NU Huntail


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With access to both Coil and Shell Smash, along with Baton Pass to pass boosts to a teammate, Huntail is a versatile sweeper and support Pokemon. Gorebyss has access to the same moves, but Huntail sets itself apart with Sucker Punch, which allows it to bypass its low Speed even after a boost to clean offensive teams. Huntail also has Water Veil, which makes it immune to burns and easier to set up against bulky Pokemon such as Weezing. Still, as a boost passer, Huntail competes with Bulk Up Floatzel, which has inferior bulk but much greater Speed and access to Taunt. Huntail's low Speed also makes it reliant on Sucker Punch to sweep and gives it difficulty in passing its boosts.

Shell Smash
name: Shell Smash
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Baton Pass
move 3: Waterfall
move 4: Sucker Punch
ability: Water Veil
item: White Herb / Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant


Shell Smash is by far the best boosting move in the game, as it boosts Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by two stages in one turn at the cost of dropping both defensive stats by one stage. Baton Pass allows Huntail to pass Shell Smash boosts to a teammate and can be used to pivot early-game. Waterfall is Huntail's most reliable physical STAB move, while Sucker Punch compensates for Huntail's Speed, which is low even after a boost.

Set Details

White Herb is used to make setting up easier for Huntail, and it lets a Baton Pass recipient come in more safely. Life Orb can be used instead if you prefer the extra power to help Huntail clean. Maximum Speed EVs allow Huntail to outrun everything up to Adamant Choice Scarf Sawk, including Swellow and Choice Scarf Mesprit.

Usage Tips

By virtue of being a Water-type, Huntail gets a decent amount of setup opportunities. Against defensive teams, avoid bulky Grass-types and try to set up only when Huntail or a teammate that can get in safely can clean the opposing team. Against more offensive teams, you'll have a more difficult time finding the opportunity to set up. Your best bet is usually setting up on Choice-locked Pokemon that can't do much to Huntail. Always make sure your recipient can come in safely, especially if Huntail is running Life Orb, as the defensive drops can make it difficult to survive a hit as the recipient comes in and then survive possible priority attacks.

Team Options

Pretty much every offensive Pokemon is bound to appreciate a Shell Smash boost. In particular, Magmortar and Lilligant are good partners because of their ability to absorb hits targeted at Huntail. Lilligant resists Electric and can take on any bulky Water-types trying to wall Huntail, while Magmortar resists Grass and especially appreciates the Speed boost. Xatu is another good potential recipient, as it deflects Roar and Whirlwind with Magic Bounce, preventing it from losing boosts and forcing the opposing Pokemon out instead. It also has Stored Power to make extra use of the boosts. Toxic Spikes are a nuisance for both Huntail and most potential recipients. Vileplume can absorb Toxic Spikes and take on bulky Water-types that bother Huntail, while Garbodor can also absorb Toxic Spikes and set up entry hazards of its own to wear down Huntail's checks. Most offensive Fire-types are good partners to Huntail for their ability to take on bulky Grass-types, which wall Huntail and can prevent setup.

name: CoilPass
move 1: Coil
move 2: Baton Pass
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Waterfall
ability: Water Veil
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
nature: Impish


Coil is a fantastic boosting move, and even though Huntail cannot make the best use of the move, it can pass boosts along to a teammate that will appreciate them thanks to Baton Pass. Substitute allows Huntail to make the most of any switches it forces against offensive Fire-types and bulky Pokemon that cannot do much to it, and it can also allow a recipient to come in unharmed. Waterfall is Huntail's most reliable STAB move and givesHuntail a way to take advantage of its own boosts.

Set Details

Although it might seem more logical to invest in Special Defense because Coil boosts Defense, most special attackers, including some defensive walls, can still break Huntail's Substitutes even with the investment. For this reason, it is better to invest in Defense, enhancing Huntail's already good physical bulk and giving it more setup opportunities. For example, Seismitoad's Earthquake has about a 50% chance of not breaking unboosted Huntail's Substitute, while Garbodor can never break +1 Huntail's Substitute with Gunk Shot. You can choose to run more Speed in order to outrun various defensive Pokemon, but the extra bulk goes a long way in keeping Huntail's Substitutes intact.

Usage Tips

Thanks to its defensive investment, Huntail can set up on a lot of Pokemon, particularly bulky Water-types and most defensive Pokemon that use physical attacks. Just because you can set up doesn't mean that you should. Make sure to try to figure out how you can sweep with a boosted teammate by identifying your opponent's weak points. Sometimes you will never be able to set up Huntail because of the nature of your opponent's team. When this is the case, you're better off using Huntail as a defensive pivot, bringing it in on the Pokemon that it can wall and then using Baton Pass to bring out a teammate that can threaten the opposition.

Team Options

Toxic Spikes can single-handedly prevent Huntail from setting up or a teammate from cleaning. Vileplume can absorb Toxic Spikes and take on bulky Grass-types that bother Huntail, while Garbodor can also absorb Toxic Spikes and set up entry hazards of its own to wear down the opposing team. In particular, your own Toxic Spikes can wear down the opposing team dramatically while Huntail sets up, allowing it to take out some Pokemon without ever attacking. A Rapid Spin or Defog user can also work to handle Toxic Spikes, but few of them share good defensive synergy with Huntail. If you choose to go this route, Cryogonal is your best bet. Having good recipients is important for Huntail to succeed. Bouffalant and Hariyama are both powerful Pokemon that appreciate the added boost to their Attack as well as the additional bulk that Coil provides. Lilligant is another interesting partner. With the ability to boost its own Special Defense with Quiver Dance, Lilligant can have a much easier time boosting with a few Coil boosts backing it up. It also takes on Electric- and Grass-type attacks aimed at Huntail. However, because it doesn't become much more immediately threatening with the boosts, Lilligant should not be your only recipient. Calm Mind Xatu also appreciates the Defense boosts and cannot be phazed by Roar or Whirlwind thanks to Magic Bounce. Much like Lilligant, Xatu should not be your only recipient, as it is a special attacker.

Other Options

An offensive Coil set is about as good as Huntail is going to get outside of the existing sets. Such a set has easier time setting up than a Shell Smash set does thanks to the Defense boosts that Coil provides, but the immediate power and extra Speed that Shell Smash offers is usually just strictly better. A dedicated SmashPass set can also work, but Gorebyss is slightly better in this role because it can burn foes with a more powerful Scald to help it set up. Huntail can also pass Barrier and Aqua Ring, but they don't typically do enough to warrant using. Confuse Ray can be used to help Huntail set up more easily, but Huntail is too cramped for moves to justify using a move that has a chance to do nothing. A mixed offensive Shell Smash set can also work, with Sucker Punch to hit faster Pokemon and Hydro Pump and Ice Beam for coverage, but such a set still struggles with bulky Water-types and forgoes the use of Baton Pass. Super Fang is a good move as well, but it doesn't fit with the setup playstyle of Huntail.

Checks & Counters

**Grass- and Electric-types**: Although Huntail can escape them with Baton Pass after boosting, Grass- and Electric-types can prevent Huntail from setting up to begin with. Rotom-S and Vileplume are examples of Pokemon that deter Huntail.

**Taunt and Encore**: All of Huntail's sets rely on support moves to do anything noteworthy. Liepard often runs one of these moves and can prevent even Shell Smash Huntail from doing anything thanks to Prankster.

**Roar and Whirlwind**: Much like Taunt users, Roar and Whirlwind users can make all of Huntail's boosting meaningless. However, most common users of the moves are weak to Water, making it a bit more risky of a countermeasure to Huntail than Taunt. Granbull is the notable exception.

**Bulky Water-types**: Although they are mostly setup fodder for the Coil set, bulky Water-types completely wall the Shell Smash set. Defensive Ludicolo easily beats both sets.
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dedicated smashpass set, y/n? seems fine to me. same thing as gorebyss except you run waterfall > scald to deal with the rare haze cryo, but I mean they're both effective. I'm also planning on optimizing EV spreads later.

also not sure about non-pass coil. sounds ok, like sub/coil/waterfall/sucker punch, but I haven't tested it.
also not sure about non-pass coil. sounds ok, like sub/coil/waterfall/sucker punch, but I haven't tested it.
Non-Pass Coil seems outdone by Bulk Up Floatzel tbh, and BU Float probably shouldn't drop BP in any case so I don't see why Huntail shouldn't either.
sucker punch,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I mean Huntail needs Sucker Punch for the things Floatzel already outspeeds, while Floatzel can afford like legit coverage against things like Plume while outrun things like Mortar and Typh and Archeops and non-Scarf Rotom or w/e
I'm not being a john. I asked QC for advice about sets, and Punchshroom is the only one who responded.
In that case I think that having a Smash Pass set and then a Coil Pass set are the only two sets that should be made for right now. If QC feels like a purely Shell Smash / Coil set should be added, than that can always be added on later or written up separately.
you guys can QC this if you want. I changed the spreads on both sets because I found physdef was a lot better in testing the Coil set and the Shell Smash spread is just more efficient now.
You can mention that CoilPass Huntail faces competition from BUPass Floatzel, who also has Water Veil, in addition to much better speed + Taunt for easier passing and even mild sweeping ability. Obviously note the main advantage Huntail has over Floatzel would be its physical bulk.

So why isn't Xatu mentioned as a teammate anywhere?

Ninetales is a bad Pokemon
dafuq? I hope you mean to say bad partner (and it ain't even that bad :/).

Do all that shit and QC 1/3
in the overview you say huntail where you mean floatzel.
all the key bulletpoints / information are there. Looks fine. you're a competent person and I assume you can fill in missing details when you write.
have fun fishing writing

Official Smogon Quality Control Check [2/3]
228 Speed allows Huntail to outrun Jolly Rhydon without a boost and and neutral nature Scarf Mesprit and +Speed Swellow after a boost. Max Speed is fine as well, as it allows you to outrun Adamant Scarf Sawk.
Since the extra HP does close to nothing for Huntail, why not just max speed in general?
mention xatu has stored power in team options for teams that are more dedicated to the baton pass strategy. QC 3/3

With access to both Coil and Shell Smash, along with Baton Pass to pass boosts along (repetition of "along"; use a different word if you'd like) to a teammate, Huntail is a versatile sweeper and support Pokemon. Gorebyss has access to the same moves, but Huntail separates sets itself apart with Sucker Punch, which allows it to bypass its low Speed even after a boost to clean offensive teams. Huntail also has Water Veil, which makes it immune to burns and easier to set up against bulky Pokemon such as Weezing. Still, as a boost passer, Huntail competes with Bulk Up Floatzel, which has inferior bulk but much greater Speed and access to Taunt. Huntail's low Speed also makes it reliant on Sucker Punch to sweep and gives it difficulty in passing its boosts.

name: fish
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Baton Pass
move 3: Waterfall
move 4: Sucker Punch
ability: Water Veil
item: White Herb / Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant


Shell Smash is by far the best boosting move in the game, as it boosts Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by two stages in one turn at the cost of dropping both defensive stats by one stage. Baton Pass allows you Huntail to pass Shell Smash boosts along to a teammate and can be used to pivot early-game. Waterfall is Huntail's most reliable physical STAB move, while Sucker Punch compensates for Huntail's Speed, which is low even after a boost.

Set Details

White Herb is used to make setting up easier for Huntail, and it helps lets a Baton Pass recipient come in more safely. Life Orb can be used instead if you prefer the extra power to help Huntail clean. Max Speed EVs allows Huntail to outrun everything up to Adamant Choice Scarf Sawk, including Swellow and Choice Scarf Mesprit.

Usage Tips

By virtue of being a Water-type, Huntail gets a decent amount of setup opportunities. Against defensive teams, Huntail should avoid bulky Grass-types and try to set up only when it Huntail or a teammate that can get in safely can clean the opposing team. Against more offensive teams, you'll Huntail will have a more difficult time finding the opportunity to set up. Your Its best bet is usually setting up on Choice-locked Pokemon that can't do much to it Huntail. Always make sure a your recipient can come in safely, especially if you're Huntail is using Life Orb, as the defensive drops can make it difficult for the recipient to survive a hit as it comes in the recipient comes in and then live possible priority attacks.

Team Options

Pretty much every offensive Pokemon is bound to appreciate a Shell Smash boost. In particular, Magmortar and Lilligant are good partners because of their ability to soak up hits targeted at Huntail. Lilligant resists Electric and can take on any bulky Water-types trying to wall Huntail, while Magmortar resists Grass and especially appreciates the Speed boost. Xatu is another good potential recipient, as it deflects Roar and Whirlwind, preventing your team from losing boosts and forcing the foe opponent out instead. It can also has use Stored Power to make extra use of the boosts. Toxic Spikes are a nuisance for both Huntail and most potential recipients. Vileplume can absorb Toxic Spikes and take on bulky Water-types that bother Huntail, while Garbodor can also absorb Toxic Spikes and set up hazards of its own to wear down Huntail's checks. Most offensive Fire-types are good partners to Huntail for their ability to take on bulky Grass-types, which wall Huntail and can prevent setup.

fish (I don't think these two set names can be the same (this one and the first one))
name: fish
move 1: Coil
move 2: Baton Pass
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Waterfall
ability: Water Veil
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
nature: Impish


Coil is a fantastic boosting move, and even though Huntail cannot make the best use of the move, it can pass boosts along to a teammate that can will appreciate them, (AC) thanks to Baton Pass. Substitute can allows Huntail to make the most of any switches it forces against offensive Fire-types and bulky Pokemon that cannot do much to it, and it can also help allow a recipient to come in unharmed. Waterfall is Huntail's most reliable STAB move, which and also gives Huntail a way for Huntail to take advantage of its own boosts.

Set Details

Although it might seem more logical to invest in Special Defense, (AC) because Coil boosts Defense, most special attackers, including some defensive walls, can still break Huntail's Substitutes even with the investment. For this reason, it is better to invest in Defense, enhancing Huntail's already good physical bulk and giving it more setup opportunities. For example, Seismitoad's Earthquake has about a 50% chance of not breaking unboosted Huntail's Substitute, while Garbodor can never break +1 Huntail's Substitute with Gunk Shot, (AC) and Mega Steelix can never break +2 Huntail's Substitute with any attack. You can choose to run more Speed in order to outrun various defensive Pokemon, but the extra bulk goes a long way in keeping Huntail's Substitutes intact.

Usage Tips

With Thanks to its defensive investment, Huntail can set up on a lot of Pokemon, particularly bulky Water-types and most defensive Pokemon that use physical attacks. Just because you Huntail can set up, (AC) however, (AC) (My spidey-senses really want a "however" here.) doesn't mean that you it should. Make sure to try to figure out how you can sweep with a boosted teammate can sweep, (AC) by identifying your opponent's team's weak points. Sometimes you Huntail will never be able to set up, (AC) Huntail because of the nature of your opponent's team. When this is the case, you're better off using Huntail as a defensive pivot, bringing it in on the Pokemon that it can wall and then using Baton Pass to bring out a teammate that can threaten the opposition.

Team Options

Toxic Spikes can single-handedly prevent Huntail from setting up or a teammate from cleaning. Vileplume can absorb Toxic Spikes and take on bulky Grass-types that bother Huntail, while Garbodor can also absorb Toxic Spikes and set up hazards of its own to wear down the opposing team. In particular, your own Toxic Spikes can wear down the opposing team dramatically while Huntail sets up, allowing it to take out some Pokemon without ever attacking. A Rapid Spin or Defog user can also work to handle Toxic Spikes, but few of them share good defensive synergy with Huntail. If you choose to go this route, Cryogonal is your best bet. Having good recipients is important for Huntail to succeed. Bouffalant and Hariyama are both powerful Pokemon that appreciate the added boost to their Attack as well as the additional bulk that Coil provides. Lilligant is another interesting partner. With the ability to boost its own Special Defense with Quiver Dance, Lilligant can have a much easier time boosting when it has with a few Coil boosts backing it up. It also takes on Electric- and Grass-type attacks aimed at Huntail. However, because it doesn't become much more immediately threatening with the Coil boosts, Lilligant should not be your only recipient. Calm Mind Xatu also appreciates the Defense boosts and cannot be phazed by Roar or Whirlwind, (AC) thanks to Magic Bounce. Much like Lilligant, Xatu should not be your only recipient, as it is a special attacker.

Other Options

An offensive Coil set is about as good as Huntail is going to get outside of the existing sets. Such a set has easier time setting up than a Shell Smash set does, (AC) thanks to the Defense boosts that Coil provides, but the immediate power and extra Speed that Shell Smash offers is usually just strictly better. A dedicated SmashPass set can also work, but Gorebyss is slightly better in this role because it can burn things with a more powerful Scald to help it set up. Huntail can also pass Barrier and Aqua Ring, but they don't typically do enough to warrant using. Confuse Ray can be used to help Huntail set up more easily, but Huntail is too cramped for moves to justify using a move that has a chance to do nothing. A mixed offensive Shell Smash set can also work, with Sucker Punch to hit faster Pokemon and Hydro Pump and Ice Beam for coverage, but such a set still struggles with bulky Water-types and forgoes the use of Baton Pass. Super Fang is a good move as well, but it doesn't fit with the setup playstyle of Huntail.

Checks & Counters

**Grass- and Electric-types**: Althought Huntail can escape them with Baton Pass after boosting, Grass- and Electric-types can prevent Huntail from setting up to begin with. Heliolisk is also immune to Waterfall, which means it can switch into Huntail without any risk.

**Taunt**: All of Huntail's sets rely on support moves to do anything noteworthy. Taunt users such as Qwilfish and Liepard can prevent Huntail from ever accomplishing anything.

**Roar and Whirlwind**: Much like Taunt users, Roar and Whirlwind users can make all of Huntail's boosting meaningless. However, most common users of the moves are weak to Water, making it a bit more risky countermeasure to Huntail than Taunt. Granbull is the notable exception.

**Bulky Water-types**: Although they are mostly setup fodder for the Coil set, bulky Water-types completely wall the Shell Smash set. Defensive Ludicolo easily beats both sets.

GP 1/2
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hollywood, even though this is at 1/2 and it's a pain to change stuff around, there's mentions of stuff like Mega Steelix not breaking subs, Qwilfish Taunting you, and Heliolisk being a problem. Remove these mentions please and ty :)
here's GP 2/2

With access to both Coil and Shell Smash, along with Baton Pass to pass boosts to a teammate, Huntail is a versatile sweeper and support Pokemon. Gorebyss has access to the same moves, but Huntail sets itself apart with Sucker Punch, which allows it to bypass its low Speed even after a boost to clean offensive teams. Huntail also has Water Veil, which makes it immune to burns and easier to set up against bulky Pokemon such as Weezing. Still, as a boost passer, Huntail competes with Bulk Up Floatzel, which has inferior bulk but much greater Speed and access to Taunt. Huntail's low Speed also makes it reliant on Sucker Punch to sweep and gives it difficulty in passing its boosts.

Shell Smash
name: Shell Smash
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Baton Pass
move 3: Waterfall
move 4: Sucker Punch
ability: Water Veil
item: White Herb / Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant


Shell Smash is by far the best boosting move in the game, as it boosts Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by two stages in one turn at the cost of dropping both defensive stats by one stage. Baton Pass allows Huntail to pass Shell Smash boosts along to a teammate and can be used to pivot early-game. Waterfall is Huntail's most reliable physical STAB move, while Sucker Punch compensates for Huntail's Speed, which is low even after a boost.

Set Details

White Herb is used to make setting up easier for Huntail, and it lets a Baton Pass recipient come in more safely. Life Orb can be used instead if you prefer the extra power to help Huntail clean. Maximum Speed EVs allow Huntail to outrun everything up to Adamant Choice Scarf Sawk, including Swellow and Choice Scarf Mesprit.

Usage Tips

By virtue of being a Water-type, Huntail gets a decent amount of setup opportunities. Against defensive teams, avoid bulky Grass-types and try to set up only when Huntail or a teammate that can get in safely can clean the opposing team. Against more offensive teams, you'll have a more difficult time finding the opportunity to set up. Your best bet is usually setting up on Choice-locked Pokemon that can't do much to Huntail. Always make sure your recipient can come in safely, especially if you're using Huntail is running Life Orb, as the defensive drops can make it difficult to survive a hit as the recipient comes in and then live survive possible priority attacks.

Team Options

Pretty much every offensive Pokemon is bound to appreciate a Shell Smash boost. In particular, Magmortar and Lilligant are good partners because of their ability to absorb hits targeted at Huntail. Lilligant resists Electric and can take on any bulky Water-types trying to wall Huntail, while Magmortar resists Grass and especially appreciates the Speed boost. Xatu is another good potential recipient, as it deflects Roar and Whirlwind with Magic Bounce, preventing it from losing boosts and forcing the opposing Pokemon out instead. It also has Stored Power to make extra use of the boosts. Toxic Spikes are a nuisance for both Huntail and most potential recipients. Vileplume can absorb Toxic Spikes and take on bulky Water-types that bother Huntail, while Garbodor can also absorb Toxic Spikes and set up entry hazards of its own to wear down Huntail's checks. Most offensive Fire-types are good partners to Huntail for their ability to take on bulky Grass-types, which wall Huntail and can prevent setup.

name: CoilPass
move 1: Coil
move 2: Baton Pass
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Waterfall
ability: Water Veil
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
nature: Impish


Coil is a fantastic boosting move, and even though Huntail cannot make the best use of the move, it can pass boosts along to a teammate that will appreciate them thanks to Baton Pass. Substitute allows Huntail to make the most of any switches it forces against offensive Fire-types and bulky Pokemon that cannot do much to it, and it can also allow a recipient to come in unharmed. Waterfall is Huntail's most reliable STAB move, which and gives Huntail a way for Huntail to take advantage of its own boosts.

Set Details

Although it might seem more logical to invest in Special Defense because Coil boosts Defense, most special attackers, including some defensive walls, can still break Huntail's Substitutes even with the investment. For this reason, it is better to invest in Defense, enhancing Huntail's already good physical bulk and giving it more setup opportunities. For example, Seismitoad's Earthquake has about a 50% chance of not breaking unboosted Huntail's Substitute, while Garbodor can never break +1 Huntail's Substitute with Gunk Shot. You can choose to run more Speed in order to outrun various defensive Pokemon, but the extra bulk goes a long way in keeping Huntail's Substitutes intact.

Usage Tips

Thanks to its defensive investment, Huntail can set up on a lot of Pokemon, particularly bulky Water-types and most defensive Pokemon that use physical attacks. Just because you can set up doesn't mean that you should. Make sure to try to figure out how you can sweep with a boosted teammate by identifying your opponent's weak points. Sometimes you will never be able to set up Huntail because of the nature of your opponent's team. When this is the case, you're better off using Huntail as a defensive pivot, bringing it in on the Pokemon that it can wall and then using Baton Pass to bring out a teammate that can threaten the opposition.

Team Options

Toxic Spikes can single-handedly prevent Huntail from setting up or a teammate from cleaning. Vileplume can absorb Toxic Spikes and take on bulky Grass-types that bother Huntail, while Garbodor can also absorb Toxic Spikes and set up entry hazards of its own to wear down the opposing team. In particular, your own Toxic Spikes can wear down the opposing team dramatically while Huntail sets up, allowing it to take out some Pokemon without ever attacking. A Rapid Spin or Defog user can also work to handle Toxic Spikes, but few of them share good defensive synergy with Huntail. If you choose to go this route, Cryogonal is your best bet. Having good recipients is important for Huntail to succeed. Bouffalant and Hariyama are both powerful Pokemon that appreciate the added boost to their Attack as well as the additional bulk that Coil provides. Lilligant is another interesting partner. With the ability to boost its own Special Defense with Quiver Dance, Lilligant can have a much easier time boosting with a few Coil boosts backing it up. It also takes on Electric- and Grass-type attacks aimed at Huntail. However, because it doesn't become much more immediately threatening with the boosts, Lilligant should not be your only recipient. Calm Mind Xatu also appreciates the Defense boosts and cannot be phazed by Roar or Whirlwind thanks to Magic Bounce. Much like Lilligant, Xatu should not be your only recipient, as it is a special attacker.

Other Options

An offensive Coil set is about as good as Huntail is going to get outside of the existing sets. Such a set has easier time setting up than a Shell Smash set does thanks to the Defense boosts that Coil provides, but the immediate power and extra Speed that Shell Smash offers is usually just strictly better. A dedicated SmashPass set can also work, but Gorebyss is slightly better in this role because it can burn things foes with a more powerful Scald to help it set up. Huntail can also pass Barrier and Aqua Ring, but they don't typically do enough to warrant using. Confuse Ray can be used to help Huntail set up more easily, but it Huntail is too cramped for moves to justify using a move that has a chance to do nothing. A mixed offensive Shell Smash set can also work, with Sucker Punch to hit faster Pokemon and Hydro Pump and Ice Beam for coverage, but such a set still struggles with bulky Water-types and forgoes the use of Baton Pass. Super Fang is a good move as well, but it doesn't fit with the setup playstyle of Huntail.

Checks & Counters

**Grass- and Electric-types**: Although Huntail can escape them with Baton Pass after boosting, Grass- and Electric-types can prevent Huntail from setting up to begin with. Rotom-S and Vileplume are examples of Pokemon that deter Huntail.

**Taunt and Encore**: All of Huntail's sets rely on support moves to do anything noteworthy. Liepard often runs ones one of these moves and can prevent even Shell Smash Huntail from doing anything thanks to Prankster.

**Roar and Whirlwind**: Much like Taunt users, Roar and Whirlwind users can make all of Huntail's boosting meaningless. However, most common users of the moves are weak to Water, making it a bit more risky of a countermeasure to Huntail than Taunt. Granbull is the notable exception.

**Bulky Water-types**: Although they are mostly setup fodder for the Coil set, bulky Water-types completely wall the Shell Smash set. Defensive Ludicolo easily beats both sets.
hollywood don't forget about this!
edit: here is copypaste with second check bc bored

With access to both Coil and Shell Smash, along with Baton Pass to pass boosts to a teammate, Huntail is a versatile sweeper and support Pokemon. Gorebyss has access to the same moves, but Huntail sets itself apart with Sucker Punch, which allows it to bypass its low Speed even after a boost to clean offensive teams. Huntail also has Water Veil, which makes it immune to burns and easier to set up against bulky Pokemon such as Weezing. Still, as a boost passer, Huntail competes with Bulk Up Floatzel, which has inferior bulk but much greater Speed and access to Taunt. Huntail's low Speed also makes it reliant on Sucker Punch to sweep and gives it difficulty in passing its boosts.

Shell Smash
name: Shell Smash
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Baton Pass
move 3: Waterfall
move 4: Sucker Punch
ability: Water Veil
item: White Herb / Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant


Shell Smash is by far the best boosting move in the game, as it boosts Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by two stages in one turn at the cost of dropping both defensive stats by one stage. Baton Pass allows Huntail to pass Shell Smash boosts to a teammate and can be used to pivot early-game. Waterfall is Huntail's most reliable physical STAB move, while Sucker Punch compensates for Huntail's Speed, which is low even after a boost.

Set Details

White Herb is used to make setting up easier for Huntail, and it lets a Baton Pass recipient come in more safely. Life Orb can be used instead if you prefer the extra power to help Huntail clean. Maximum Speed EVs allow Huntail to outrun everything up to Adamant Choice Scarf Sawk, including Swellow and Choice Scarf Mesprit.

Usage Tips

By virtue of being a Water-type, Huntail gets a decent amount of setup opportunities. Against defensive teams, avoid bulky Grass-types and try to set up only when Huntail or a teammate that can get in safely can clean the opposing team. Against more offensive teams, you'll have a more difficult time finding the opportunity to set up. Your best bet is usually setting up on Choice-locked Pokemon that can't do much to Huntail. Always make sure your recipient can come in safely, especially if Huntail is running Life Orb, as the defensive drops can make it difficult to survive a hit as the recipient comes in and then survive possible priority attacks.

Team Options

Pretty much every offensive Pokemon is bound to appreciate a Shell Smash boost. In particular, Magmortar and Lilligant are good partners because of their ability to absorb hits targeted at Huntail. Lilligant resists Electric and can take on any bulky Water-types trying to wall Huntail, while Magmortar resists Grass and especially appreciates the Speed boost. Xatu is another good potential recipient, as it deflects Roar and Whirlwind with Magic Bounce, preventing it from losing boosts and forcing the opposing Pokemon out instead. It also has Stored Power to make extra use of the boosts. Toxic Spikes are a nuisance for both Huntail and most potential recipients. Vileplume can absorb Toxic Spikes and take on bulky Water-types that bother Huntail, while Garbodor can also absorb Toxic Spikes and set up entry hazards of its own to wear down Huntail's checks. Most offensive Fire-types are good partners to Huntail for their ability to take on bulky Grass-types, which wall Huntail and can prevent setup.

name: CoilPass
move 1: Coil
move 2: Baton Pass
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Waterfall
ability: Water Veil
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
nature: Impish


Coil is a fantastic boosting move, and even though Huntail cannot make the best use of the move, it can pass boosts along to a teammate that will appreciate them thanks to Baton Pass. Substitute allows Huntail to make the most of any switches it forces against offensive Fire-types and bulky Pokemon that cannot do much to it, and it can also allow a recipient to come in unharmed. Waterfall is Huntail's most reliable STAB move and givesHuntail a way to take advantage of its own boosts.

Set Details

Although it might seem more logical to invest in Special Defense because Coil boosts Defense, most special attackers, including some defensive walls, can still break Huntail's Substitutes even with the investment. For this reason, it is better to invest in Defense, enhancing Huntail's already good physical bulk and giving it more setup opportunities. For example, Seismitoad's Earthquake has about a 50% chance of not breaking unboosted Huntail's Substitute, while Garbodor can never break +1 Huntail's Substitute with Gunk Shot. You can choose to run more Speed in order to outrun various defensive Pokemon, but the extra bulk goes a long way in keeping Huntail's Substitutes intact.

Usage Tips

Thanks to its defensive investment, Huntail can set up on a lot of Pokemon, particularly bulky Water-types and most defensive Pokemon that use physical attacks. Just because you can set up doesn't mean that you should. Make sure to try to figure out how you can sweep with a boosted teammate by identifying your opponent's weak points. Sometimes you will never be able to set up Huntail because of the nature of your opponent's team. When this is the case, you're better off using Huntail as a defensive pivot, bringing it in on the Pokemon that it can wall and then using Baton Pass to bring out a teammate that can threaten the opposition.

Team Options

Toxic Spikes can single-handedly prevent Huntail from setting up or a teammate from cleaning. Vileplume can absorb Toxic Spikes and take on bulky Grass-types that bother Huntail, while Garbodor can also absorb Toxic Spikes and set up entry hazards of its own to wear down the opposing team. In particular, your own Toxic Spikes can wear down the opposing team dramatically while Huntail sets up, allowing it to take out some Pokemon without ever attacking. A Rapid Spin or Defog user can also work to handle Toxic Spikes, but few of them share good defensive synergy with Huntail. If you choose to go this route, Cryogonal is your best bet. Having good recipients is important for Huntail to succeed. Bouffalant and Hariyama are both powerful Pokemon that appreciate the added boost to their Attack as well as the additional bulk that Coil provides. Lilligant is another interesting partner. With the ability to boost its own Special Defense with Quiver Dance, Lilligant can have a much easier time boosting with a few Coil boosts backing it up. It also takes on Electric- and Grass-type attacks aimed at Huntail. However, because it doesn't become much more immediately threatening with the boosts, Lilligant should not be your only recipient. Calm Mind Xatu also appreciates the Defense boosts and cannot be phazed by Roar or Whirlwind thanks to Magic Bounce. Much like Lilligant, Xatu should not be your only recipient, as it is a special attacker.

Other Options

An offensive Coil set is about as good as Huntail is going to get outside of the existing sets. Such a set has easier time setting up than a Shell Smash set does thanks to the Defense boosts that Coil provides, but the immediate power and extra Speed that Shell Smash offers is usually just strictly better. A dedicated SmashPass set can also work, but Gorebyss is slightly better in this role because it can burn foes with a more powerful Scald to help it set up. Huntail can also pass Barrier and Aqua Ring, but they don't typically do enough to warrant using. Confuse Ray can be used to help Huntail set up more easily, but Huntail is too cramped for moves to justify using a move that has a chance to do nothing. A mixed offensive Shell Smash set can also work, with Sucker Punch to hit faster Pokemon and Hydro Pump and Ice Beam for coverage, but such a set still struggles with bulky Water-types and forgoes the use of Baton Pass. Super Fang is a good move as well, but it doesn't fit with the setup playstyle of Huntail.

Checks & Counters

**Grass- and Electric-types**: Although Huntail can escape them with Baton Pass after boosting, Grass- and Electric-types can prevent Huntail from setting up to begin with. Rotom-S and Vileplume are examples of Pokemon that deter Huntail.

**Taunt and Encore**: All of Huntail's sets rely on support moves to do anything noteworthy. Liepard often runs one of these moves and can prevent even Shell Smash Huntail from doing anything thanks to Prankster.

**Roar and Whirlwind**: Much like Taunt users, Roar and Whirlwind users can make all of Huntail's boosting meaningless. However, most common users of the moves are weak to Water, making it a bit more risky of a countermeasure to Huntail than Taunt. Granbull is the notable exception.

**Bulky Water-types**: Although they are mostly setup fodder for the Coil set, bulky Water-types completely wall the Shell Smash set. Defensive Ludicolo easily beats both sets.
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