Gen 6 Creative / Underrated Uber Sets : V3 (No Gimmicks plz)

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I use a very similar Dialga set. Instead, mine is just standard max health (248 probably better I know), max sp def and 4 in sp.atk. Instead of Rest though, I use Iron Head, allowing Dialga to become a Xerneas check, while having a STAB move at the same time. It does require a sassy nature, but you do get added suprise value instead. Definitely Roar over Toxic.

Rest Dialga is probably better on stall teams, while mine is more fit for balanced (or offensive that needed a Steel type, Stealth Rock user, Roar and something to take on Xerneas all at the same time, in the case of the team I created it on XD)
It is really useful to run a speed creep on Dialga to outspeed other base 90 speed pokemon, and iron head really isn't viable or good on Dialga tbh, if you want Dialga to be a Xerneas check (not a reliable one) you should use roar alone to phaze out a Xerneas attempting to set up. And i do agree with you when you choose roar over toxic since it makes it so that Shadow Tag users won't be able to trap Dialga, but i do use toxic on some rare occasions.
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Is this worth anything?

Sableye @ Focus Sash or Lefties
Ability: Prankster
252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SpD
Bold Nature
- Taunt
- Will-O-Wisp
- Confuse Ray
- Recover

Basically I was watching this battle and saw this happen. Confuse/burn haxed firebus' Ekiller to death and did some work against the Darkrai. The important move on this set is the Confuse Ray that allowed it to, well, confusehax things. I know it's taunt bait but since it has Prankster the only thing that's going to taunt it are other Prankster users. Thought it seemed interesting.
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Is this worth anything?

Sableye @ Focus Sash or Lefties
Ability: Prankster
252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SpD
Bold Nature
- Taunt
- Will-O-Wisp
- Confuse Ray
- Recover

Basically I was watching this battle and saw this happen. Basically confuse/burn haxed firebus' Ekiller to death and did some work against the Darkrai. The important move on this set is the Confuse Ray that allowed it to, well, confusehax things. I know it's taunt bait but since it has Prankster the only thing that's going to taunt it are other prankster users. Thought it seemed interesting.

If you're relying on hax to beat something, you know that it is not going to be very good unless you're a Hax God (except Swagger which is retarded). Also, splitting your defenses like that is not a good idea in general. People only split them (and not evenly) if it helps them to avoid notable OHKO or 2HKO. On a Pokemon with low stats such as Sableye, this is not a good thing.
Arceus @ Life Orb
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- ExtremeSpeed
- Ice Beam
- Earthquake

Ice Beam Arceus Extreme Killer is not something I would suggest in any serious team because it's really inconsistent in tours games (because if your opponent hasn't a mence, IB is basically useless), but I guess it can work on the ladder a bit since many people there tend to run the classic hyper offense team with Deoxys-S / Salamence / Xerneas and IB lets you to beat even DD bulkier variants of mence even without any EVs in SAtk and a Jolly nature. Not something too much consistent as I already said, but I can be some niches because of how popular Salamence is now, and because people tend to use Mence as their #1 Extreme Killer check, especially if they are using an HO team, and Ice Beam lets you to take them by surprise.
Klefki @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Spikes
- Thunder Wave
- Play Rough
- Fairy Lock

My ideia when using this klefki is to create a situation between klefki and opposing primal groudon, using fairy lock and groudon knocking out klefki, givin free space to Primal Kyogre came and defeat the opposing Primal Groudon who can't switch out.

The problem here is that you'd have to run Primal Ogre to use this strategy, which would require you to use 2 'mons (and sack one, the Klefki) to ensure the KO.
Not exactly Primal Ogre, this strategy can work out while trapping some mon that give problems to ur team

No matter what the 'mon you're trying to kill is, it requires that you sack Klefki which leaves you 5-6 against whatever threatens your team. Even if you manage to kill the trapped 'mon with your check/counter, you're still at a disadvantage.
No matter what the 'mon you're trying to kill is, it requires that you sack Klefki which leaves you 5-6 against whatever threatens your team. Even if you manage to kill the trapped 'mon with your check/counter, you're still at a disadvantage.

No, fact get spikes up, and sack your hazard setter to nuke your biggest threat. It's a huge gimmick,but works if you know what you're doing (you set up spikes/T-Wave whatever you lured) fairy lock it in as you die, revenge it and are 5-5 with spikes up.

It is a gimmick, and the OP does say no gimmicks, so...

Edit: As above, Gengar is better at this bar traping mons w/ground moves +outspeed (PrimalDon and GeoHerb Xern are all I can thibk of tho).
Actually, Fairy Lock makes it so nothing can switch out the following turn.

"Fairy Lock prevents all Pokémon from switching out or fleeing during their next turn. The effect only applies as long as the Pokémon that used it remains in battle. Ghost-type Pokémon are unaffected." -Bulbapedia

If Klefki dies then the Fairy Lock is nullified.
"Fairy Lock prevents all Pokémon from switching out or fleeing during their next turn. The effect only applies as long as the Pokémon that used it remains in battle. Ghost-type Pokémon are unaffected." -Bulbapedia

If Klefki dies then the Fairy Lock is nullified.

This is not how it's implemented on Showdown...can someone test this?
Just wanted to add about the Extreme Killer Arceus set I posted some days ago, that Stone Edge is a very cool move instead of Ice Beam (guess it's better than it 99% of the times), as it lets you still to beat Salamence after rocks with +1 SE and to being able to kill Physical Defensive Yveltal with +2 SE as well (it also beats Lugia at +2). Props to user Safes for that idea, though :]

Some calcs:

+2 252 Atk Life Orb Arceus Stone Edge vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Lugia: 322-380 (77.5 - 91.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
+1 252 Atk Life Orb Arceus Stone Edge vs. 200 HP / 0 Def Salamence: 322-380 (84.5 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 Atk Life Orb Arceus Stone Edge vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Yveltal: 398-471 (87.4 - 103.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 Atk Life Orb Arceus Stone Edge vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Yveltal: 398-471 (87.4 - 103.5%) -- 25% chance to OHKO

slayer (Mawile) @ Mawilite

Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Play Rough
- Iron Head

Thanks to this moveset Mawile-Mega can take on Darkrai easily: it can take a Dark Void and attack with Sleep Talk. Play Rough is a solid STAB that can OHKO Darkrai without any need of investment in Attack, and Iron Head is a solid STAB too which is basically there for Xerneas (2HKO).
Edgar's XY EV spread is probably more fitting (252 HP / 16 Atk / 240 SpD, Adamant) as it still lets it take on Yveltal/Darkrai/Geoxern but offers it more power and wallbreakin potential. Also you have the issue that you're huge set up bait for Pdon and Ho-oh (more relevant with ygod/darkrai than geoxern)
Speaking of Mega-Mawile, I've been looking for a way to properly use it in Ubers again for quite some time.
Its great defensive typing, bulk and raw power have always been appealing to me and also allow it to check several top tier threats of the metagame, such as the Latis, Xerneas, Mega Mence without EQ (although Mawile can take one at neutral) or Yveltal. There are two huge thorns in its side though and those are Ho-Oh and the most dominating presence in the metagame, Primal Groudon, which can pretty much switch in for free. The set I came up with solves these issue combined with the right team support:


Mawile @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 24 Atk / 236 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Baton Pass
- Stone Edge/Rock Slide
- Play Rough
- Sucker Punch
EVs in HP and SpDef allow Mawile to avoid the OHKO from +2 Xerneas after Stealth Rock Damage. Stone Edge is supposed to nail Ho-Oh on the switch-in while Baton Pass allows you to take advantage of incoming Primal Groudon, thinking they can switch in for free but then after the BP find themselves in against Primal Kyogre and Desolate Land gone. Primal Kyogre is almost mandatory as a partner for this set because it's by far the best answer to Primal Groudon thanks to getting rid of Desolate Land but I guess passing into something like Groundceus or the Latis is an option as well.
Sucker Punch is a pretty powerful and much needed priority Mawile should always run and Play Rough is the STAB move of choice, taking care of the many Dragon Types in Ubers.
Iron Head and Fire Fang instead of Stone Edge/Rock Slide are also options if you feel like coverage against Steel types and destroying Fairys (and checking GeoXern more reliably) is more important than getting rid of Ho-Oh since there's ofc also the option to just BP on the Ho-Oh switch-in but I just like getting rid of opposing Ho-Oh as soon as possible.

To finish it up, here's a replay for anyone interested in seeing this Mawile in action:
I might have made some bad/risky plays there but it still showcases how this set works fairly well and that MegaMawile can still put in work :]
I recently came up with an interesting set that I'd like to share, if only to see what people's opinions on this are.


Ho-Oh @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 192 Atk / 52 SpD / 16 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sacred Fire
- Brave Bird
- Whirlwind
- Roost

After playing Malefic in a match where he used Calm Mind Resttalk Xerneas and managed to overwhelm my Life Orb Ho-Oh, I thought of a way to prevent Ho-Oh from being setup bait and stop it from being overwhelmed by Pokemon with multiple boosts, while still maintaining its offensive presence. This led to me trying Whirlwind on Life Orb Ho-Oh, as it allows Ho-Oh to phaze away Salamence that try to set up on it, phaze +2 Xerneas if you cannot risk Sacred Fire not burning, and it also phazes Arceus-Dark, Arceus-Ghost, Arceus-Fairy and other Calm Mind Arceus that Ho-Oh can theoretically deal with but can in fact lose to if Sacred Fire does not burn on the first try. It also lets you test the waters against your opponent by scouting their switchins and dragging them through hazards. Spikes work very nicely with Life Orb Ho-Oh (with Ho-Oh in general actually). I hope this is an interesting set, I think it's rather innovative and interesting, although Substitute, Earthquake and Thunder Wave are all fair options on Life Orb Ho-Oh as well.​
Yes it's standard LO Ho-Oh. The set has a superfluous moveslot that can run EQ, T Wave, Sub, whatever, just in this instance it's Whirlwind. In general if you want your offensive Ho-Oh to not be setup bait (which it really isn't since it's so powerful) T Wave cripples Mence and Xern (which shouldn't be setting up against you anyways) while CM Arc Dark / Ghost / Fairy get destroyed by Ho-Oh regardless.

The primary ways LO Ho-Oh gets overwhelmed are through physical offense and SR, the first of which Whirlwind only helps you to combat if you are running a spread with physical bulk.
WW isn't bad but there are more useful options to run on LO sets, in general if you're using Ho-Oh you should have a way to deal with bulky Mence anyway.
Disclaimer: I did not make this set.


Rayquaza @ Life Orb
Ability: Air Lock
EVs: 176 Atk / 116 SpA / 216 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Extreme Speed
- V-create
- Dragon Claw
- Surf

Basically this set is to lure and kill annihilate one of the best pokemon in the tier, as reflected by his S+ rank. I am of course referring to the Uber equivalent of Heatran; Primal Groudon. This is done with Surf which, because of Air Lock, goes through Desolate Land and hits Primal Groudon for 4 times super effective damage backed with enough EVs to kill SDef Primal Groudon 100%. Apart from Surf it functions like a normal LO Rayquaza set. This set pairs very well with the many pokemon who enjoy Primal Groudon gone.
Disclaimer: I did not make this set.


Rayquaza @ Life Orb
Ability: Air Lock
EVs: 176 Atk / 116 SpA / 216 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Extreme Speed
- V-create
- Dragon Claw
- Surf

Basically this set is to lure and kill annihilate one of the best pokemon in the tier, as reflected by his S+ rank. I am of course referring to the Uber equivalent of Heatran; Primal Groudon. This is done with Surf which, because of Air Lock, goes through Desolate Land and hits Primal Groudon for 4 times super effective damage backed with enough EVs to kill SDef Primal Groudon 100%. Apart from Surf it functions like a normal LO Rayquaza set. This set pairs very well with the many pokemon who enjoy Primal Groudon gone.

Hasn't surfquaza already been stated as a bad idea? Also, why V-Create over Dragon Ascent? They hit with the same base power after Rayquaza's STAB, and DA doesn't lower your speed.
Speaking of Rayquaza sets...

Rayquaza @ Life Orb
Ability: Air Lock
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Dragon Ascent
- Earthquake
- Tailwind

This set is slightly more tailored to wallbreaking support, as with multiple playtests, I found it very difficult to set up a DD against offense to clean due to Rayquaza's meh bulk, so I compensated for this by using Tailwind over DD. Despite being less powerful than a DD and only having a limited amount of turns, this can give Rayquaza more utility on bulky offense to help slower things go fast, and can still take advantage of Tailwind since Adamant DA hits like a truck. This set still functions similarly to Double Dance, but it can give another offensive threat on your team to take out an opposing Pokemon (hint: PDon), and you won't feel as stupid for getting out-predicted. Also can wreck cheeky GeoXerns if you need something to sack.
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Blaziken @ Life Orb / Blazikenite
Ability: Speed Boost / Blaze ( ONLY MEGA VERSION )
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Low Kick
- Hidden Power [Ice]

This Blaziken was a quirky torchic: it developed, despite its fiery appearance, a gelid soul. He was not afraid even of the most intimidating foes, delivering instead a swift and cold death to them.

This set lures in Mega Salamence, which often likes to switch in the chicken, and IT MUST BE USED AS A LURE. After switching into Low Kick, Salamence will often think it scared off the user of the move, and that it can DD to crush the enemy team. Error. Even with a detrimental nature, HP Ice will easily 2HKO the dragon, and it can even OHKO if the dragon switches into Stealth Rock. This set must be played AS A LURE. DON'T TRY TO PREDICT, DANG IT.
While some might think this set is lmao worthy, it beats some of blaze's switch-ins, and the chickencan muscle
its way throught Ho-oh and Latios with
Flare Blitz after rocks.

Still, this is a fun set, don't use it on a serious team rofl.

Also, blaze is over SB on the BLAZIKENITE set because of some situations which are very unlikely but still ( e.g. 2HKOing Lugia with Flare Blitz ).
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