Ugly Babies: The UnderUsed of Little Cup

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Elekid is good but it it's not going to doom UU. Even with LO it lacks the base power to take out many pokes and that's why it's dropped to such a low usage percentage despite have good physical coverage and amazing speed. I'd say it's A rank material.

Edit: It's nice to counter bird spam cause I've seen teams with tailow + dodou and those hit hard.

Purloin and sash solosis are still good without omanyte around. Scarf elekid, on the other hard, is very niche for shell smashers as would be hp grass on water types.

Elekid doesn't "counter" bird spam, it actually can't switch in on either without Eviolite (and Facade / Return / Knock Off + Quick Attack still KOs that iirc)
Elekid doesn't "counter" bird spam, it actually can't switch in on either without Eviolite (and Facade / Return / Knock Off + Quick Attack still KOs that iirc)

I worded that wrong. It is a check. It would be very unwise to switch elekid into an attack from them. It's a good check that can likely pick up a kill even if they switch though. A counter would perhaps be aron/geodude/rhyhorn as you probably won't see hp grass, water, or fighting coming from them and their coverage is quite poor.
the lack of people laddering in LC UU is a throwback to LC's roots 9.9

Antar and I got to talking about anything, whether it be scraping the bottom of the barrel or not, so to speak, that could effectively check/counter Omanyte. It's been banned, yeah, but in a retrospective sense I thought it would be nice to revisit for a moment since I wasn't around to discuss it before you BANNED MY BABY. Anyway we came up with Purrloin which really is the LC UU equivalent to Cottonee as far as ravaging Shell Smash goes. Purrloin comes in upon Omanyte's first Shell Smash, Encores and, in the case that Omanyte stays in, Foul Plays on the second Shell Smash and KOs. I'd like to think a decent player wouldn't keep Omanyte in for hopes of being able to set up later, but there are some who don't and there's also no opportunity to switch for some if it's late game. In the case of switching, as I would hope most do, Thunder Wave will cripple whatever comes in, thanks to Purrloin's versatility as far as Prankster goes. As well Purrloin could be swapped to maintain momentum if appropriate.

also worthy of note: even if one mispredicts and Omanyte attacks upon Purrloin's switch in, there's still an opportunity to twave and cripple either Omanyte or whatever it switches out to

thoughts on Purrloin?
Just use Shellos or something to kill Omanyte 9_9

honestly I think Waterspam would be a lot more dangerous in LC UU lol
Just use Shellos or something to kill Omanyte 9_9
HP Electric is a guaranteed 2HKO vs. Shellos, and Shellos can't OHKO (0 SpA Earth Power does a mere 86% max), so (1) you can't switch in (unless you're really lucky and correctly predict the Surf), and (2) you die before you kill anyway (barring the Storm Drain boost for a perfectly predicted switch-in).
For my opinion.

Elekid is really wonderful in this meta (He can 2HKO all the meta with the good move).
But Elekid is very frail, can't take priorities and lot of sweepers can OHKO him. However, if, imo, he should'nt be banned by LC UU, he will be a great pokémon in LC UU.
He could be A+ Rank imo.

Purrloin become too a masterpiece of the new LC UU. He's like a Cottonee, who can encored Shell Smashers, support with Knock Off/Twave/Taunt/U-Turn, and can do a decent late-game sweeper with Nasty Plot/Dark Pulse and Unburden/Prankster + Copycat. imo he will be at least A-.
HP Electric is a guaranteed 2HKO vs. Shellos, and Shellos can't OHKO (0 SpA Earth Power does a mere 86% max), so (1) you can't switch in (unless you're really lucky and correctly predict the Surf), and (2) you die before you kill anyway (barring the Storm Drain boost for a perfectly predicted switch-in).
0 SpA Shellos Earth Power vs. -2 76 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Omanyte: 18-22 (85.7 - 104.7%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO

+2 196+ SpA Omanyte Hidden Power Electric vs. 228 HP / 100 SpD Eviolite Shellos: 16-20 (59.2 - 74%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

60 SpA Shellos Earth Power vs. -2 76 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Omanyte: 20-24 (95.2 - 114.2%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO

0 SpA Shellos Hidden Power Grass vs. -2 76 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Omanyte: 24-32 (114.2 - 152.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO

0 SpA Shellos Earth Power vs. -2 76 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Omanyte: 18-22 (85.7 - 104.7%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO

+2 196+ SpA Omanyte Hidden Power Electric vs. 228 HP / 100 SpD Eviolite Shellos: 16-20 (59.2 - 74%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

60 SpA Shellos Earth Power vs. -2 76 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Omanyte: 20-24 (95.2 - 114.2%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO

0 SpA Shellos Hidden Power Grass vs. -2 76 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Omanyte: 24-32 (114.2 - 152.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO


You do know that shellsmash only drops defense a special defense 1 stage and not two right? I'm guessing you simply forgot; it's an easy mistake to make. I'm not sure omanyte needed to be banned but there is only a couple solid counters.
You do know that shellsmash only drops defense a special defense 1 stage and not two right? I'm guessing you simply forgot; it's an easy mistake to make. I'm not sure omanyte needed to be banned but there is only a couple solid counters.
Yeah, I forgot. Regardless tho;
60 SpA Shellos Hidden Power Grass vs. -1 76 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Omanyte: 20-28 (95.2 - 133.3%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO

Why use EP on Shellos when it's trying to check the biggest threats in the tier
I'm trying a thing who can RK Shell Smasher and Set-Up Sweepers, he does his job very well.

Solosis @ Focus Sash
Ability: Magic Guard
Level: 5
EVs: 236 HP / 236 SpA / 36 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Psychic
- Energy Ball
- Shadow Ball
- Trick Room

Focus Sash + Magic Guard + Same BS Satk + Same movepool = Abra-Like
He works very well and he can do a really decent late game sweeper with his 22 Spatk and Trick Room.
Play with Twave instead of Trick Room with Modest nature and 31 IV Spd is a decent option.
The fact that you're forced to run a move as otherwise awful as HP grass on random bulky waters should be a testament to omanyte's brokenness.

Yeah, like how people had to run hp electric to stop Gyarados?

Hp Grass is for more than that. It stops Binacle, curse wooper, ect.
We should now look at Clamperl imo. It can't set up as easily as Omanyte but once it does, it becomes far more devastating.
We should consider if the things that check Clamperl are able to do other rolls or are there solely to check Clamperl. Clamperl seems a really strong presence in the meta; is there any good way to get around it?
LC UU just completed its first month, and the metagame saw a whopping 345 battles in September! That's more than... um... Gen II OU? lol. Well I knew going in that this was going to be a pretty niche metagame.

Here's the usage stats for the month (1500 baseline):

 Total battles: 345
 Avg. weight/team: 0.572
 + ---- + ------------------ + --------- + ------ + ------- + ------ + ------- + 
 | Rank | Pokemon            | Usage %   | Raw    | %       | Real   | %       | 
 + ---- + ------------------ + --------- + ------ + ------- + ------ + ------- + 
 | 1    | Elekid             | 35.85976% | 241    | 34.928% | 205    | 34.923% | 
 | 2    | Riolu              | 30.07684% | 203    | 29.420% | 176    | 29.983% | 
 | 3    | Sandshrew          | 28.23695% | 177    | 25.652% | 147    | 25.043% | 
 | 4    | Doduo              | 28.14884% | 174    | 25.217% | 151    | 25.724% | 
 | 5    | Purrloin           | 26.73763% | 147    | 21.304% | 116    | 19.761% | 
 | 6    | Omanyte            | 20.34543% | 120    | 17.391% | 84     | 14.310% | 
 | 7    | Slowpoke           | 19.11786% | 113    | 16.377% | 103    | 17.547% | 
 | 8    | Koffing            | 18.15114% | 104    | 15.072% | 85     | 14.480% | 
 | 9    | Taillow            | 16.84979% | 109    | 15.797% | 87     | 14.821% | 
 | 10   | Machop             | 15.92166% | 87     | 12.609% | 78     | 13.288% | 
 | 11   | Surskit            | 14.42290% | 86     | 12.464% | 84     | 14.310% | 
 | 12   | Hippopotas         | 13.05323% | 89     | 12.899% | 84     | 14.310% | 
 | 13   | Inkay              | 12.94039% | 78     | 11.304% | 68     | 11.584% | 
 | 14   | Darumaka           | 12.73474% | 91     | 13.188% | 83     | 14.140% | 
 | 15   | Lickitung          | 12.13666% | 93     | 13.478% | 78     | 13.288% | 
 | 16   | Clamperl           | 11.71703% | 83     | 12.029% | 68     | 11.584% | 
 | 17   | Gothita            | 11.63869% | 82     | 11.884% | 72     | 12.266% | 
 | 18   | Phantump           | 10.93031% | 68     |  9.855% | 60     | 10.221% | 
 | 19   | Stunky             |  9.80965% | 66     |  9.565% | 55     |  9.370% | 
 | 20   | Piplup             |  9.61255% | 47     |  6.812% | 43     |  7.325% | 
 | 21   | Drifloon           |  9.41020% | 61     |  8.841% | 46     |  7.836% | 
 | 22   | Growlithe          |  7.25409% | 57     |  8.261% | 53     |  9.029% | 
 | 23   | Shellder           |  6.84187% | 47     |  6.812% | 36     |  6.133% | 
 | 24   | Tentacool          |  6.74704% | 45     |  6.522% | 42     |  7.155% | 
 | 25   | Anorith            |  6.48816% | 37     |  5.362% | 30     |  5.111% | 
 | 26   | Tyrunt             |  6.44686% | 47     |  6.812% | 35     |  5.963% | 
 | 27   | Froakie            |  5.67943% | 34     |  4.928% | 28     |  4.770% | 
 | 28   | Zorua              |  5.48074% | 41     |  5.942% | 16     |  2.726% | 
 | 29   | Meowth             |  5.43037% | 46     |  6.667% | 43     |  7.325% | 
 | 30   | Minccino           |  4.98573% | 37     |  5.362% | 27     |  4.600% | 
 | 31   | Goldeen            |  4.89434% | 27     |  3.913% | 22     |  3.748% | 
 | 32   | Kabuto             |  4.80061% | 35     |  5.072% | 32     |  5.451% | 
 | 33   | Aron               |  4.72811% | 37     |  5.362% | 36     |  6.133% | 
 | 34   | Shellos            |  4.70510% | 33     |  4.783% | 31     |  5.281% | 
 | 35   | Trapinch           |  4.61336% | 30     |  4.348% | 28     |  4.770% | 
 | 36   | Geodude            |  4.59035% | 37     |  5.362% | 35     |  5.963% | 
 | 37   | Amaura             |  4.56987% | 29     |  4.203% | 26     |  4.429% | 
 | 38   | Axew               |  4.28602% | 33     |  4.783% | 30     |  5.111% | 
 | 39   | Natu               |  4.14554% | 31     |  4.493% | 25     |  4.259% | 
 | 40   | Mankey             |  3.86983% | 27     |  3.913% | 20     |  3.407% | 
 | 41   | Togepi             |  3.83139% | 34     |  4.928% | 30     |  5.111% | 
 | 42   | Ekans              |  3.80867% | 25     |  3.623% | 21     |  3.578% | 
 | 43   | Cubone             |  3.72844% | 25     |  3.623% | 21     |  3.578% | 
 | 44   | Solosis            |  3.67951% | 23     |  3.333% | 18     |  3.066% | 
 | 45   | Mantyke            |  3.53912% | 30     |  4.348% | 27     |  4.600% | 
 | 46   | Flabebe            |  3.44807% | 28     |  4.058% | 21     |  3.578% | 
 | 47   | Frillish           |  3.32891% | 22     |  3.188% | 20     |  3.407% | 
 | 48   | Chespin            |  3.24277% | 23     |  3.333% | 21     |  3.578% | 
 | 49   | Snover             |  3.13272% | 20     |  2.899% | 18     |  3.066% | 
 | 50   | Torchic            |  3.05537% | 25     |  3.623% | 22     |  3.748% | 
 | 51   | Dratini            |  3.03700% | 19     |  2.754% | 16     |  2.726% | 
 | 52   | Nosepass           |  2.93426% | 30     |  4.348% | 28     |  4.770% | 
 | 53   | Cacnea             |  2.82326% | 21     |  3.043% | 16     |  2.726% | 
 | 54   | Starly             |  2.79645% | 18     |  2.609% | 15     |  2.555% | 
 | 55   | Bulbasaur          |  2.69841% | 24     |  3.478% | 21     |  3.578% | 
 | 56   | Spinarak           |  2.58017% | 16     |  2.319% | 13     |  2.215% | 
 | 57   | Woobat             |  2.48593% | 19     |  2.754% | 17     |  2.896% | 
 | 58   | Larvitar           |  2.29708% | 15     |  2.174% | 12     |  2.044% | 
 | 59   | Deerling           |  2.25034% | 21     |  3.043% | 15     |  2.555% | 
 | 60   | Duskull            |  2.24400% | 21     |  3.043% | 19     |  3.237% | 
 | 61   | Chimchar           |  2.16023% | 16     |  2.319% | 16     |  2.726% | 
 | 62   | Paras              |  2.12683% | 20     |  2.899% | 15     |  2.555% | 
 | 63   | Treecko            |  2.04133% | 21     |  3.043% | 18     |  3.066% | 
 | 64   | Pineco             |  1.98883% | 16     |  2.319% | 16     |  2.726% | 
 | 65   | Rhyhorn            |  1.75123% | 10     |  1.449% | 10     |  1.704% | 
 | 66   | Helioptile         |  1.73666% | 18     |  2.609% | 14     |  2.385% | 
 | 67   | Pumpkaboo-Super    |  1.71903% | 10     |  1.449% | 10     |  1.704% | 
 | 68   | Azurill            |  1.69636% | 11     |  1.594% | 10     |  1.704% | 
 | 69   | Buneary            |  1.64369% | 16     |  2.319% | 15     |  2.555% | 
 | 70   | Bronzor            |  1.35780% | 12     |  1.739% | 11     |  1.874% | 
 | 71   | Wooper             |  1.32981% | 11     |  1.594% | 9      |  1.533% | 
 | 72   | Joltik             |  1.31665% | 11     |  1.594% | 9      |  1.533% | 
 | 73   | Electrike          |  1.28283% | 9      |  1.304% | 9      |  1.533% | 
 | 74   | Eevee              |  1.25702% | 12     |  1.739% | 12     |  2.044% | 
 | 75   | Blitzle            |  1.25115% | 10     |  1.449% | 7      |  1.193% | 
 | 76   | Squirtle           |  1.24442% | 12     |  1.739% | 11     |  1.874% | 
 | 77   | Lotad              |  1.14107% | 8      |  1.159% | 8      |  1.363% | 
 | 78   | Grimer             |  1.13056% | 7      |  1.014% | 7      |  1.193% | 
 | 79   | Binacle            |  1.12114% | 10     |  1.449% | 8      |  1.363% | 
 | 80   | Seel               |  1.09904% | 9      |  1.304% | 8      |  1.363% | 
 | 81   | Buizel             |  1.08276% | 10     |  1.449% | 9      |  1.533% | 
 | 82   | Wynaut             |  1.07925% | 16     |  2.319% | 15     |  2.555% | 
 | 83   | Cyndaquil          |  1.01945% | 10     |  1.449% | 7      |  1.193% | 
 | 84   | Mareep             |  1.00734% | 10     |  1.449% | 8      |  1.363% | 
 | 85   | Elgyem             |  1.00031% | 11     |  1.594% | 9      |  1.533% | 
 | 86   | Oddish             |  0.99325% | 5      |  0.725% | 5      |  0.852% | 
 | 87   | Karrablast         |  0.99046% | 13     |  1.884% | 11     |  1.874% | 
 | 88   | Venipede           |  0.90368% | 9      |  1.304% | 9      |  1.533% | 
 | 89   | Charmander         |  0.89695% | 10     |  1.449% | 10     |  1.704% | 
 | 90   | Drowzee            |  0.85759% | 9      |  1.304% | 8      |  1.363% | 
 | 91   | Totodile           |  0.84803% | 9      |  1.304% | 8      |  1.363% | 
 | 92   | Skiddo             |  0.81302% | 7      |  1.014% | 5      |  0.852% | 
 | 93   | Numel              |  0.80428% | 10     |  1.449% | 9      |  1.533% | 
 | 94   | Golett             |  0.78734% | 7      |  1.014% | 7      |  1.193% | 
 | 95   | Litleo             |  0.78612% | 7      |  1.014% | 6      |  1.022% | 
 | 96   | Litwick            |  0.76508% | 6      |  0.870% | 6      |  1.022% | 
 | 97   | Wailmer            |  0.75254% | 8      |  1.159% | 7      |  1.193% | 
 | 98   | Gulpin             |  0.71668% | 7      |  1.014% | 6      |  1.022% | 
 | 99   | Sandile            |  0.70607% | 6      |  0.870% | 5      |  0.852% | 
 | 100  | Magby              |  0.70107% | 8      |  1.159% | 7      |  1.193% | 
 | 101  | Horsea             |  0.66180% | 6      |  0.870% | 5      |  0.852% | 
 | 102  | Voltorb            |  0.61607% | 8      |  1.159% | 6      |  1.022% | 
 | 103  | Teddiursa          |  0.61283% | 4      |  0.580% | 3      |  0.511% | 
 | 104  | Bergmite           |  0.61140% | 5      |  0.725% | 5      |  0.852% | 
 | 105  | Smoochum           |  0.59827% | 4      |  0.580% | 2      |  0.341% | 
 | 106  | Slugma             |  0.58614% | 6      |  0.870% | 6      |  1.022% | 
 | 107  | Clauncher          |  0.56704% | 6      |  0.870% | 6      |  1.022% | 
 | 108  | Pumpkaboo-Small    |  0.56232% | 6      |  0.870% | 3      |  0.511% | 
 | 109  | Finneon            |  0.55777% | 7      |  1.014% | 6      |  1.022% | 
 | 110  | Pancham            |  0.55240% | 8      |  1.159% | 7      |  1.193% | 
 | 111  | Remoraid           |  0.53781% | 5      |  0.725% | 4      |  0.681% | 
 | 112  | Skorupi            |  0.53446% | 4      |  0.580% | 4      |  0.681% | 
 | 113  | Wingull            |  0.52789% | 6      |  0.870% | 6      |  1.022% | 
 | 114  | Rufflet            |  0.52769% | 5      |  0.725% | 5      |  0.852% | 
 | 115  | Mudkip             |  0.48407% | 4      |  0.580% | 4      |  0.681% | 
 | 116  | Bonsly             |  0.45421% | 5      |  0.725% | 4      |  0.681% | 
 | 117  | Swinub             |  0.42946% | 4      |  0.580% | 4      |  0.681% | 
 | 118  | Rattata            |  0.42337% | 4      |  0.580% | 4      |  0.681% | 
 | 119  | Glameow            |  0.41767% | 5      |  0.725% | 5      |  0.852% | 
 | 120  | Krabby             |  0.41653% | 4      |  0.580% | 4      |  0.681% | 
 | 121  | Bagon              |  0.41615% | 4      |  0.580% | 4      |  0.681% | 
 | 122  | Goomy              |  0.40552% | 4      |  0.580% | 3      |  0.511% | 
 | 123  | Budew              |  0.40461% | 3      |  0.435% | 3      |  0.511% | 
 | 124  | Yamask             |  0.40071% | 5      |  0.725% | 5      |  0.852% | 
 | 125  | Tepig              |  0.39034% | 3      |  0.435% | 2      |  0.341% | 
 | 126  | Turtwig            |  0.39034% | 3      |  0.435% | 1      |  0.170% | 
 | 127  | Gible              |  0.37002% | 4      |  0.580% | 4      |  0.681% | 
 | 128  | Ralts              |  0.35477% | 3      |  0.435% | 3      |  0.511% | 
 | 129  | Oshawott           |  0.35285% | 4      |  0.580% | 4      |  0.681% | 
 | 130  | Shieldon           |  0.34761% | 3      |  0.435% | 0      |  0.000% | 
 | 131  | Chikorita          |  0.34690% | 3      |  0.435% | 3      |  0.511% | 
 | 132  | Barboach           |  0.31603% | 3      |  0.435% | 2      |  0.341% | 
 | 133  | Baltoy             |  0.27462% | 3      |  0.435% | 3      |  0.511% | 
 | 134  | Pansage            |  0.27262% | 3      |  0.435% | 2      |  0.341% | 
 | 135  | Pumpkaboo-Large    |  0.25615% | 3      |  0.435% | 2      |  0.341% | 
 | 136  | Bidoof             |  0.25526% | 3      |  0.435% | 2      |  0.341% | 
 | 137  | Exeggcute          |  0.25297% | 1      |  0.145% | 1      |  0.170% | 
 | 138  | Mime Jr.           |  0.25127% | 3      |  0.435% | 2      |  0.341% | 
 | 139  | Skrelp             |  0.24208% | 3      |  0.435% | 2      |  0.341% | 
 | 140  | Shroomish          |  0.23257% | 2      |  0.290% | 2      |  0.341% | 
 | 141  | Poochyena          |  0.22658% | 3      |  0.435% | 2      |  0.341% | 
 | 142  | Ducklett           |  0.22058% | 1      |  0.145% | 1      |  0.170% | 
 | 143  | Beldum             |  0.20492% | 2      |  0.290% | 1      |  0.170% | 
 | 144  | Shelmet            |  0.19788% | 2      |  0.290% | 2      |  0.341% | 
 | 145  | Hoothoot           |  0.19785% | 2      |  0.290% | 1      |  0.170% | 
 | 146  | NidoranM           |  0.19707% | 2      |  0.290% | 2      |  0.341% | 
 | 147  | Munna              |  0.18845% | 2      |  0.290% | 2      |  0.341% | 
 | 148  | Pidgey             |  0.18688% | 2      |  0.290% | 2      |  0.341% | 
 | 149  | Swablu             |  0.18526% | 3      |  0.435% | 3      |  0.511% | 
 | 150  | Caterpie           |  0.17882% | 2      |  0.290% | 2      |  0.341% | 
 | 151  | Skitty             |  0.17156% | 2      |  0.290% | 1      |  0.170% | 
 | 152  | Shinx              |  0.16510% | 2      |  0.290% | 2      |  0.341% | 
 | 153  | Deino              |  0.15915% | 1      |  0.145% | 0      |  0.000% | 
 | 154  | Espurr             |  0.15915% | 1      |  0.145% | 0      |  0.000% | 
 | 155  | Pichu              |  0.15915% | 1      |  0.145% | 0      |  0.000% | 
 | 156  | Spoink             |  0.15868% | 2      |  0.290% | 2      |  0.341% | 
 | 157  | Pidove             |  0.11070% | 1      |  0.145% | 1      |  0.170% | 
 | 158  | Pansear            |  0.11070% | 1      |  0.145% | 0      |  0.000% | 
 | 159  | Wurmple            |  0.10992% | 1      |  0.145% | 1      |  0.170% | 
 | 160  | Roggenrola         |  0.10384% | 1      |  0.145% | 1      |  0.170% | 
 | 161  | Venonat            |  0.10366% | 1      |  0.145% | 1      |  0.170% | 
 | 162  | Chingling          |  0.09423% | 1      |  0.145% | 1      |  0.170% | 
 | 163  | Seedot             |  0.09423% | 1      |  0.145% | 1      |  0.170% | 
 | 164  | Happiny            |  0.09423% | 1      |  0.145% | 1      |  0.170% | 
 | 165  | Noibat             |  0.09423% | 1      |  0.145% | 1      |  0.170% | 
 | 166  | Spearow            |  0.09423% | 1      |  0.145% | 1      |  0.170% | 
 | 167  | Panpour            |  0.09423% | 1      |  0.145% | 1      |  0.170% | 
 | 168  | Tynamo             |  0.09423% | 1      |  0.145% | 1      |  0.170% | 
 | 169  | Fennekin           |  0.09423% | 1      |  0.145% | 1      |  0.170% | 
 | 170  | Phanpy             |  0.09423% | 1      |  0.145% | 0      |  0.000% | 
 | 171  | Lillipup           |  0.09410% | 1      |  0.145% | 1      |  0.170% | 
 | 172  | Sewaddle           |  0.09404% | 1      |  0.145% | 0      |  0.000% | 
 | 173  | Whismur            |  0.08715% | 1      |  0.145% | 1      |  0.170% | 
 | 174  | Shuppet            |  0.08715% | 1      |  0.145% | 1      |  0.170% | 
 | 175  | Poliwag            |  0.08592% | 1      |  0.145% | 1      |  0.170% | 
 | 176  | Makuhita           |  0.05502% | 1      |  0.145% | 1      |  0.170% | 
 + ---- + ------------------ + --------- + ------ + ------- + ------ + ------- +

In the moveset stats, there's not enough data for checks & counters, but I'm hopeful that people will reference those reports for set and teammate suggestions.
already a hipster using a mon outside of the 3% by quite a way, larvitar=bae, azurill too ;-; I wasn't even trying2b
I have found sandshrew to be awesome (Not because of sandshrewed). It's a good support 'mon, and can be used to sweep with sd even!
I already hyped Larvitar as the second coming of Jesus like 5 months ago 2late imo ;)
Yea but did u post an RMT with it for double hipster points? Also azurill is a nuke, so good under TR.. It might be replaceable since in reality there's no like synergy added by it and there's other nukes like trapinch n stuff available too, but we'll see
Did this die? Anyone play me some games? x3

Edit: Just perusing Yagura's viability rankings and spotting that I hadn't noticed Koffing and Gothitelle. Koffing is obviously awesome and I'd love to use it (I imagine it functions similarly to weezing in other tiers)..

I've played ubers for too long, and.. good grief.. what are our options on pursuit trappers? Doesn't it make like a dumb amount of the tier unviable (don't trappers like almost always do that o.o) especially since it's probably pretty consistent, and I don't see pursuit options
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Did this die? Anyone play me some games? x3

Edit: Just perusing Yagura's viability rankings and spotting that I hadn't noticed Koffing and Gothitelle. Koffing is obviously awesome and I'd love to use it (I imagine it functions similarly to weezing in other tiers)..

I've played ubers for too long, and.. good grief.. what are our options on pursuit trappers? Doesn't it make like a dumb amount of the tier unviable (don't trappers like almost always do that o.o) especially since it's probably pretty consistent, and I don't see pursuit options

The tier is pretty dead. It had some action at the beginning but in my opinion some of the stuff that slipped into lc uu was pretty imba. This stuff might be outclassed in LC enough that it's usage % dropped to ~3% but there is some damn good stuff in here. It's harder to account for a lot of these threats when the good/popular checks that forced their usage down aren't available. Priority is less of a threat as well which makes it even easier to use power attackers tailow/darumaka/dodou/etc. Overall the tier is very aggressive and a bit awkward.

Almost no one is queuing for lc uu cause they don't expect to find games and most aren't interested anyways. It's easier to just ask around in lc room if someone has a lc uu team they will battle you with then to waste time trying to get a ladder game. We did this occasionally for PU when we were tired of NU, back in gen 5 before PU become an official tier. There is still a lot of potential for growth, and, on a positive note, there is a decent amount of room for team diversity. Fast and powerful seems to be the focus, however, and people are always trying to abuse sticky webs.

NU has proven it can work with PU but LC just isn't as popular as NU to begin with. Without a sizable player base it's hard to get enough interest in a sub meta to establish its player base, and if you can't establish a decent player base the tier dies off and it's very hard to find people to play with. I hope lc uu sticks around and gains more interest.
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