Type Of The Month Club Giveaway [August]

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I'm going to go ahead and list the dragon: Trogdor the Burninator from homestarrunner.com (or Strong Bad E-Mails, if you prefer).

What is the significance of Trogdor? Well, Trogdor was a man.

I mean, he was a DRAGON man.

Uh, maybe he was just a dragon.

Anyway, Trogdor was one of the more popular creations of the site, invented by Strong Bad while attempting to teach the audience how to draw a dragon. He ultimately went on to appear in a number of other works on the site, notably a couple of games with him at the center (one where he was the protagonist with the goal of burning down thatched roof cottages, and a second where he was the antagonist to a peasant whose thatched roof cottage had been burned down).

If that's considered satisfactory, I'm interested in a Deino.
I really like Greek mythology, so I suppose I'll talk about one of their dragons (just saying, Deino is basically a Hydra if anyone is stumped about what to talk about; Puck is also a fairly famous fairy from Shakespeare if one wants to take a more European route).

Since I'm hoping for the Sniper Horsea, I suppose it's only fitting that I talk about an aquatic dragon--let's go with Scylla.

Scylla is commonly described as a six-headed monster, though most depictions seem to show it as a dragon or sea serpent. It is said to dwell on one side of a narrow strait, devouring sailors from passing boats. Captains who choose to circumvent Scylla must instead face Charibdys, who could swallow and release enormous amounts of water to create whirlpools that sucked ships to the bottom of the sea. In Homer's Odyssey, Oddyseus lost 6 men to Scylla's heads, each of which ripped a sailor off of his boat as he steered through the strait. Some legends say that Scylla was once human, but was turned into a monster by the witch Circe; The god Glaucus fell in love with Scylla at first sight, and Circe, who loved Glaucus, tainted Scylla's waters to turn her into a serpent. The saying "between Scylla and Charibys" today means the same thing as "between a rock and a hard place"; it means that one is faced with two unfavorable situations but must make a decision to choose one of them, the lesser of two evils.
Soooooo (this is hard....)

Wanda, from Fairly odd parents: when you think about the show each and everyone character is crazy in some way, not much to expect from a child show. But Wanda stood over all of then is the most responsible of the show. She don't always like to grant weird wishes (but much to his desmay cosmo grant then anyway), she like to think about the repercusions of the wishes, making her the more mature of the show. Wishes NEED to be thinked, not just because is magic you can use whenever way you want, in real life this can be applied. There are times when we wish for better living conditions (money, gas, house or better yet mansions) but we forget that if we din't gain it with hard work we will never valorize it. You can say Wanda is a Fairy with a Steel side and kind of adamant nature.

If you readed all of that you should probably realized that I want that (gorgeous) shiny mawile.
Hi, i would like a deino. My FC is: 4983 - 5411 - 0470. Im gonna talk about the Puff, from the song "Puff, the Magic Dragon" made by Leonard Lipton.

The song tells a story of Puff and a boy, Jackie Paper. Jackie Paper used to always visit his dragon friend, Puff in Honalee, an imaginary land. They used to have lots of fun, playing together and looking for adventures together in Jackie's childhood. However, as the time passed by, Jackie was growing up more and more, each time losing more interest into Puff until the day that he left Puff alone and depressed in Honalee.
  • Name a fictional Dragon from any media and specify what fairytale/book/movie/etc it is from. You must also describe the importance or role the Dragon plays in the story OR it's significance to you.

I would say Drogon, named after Khal drogo, one of the three dragon owned by Daenerys in the Game of Throne books. He is massive with black scale, very agressive and not really shy compared to the two. Its represent by its own the powerhouse of Daenerys herself because drogon (alongs with her other dragons, less described though) often allowed her to lure and tricks her ennemies in order to gain an army, ships and even cities.
The three dragons are predominant in the Daenerys lore and they play a huge role in the books as they are kind of a double edged sword for Daenerys, they allowed her to gain a lot at the begining, but later they (especially drogon) will cause her a lot of troubles (I would not tell anything more as i'm afraid I could be behaded for spoils =(

If that works I'd like a copy of your timid shiny noivern plz =)
I'm interested in the Zekrom.

I'm gonna talk about British Literature. The dragon I'm going to mention is the dragon mentioned in Beowulf. (Haven't read that far so I don't know it's name). The dragon is important because it has the main character swallow his pride and receive help in defeating it. Sadly it also manages to kill Beowulf with a fatal blow.
I would like one of the Sniper Horsea since two people above me have requested Deino. :D Hopefully my answer is satisfactory enough and thank you in advance as this is a wonderful giveaway (even if I don't qualify to receive anything).

Since I'm requesting a dragon I may as well talk about a dragon. My choice is Falkor from The Neverending Story. I'm sticking with the movie on this one as I have yet to read the books. Falkor is what's known as a luckdragon within the world of Fantasia and aside from the standard dragon abilities (breathing fire and flying) he has incredible luck (not hard to figure out lol). Designed after Chinese Dragons, he does not possess wings, though is quite unique in appearance, for his fur is like a dog's and he even possesses canine habits such as an affinity to being scratched behind the ears. Admittedly I love Falkor because I love the film, which is overall about the importance of imagination. However, Falkor is an important character within the series for he saves the main characters several times and their journey would never succeed without him by their side. Moreover, I adore how gentle and loyal he is because I hate when dragons are portrayed as the "bad creature that must be slain." Enemies should beware though because he's by no means a pushover. ;)
So many great answers!

I'm impressed with everyone's unique answers and your Dragon/Fairy knowledge.

Stonerzard , Hirshey, Wishy, chester0334 you may collect when ready. If time zone issues persist just say so and I can possibly organize for someone else from the club to get you your gifts.

Everyone's answers here are satisfactory :).

Feel feel to post here or PM/VM me to collect your little Dragon/Fairy.

This giveaway should run for 48 hours from its release (according to the Wi-Fi rules) but everyone who has posted so far is assured their prize. If you happen to post before the giveaway closes and I don't get back to you in time, if your answer is satisfactory I will contact you :).

@Aquathan , I also need your FC/IGN.
I would like a Bagon. The dragon i will talk you about is Igneel from the famous manga/anime Fairytail. He raised and trained the protagonist Natsu. Fore some reason he has disappeared but from flashbacks we know he is a badass and we wait for his official appearance
IGN: Andrew fc: 3179-6484-6278
I would like a Bagon. The dragon i will talk you about is Igneel from the famous manga/anime Fairytail. He raised and trained the protagonist Natsu. Fore some reason he has disappeared but from flashbacks we know he is a badass and we wait for his official appearance
IGN: Andrew fc: 3179-6484-6278

Hi, someone already mentioned Igneel on the last page. Do you have any other Dragons/Fairies you could mention which are important to you?
Hi, someone already mentioned Igneel on the last page. Do you have any other Dragons/Fairies you could mention which are important to you?
A very famous dragon is the dragon from Shrek. She is a female dragon whose job on the fist movie is to guard the tower in which Fiona is imprisoned.The funny this is that she takes a liking on Donkey and they end up together happy with their dragon-donkey babies.I still want the Bagon. IGN: Andrew fc: 3179-6484-6278
A very famous dragon is the dragon from Shrek. She is a female dragon whose job on the fist movie is to guard the tower in which Fiona is imprisoned.The funny this is that she takes a liking on Donkey and they end up together happy with their dragon-donkey babies.I still want the Bagon. IGN: Andrew fc: 3179-6484-6278

Yep, that's better!

Haven't heard that one before.

I can add you and trade now with Bagon.
Oh my, what lovely Horseas! Here's a story of dragons for you: Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett. There are a few dragons in there but the one I'd like to talk about is Errol. Spoilers (in case there is someone out there looking at this thread for dragon recs hehe):

Errol was born a sad-looking dragon, a runt, an unbreedable, a male spitback with the wrong ability, no IVs, and no egg moves, so to speak. At least, that's what everybody thought. During the climax of Guards! Guards!, when a much fiercer and larger dragon is terrorising the city of Ankh-Morpork, Errol flies over - not using his wings like a normal dragon, but by expelling fumes from his behind and using his tiny, stubby wings to steer. He flew to the majestic dragon and, of all things, began courting the dragon. She accepted him as her mate and they both flew off to the moon (where Errol's species actually comes from, it transpires) to make lots of baby dragons and live happily ever after. We hope and presume.

Hope that dragon interested you! I love Errol, he provided such an interesting twist to what seemed to be another typical fairy tale. Plus, how he got his name is pretty funny: he actually had a different name, but one of the watchmen said 'He looks like my uncle Errol' and nobody could think of him as anything other than 'Errol' from then on.
Oh my, what lovely Horseas! Here's a story of dragons for you: Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett. There are a few dragons in there but the one I'd like to talk about is Errol. Spoilers (in case there is someone out there looking at this thread for dragon recs hehe):

Errol was born a sad-looking dragon, a runt, an unbreedable, a male spitback with the wrong ability, no IVs, and no egg moves, so to speak. At least, that's what everybody thought. During the climax of Guards! Guards!, when a much fiercer and larger dragon is terrorising the city of Ankh-Morpork, Errol flies over - not using his wings like a normal dragon, but by expelling fumes from his behind and using his tiny, stubby wings to steer. He flew to the majestic dragon and, of all things, began courting the dragon. She accepted him as her mate and they both flew off to the moon (where Errol's species actually comes from, it transpires) to make lots of baby dragons and live happily ever after. We hope and presume.

Hope that dragon interested you! I love Errol, he provided such an interesting twist to what seemed to be another typical fairy tale. Plus, how he got his name is pretty funny: he actually had a different name, but one of the watchmen said 'He looks like my uncle Errol' and nobody could think of him as anything other than 'Errol' from then on.

Oh, I like that :P.

Make love not war, as they say.

Which Horsea would you like? The Swift Swim or Sniper one? Or you can choose whichever 'mon you'd like :).
Oh, I like that :P.

Make love not war, as they say.

Which Horsea would you like? The Swift Swim or Sniper one? Or you can choose whichever 'mon you'd like :).

Yay, I'm so glad you liked it! I'll have the Swift Swim one, please. I have added you and will be online to trade whenever you're ready momentarily.
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