Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 42 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Personally I would go for HP Fire for potential grass switch ins. Also hits electric normally. While Bug just hits normal on both grass/electric switch ins.
But haven't played competitive in a while, so second opinions are welcome.
Just a minor nitpick, but bug hits grass super effectively as well. However, you are right in which fire is good most of the time (although it has ice beam to hit grass types). However, Mewdraco, bug has its uses against things like malamar or shiftry (if your team is having trouble with it).

What's better? HP Fire or HP Bug on Wailord?
Wouldn't HP Grass be a better fit for Wailord? Truthfully, I don't know its movepool, so it may have Energy Ball or something...

Anyway, probably should go for HP Fire as others have said, as it has more general uses, I believe.
Best ball for non-shiny scizor?
I'm guessing since its only catchable in the bug catching contest in that game as a scyther, that sports ball would be the best :P (no apricorn balls). Nvm, you didn't say just in HG anymore. Guess repeat? Sport is still good :P
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Hi guys !
I just need a Heracross with a Heracronite (With Adamant Nature if possible), a Gengar with perfect IVs in Speed (With Timid Nature if possible) and SpeAtk and a Friend Safari with a Frogadier in it (I need the Hidden Ability Protean so please complete the E4 :p). I live in India so anyone living in/near that timezone would be great. I will gladly trade you guys a Charizardite X, a Tyranitarite and a Manectrite (Pokemon not included :p). My Friend Code is in my profile.

I am not really picky on the Natures and the Timezone thing is ok as I will be free tomorrow for almost 12 hours.
Best ball for non-shiny scizor?
(if you don't mind lack of special-ness) [or
if you're RNGing a past Gen event.]
Best ball for non-shiny scizor?
I've seen a lot of Sport Ball ones around, but I don't think anyone has done this one before:

Scizor's wings are actually clear, so the white isn't so bad of a match (the blue is just the background from the summary screen where this sprite was ripped). If you want points for originality, go this one.
Would it be worthwhile for me to wait to breed Johto starters (I will be breeding 9 of each for all the special balls) and wait for possible OR/AS egg moves or just breed them now?
Hi guys !
I just need a Heracross with a Heracronite (With Adamant Nature if possible), a Gengar with perfect IVs in Speed (With Timid Nature if possible) and SpeAtk and a Friend Safari with a Frogadier in it (I need the Hidden Ability Protean so please complete the E4 :p). I live in India so anyone living in/near that timezone would be great. I will gladly trade you guys a Charizardite X, a Tyranitarite and a Manectrite (Pokemon not included :p). My Friend Code is in my profile.

I am not really picky on the Natures and the Timezone thing is ok as I will be free tomorrow for almost 12 hours.
I have a protean Froakie from Wonder Trade. Want it?
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