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Inactive Android client for PokemonShowdown #RequestInfoFromShowndownServer + #RecruitDevelopers

GGVegeta So this is a beta version as promised :) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2I090TojaggYmdIRlpsbUxWRGc/view?usp=sharing that's the link to the .apk file. To install this file, simply download it to your Android device, enable Security>Unknown Source, and open the downloaded file to install. You are not allowed to Find Battle just yet, but you can Watch Battle, search Pokedex entries and build a team.

I'm still waiting to get sprite package of ORAS before releasing it to the Play store. This release will allow you to Find Battle. Stay tune! :)

Contents in development:
- Settings
- Find battle
- Dmg calculator
- Replays
- Credits
- Import team

Huge thanks to TeToN for your tremedous help!
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I do my first post (I think) for you.
First of all, a huge THANK YOU for your huge work. Really, for players like me, who cannot use computer, it is awesome to have a Showdown app.
But there is a little problem, After I downloaded the app, I could not :
-Choose an username, each time I clicked on it, the app seemed to stop and a message said that Shodown had stopped.
-Import a team.
-Have an access to settings.
Bye (and sorry if I made mistakes, I'm french and I do my best in english, but I know how it can be awful to see huge mistakes in a text.)
Hey so I downloaded it and its pretty cool but whenever I try to choose a name the app fails. Any idea why this may be happening

RainFountain First of all thanks for the hard and obviously awesome work you and the other developers did here. I hope i find a way to donate you some money per PSC or something before christmas or when you have a first official release out in the Play Store even though i'm only 16 y/o :))
I of course tried your beta version just now that i saw it and it seems really nice working for a beta version and everything that should work works fine.
If i'm even allowed to make some suggestions already, here are they:
  • Add your credits before you release it and maybe add a donate button
  • Allow portrait mode if possible
Now more into detail and some bugs:
  • Add the suggested/most common moves to every pokemon like on the website so you have a better overview
  • Add the small description to the abilites if possible
  • In the battles (currently only watch battle) the left trainer's pokemons have the wrong rotation (you see the front of them not the back; they look in the wrong direction)
  • Some sprites don't seem to work (just saw a pidgeot use Mega Evolve and turn into a question mark texture thingy.
I think that's all i found yet...
The community lounge is very well done i have to say.
Damage calculator looks interesting too.
Generally really like the design of everything just the Teambuilder design is a bit odd because these long rounded fields for the item and the attacks are nowhere else in the app, everything you put in there is written small and together. I think you should only use this as a kind of frontcard for the pokemon where you can't change anything from it but is shown well and correctly and when you click onto it you can change everything (like now with the stats, gender, shiny/not shiny and so on but with the item and attacks on top of that). I don't know if you want to do that or if it fits your design philosophy but might as well suggest it, right? :D

Once more big thanks to you
Looking forward to the next version and i will do some more testing now.

P.S. Excuse me for my bad english.
What about using other servers other than main? (Mostly smogtour.psim.us)

This would be really nice to watch tour battles from phone n_n
Urgh didn't see there was a page 2.

I just finished the import team functionnality.
I'll get on renaming pokes now (importing nicknamed pokemon works, but no way to change it :P), we'll probably have a new beta apk for you guys soonish
Generally really like the design of everything just the Teambuilder design is a bit odd because these long rounded fields for the item and the attacks are nowhere else in the app, everything you put in there is written small and together. I think you should only use this as a kind of frontcard for the pokemon where you can't change anything from it but is shown well and correctly and when you click onto it you can change everything (like now with the stats, gender, shiny/not shiny and so on but with the item and attacks on top of that). I don't know if you want to do that or if it fits your design philosophy but might as well suggest it, right? :D

Not a bad idea, i'll see what i can do

EDIT: yes i suck at UI :P
GGVegeta hi tks for your input (which is in perfect English btw). TeToN was in charge of teambuilding and I've told him to focus on making stuffs work first :P Very glad to have you btw, TeToN. We'll work on design now so your comments on design are appreciated :D
Amazing app so far, keep continuing your quest to port Showdown to the mobile platform. But one thing I would like to see first in the beta would be actual battling, but so far nice job handling the DOM elements and displaying them in an organized layout. If you are still looking for developers I could help out a bit, but I'm not as familiar with Gradle as I am with Maven.
Amazing app so far, keep continuing your quest to port Showdown to the mobile platform. But one thing I would like to see first in the beta would be actual battling, but so far nice job handling the DOM elements and displaying them in an organized layout. If you are still looking for developers I could help out a bit, but I'm not as familiar with Gradle as I am with Maven.
Eh as long as you know Android dev you should be fine.
Just PM RainFountain, he'll find something for you to do :P
this is fucking amazing work. I am so excited for this. I was in class today and was bored to fucking death and actually wished I could battle a bit lol, usually I don't feel like that any time of the day unless I'm actually in front of my computer and feel like playing Pokemon, but I was that bored in class.

Good job man! Will try out the version you released when/if I can.
RainFountain TeToN I installed the .apk file and just one quick comment: during battles, can't you split the screen, so that the log would appear on the side? Perhaps the screen would be cramped then but it would be more convenient imo.

Awesome stuff otherwise, didn't get to test the teambuilder yet. Excited to battle using it!

(tech-related question lol: how would the updates be installed when you release them?)
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Once this has been completed, I second the notion for an iOS version. I'm sure that this could work for jailbroken users (since it likely won't be able to be submitted to the app store). I sure as hell would donate to see this happen, lol!