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I'm still adamant that phanpy deserves to be S but I'm not going to promote him anymore.

Not being allowed to contest tirtouga or scraggy cause blara likes them and being discouraged from discussing whether we feel A ranks deserve to be S rank takes the fun out of this for me.

Please start discussing Pokemon we should focus our discussion on. Please do not spend all your time arguing an A rank should be S rank, or Tirtouga should not be S rank. Both of which are wastes of time at this stage.
I'm still adamant that phanpy deserves to be S but I'm not going to promote him anymore.

Not being allowed to contest tirtouga or scraggy cause blara likes them and being discouraged from discussing whether we feel A ranks deserve to be S rank takes the fun out of this for me.
I would actually be sympathetic towards your cause because of the A-ranks, I can actually see two of them going to S, and Phanpy is one of them. (The other is Torchic, which I absolutely adore for being a fluffy warm baby bird.) At the same time, it's not really a big deal. Eevee was probably an extreme case because everyone I know agrees that Eevee is the textbook definition of cute. Otherwise, A and B at the moment are very good ranks with many adorable Pokemon and I wouldn't complain if a favorite of mine is up there. While I'm sad that Ralts is in B and not A, for example, I think it has plenty of good company in Gible, Axew, Mudkip, Oddish, and Larvesta, among others.

Don't fret, though, there's still stuff for discussion. There are too many cuties in the lower ranks that are hella underappreciated, and this is much more of a pressing issue than "my B/A rank Pokemon needs to move up a little." I've already outlined a good number of them in my previous post, and those are only the ones I feel really strongly about. You can also argue for stuff that's bloating the upper tiers and needs to be moved the hell down. While Scraggy and Tirtouga are pretty much off-limits at the moment, there's still random shit like Stunky in A (seriously why), and the injustice of sea slug being higher up than the much cuter mudfish Wooper and Mudkip. I also kinda want Cubchoo moved down from S because of the ick factor with his nose constantly running. While it may be cute to look at for some, you're not gonna want to play with Cubchoo because you don't want to catch what he has. And so on and so forth.

I think once we've deflated the extremes a bit then we can start considering nomming stuff for A/S again.
I feel like there needs to be a standard judging system that posts are based off of. I mean we kind of take each mon in a different direction, basing our opinions off of a plethora of factors, from the official art to the in-game sprites to fan art and that skews how people nominate certain cutiemons or open up a window for bashing from others. For instance if we judge Nincada by its in-game sprites, people might say it has a certain air of cuteness; by its official art, there's probably few followers, but by some of its absolutely adorable fanart, evangelism to the Nincada cult comes full circle. Then we're stuck between "it's ugly here but cute here" and that's annoying.

so what are we actually talking about? official art? sprites? models/renders? fan art? Fan art can really make ANYTHING look cute, even Pawniard which is normally a lifeless chess piece with nothing that has the potential to express any emotion other than its eyes.
I feel like there needs to be a standard judging system that posts are based off of. I mean we kind of take each mon in a different direction, basing our opinions off of a plethora of factors, from the official art to the in-game sprites to fan art and that skews how people nominate certain cutiemons or open up a window for bashing from others. For instance if we judge Nincada by its in-game sprites, people might say it has a certain air of cuteness; by its official art, there's probably few followers, but by some of its absolutely adorable fanart, evangelism to the Nincada cult comes full circle. Then we're stuck between "it's ugly here but cute here" and that's annoying.

so what are we actually talking about? official art? sprites? models/renders? fan art? Fan art can really make ANYTHING look cute, even Pawniard which is normally a lifeless chess piece with nothing that has the potential to express any emotion other than its eyes.
Very valid concerns. Which is why, for the most part, I don't really believe in the "show photographic evidence" part, or, would take it with a grain of salt. I place more stock in arguments, especially ones that have solid basis in canon, like on Bulbapedia or some other source. You can often easily argue things about a Pokemon's fluffiness and personality without having to dredge up fanart. I've been doing this for things like the much-maligned Happiny and Flabebe.

At the same time I acknowledge that pictures have a certain sway. I think that fanart to be used for argument's sake should be as close as possible to how Sugimori or an official artist would draw it. For instance, while I absolutely adore Natu, I had to filter out fanart that made Natu overly fluffy or gave him silly beady eyes which aren't how Natu is. I love Joltik to death and believe it is well deserving of its S-rank, but 95% of the fanart tries to oversell its chibiness/moeness/fluffiness and I would never use it to make a case for Joltik.

This is an example of a good fanart that showcases Joltik's cuteability:
This is not:

The first fanart fudged Joltik's color a little, but otherwise is pretty faithful to how the little fluffy arachnid looks like. The second one is an overly-chibified ball of fluff that is cute enough but is a bit far off from being Joltik--overly circular eyes and undersized nommers.

(This is not to say that people shouldn't draw Pokemon in a different style, no, not at all. While creativity is nice and all it's a bit difficult to take an argument for a Pokemon's cuteness seriously when it's based on fanart that oversells.)

In all, I think this is the pecking order for cuteability arguments.
1) Official art. This includes the anime, TCG, manga, in-game sprites, etc.
2) Arguments based on canonical sources.
3) Fanart.
Wingull for S-rank.
In all, I think this is the pecking order for cuteability arguments.
1) Official art. This includes the anime, TCG, manga, in-game sprites, etc.
2) Arguments based on canonical sources.
3) Fanart.

I think this is fair. Besides, the first thing most people's minds will recall when someone brings up a Pokemon would be their official art or sprites, and any fan art that is posted alongside it, if anything, just compliments the argument and shouldn't necessarily be based off of it.
Chikorita to D (or macle)...

Unless it's on fire. Chikorita is a lot less ugly when it's on fire, but even this isn't A rank material:

That gif just makes Torchic look even cuter... S rank plz :D

Nominating Hippopatas for S rank. Its oversided head, stubby legs and chubby physique are just so cute
Photo Evidence:

This guy knows his hippos!
Also this:

As for the lower tiers, Anorith deserves to be higher than D rank, it's EASILY cuter than Snubble and Sewaddle (both B rank):



I want one of these, so much
It looks like it just crawled out of the primordial soup, and wants a hug...
Like I said in my last post I am totally down for Torchic moving up to S because I love it and it's a fluffy little warm birdie (far better than Fletch), but I'm not adamant about it right now. =w=

Also what's with the Chikorita hate? Chikorita is adorable and an easy A rank for me. ;u;

Looking again, I think B-rank needs a cleanup even more than the top ranks, especially because I'm nomming Natu to it as well. What do you think? I can think of a few things to rise and fall but I feel I've been monopolizing the discussion as is and would rather concentrate on Natu and Happiny rising--everything else is an afterthought until it gets more support.
Also what's with the Chikorita hate? Chikorita is adorable and an easy A rank for me. ;u;
I don't understand what people find so cute about Chikorita personally. It's got an elongated body disproportionate to the huge leaf on its head, with gross, stubby toes that are colored white and unfortunately resemble toenails. That paints an odd image. Then it's got those odd green... beads(?) on its neck. Should it look like a necklace? Or spikes of some sort? Who knows. The only cute part are its eyes, but those big red rubies would be adorable on most anything.
I don't understand what people find so cute about Chikorita personally. It's got an elongated body disproportionate to the huge leaf on its head, with gross, stubby toes that are colored white and unfortunately resemble toenails. That paints an odd image. Then it's got those odd green... beads(?) on its neck. Should it look like a necklace? Or spikes of some sort? Who knows. The only cute part are its eyes, but those big red rubies would be adorable on most anything.
Yeah, it has one small toenail on each tiny foot. I don't find that problematic at all.

Those things around its neck are closed-up buds. You'll notice that when it's evolved into Meganium it has a flower around its neck. That's where it grows from. Knowing that makes it a bit less intimidating and the necklace thing is kinda cute now.

And it still has that adorable face. And its little leaf waving around on its head just makes for so much cuteness.

If we were to drop it, I would drop it no further than B--it's still cuter than most things out there. I personally wouldn't drop it, and not all the way to D/macle as some people are suggesting.
I don't really think Darumaka belongs in A. When it closes its eyes and its mouth, it's rather cute, yes.
When it opens its eyes and bares its teeth... it gets a bit creepy. I don't like it. e.e
Darumaka is in B and I guess it's fine there. B is a good rank anyway.

I actually agree with Pumpkaboo rising. Pumpkaboo is too cute to be in D, imo. It has those cute little fangs. Its leaves look like outstretched arms waiting for a hug. It's also rather small, being between one foot and a little over two and a half. Its evo is also rather adorable. Its name is adorable. It's not an instant favorite, but it really is rather cute and I can see it in high C or low B.
Drowzee should fall below patrat into a pit where it shall stay for eternity, its hideous and a creepy pedophile to boot >.<
Spheal for S rank.



Who the fuck can say no to this adorable little ball of fat? n_n
lol this is still alive. Anywho, you pretty much summed up why spheal isn't S rank with your own statement: "ball of fat"
This thread survived, this is incredible. Anyway, Spheal, for comparison sake, is no match for any of the s-ranks so a is fair enough.

Get Yamask out of D Rank. Yamask has a sad back story, a cute little eye going on, some rocking fan art, and also it has arms to hug you with.

Yamask is versatile in the fact that it can hold you, and also hold onto the memory of who it used to be. I say at least C-Rank, as we are accepting our flaws and choosing to still be better than fucking pasty ass scraggy be who we are!


Please stop Yamask hate, and call the toll free number listed below. Thank you.

These are big, methinks.


I had too much fun with this tbh. Anyways, Yamask for C?
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