Tournament PS NU Room Tournaments Season 2

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There's no rule against "scouting" in room tours.


It's basically the same idea as Season 1, but here's a brief summary anyways for people new to this competition. Daily NU tournaments will be hosted every other month in the Neverused room on PS. These tournaments will be announced as official so no confusion occurs to if the tournament going on is "official", or not. The scheduled times will be posted below regardless but some people still don't understand the concept of a time zone.

Point System:
The first real change from Season 1 lies within the distribution of points. Quite a few users voiced their opinion on changing this system, so that's exactly what has been done. Saturday was a special day for this tournament as wins gave 3 points, rather than the usual 1 point, given on regular weekdays. To make the opportunity to gain 3 points more flexible with people being busy or away, one will earn 3 points on both Saturday and Sunday. Now it's more easy to just say, weekday wins = 1 point, while weekend wins = 3 points. Another complaint was to give points out to runner ups in tournaments, but that will remain unchanged. If you make it the finals and get "cheated" out of the win, life goes on. There will be plenty of more chances.

Point Ties:
Only change regarding tie breakers for this tournament, implying two or more users are tied with an equal amount of points at the end of a season, the winner will be determined through a best of 3 series, rather than just a single match.

The default reward for winning this competition is room voice in the Neverused room on PS. If you are already room voiced or global voiced, a custom reward will be determined based on your background.


Seasons will remain the same as they were set up last time around. Seasons will last an entire month, and then have the next season be delayed until the month following the next. For example, August(Season 1), September(Offseason), and then October(Season 2).

Daily Tournament Schedule:

Due to what became a regular occurrence of staff running the 1 PM EST tournament not following through with either starting the tournament or logging the results, both weekday tournaments will be taking place in the afternoon/evening for EST where I can have more control in making sure everything actually takes place as meant to. The weekend tournaments however will follow nearly the same schedule from last time.

Monday-Friday: 5 PM EST/GMT -4 and 8 PM EST/GMT -4
Saturday-Sunday: 2 PM EST/GMT -4 and 7 PM EST/GMT -4

Point Totals:
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Congratulations to Dentricos and About 7 Kidz for winning todays NU tours.

Standings for those of you to lazy to click the link:
Tricking: 5

AquajetBreloom: 4

TeamRocket4Ever: 4


About 7 Kidz: 1

Davon: 1

Disjunction: 1

iplaytennislol: 1

Realistic Waters: 1

VeryPinkPancakes: 1

xzern: 1
Oh ok well the results aren't posted every day anymore, or so it seems, so I thought maybe you changed the rules
There is a record being kept on a google spread sheet, the winners just arent posted everytime in here.
realistic waters timed out vs me in the finals from today and someone told me it was some kind of official ps tournament which i wasn't even aware of until halfway through lol. it was way too early to call the match

if it's allowed he can have the win cos idc about this. i was just trying some nu for the first time after not playing it for a month. if it's not allowed then wutevz
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realistic waters timed out vs me in the finals from today and someone told me it was some kind of official ps tournament which i wasn't even aware of until halfway through lol. it was way too early to call the match

if it's allowed he can have the win cos idc about this. i was just trying some nu for the first time after not playing it for a month. if it's not allowed then wutevz
oki. logged winner as realistic waters
Just because people have been complaining about it frequently lately in the PS room,
There's no rule against "scouting" in room tours.

Mont Edit: Just to add on to this the reason there isn't a rule against scouting is for a number of reasons: watching other battles while waiting for your next battle is an enjoyable way to pass the time, all good players should have multiple teams so scouting shouldn't be an issue, most people in the tour are friends and its just for fun, if there is a blatant counter team (ex making a mono-fire team vs a mono-ice team) then PM a mod and they will look into it.

We get everyone wants to win but, "it's only game, y u heff to be med?"
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my main reasoning was that scouting and making an effective counter team is impossible during a live tour with a 2min auto dq timer but ya.
my main reasoning was that scouting and making an effective counter team is impossible during a live tour with a 2min auto dq timer but ya.

i really disagree with this, on multiple occasions people are waiting ~30 mins for their opponents to reach finals/semis. about 2 weeks ago queen thought it'd be funny to build a blatant counterteam to my sheddy team. he obv beat me with it in semi's and ended up winning. while i honestly don't care because i can't make many of these tours anyway, i think its more feasible and probably happens more often than you'd think that people make even subtle changes to their teams based on what their opponents have used/ are using (for example running a specific and obscure type resist berry or coverage move on a pokemon)

counterteaming is going to happen, its not sportsmanlike but shouldn't be an offense worthy of a disqualification imo. it just sucks to know you lost because your opponent is a pussy and didn't want to try and beat you with skill
its like what Montsegur said. if it happens and you want it to get looked into, you can pm a mod, but if you don't want them to get dq'd, there's not much to do about it in that case.
its like what Montsegur said. if it happens and you want it to get looked into, you can pm a mod, but if you don't want them to get dq'd, there's not much to do about it in that case.

I guess what i'd like to see then is you clarify this non-rule, i'd like to see a rule stating something like "joining opponents battles is allowed but if you are found to have used this privelege to take an unfair advantage you will be disqualified" if you're going to make it a punishable offense (by allowing them to pm a mod). simply saying "there's no rule against scouting in room tours" leaves a lot to the imagination and frankly seems like you're not choosing a side to this issue where you should be definitive.
I guess what i'd like to see then is you clarify this non-rule, i'd like to see a rule stating something like "joining opponents battles is allowed but if you are found to have used this privelege to take an unfair advantage you will be disqualified" if you're going to make it a punishable offense (by allowing them to pm a mod). simply saying "there's no rule against scouting in room tours" leaves a lot to the imagination and frankly seems like you're not choosing a side to this issue where you should be definitive.
well i feel like queen counterteaming you specifically being known for using shedinja within the skype group is a different situation from what the non-rule was talking about, being people randomly complaining about other tournament participants simply joining one's battle and then whining in the main chat instantly. if we see more situations where blatant counterteams occur(there haven't been any aside from this queen one), your rule will be applied indefinitely.
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