Flaws Of Humantiy - Giving away Hoenn Megas!

Do you think it's okay to re-breed something not re-distributable and make my own re-distributable?

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:P updated with a bigger picture :P Black Sabbath is cool yo...I have a dark bluish one as well! Can't trade now though ;-; tomorrow?

Sure, just quote this post, saying you've won Alakazam, Wrath and Latios and I'll trade you the next time you post here with your friend code. :)

I hope this give away is still open (because if not then ill feel dumb :3 )
but if it still is can I ask for the Shiny Lopunny please?
I even went and put my terariermon hat (the bunny digimon) in order to take this picture and ask for the bunny pokemon
(I know its two different animes but hey the thought counts for something right?)

P.S. once I get a reply to this I have the BEST crack head story you could ever hope to hear, and I love telling it!
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I hope this give away is still open (because if not then ill feel dumb :3 )
but if it still is can I ask for the Shiny Lopunny please?
I even went and put my terariermon hat (the bunny digimon) in order to take this picture and ask for the bunny pokemon
(I know its two different animes but hey the thought counts for something right?)

P.S. once I get a reply to this I have the BEST crack head story you could ever hope to hear, and I love telling it!

Adding you now; let's see that story!

EDIT: When I added you, it said you were online one minute ago; so I waited an hour, but you never came back. This Giveaway is still open, so feel free to post a story.
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Sorry i got off at 3:20 so i could get some sleep before school XD
but ill probably be online all morning and all night

but anyway story about a crack head coming right up

so being a kid right out of high school there wasn't a lot of jobs that would pay me more than minimum wage, so I decided to not look at all and put in an application at McDonalds because they will hire any one at McDonalds, so upon working there I discovered something that I should have already known, and that was you can get any drug from pot to straight up heroin from the people that work at McDonalds. (Here is where the crack head comes in) I learned within my first two weeks that there was a crack head who lived at the play ground across the street, because his crack dealer (aka my manager) sold him this really bad horribly made would kill all your brain cells with a single puff crack for really cheap, I however learned this because this homeless crack head would try to bum a cigarette off me every night and every night I would tell him I don't smoke, but he never seemed to remember that. any way fast forward to the end of this summer, since they knew I was only a summer guy they treated me awful there, so I waited for a busy day that we were under staffed and I walked in and said "is this everyone? it is? well that sucks I quit."
I not only quit but I then took my mcdonalds shirt off and pants and threw them at the camera out side, then I went around the drive threw six times in a row only ordering one double each time, well after the 6th trip I realized my clothes were gone off the ground outside, and I thought nothing of it.
it wasn't until two weeks later that I learned the crack head stole my clothes, then proceeded to go in to that McDonalds a few days later and acted like an employ, he somehow must have pulled the acting part off pretty good because he managed to steal 2 treys of cooked patties (about 32 hamburger patties) 3 cases of bottled water, and get this when the cops told me the next thing he stole I just about died laughing, this crack head stole the lemon slicer, which has one purpose and that is to cut lemons, why does a homeless man need a lemon slicer, HE LIVES IN A CHILDS JUNGLE GYM.
(I know your like how did this man smuggle 3 cases of water and a lemon slicer out of McDonalds, your right to wonder that because that was the first question I asked the *spoiler*cop *spoiler* but according to the over night manager, since no one had ever seen that bum working before they thought he was just unloading the truck to restock things, so they thought nothing of him carrying 3 cases of water, also since he only comes out at night the morning people who were working didn't know he was a bum ...somehow)

now I bet your like you quit how do you know this, well since the morning people never worked with me when they saw this homeless crack head with my name tag they thought he was me, and they told the rep who checks the cameras every sunday at noon that a employ named Kingston stole every thing
well the rep will fire you for eating on nugget on the job, so when like 30$ worth of bottled water and a lemon slicer goes missing that's means to get the cops involved
so when the cops showed up at my door I was somewhat confused and thought it had something to do with breaking in to the concrete factory and stealing all the fire extinguishers out of the trucks so I could have a awesome fire extinguisher fight (its kind of like having a flamethrower fight but instead of fire you have that anti fire stuff) so when they told me it was work related I was baffled, I told the cop word from word "really striping down to my boxers is what your getting me for not any of the other stuff"
he then proceeded to ask me about other stuff and I said nope not talking
then he told me what happened and why he was here to question/arrest me (I wasn't sure which one, he tried extremely hard to not let me know if I was just being questioned or being arrested)
I then told him it wasn't me and that I took my clothes off when I quit and walked out in my boxers, so he made me call both my night managers to verify this, which thank god they did.
apparently the story after they left my house is the cops questioned both my night managers, then the crack dealer said yeah hes a bum that lives in the playground, they then went to the playground and arrested the man, when asked why he lived at a playground he said its close to his dealer and pointed to McDonalds
the cops then pulled a steak out and pulled both my managers over after they got off work, and of Corse they found drugs on the crack dealer and 7500$ worth of stolen things that he obtained through car hoping, wich included 6 GPSes and a gun, if I remember correctly the news said he was doing 5 at least

BUTTTT anyway moral of the story is crack is bad, Just somewhat kind of sort of not really knowing someone who does it can complicate your life so much
I had to deal with cops and I can not work at another McDonalds owned by the Bloozas (or how ever its spelled) again in my life (like I really wanted too XD )
and my manager who just started making 12$ an hour he worked there so long (that's like 4 years you only get a 25 cent raise every 6 months) has to spend at least 5 years in prison, but honestly I think he got the full time they could give him, they just said 5 years so he would rat out the other people making crack and car hoping with him.

but any way that's my story involving a crack head
it is a true story, so I hope you found it entertaining. I know when I look back I laugh all I can think is all that over a shirt XD I got two bad people arrested because I thought it would be funny to quit in my boxers.
Sorry i got off at 3:20 so i could get some sleep before school XD
but ill probably be online all morning and all night

but anyway story about a crack head coming right up

so being a kid right out of high school there wasn't a lot of jobs that would pay me more than minimum wage, so I decided to not look at all and put in an application at McDonalds because they will hire any one at McDonalds, so upon working there I discovered something that I should have already known, and that was you can get any drug from pot to straight up heroin from the people that work at McDonalds. (Here is where the crack head comes in) I learned within my first two weeks that there was a crack head who lived at the play ground across the street, because his crack dealer (aka my manager) sold him this really bad horribly made would kill all your brain cells with a single puff crack for really cheap, I however learned this because this homeless crack head would try to bum a cigarette off me every night and every night I would tell him I don't smoke, but he never seemed to remember that. any way fast forward to the end of this summer, since they knew I was only a summer guy they treated me awful there, so I waited for a busy day that we were under staffed and I walked in and said "is this everyone? it is? well that sucks I quit."
I not only quit but I then took my mcdonalds shirt off and pants and threw them at the camera out side, then I went around the drive threw six times in a row only ordering one double each time, well after the 6th trip I realized my clothes were gone off the ground outside, and I thought nothing of it.
it wasn't until two weeks later that I learned the crack head stole my clothes, then proceeded to go in to that McDonalds a few days later and acted like an employ, he somehow must have pulled the acting part off pretty good because he managed to steal 2 treys of cooked patties (about 32 hamburger patties) 3 cases of bottled water, and get this when the cops told me the next thing he stole I just about died laughing, this crack head stole the lemon slicer, which has one purpose and that is to cut lemons, why does a homeless man need a lemon slicer, HE LIVES IN A CHILDS JUNGLE GYM.
(I know your like how did this man smuggle 3 cases of water and a lemon slicer out of McDonalds, your right to wonder that because that was the first question I asked the *spoiler*cop *spoiler* but according to the over night manager, since no one had ever seen that bum working before they thought he was just unloading the truck to restock things, so they thought nothing of him carrying 3 cases of water, also since he only comes out at night the morning people who were working didn't know he was a bum ...somehow)

now I bet your like you quit how do you know this, well since the morning people never worked with me when they saw this homeless crack head with my name tag they thought he was me, and they told the rep who checks the cameras every sunday at noon that a employ named Kingston stole every thing
well the rep will fire you for eating on nugget on the job, so when like 30$ worth of bottled water and a lemon slicer goes missing that's means to get the cops involved
so when the cops showed up at my door I was somewhat confused and thought it had something to do with breaking in to the concrete factory and stealing all the fire extinguishers out of the trucks so I could have a awesome fire extinguisher fight (its kind of like having a flamethrower fight but instead of fire you have that anti fire stuff) so when they told me it was work related I was baffled, I told the cop word from word "really striping down to my boxers is what your getting me for not any of the other stuff"
he then proceeded to ask me about other stuff and I said nope not talking
then he told me what happened and why he was here to question/arrest me (I wasn't sure which one, he tried extremely hard to not let me know if I was just being questioned or being arrested)
I then told him it wasn't me and that I took my clothes off when I quit and walked out in my boxers, so he made me call both my night managers to verify this, which thank god they did.
apparently the story after they left my house is the cops questioned both my night managers, then the crack dealer said yeah hes a bum that lives in the playground, they then went to the playground and arrested the man, when asked why he lived at a playground he said its close to his dealer and pointed to McDonalds
the cops then pulled a steak out and pulled both my managers over after they got off work, and of Corse they found drugs on the crack dealer and 7500$ worth of stolen things that he obtained through car hoping, wich included 6 GPSes and a gun, if I remember correctly the news said he was doing 5 at least

BUTTTT anyway moral of the story is crack is bad, Just somewhat kind of sort of not really knowing someone who does it can complicate your life so much
I had to deal with cops and I can not work at another McDonalds owned by the Bloozas (or how ever its spelled) again in my life (like I really wanted too XD )
and my manager who just started making 12$ an hour he worked there so long (that's like 4 years you only get a 25 cent raise every 6 months) has to spend at least 5 years in prison, but honestly I think he got the full time they could give him, they just said 5 years so he would rat out the other people making crack and car hoping with him.

but any way that's my story involving a crack head
it is a true story, so I hope you found it entertaining. I know when I look back I laugh all I can think is all that over a shirt XD I got two bad people arrested because I thought it would be funny to quit in my boxers.

lol wow. This story wins. I have Cubone and Lopunny next time you're available. :)

Bring a spearow if you want Dux. :)
To start off, my FC is 0447-6460-0614. Here goes my photo for Latias, my golden queen n_n. I will post a story and give you a Spearow later too, thank you very much.


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To start off, my FC is 0447-6460-0614. Here goes my photo for Latias, my golden queen n_n. I will post a story and give you a Spearow later too, thank you very much.

Okay, that's cool; do you mind if we keep it to just one trade though? This part of the site doesn't count posts so just post back here with the story when you can trade. Adding you now.
Ok sure, added you. IGN: Max EDIT: Oh, I totally didn't notice you has a giveaway FC, sorry for delay.
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Hi, could I please have this and a Spearow:

[323] Shiny Camerupt
OT: Nachito (18849) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Quiet - Ability: Magma Armor -> Solid Rock
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/00
Moves: Hidden Power Ice, Eruption, Fire Blast, Earth Power, Explosion
EV trained: 252 HP / 6 Defense / 252 Special Attack

It is KB, right?

FC 5129 1953 9102
IGN Ben.

By the way, you owe me an Ability Capsule.


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Hi, could I please have this and a Spearow:

[323] Shiny Camerupt
OT: Nachito (18849) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Quiet - Ability: Magma Armor -> Solid Rock
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/00
Moves: Hidden Power Ice, Eruption, Fire Blast, Earth Power, Explosion
EV trained: 252 HP / 6 Defense / 252 Special Attack
It is KB, right?

FC 5129 1953 9102
IGN Ben.

By the way, you owe me an Ability Capsule.

EDIT: Bold not working.

It's Kalos Bred. I can trade when you're ready. I don't have an ability capsule though; lol
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