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there's nothing cute about a hollow shell of a plant performing sexual acts.

it's nowhere near as cute as anything on blarajan's discussion list, at least, and is probably macle tier at best.
One does not simply understand sarcasm
Th!nkPi You're right. I mean I love Drifloon to bits (I support a Floon to S move, but I'm happy with A as is) and its mouth is hardly visible even if you know it's there. At the same time, a mouth would add to the squee factor several times over. It doesn't have to be always there, but it'd be nice to see it even once so you know for sure it's there. As is Surskit is A-rank material.

Wimblesaurus Omanyte is kinda cute (B material tho), but no way in hell is it cuter than Eevee. When you think of cute Pokemon in Gen I, Eevee is the first thing that comes to mind. It was designed to be cute, and it succeeded. I do agree that Omanyte is cuter than Tirtouga (I think most stuff in A and B is cuter than Tirtouga), but blarajan probably won't agree and really I guess it's up to him.

Re Bellsprout: Bellsprout is kinda cute because of those little eyes and because it reminds me of a Peashooter from PvZ (is no non-mobile port coming out for 2? my poor Android phone can't handle it) and PvZ is one of the cutest games I've played in recent memory. But it's not that high up, and Oddish is clearly the cuter of the two plants found in the grass beside Nugget Bridge. Low B is fine for 'sprout.
Good to see that you guys have taste for the cutest dragon.





I actually had no idea it had a mouth.

However, I think the cutest almost-dragon also needs more exposure.




His Joltik-esque nommers, little feetsies, great shiny and cute pants warrant a rise to A imo.
i think what makes bellsproat so cute is its lanky features and its ineptness, theres a cuteness that comes from awkward things like in this case bellsproat. bellsproats over accentuated eyes and mouth only add to this kind of wacky cartoon look bellsproat has and for that although i dont think bellsproat deserves A grade i still think it could probably shoot for low lying B grade
Eevee: S, if not A tier. I primarily base my decision off the wicked cool flips it does for it's attack animation in Gale of Darkness. It also seems "damn squeezable".

Mudkip: It's fine in B tier. Cute, but it's a mudfish, so it's gotta be pretty slimy, but unlike Goomy, it's not wiggly-jiggly to make up for it. IIRC it also sounded pretty cute in the anime.

Surskit: I like it to stay in B tier. Somebody pointed out the little hat and the fact that it is constantly blushing is cute. That said, the body to leg ratio make it a little awkward, and not in a cute way.

Archen: I can see it in both C and D tier. The biggest thing to note here is that while some of Archen's mannerisms are cute (Defeatest, inability to fly), Archen is not inherently cute.

Nincada: The whiskers and hollow eyes are creepy. Macle tier. Fanart can make any Pokemon cute, so I'm judging by official works only. Here's the Sugimori artwork. Nothing cute about this.

Larvesta: I'd like to see it lowered to D-tier. The inexplicable white hair makes it look permanently angry, the awkward red horn things make it seem unbalanced, and the brown abdomen makes it look like it's pooping.

Munchlax: I want it moved up to B tier. You can read my full explanation here.

Riolu: I think it should stay in A tier. I'd specifically like to highlight it's cute marching sprite in HG/SS.

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This is serious business.

It has some things going on for it that makes up for its unconventional look for a "cutemon". The spaced-out, derpy look+portruding teeth is quite the catch. The shaggy, unkempt feathers together with its inability to fly is a deft combo of adorable clumsiness. In relation of it being flightless, flavor text entries note that it instead hops from one branch to another; quirky, cute, and surely a sight to "b'aww" on. For those reasons, I think Archen deserves a raise in ranking, somewhere between high C-rank and low B-rank if we're being specific.


Art by Kureculari


Art by Haychel
The complete opposite to Archen's case; Eevee is a textbook definition of "cute". However, as someone had put it, it tips a bit on the cliched and formulaic form of cuteness being your standard, adorable cuddlefluff. Regardless, Eevee just hits the right marks for what you're looking for in an uber adorable Pokemon. I say we give it a slight nod to S-rank.

I can't get over how its head resemble Arceus, which you wouldn't exactly classify as "adorable". Outclassed by Joltik, but its distinguishing factor comes in its menacing aura of cuteness. It can give you great comfort with its warm, fluffy hugs, too! Overall, Larvesta is a decent B-rank material.

I don't quite get why Shellos would be any better compared to Mudkip. Big round head+little chubby body is a good start. Going into detail further, Mudkip has that mouth stretching to both of its cheek fins, which when coupled with its cute doe-eyes, makes for all sorts of irresistibly derpadorable expressions. Like so:


Art by the lovely purplekecleon
Don't even get me started with Mudkip's BW sprite animation.


Too late.

Oh, and I think Mudkip should definitely be A-rank.
Wobblebuns Dem Mudkip poses. ILU. So much. <3
(And I completely agree with EVERYTHING. I'd push for Larvesta to A, but that's kind of my personal bias and I'm just fine with it being anywhere higher than C.)

And here's the colored version!
One does not simply understand sarcasm
top meme
Surskit: I like it to stay in B tier. Somebody pointed out the little hat and the fact that it is constantly blushing is cute. That said, the body to leg ratio make it a little awkward, and not in a cute way.
you can't imagine the little guy stretching out its thin little legs to offer you a berry or summat? c'mon
top meme

you can't imagine the little guy stretching out its thin little legs to offer you a berry or summat? c'mon
Idk if u understood what I meant by that but I meant that the original post u quoted was against bellsprout moving up (he asked how can u NOT like it), and everything after that was sarcasm.
This is serious business.

It has some things going on for it that makes up for its unconventional look for a "cutemon". The spaced-out, derpy look+portruding teeth is quite the catch. The shaggy, unkempt feathers together with its inability to fly is a deft combo of adorable clumsiness. In relation of it being flightless, flavor text entries note that it instead hops from one branch to another; quirky, cute, and surely a sight to "b'aww" on. For those reasons, I think Archen deserves a raise in ranking, somewhere between high C-rank and low B-rank if we're being specific.


Art by Kureculari


Art by Haychel

This is pretty much my argument for my disgust that the cutest of all fossil Pokemon got ranked that low. It's so derpy and it tries so hard that you can't help but have your heart melt when it tries to do anything.

And flavorwise, Defeatist just makes it more adorable. Imagine something that gets upset so hard that its attack gets cut in half when it gets hit too hard. It's hard not to break into tears imagining a Pokemon that probably cries when it's near defeat. It probably cries adorable tears too and just tries to put any semblance of resistance so it doesn't disappoint its trainer.

That's why I believe Archen should be B rank
Trubbish is only C rank, this is an outrage

Not only is it a garbage bag with eyes, it's cute and derpy and probably squeezable.
Trubbish is only C rank, this is an outrage

Not only is it a garbage bag with eyes, it's cute and derpy and probably squeezable.
I wouldn't want to squeeze a garbage bag. Cute and derpy for sure, but squeezing him would probably stink a lot.
Trubbish is only C rank, this is an outrage

Not only is it a garbage bag with eyes, it's cute and derpy and probably squeezable.
What's cute about derpy? Maybe a little slow would be cute if it showed in its expression, but honestly Trubbish's design goes a bit far with the scraggly teeth and blank stare. It goes past "derpy" and breaches into more retarded-looking territory. (no offense to to all the actual mentally handicapped Trubbish out there)
I love Trubbish, but like I said earlier, the stench is a real deal-breaker. You don't even need to hug it--if you smell its fumes, you will be bedridden for a week. Not to mention its evo is damn ugly.
I know Chespin is already A but just thought I'd post this to prove it;

I mean how can you argue with that. Clearly an A at the least, if not S.
i came here to argue for amaura to a rank then saw it was a rank and now i have nothing more to say. umm nincacda ot b
What in the world. Phanpy for S-rank right this instant!!! This is not acceptable.

Just LOOK at the shiny model as well
Beautiful baby blue <_<
Look at this tiny baby elephant and tell him he is not S-rank cuteability!!


omfg *dies*


I'm already dead but still...
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Oh my lord why is tirtouga s-rank at all? More importantly why is the adorable mantyke stuck in A-rank while tirtouga is S-rank!? This can not stand.

Dear god, just look at him. Have any of you even seen his back before?
It has a blatant smiley face across it's fricken back.

Again LOOK at this baby blue shiny model
It is just ridiculous how cute that is. Lets see that back smiley again!
Just wow. Calm down mantyke.

Who even NEEDS fan art when you are this cute? Not manyke.
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