ORAS General Discussion - Mark 2 - Spoilers Inside

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You mean the one that no one outside of Japan got?
You mean that event that only happened in Japan LIKE ALL THE GOOD ONES?!?!? Stop trying to kill my dreams! ;-;

Also, Soopa Doopa Hoopa has a Soopa Doopa Dick.
Yep that's the one.

They aren't gonna just put Darkrai in the non jap games because it got an event (same with jirachi)...but we'll probably get an event that you can download when you pick up your copies of gen 7...

Please understand
Yep that's the one.

They aren't gonna just put Darkrai in the non jap games because it got an event (same with jirachi)...but we'll probably get an event that you can download when you pick up your copies of gen 7...

Please understand

No, I won't understand. Why are you not releasing these events in other countries?

Well, I guess they still have time. Darkrai was linked to the
short in front of the Diancie movie. Of course the problem with that is PUSA stopped dubbing those. So while we still have time, it's still highly doubtful.

That you can pet...

Link to Machoke video here...

BTW, did we found anything else out about Hoopa? Like what exactlyis it?

No, but it has Return, which is better.

Not if you want to use a Special Glalie.
Yeah, what he said.

He has Freeze Dry, which is amazing STAB coverage. Hyper Voice would be sick for a spread move in VGC.
Yeah, what he said.

He has Freeze Dry, which is amazing STAB coverage. Hyper Voice would be sick for a spread move in VGC.
VGC is different. I can see why you would want Hyper Voice for VGC. But with Freeze Dry being Glalie's only worthwhile Special move, dedicated Special Glalie wouldn't be that great anyway.
VGC is different. I can see why you would want Hyper Voice for VGC. But with Freeze Dry being Glalie's only worthwhile Special move, dedicated Special Glalie wouldn't be that great anyway.

I guess I can do Explosion, Crunch, Earthquake, Protect. Sit in on the first turn and Protect for that Moody boost. Then maybe try to do some damage before Exploding?

I don't really want to use explosion though, too gimmicky.

Just came back and saw that every Mega Stone and both Orbs are available in BOTH versions of the game. My response?

So both Charizardite and Mewtwonite are available in both versions? Man, they pretty much just told everyone there's no reason to have gotten XY.

Actually, it kind of seems like PUSA is afraid that ORAS wouldn't sell well so they did everything possible to make them wildly praised by the Pokemon community (did they know we'd be upset about lack of Battle Frontier? Kind of funny that IGN gave it a low score anyway for a minor problem (so there isn't much to do on the water, I can understand that, but is that really worth knocking off 2 whole points? Maybe half point, one at most).

And then you lower your gaze and look between his legs...

Only theme I listened to was the Frontier Brain remix as they're not in the games so I won't be hearing it when playing. Everything else I want to experience first hand. Though glad to know it's on YT to listen to later. :)
So both Charizardite and Mewtwonite are available in both versions? Man, they pretty much just told everyone there's no reason to have gotten XY.

Actually, it kind of seems like PUSA is afraid that ORAS wouldn't sell well so they did everything possible to make them wildly praised by the Pokemon community (did they know we'd be upset about lack of Battle Frontier? Kind of funny that IGN gave it a low score anyway for a minor problem (so there isn't much to do on the water, I can understand that, but is that really worth knocking off 2 whole points? Maybe half point, one at most).

Only theme I listened to was the Frontier Brain remix as they're not in the games so I won't be hearing it when playing. Everything else I want to experience first hand. Though glad to know it's on YT to listen to later. :)
Wait, so you get every mega stone released in both games including both orbs, and you get epic battle music like Zinnia, Deoxys and Battle Frontier? Okay, I don't care about too much water, this game is just pure awesome.

P.S. Also add in 4 region starters, and Im sold
Has anyone got a list of Safari Park mons yet?
http://pastebin.com/Gc311Kzn ctrl+f Safari, there might be some version exclusive differences, but they should be mostly the same.

How does Blaziken get Ice Punch?
It doesn't get it through egg, it doesn't get it through level, and it doesn't get it through Tutor, there's nothing to suggest it's any more than a dumb mistake on the official site.
Reporting in front Nintendo World... The hype train has almost circled a whole city block but it has no breaks.
P.S. Also add in 4 region starters, and Im sold

Wish granted.

Hoenn starters (obviously), Johto starters after Delta Episode, Unova starters after 2nd challenge through the Elite Four, and Sinnoh starters after 3rd challenge through Elite Four. No Kalos or Kanto starters because, well, XY has them. Sadly no HA, at least I don't think, never got a clear yes/no. However Cosplay Pikachu can have its HA so who knows.
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