikou, who has fantastic offensive synergy with the mole. It flat beats Skarm, physically defensive Gliscor, as well as the specially defensive set with some prior damage, can heavily deny Landorus, as well as any bulky water except for quagsire (who doesn't like taking specs hits either). Also 1-1 arguments aren't really that useful for a pokemon who's most comfortable spamming volt switch. It doesn't really matter if Azu beats it 1-1 with an assault vest since it can't switch in, and is almost always forced out, not wanting to take the volt switch, so although you're right, I don't think that's really a good or relevant argument. You could make the anti-cleaning argument about anything. Yes it has checks and counters, I'm not arguing for it to move to S. It certainly does dislike scarfed ground types who are certainly common, it's not an A rank mon, it's b+ in my eyes.
Uh so you are telling me that you believe that SD heracross is "not very good" because usage stats say it isn't?
Son SD heracross is THE best set for wallbreaking as at +2 you OHKO practically anything not named quagsire, max defense sylveon (?_?), or doublade. There are zero switch-ins and the coverage that you claim increases its wall-breaking ability really doesn't do much; bullet seed is honestly the only other move you'd run on mega hera and quite frankly bullet seed on mega heracross sucks. anything that bullet seed even hits (rotom-w, quagsire) is already outsped and 2hko'd by CC.

TL; DR: SD>Bullet seed, don't rely on usage as your main argument.

Not sure where I ever said low usage makes a Pokemon bad, in fact in the same post you just quoted, I asserted that Max Def Gliscor was good, and that a few people still ran it. Max Def Gliscor is no where near the most common set used... I said and I quote: "SD Heracross really is not very good or very common compared to his other sets."

This means that it is A. Not very good, and B. Not very common. One does not imply the other, they are simply both true.

I would run Bullet Seed in a heartbeat over SD. Guaranteeing a OHKO on Azumarill, Rotom-W, Donphan, and Keldeo is not something to be overlooked. It is also strictly better than Rock Blast against Gliscor, Lando-T/Lando-I, Clefable, and Sylveon (who by the way has an 80% chance to be 2HKOd even AFTER leftovers), due to having higher accuracy.
Not sure where I ever said low usage makes a Pokemon bad, in fact in the same post you just quoted, I asserted that Max Def Gliscor was good, and that a few people still ran it. Max Def Gliscor is no where near the most common set used... I said and I quote: "SD Heracross really is not very good or very common compared to his other sets."

This means that it is A. Not very good, and B. Not very common. One does not imply the other, they are simply both true.

I would run Bullet Seed in a heartbeat over SD. Guaranteeing a OHKO on Azumarill, Rotom-W, Donphan, and Keldeo is not something to be overlooked. It is also strictly better than Rock Blast against Gliscor, Lando-T/Lando-I, Clefable, and Sylveon (who by the way has an 80% chance to be 2HKOd even AFTER leftovers), due to having higher accuracy.

man thats exactly what i'm trying to tell you. the point A. that you're making is sooooo wrong.
Besides, here are your exact words:
You are correct that SD Heracross does beat Gliscor, but the fact remains that SD Heracross really is not very good or very common compared to his other sets (refer to usage stats/month for my point on its commonality).

Since it makes sense that you got "not very common" from the usage stats, the sentence makes it seem like you imply that its not very good, and not only did you make such a claim you didn't support the fact that SD is worse than extra coverage and you more or less just used usage as your main argument.

Azu gets 2hko'd by rock blast and rotom-w is 2hko'd by pin missile, both are outsped; nobody gives a shit about donphan (you can set up an SD on it for free and ohko it with pin missile, if you insist), and keldeo has a solid shot of ohko'ing you with specs hydro or just gauranteed kill with hp flying.
Rock blast and your other moves just 2hko/ohko anything you need to hit with bullet seed anyways, and with an SD under your belt nothing that you kill with bullet seed is surviving regardless. SD is ultimately better than bullet seed on mega heracross lol that's all there is to it.

Finally, I mentioned max defense sylveon, and sylveon runs wish protect hyper voice heal bell. That means that after leftovers from protect you are gauranteed to avoid the 2hko. Besides, if sylveon isn't running specs it will always run wish/protect, unlike clefable.

Actually in my opinion the popularity of Excadrill helps Raikou, who has fantastic offensive synergy with the mole. It flat beats Skarm, physically defensive Gliscor, as well as the specially defensive set with some prior damage, can heavily deny Landorus, as well as any bulky water except for quagsire (who doesn't like taking specs hits either). Also 1-1 arguments aren't really that useful for a pokemon who's most comfortable spamming volt switch. It doesn't really matter if Azu beats it 1-1 with an assault vest since it can't switch in, and is almost always forced out, not wanting to take the volt switch, so although you're right, I don't think that's really a good or relevant argument. You could make the anti-cleaning argument about anything. Yes it has checks and counters, I'm not arguing for it to move to S. It certainly does dislike scarfed ground types who are certainly common, it's not an A rank mon, it's b+ in my eyes.

Look excadrill may be a good partner to raikou, but its also a hard stop to it and having good synergy with it has nothing to do with how its presence really makes raikou suck.
I can make an anti-cleaning argument about anything but nothing is so totally fucked over by the most common revenge killer in the tier like raikou is; excadrill can switch into any move from any set with complete ease and proceed to ohko you 100% of the time its a hard counter.
Having your hard counter run around on practically every HO team is not good, thus it should stay in B.
Not sure where I ever said low usage makes a Pokemon bad, in fact in the same post you just quoted, I asserted that Max Def Gliscor was good, and that a few people still ran it. Max Def Gliscor is no where near the most common set used... I said and I quote: "SD Heracross really is not very good or very common compared to his other sets."

This means that it is A. Not very good, and B. Not very common. One does not imply the other, they are simply both true.

I would run Bullet Seed in a heartbeat over SD. Guaranteeing a OHKO on Azumarill, Rotom-W, Donphan, and Keldeo is not something to be overlooked. It is also strictly better than Rock Blast against Gliscor, Lando-T/Lando-I, Clefable, and Sylveon (who by the way has an 80% chance to be 2HKOd even AFTER leftovers), due to having higher accuracy.

Bullet Seed is trash, and losing SD is half the reason you run Mega Hera in the first place. You come in on something you can set up on, and then proceed to decimate "checks".
+2 252+ Atk Mega Heracross Rock Blast (5 hits) vs. 240 HP / 0 Def Azumarill: 475-560 (118.4 - 139.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252+ Atk Mega Heracross Pin Missile (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 212+ Def Rotom-W: 420-495 (138.1 - 162.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Also, Specs Keldeo fails to ensure the KO on you, so good luck to that thing taking a +2 CC.
252 SpA Choice Specs Keldeo Hydro Pump vs. 40 HP / 0 SpD Mega Heracross: 256-303 (82.3 - 97.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

If you get a SD off with Mega Heracross, you're almost guaranteed a KO or some crazy damage on something.
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Bullet Seed is trash, and losing SD is half the reason you run Mega Hera in the first place. You come in on something you can set up on, and then proceed to decimate "checks".
+2 252+ Atk Heracross Rock Blast (5 hits) vs. 240 HP / 0 Def Azumarill: 355-420 (88.5 - 104.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252+ Atk Heracross Pin Missile (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 212+ Def Rotom-W: 315-375 (103.6 - 123.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

Not to mention, a 60/40 in your favor that you take a SPECS KELDEO'S HYDRO PUMP.
252 SpA Choice Specs Keldeo Hydro Pump vs. 40 HP / 0 SpD Heracross: 280-330 (90 - 106.1%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO

I'm not even going to bother replying to your first point about Bullet Seed, as your justification for not running Bullet Seed was "its trash." If you actually post legitimate reasoning for why it's trash then I will Respond, but you should not expect people to care about what you have to say if your justification is non-existent. Clearly +2 Rock Blast is an OHKO vs Azumarill, +2 Heracross OHKOs almost everything in the game. That does not change the fact that without bullet seed, you cannot force Azumarill out with the threat of an OHKO. The same point applies to Rotom-W, who also happens to out-speed you and will burn you if you try to hit it with a +2 Bullet Seed. You are also ignoring the fact that Close Combat is not a guaranteed OHKO on Keldeo, meaning if it wants to switch in on non-bullet seed Heracross and force it out with a Specs Hydro Pump, it can.
Agree that Bullet Seed is an inferior choice than both Sword Dance and Rock Blast; Sword Dance is Sword Dance and I think I don't have to explain why you should always run it on Heracross, it lets Heracross to be the Stall-breaker it's and now that Aegi is gone it doesnt need to run EQ anymore, so Sword Dance fits perfectly on it. Rock Blast otherwise hits things like Charizard Y, Talonflame, Thundurus, Mandibuzz and basically any flying-types that would otherwise find an almost free switch in against Heracross. Bullet Seed is just good against Quagsire, but you should have another way to deal with it and CC 2HKOs it anyway, so that means that Quagsire can never switch on Heracross.
That does not change the fact that without bullet seed, you cannot force Azumarill out with the threat of an OHKO. The same point applies to Rotom-W, who also happens to out-speed you and will burn you if you try to hit it with a +2 Bullet Seed.

You really shouldn't have Mega Heracross in on Azumarill in the first place, since Mega Heracross can't take a Play Rough from those things. I guess in some magical world where it's 1 on 1 I suppose Bullet Seed would be pretty good...Also, standard defensive Rotom-W gets outsped by Mega Heracross, so that speaks volumes about your experience. Not to mention that people have begun running Jolly, which outspeeds everything but +speed nature Rotoms, which you shouldn't be running.

+2 Heracross OHKOs almost everything in the game.

Thank you for proving my point.

IYou are also ignoring the fact that Close Combat is not a guaranteed OHKO on Keldeo, meaning if it wants to switch in on non-bullet seed Heracross and force it out with a Specs Hydro Pump, it can.

252+ Atk Mega Heracross Close Combat vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Keldeo: 307-363 (95 - 112.3%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO

May I request a link to the damage calculator you use, kind sir, because 70% is pretty high.

So yeah, Bullet Seed can hope off the edge of my dick.
I'm not even going to bother replying to your first point about Bullet Seed, as your justification for not running Bullet Seed was "its trash." If you actually post legitimate reasoning for why it's trash then I will Respond, but you should not expect people to care about what you have to say if your justification is non-existent. Clearly +2 Rock Blast is an OHKO vs Azumarill, +2 Heracross OHKOs almost everything in the game. That does not change the fact that without bullet seed, you cannot force Azumarill out with the threat of an OHKO. The same point applies to Rotom-W, who also happens to out-speed you and will burn you if you try to hit it with a +2 Bullet Seed. You are also ignoring the fact that Close Combat is not a guaranteed OHKO on Keldeo, meaning if it wants to switch in on non-bullet seed Heracross and force it out with a Specs Hydro Pump, it can.
Why do you think Rotom-W outspeeds, when it only hits 219 Speed with the standard 44 EV investment? Rotom-W is essentially dead against all of the rising wallbreakers. There's no reason to keep your Rotom-W in on a Mega Heracross, unless you want an out-of-order washing machine. That's nice, I guess.
man thats exactly what i'm trying to tell you. the point A. that you're making is sooooo wrong.
Besides, here are your exact words:

Since it makes sense that you got "not very common" from the usage stats, the sentence makes it seem like you imply that its not very good, and not only did you make such a claim you didn't support the fact that SD is worse than extra coverage and you more or less just used usage as your main argument.

Azu gets 2hko'd by rock blast and rotom-w is 2hko'd by pin missile, both are outsped; nobody gives a shit about donphan (you can set up an SD on it for free and ohko it with pin missile, if you insist), and keldeo has a solid shot of ohko'ing you with specs hydro or just gauranteed kill with hp flying.
Rock blast and your other moves just 2hko/ohko anything you need to hit with bullet seed anyways, and with an SD under your belt nothing that you kill with bullet seed is surviving regardless. SD is ultimately better than bullet seed on mega heracross lol that's all there is to it.

Finally, I mentioned max defense sylveon, and sylveon runs wish protect hyper voice heal bell. That means that after leftovers from protect you are gauranteed to avoid the 2hko. Besides, if sylveon isn't running specs it will always run wish/protect, unlike clefable.

Look excadrill may be a good partner to raikou, but its also a hard stop to it and having good synergy with it has nothing to do with how its presence really makes raikou suck.
I can make an anti-cleaning argument about anything but nothing is so totally fucked over by the most common revenge killer in the tier like raikou is; excadrill can switch into any move from any set with complete ease and proceed to ohko you 100% of the time its a hard counter.
Having your hard counter run around on practically every HO team is not good, thus it should stay in B.

Azumarill cannot switch in as it does get 2HKOd by Rock Blast, but the point remains that it means Heracross cannot come in on an Azumarill and threaten an OHKO, like it could otherwise. Rotom-W does not get 2HKOd by Pin Missile because it out-speed Heracross and will burn it with Wil-O-Wisp. Of course Keldeo has a solid shot to OHKO, I never said Heracross was switching into Keldeo, I said that Heracross cannot score a guarunteed OHKO without Bullet Seed, meaning that Keldeo can switch in and threaten it out. I'm aware that Sylveon runs protect on the defensive set, and I'm also aware that it makes no difference. Sylveon switching in on +2 Heracross does the exact same thing as Sylveon switching in on a Bullet Seeding Heracross. She hits both of them with Hypervoice, they both survive, and KO next turn.

Why do you think Rotom-W outspeeds, when it only hits 219 Speed with the standard 44 EV investment? Rotom-W is essentially dead against all of the rising wallbreakers. There's no reason to keep your Rotom-W in on a Mega Heracross, unless you want an out-of-order washing machine. That's nice, I guess.

Because Rotom-W has a higher base speed, and just as bad as it is to run near max speed Heracross at the sacrifice of bulk, its just as doable with Rotom-W, and Rotom-W needs less investment at every point than Heracross because its base speed is higher. Also as I said, Rotom-W stays in on Heracross, Burns it, and wins the fight.
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Because Rotom-W has a higher base speed, and just as bad as it is to run near max speed Heracross at the sacrifice of bulk, its just as doable with Rotom-W, and Rotom-W needs less investment at every point than Heracross because its base speed is higher. Also as I said, Rotom-W stays in on Heracross, Burns it, and wins the fight.

What are you even arguing about at this point?
Swords Dance >>> Bullet Seed but Bullet Seed is a viable option to OHKO Sash Terrakion, Azumarill and Rotom-W if your team lacks safe switch-ins to them, dent Suicune harder (you 3HKO it even when burned with Adamant assuming you get one crit in 15 hits, which has a 62% chance to happen), and for stronger hits on Water-types in general. Now move on guys.
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Because Rotom-W has a higher base speed, and just as bad as it is to run near max speed Heracross at the sacrifice of bulk, its just as doable with Rotom-W, and Rotom-W needs less investment at every point than Heracross because its base speed is higher. Also as I said, Rotom-W stays in on Heracross, Burns it, and wins the fight.
Okay, last thing about this:
- Mega Heracross typically runs 40 HP/252+ Atk/216 Spe, making it 240 Speed. Even so, Rotom-W only runs 44 EVs, giving it 219 Spe. Use a goddamn calculator before you make bullshit assumptions, please.
- Rotom-W can't switch into Mega Heracross without being outsped and 2HKOed. It's also not coming in on Swords Dance variants unless you want a wrecked washing machine, which is nice, I guess.

Now, time to move on to a nomination:
Rhyperior (B-) -> B | Rhyperior is pretty underrated these days. It's pretty much the most solid Flying Spam check in the game, thanks to its typing and massive 115/130 physical defenses. In terms of offense, Rhyperior's Ground/Rock-type gives it the coveted EdgeQuake and it has just about every tool it needs to screw some other dangerous things over, such as hitting Slowbro and other Psychic-types with Megahorn, opposing Rock- and Ground-types with Aqua Tail and Gliscor and the Landorus with Ice Punch. With this brilliant offensive coverage comes base 140 Attack, which is pretty damn impressive. From using a physically defensive set to an Assault Vest attacker to a Choice Bander, Rhyperior can pull it off pretty well given the right support.
Speaking of which, Rhyperior's gonna need some support if you're using it, as its base 55 Special Defense really offsets its amazing physical bulk. Base 40 Speed isn't terribly impressive, either, meaning Rhyperior's gonna have to take a hit before it moves. It also has six weaknesses, two of which are double (Water and Grass); the fact that most of these weaknesses are quite common doesn't particularly help, either. It also lacks reliable recovery, which Hippowdon and Gliscor do possess. Fortunately, there are ways to help Rhyperior deal with these flaws: Pokémon that can remove dangerous special attackers (AV Azumarill comes to mind) and Pokémon that can deal with slower wallbreakers that outpace Rhyperior (Azumarill once again, but moreso Talonflame) come to mind. Its low Speed can be turned to one's favor by utilizing Rhyperior on a Trick Room team, on which it's a brilliant Pokémon. In short, Rhyperior has some definite advantages that can easily be employed on teams in the current metagame, especially with the rise of Flying Spam. Rhyperior for B.
While Rhyperior has some niches that allow it to be usable in OU (like it can deal decently against flying spam), it can't really do anything else. Choice Band set, or offensive ones in Trick Room teams are almost never used in tournaments; TBH i think that these sets are quite gimmicky ones, and they can put work just in certain, few situations. Also giving a look on the currently B rank, I see mons like Kingdra, Starmie, Lucario, Mega Alakazam and Mega Manectric, mons that are way better than Rhyperior imo, they're also much in tournaments because of this. Im not 100% sure about where Rhyperior should be, but probably B- rank is already fine for it. It has the only niche to be a good answer to flying spam but it has just 1 nice role, since the other it has almost 0 usage in general (just give a look on tournament matches) and it has also some bad and uncommon weaknesses to ground, fight, water and grass.
Yo, what do you guys think about Cofagrigus getting some love on this list? I think it has several niches people don't really consider.

1: CTC uses it a lot on his Trick Room teams, a playstyle I really respect after using it quite a bit. Aegislash showed how hard strong Shadow Balls are to deal with and Cofagrigus is the best at spamming them in Trick Room with Nasty Plot.

2: It's ability Mummy allows it to deal with some neat threats. It totally shuts down Mega Pinir's Close Combat set after Mummy since it becomes immune to all of its attacks. It can also burn the EQ set. Azumarill is turned into a chump after one hit, as well as Mega Mawile (although that won't be relevant soon), and Mega Medicham as well. Reliably stopping these threats from sweeping your team is pretty great for a D-rank mon. It also comes in clutch against Talonflame, ZardX, Sand Rush Excadrill. (Mega) Scizor and more because so many good mons rely on their ability.

Of course Mummy is cancelled out by a simple switch, but the point is that it stops sweeps and possibly switches the momentum back to your side of the field, giving you a crucial extra turn or two because that Medicham had to switch out, or you can now outspeed that Talonflame with your Greninja. Forcing switches also allows it to spread burns like crazy and get off damage or Pain Split to stay alive. It's biggest issue is probably lack of recovery.

3. On paper, at least, a simple CM restalk set could mess up the large majority of the metagame. Once you get the Dark types out of the way you have to deal with those heavy Shadow Balls again on a bulky mon with recovery who strips your wallbreaker of their ability after a contact hit. I don't think most teams carry more than one mon who can reliably handle that situation.

So I think Cofagrigus should be ranked somewhere. I'll nominate it for D for now but I think it might be able to pull off higher.

I also posted the following quote a long time ago but it didn't get any attention except a couple likes. I'm perfectly happy to accept that I could be totally wrong about these nominations, but I'd like to know why. alexwolf
I feel like Whimsicott needs to get a D rank here. It's the most reliable full stop to dragon types. You can switch it into a +6 ZardX when you predict the Dragon attack or Dragon Dance or after it kills something with a Dragon attack, and Encore ensures that that thing has to switch back out. This also works against any other type of set-up mon if you predict correctly and its very presence on your team makes setting up very risky for your opponent.

But just stopping set-ups isn't viable for a teamslot if the mon can't do anything else. Fortunately, Whimsicott has a plethora of support options that can snag your team momentum. It has priority Stun Spore, Tailwind, Leech Seed, Taunt and Memento to name some of the best that could be a perfect fit in some select OU teams that really need a check for Dragon Dancers and the like with good support pivoting.

It might also be worth mentioning that if you're real and decide to use a sun team in OU, it's the easiest way to get sun up after Ninetales, provides better support than Ninetales, and has better type synergy with sun abusers than Ninetales.

With all this in its favour I think Whimsicott can definitely find a place in select serious OU teams, at least as often as Mantine and Weezing and so on can.
I don't even know if B- is appropriate for Rhyperior. C+ might be a better fit. It's definitely not a bad Pokemon, but B- is kind of overselling a Pokemon that sees little to no usage anywhere. There's a good reason why Rhyperior doesn't see that much usage as well; Alexander covered it really well in his post. That said, it is still solid enough. A great check to Flying spam and Flying-types in general is a great thing to have on any team, but it still struggles a bit even at that role. Choice Band Talonflame and Staraptor both U-turn against it, Bulk Up Talonflame can burn it on the switch, and Mega Pinsir just needs to make sure it's sufficiently weakened before setting up (+2 Close Combat does roughly 70-80% to it). Despite this, Rock Polish Rhyperior is a really cool offensive Flying-type check, and tank sets are usable. B- is overrating it though.
I feel like Whimsicott needs to get a D rank here. It's the most reliable full stop to dragon types. You can switch it into a +6 ZardX when you predict the Dragon attack or Dragon Dance or after it kills something with a Dragon attack, and Encore ensures that that thing has to switch back out. This also works against any other type of set-up mon if you predict correctly and its very presence on your team makes setting up very risky for your opponent.

But just stopping set-ups isn't viable for a teamslot if the mon can't do anything else. Fortunately, Whimsicott has a plethora of support options that can snag your team momentum. It has priority Stun Spore, Tailwind, Leech Seed, Taunt and Memento to name some of the best that could be a perfect fit in some select OU teams that really need a check for Dragon Dancers and the like with good support pivoting.

It might also be worth mentioning that if you're real and decide to use a sun team in OU, it's the easiest way to get sun up after Ninetales, provides better support than Ninetales, and has better type synergy with sun abusers than Ninetales.

With all this in its favour I think Whimsicott can definitely find a place in select serious OU teams, at least as often as Mantine and Weezing and so on can.
Whimsicott is frankly not good. It's pretty severely outclassed as a Fairy-type by Azumarill, which has great bulk, typing, and offensive presence to check the thinks Whimsicott would, and Clefable, which has more important support options with Unaware, Wish, and Stealth Rock. As a Prankster user, it's outclassed by Thundurus, which is one of the most important Pokemon in the metagame because it has great offensive presence, Prankster Thunder Wave (which is 100% accurate) and Taunt. It also generally isn't a great answer to Dragon-types. Zard-X can just Flare Blitz (and good players will know it's probably got Encore, which will deter them from setting up), Lati@s do a lot with Psyshock though Thunderbolt sets are pretty fucked, Garchomp carries Fire Blast, CB Dragonite which is the best set carries Fire Punch and hits it hard with Espeed anyways, Kyub just Ice Beams. Dragonite is a slightly shaky example, but even so, Azumarill and Clefable generally handle these Pokemon well enough anyways and are better uses of a teamslot for the reasons I mentioned earlier.

The only thing Whimsicott really has to distinguish itself is Memento, but even then, you could just run Memento Latios if you wanted Memento that badly.

Also sun is trash as a dedicated teamstyle. You're better off running Zard-X with something that appreciates sun support but does not rely on it.
While Rhyperior has some niches that allow it to be usable in OU (like it can deal decently against flying spam), it can't really do anything else. Choice Band set, or offensive ones in Trick Room teams are almost never used in tournaments; TBH i think that these sets are quite gimmicky ones, and they can put work just in certain, few situations. Also giving a look on the currently B rank, I see mons like Kingdra, Starmie, Lucario, Mega Alakazam and Mega Manectric, mons that are way better than Rhyperior imo, they're also much in tournaments because of this. Im not 100% sure about where Rhyperior should be, but probably B- rank is already fine for it. It has the only niche to be a good answer to flying spam but it has just 1 nice role, since the other it has almost 0 usage in general (just give a look on tournament matches) and it has also some bad and uncommon weaknesses to ground, fight, water and grass.

I wouldn't say it can't do anything but check flyspam decently (which it practically hard counters, scarf tar deals with it decently). First off, its a hard ass counter to mega pinsir, and seeing as how magnezone is everywhere unless you wanna run shed shell skarm being a hard counter to pinsir is so nice.
252 Atk Mega Pinsir Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Solid Rock Rhyperior: 135-159 (31.1 - 36.6%) -- 3.6% chance to 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
Then comes countering DD char-x, even switching in on +1 dragon claw. No small feat at all:
+1 252+ Atk Tough Claws Mega Charizard X Dragon Claw vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Rhyperior: 171-202 (39.4 - 46.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
As if that wasn't enough lets go ahead and counter mega tyranitar too, we're bored.
+1 252 Atk Mega Tyranitar Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Solid Rock Rhyperior: 175-207 (40.3 - 47.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
But no we can't stop there we should go ahead and counter DD dragonite too we're on a roll already
+1 252+ Atk Dragonite Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Solid Rock Rhyperior: 165-195 (38 - 44.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

We're easily fucking switching in on boosted attacks, sponging them, and returning fire with OHKOs or 2HKOs with its STAB moves. Sure, you have quite a few weaknesses but countering mega pinsir and not being a steel type means so much in this meta right now its incredible. Its natural rock STAB also deters a good amount of defoggers and exca can't spin on it w/out a balloon, meaning this guy is a solid rock setter as well. His physical bulk is just so outstanding that I think it compensates for his flaws, and we should put him up to B.
It doesn't completely wall SD Mega Cross, Mega Cross breaks through at +2.

+2 252+ Atk Mega Heracross Rock Blast (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Gliscor: 245-290 (69.2 - 81.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Poison Heal

I don't really think anyone runs max def Gliscor anymore, that was just for the calc. It's not that hard for Mega Cross to come in on Chansey or something else it completely breaks and grab a boost on the subsequent switch. Even then, Gliscor can't OHKO Hera with STAB Aerial Ace (and who the hell runs max def AA Gliscor?)

I just meant that Heracross' link is fused together with Gliscor...
It was a bad pun ok? Q_Q

-Blastoise and Conkeldurrs
-Cradwaunt and Cresselia
-Mega-Scizor and Rotom-W
-Gliscor and Heracross

These links dont work correctly. Thats all I meant.
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I wouldn't say it can't do anything but check flyspam decently (which it practically hard counters, scarf tar deals with it decently). First off, its a hard ass counter to mega pinsir, and seeing as how magnezone is everywhere unless you wanna run shed shell skarm being a hard counter to pinsir is so nice.
252 Atk Mega Pinsir Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Solid Rock Rhyperior: 135-159 (31.1 - 36.6%) -- 3.6% chance to 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
Then comes countering DD char-x, even switching in on +1 dragon claw. No small feat at all:
+1 252+ Atk Tough Claws Mega Charizard X Dragon Claw vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Rhyperior: 171-202 (39.4 - 46.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
As if that wasn't enough lets go ahead and counter mega tyranitar too, we're bored.
+1 252 Atk Mega Tyranitar Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Solid Rock Rhyperior: 175-207 (40.3 - 47.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
But no we can't stop there we should go ahead and counter DD dragonite too we're on a roll already
+1 252+ Atk Dragonite Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Solid Rock Rhyperior: 165-195 (38 - 44.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

We're easily fucking switching in on boosted attacks, sponging them, and returning fire with OHKOs or 2HKOs with its STAB moves. Sure, you have quite a few weaknesses but countering mega pinsir and not being a steel type means so much in this meta right now its incredible. Its natural rock STAB also deters a good amount of defoggers and exca can't spin on it w/out a balloon, meaning this guy is a solid rock setter as well. His physical bulk is just so outstanding that I think it compensates for his flaws, and we should put him up to B.

As you said Pinsir's CC does 31-36, it means Pinsir can just use CC one time, then it can process to setup if it finds a way to do it, and kill your Rhyperior. Its a better answer to things like Talonflame and Staraptor but as Hollywood already said they can just use U-Turn and gain momentum. I mean, Rhyperior isnt a super bad mon but it has some flaws that don't allow it to be an important mon in the OU tier, and that can be seen from tournaments' usage, it has a rly poor usage and for some right reasons. However, I havent more to say about that, I explained my opinion about it in the above post, and TBH I think that the B- rank is fine for it.
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Rhyperior is also a counter to Zard X without Will-O-Wisp (and will do a fuck ton to it anyway if it's burned), Mega T-Tar, Garchomp, and can check unboosted Sand Rush Excadrill and Dragonite if Multiscale is broken.

44+ Atk Rhyperior Earthquake vs. 144 HP / 0 Def Mega Charizard X: 300-354 (90 - 106.3%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO
+1 252+ Atk Mega Charizard X Earthquake vs. 212 HP / 252 Def Solid Rock Rhyperior: 178-210 (41.9 - 49.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

44+ Atk Rhyperior Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Mega Tyranitar: 230-272 (67.4 - 79.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 252 Atk Mega Tyranitar Ice Punch vs. 212 HP / 252 Def Solid Rock Rhyperior: 144-171 (33.9 - 40.3%) -- 94.9% chance to 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

44+ Atk Rhyperior Ice Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Garchomp: 344-408 (96.3 - 114.2%) -- 75% chance to OHKO
252 Atk Garchomp Earthquake vs. 212 HP / 252 Def Solid Rock Rhyperior: 163-193 (38.4 - 45.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

44+ Atk Rhyperior Ice Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Dragonite: 340-404 (105.2 - 125%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+1 252+ Atk Dragonite Earthquake vs. 212 HP / 252 Def Solid Rock Rhyperior: 181-214 (42.6 - 50.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

44+ Atk Rhyperior Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Excadrill: 492-582 (136.2 - 161.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Life Orb Excadrill Earthquake vs. 212 HP / 252 Def Solid Rock Rhyperior: 236-281 (55.6 - 66.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Edit: It checks LO Terrakion too.

44+ Atk Rhyperior Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Terrakion: 356-422 (110.2 - 130.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Life Orb Terrakion Close Combat vs. 212 HP / 252 Def Solid Rock Rhyperior: 252-298 (59.4 - 70.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
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I wouldn't mind Rhyperior staying where it is now, or maybe moving up. It's definitely not easy to use in the sense you can just slap it on teams to fill a moveslot and throw it in into battle carelessly. When you have Rhyperior on your team and a battle starts, you can basically pick one physical threat on the other team and that threat will either die or be severely crippled. The only physical threat it really can't deal with in some form is 252+ Mega Gyarados (and even then it can BS past it depending upon when Gyara Mega Evos). I think some people think about it wrong. It's not a wall, it's stop gap/pivot/emergency band-aid for a team. It's closer to AV Azumarill then Chansey in how you go about using it.
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