I would rather tar ran Roar > Twave was my problem with it.
Name one not named Ho-Oh that can OHKO-2HKO the majority of the tier.Staraptor isn't good, there's a lot better brave bird spammers if I were that desperate for one.
Name one not named Ho-Oh that can OHKO-2HKO the majority of the tier.
Roar is better vs subgeo, Twave is better if it's not sub as it guarantees exca can break through it even if it doesn't geo that turn. Whichever you choose is personal preference.The main issue I have with Swords Dance Arceus-Water is that you can't really use it as a Ho-Oh switch-in due to now being crippled by burns. Also Ferrothorn just eats it for breakfast (CM can at least cripple with WoW) which is kind of lame if facing stall.
I also think Roar is better on that Roseli TTar set in case you're up against a SubGeo Xerneas.
I can concede with Mega-Blaziken as a replacement (Flare Blitz=Brave Bird) but he takes a mega slot that can be better used by Gengar or Mewtwo. Same for Mega-Pinsir, and iirc it is illegal to have Double Edge with Quick Attack, and Quick Attack is essential on every offensive set of Pinsir's. Mega Blaziken is piss weak when compared to Staraptor as well, and he has severe 4MSS with his last moveslot being a toss-up between Knock Off and Stone Edge which is basically a decision of whether you want to be walled by Ho-Oh or Giratina. Like I said in an earlier post Ho-Oh needs Defog/Rapid Spin support with the latter being difficult to provide, and unlike Ho-Oh Staraptor just gives ZERO fucks about rocks unless it's HP is lower than 26%.Blaziken and Double-Edge Mega Pinsir. :D
No but seriously Staraptor is pretty bad, if Ho-Oh can't fill your Brave Bird needs then something is probably wrong with your team.
I can concede with Mega-Blaziken as a replacement but he takes a mega slot that can be better used by Gengar or Mewtwo. Same for Mega-Pinsir, and iirc it is illegal to have Double Edge with Quick Attack, and Quick Attack is essential on every offensive set of Pinsir's. Mega Blaziken is piss weak when compared to Staraptor as well, and he has severe 4MSS with his last moveslot being a toss-up between Knock Off and Stone Edge which is basically a decision of whether you want to be walled by Ho-Oh or Giratina. Like I said in an earlier post Ho-Oh needs Defog/Rapid Spin support with the latter being difficult to provide, and unlike Ho-Oh Staraptor just gives ZERO fucks about rocks unless it's HP is lower than 26%.
Something you seem to be brushing off is that Staraptor doesn't just spam Brave Bird, it has an equally powerful move called Double Edge that completely fucks one of its type resists. It also has another move called Close Combat which has the same BP as its STAB attacks to demolish nearly all of the tier's Flying/Normal resists. You say the replays suck, but I agree; they do suck. However something that clearly shows in every single one of them is Staraptor's surprise factor in virtue of its underrated tier status. You named a couple of Flying resists, but I don't see why you think they have merit because 6/7 of them are OHKOd by Staraptor's secondary STAB or CC. TTar, Dialga, and Arceus-Rock are OHKOd after a layer of Spikes by CC, and Arceus-Electric and Zekrom are OHKOd by Double Edge. Like I said in my mini analysis, this bird has one fucking switch-in and that switch-in is a complete shitmon. Not to mention, Staraptor can completely work around Aegi with U-turn to get a free switch-in to an appropriate Aegislash check.I wasn't actually being too serious (hence the :D), the bigger point is that it doesn't matter whether or not Staraptor is a good Brave Bird spammer because it is not that great. Staraptor offers zero defensive utility because it dies to a stiff breeze and can't switch in on anything, it only deals about 3% more damage on average than CB Ho-Oh (unless you run Adamant but then you're missing out on one of Staraptor's best traits which is 100 Speed), it's pretty much worthless against offense, and most Stall and balanced teams generally do have Flying resists (Tar/Aegis/Dialga/Arceus-Electric/Zekrom/Arceus-Rock).
If you need a physically inclined wallbreaker there are plenty of better choices (Mega Blaziken, CB Ho-Oh, Mixed Zekrom, DD Groudon) who contribute way more to a team than Staraptor. If you need one that can trade itself against a Pokemon (which is all Staraptor will be doing) then Mega Gengar is much more reliable AND contributes more defensively AND lets you pick your target.
Also your replays are pretty terrible examples: 2 were against BP without a Flying resist, Minority was using Bug Arceus, Penguin let Giratina-O take 75% for no reason when he had a nice bird counter in Arceus-Rock, and no offense the team in the fifth replay wasn't that good.
It also has another move called Close Combat which has the same BP as its STAB attacks to demolish nearly all of the tier's Flying/Normal resists.
Simply put lacking Nasty Plot (or Taunt) means you hamper your ability to pressures arbitary defogers, Darkrai fits naturally onto more offensive builds who like having its presence both when it comes to checking offensive threats and, as i mentioned, pressure hazard removers. Darkrai also appreciates not being Defog prone as it needs SR to pressure many checks like Ho-oh. All in all Nasty Plot goes well along with hazards support and the structure of teams Darkrai belong on; any other move will ultimately remove that part of its niche and is therefore not suitable.
Regarding Metal Burst Dialga- the idea seems cool on paper as Dialga is rarely OHKOd, however it relies on being slower than the opponent which can actually be an issue since you more or less have to give up Fire Blast that hits slow, bulky steels (see Scizor and Ferro). As it usually turns out with Dialga, it simply does what it does too well to deviate from standard sets.
Yveltal @ Leftovers
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 48 HP / 236 SpA / 224 Spe
Modest Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Oblivion Wing
- Substitute
- Disable
I don't think it needs Roost as Oblivion Wing + Leftovers gradually restore as much as Roost does, anyways, EVs are for Seismic Toss not breaking sub and just outspeeding neutral nature base 95s.
Well, there's nothing relevant to outspeed imo, Rayquaza is usually Adamant, Kyurem is usually Modest specs or scarfed which outspeeds anyways. Since we're discussing Yveltal's speed ima drop by and say Naive Life Orb is bad and shouldn't be used pls dont use it imo tbh, it's weak and u dont really outspeed much baring the so common Jolly and Timid Groudon / Kyogre.wouldn't Timid be better in this case? With lefties you are not doing much wall breaking as you are just being annoying, might as well outspeed other pokes like Kyurem-W, Rayquaza, positive 90s, etc
Furthermore, many of the things you said in your second paragraph are flat out wrong (DD Groudon does beat Lugia/Tina with Lum, Blaziken does not have 4MSS as it can still overpower Ho-Oh or a weakened Giratina-O without Stone Edge/Knock Off with either SD or Stealth Rock) and you more or less ignored dice's post which highlights the biggest flaw in Staraptor: zero defensive synergy. This is a huge problem in a metagame where role compression is so important. Something like Deoxys-A gets away with having no defenses because it has basically no checks (Raptor definitely has checks) and can act as a revenge killer with base 150 Speed + ExtremeSpeed, or it can be a supporter by setting up entry hazards. Staraptor can't switch into anything, its Ground immunity is useless in practice because most Grounds have high Defense or are faster and pack Rock moves, and it has no utility outside of suiciding itself into something else.
Anyways enough about Staraptor, its unviable in Ubers and I don't want to derail the thread too much.