Missed the recently released HA pokémon? Get them here! [COMPLETE]

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Requested pokémon: Tyrunt
Deposited pokémon: Litleo (female, lvl 35)
In game name: Hirshy
GTS message: Snoopdaloop!
Thanks snoopy!
Requested pokémon: Male Doduo
Deposited pokémon: Female Totodile
In game name: Thuanny
GTS message: Snoopy

Thank you so much
Requested pokémon: Totodile
Deposited pokémon:Lv. 30 female chimecho
In game name: Nex
GTS message: Thanks Snoopy
Requested pokémon: Totodile
Deposited pokémon: male premier ball Swablu, lv. 1
In game name: Mike
GTS message: Thanks Snoopy!!

Thanks for the giveaway!
Requested pokémon: Chikorita
Deposited pokémon: Rhyhorn (level 1 female, named "Rihorn") Chikorita (level 5 female)
In game name: Alex
GTS message: Thx Snoopy

Thank you Snoopy. ^^

EDIT: The Rhyhorn got sniped so I deposited the Chikorita that I received.
Last edited:
Requested pokémon: Tyrunt
Deposited pokémon: Zigzagoon (level 3 male, no nickname)
In game name: Dominic
GTS message: Thanks Snoopy
Requested pokémon: Chikorita
Deposited pokémon: Male Kecleon lv30
In game name: Mertyville
GTS message: Snoppy

Thx a lot for this giveaway
Requested pokémon:Totodile
Deposited pokémon:Lvl 5 female Burmy
In game name: Jason
GTS message: Snoopy

Nice, very helpful. Thanks in advance.

Requested pokémon
: Cyndaquil
Deposited pokémon: lv. 10 Female Ralts
In game name: Henning
GTS message: Snoopy-Cyndaquil
This is amazing, thank you Snoopy, Typhlosion is one of my favourite Gen 2 pokemon!
Requested pokémon: Cyndaquil
Deposited pokémon:Level 34 female Lombre
In game name: Steve
GTS message: Snoopy
Requested pokémon: Cyndaquil
Deposited pokémon: Swablu level 17 (male)
In game name:Martin
GTS message:Snoopy
Last edited:
Requested pokémon: Totodile
Deposited pokémon: male premier ball Swablu, lv. 1
In game name: Mike
GTS message: Thanks Snoopy!!

Thanks for the giveaway!
couldn't find it, possibly sniped.
Requested pokémon: Chikorita
Deposited pokémon: Rhyhorn (level 1 female, named "Rihorn") Chikorita (level 5 female)
In game name: Alex
GTS message: Thx Snoopy

Thank you Snoopy. ^^

EDIT: The Rhyhorn got sniped so I deposited the Chikorita that I received.
Requested pokémon: Tyrunt
Deposited pokémon: Zigzagoon (level 3 male, no nickname)
In game name: Dominic
GTS message: Thanks Snoopy
couldn't find it.
Pokemon: Tyrunt
Deposited pokemon:level 13 male geodude
In game name: KHAツロー
GTS message: Snoopy

only a few of them there and couldn't find yours.
Requested pokémon: Chikorita
Deposited pokémon: Male Kecleon lv30
In game name: Mertyville
GTS message: Snoppy

Thx a lot for this giveaway
Requested pokémon:Totodile
Deposited pokémon:Lvl 5 female Burmy
In game name: Jason
GTS message: Snoopy

only a few there and couldn't find yours.
Nice, very helpful. Thanks in advance.
Requested pokémon: Cyndaquil
Deposited pokémon: lv. 10 Female Ralts
In game name: Henning
GTS message: Snoopy-Cyndaquil
This is amazing, thank you Snoopy, Typhlosion is one of my favourite Gen 2 pokemon!
Requested pokémon: Cyndaquil
Deposited pokémon:Level 34 female Lombre
In game name: Steve
GTS message: Snoopy
only a few of them there and couldn't find yours.
Requested pokémon: Cyndaquil
Deposited pokémon: Lv. 4 Froakie (M)
In game name: Stephen
GTS message: Snoopy
got sniped
Requested pokémon: Cyndaquil
Deposited pokémon: Swablu level 17 (male)
In game name:Martin
GTS message:Snoopy
I will be here for another 30 minutes to an hour to handle requests. Will also be on later tonight if you didn't get the opportunity to get your stuff this afternoon.
Requested pokémon: Totodile
Deposited pokémon: male dream ball togepi, lv. 1
In game name: Mike
GTS message: Thanks Snoopy!!

Thanks for the giveaway!
Hopefully this one won't get sniped :)
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