Most nerdy things you have done?

well, as a bio-chemistry university student, I'm pretty nerdy when it comes to things, on multiple occasions i've taken lithium metal from batteries and put them in water for the sheer fun of it along with various other experiements outside the lab...
About a week ago I got so sick that I had issues breathing a night. At sometime around 3 in the mourning I caught myself trying to express my breathing rate as a function of x and pontificating if I could integrate it to find out how much air I'd moved throughout the night.
Attended and competed in four official Pokemon Company sanctioned tournaments (JAA regional & three VGC regional tournaments). If those don't count, trying exotic fruit I suppose. Quite fond of dragonfruit. :]
Take your pick from these:

-I once had Miror B's theme from Colosseum as my ringtone.

-I learned RNG abuse for Gen IV just so I could give my gf a Shiny Luvdisc for her bday (the fact that I gave her a Luvdisc over a better Pokemon may be the reason why she dumped me a few months later).

-I went to a WoW IRC channel several years back (despite not playing the game) just to troll and say that WoW was cancelled. The amount of nerd rage was a glorious sight to behold.

-I got into a drunk fist fight with a friend because he said Bakugan was better than Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh

-I fixed up our old family NES as a Xmas eve present and played Duck Hunt, SMB3, Mega Man II, Contra, and Dr. Mario with my sister and her boyfriend (who's now my brother in-law) into Xmas morning.

-I jokingly told my brother "Why don't you make like a tree...and get out of here", then I proceeded to make him watch the Back to the Future trilogy with me when he didn't get the reference.
-I jokingly told my brother "Why don't you make like a tree...and get out of here", then I proceeded to make him watch the Back to the Future trilogy with me when he didn't get the reference.
I watched Back to the Future but I don't get the reference. Maybe I should rewatch the trilogy...
i spent 3 months trying to breed a shiny protean froakie when a friend kept repeatedly telling me they'd just give one to me if i asked (at least i eventually got it myself :]).
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me and my friend Ashar got high and talked about political philosophy and developmental economic theories *-*
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Halloween night, me and my friend Ashar got high and left a party to go talk about political philosophy and developmental economic theories *-*
That's regular 'high' behavior. Either that or you shut the fuck up and force everyone in your immediate vicinity to do the same.

uhhm... for myself....
I wrote a shitty walkthrough for Pokemon Emerald (y'know for those sites like GameFAQs and whatnot), and it was completely missing everything post-E4. Not just that, I recommended people use retarded shit and including (I don't believe I'm typing this) "using certain devices and codes to obtain 'superior' pokemon to beat the game easily" and "Elite 4 is easily beatable with the combined forces of Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza"...
I had a dream where i had 8 kids and named them by the 8 gym leaders of Kanto (the 10 year old me still wants to do that)
[13:04:51] <Earthworm> hmm
[13:04:55] <Earthworm> id better revise my pi
[13:05:14] <Earthworm> 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058
[13:05:48] <Earthworm> 2097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664
[13:06:48] <Earthworm> 70938446095505822317253594081284811174502841027019385211055596446229489549303819644288109756659
[13:07:04] <Earthworm> 3344612847564823378678316527120190914564
[13:07:20] <Earthworm> ok
[13:07:32] <Earthworm> now i will check for errors
[13:08:35] <Earthworm> ok
[13:08:37] <Earthworm> it looks right
[13:08:39] <Earthworm> reading over it
[13:08:50] <Earthworm> now ill compare it to a website
[13:09:11] <Earthworm> 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679
[13:09:11] <Earthworm> 8214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196
[13:09:11] <Earthworm> 442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564
[13:09:24] <Earthworm> vs
[13:09:32] <Earthworm> 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679
[13:10:25] <Earthworm> 8214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196
[13:10:36] <Earthworm> 442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564
[13:11:04] <Earthworm> =]
[13:11:05] <Earthworm> no errors
[13:12:09] <Earthworm> i did it flawlessly
[13:12:16] <Earthworm> i guess that shows
[13:12:25] <Earthworm> to revise at some interval
pikachu onesie and being on a maths course for uni I guess :3
but still I have a fit gf so w/e guess I'm not too nerdy
1) applying algebraic functions to the most basic stuff such as which way to throw the trash (parabolic)

2) memorized the periodic table

3) does mathematical research about monster hunter hitboxes

4) never make the teacher worry about my grades
i spent 3 months trying to breed a shiny protean froakie when a friend kept repeatedly telling me they'd just give one to me if i asked (at least i eventually got it myself :]).

I managed to get a 5IV one with a good nature after 33 eggs, welp.

But staying on topic there was one time where I used to play Runescape at 16 years of age and pretty much focused on that in my summer break, I completely regret that now.

But yeah, I play Competetive Smash Bros and cosplay every time there's a comicon or similiar convention in my city.
I once played a tabletop rpg game.
Used to play Yu-Gi-Oh competitively(went to regionals etc)
Tried to learn MtG but never really got the hang of it
Put over 1000 hours into Heartgold
Being able to determine the identity of any pokemon without looking based on its cry. It's a good ice breaker, if you're among other nerds haha.

Edit: Oh, also LARPing. How could I leave out LARPing?!