Other OU Player of the Week #20: Living So Zambian

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Welcome to OU's Player of the week, a project
where I interview well known players to gain insight on how they battle, as well as get to know some things about them. The goal of this thread is to have these high level players give insight to other players in this community in hopes of creating a better overall experience in the OU environment. As always, if there's someone you'd like to see interviewed, feel free to shoot me a PM. So without further ado, lets get to it!


Living So Zambian

Most Known For: I don't know what to put here lol

Favorite Pokemon: Garchomp or Bayleef

Most used Pokemon: Hippowdon and Clefable

Where did you get your name from? Living So Italian is an unreleased watch the throne track, I just wanted a multi-letter name so I made a stupid bootleg of it, zambia's a poor ass country whereas living so italian means you're living good

How and when did you get into competitive battling?
I started as part of a tutoring program at the Pokecommunity in the beginning of 2011, I played pretty casually and battled a bit on other servers but I was pretty bad, I think I laddered a few times but never got past 1300 at my very best. I came to smogon at the beginning of 2012 and messed around in NU with my friend Zebraiken [who I know as Vrai from the Pokecommunity], but anything I did on smogon was really lowkey. I kind of regained an interest in OU after Ojama fucking thrashed me in Duelist City with toxic invasion and I kind of questioned where the gap was between an Ojama and myself, and what I was missing. I got Windsong as an OU tutor [I actually was tutored by KG in OU in 2011 but I was too dumb to understand what he was saying about gameplans and strategy lol] and he helped me understand the strategy of Pokemon a bit better as I began to take the game a bit more seriously. I also started battling at Serebii around this time since it was pretty active but not as "big" as Smogon and met a few people there [Dragonuser, AB2, Thatsjustpeachy, Kuja20, etc]. I was able to improve with Windsong's tutoring and I got to #7 on a somewhat barren Smogon PO Ladder, dominated at the time by Solar Prominence, Ripamon and Princess Bri with a rainstall I made [Tangrowth/Jirachi/Skarmory/Politoed/Chansey/Tentacruel]. I was pretty happy with this "Achievement" and have been trying to improve at the game ever since.

How do you feel about how ORAS plays compared to XY?
I like XY a lot better, I feel like with the addition of all the new mega evolutions and hidden abilities released in the ORAS era, it's a lot harder to cover everything one game. I think the weight that team matchup holds in ORAS is the #1 thing ailing the metagame but I don't know how you'd fix it.

What are your thoughts on the Megagross suspect test currently going on? Is there anything else you feel is suspect worthy?
I really don't think we should ban Metagross or at least not yet. We're losing a reliable to switchin to Clefable and Mega Gardevoir, who dominated in XY and could really break apart teams with proper prediction. People say Metagross restricts teambuilding but I think that's positive right now since team matchup and the sheer amount of threats we have to cover. I didn't really feel like getting reqs since I'm self-conscious about my record and plays but that's another story lol

What’s your favorite playstyle and why?
Balance or Semi Stall, I started out as a hard core stall player that looked up to Dark Azelf/Sir Azelf and Kevin Garrett, but the changes from BW1->BW2 metagame made stall pretty much unviable. I mostly stole teams in BW2 since I had literally 0 experience with offense but I did learn to strategize with that playstyle a bit more, and began to thrive outside of my comfort zone. Eventually in XY I settled on balanced teams when I returned from a hiatus since they seemed to be the most well-equipped for the meta at that time. Balance is really cool because it helped me be more aggressive/tactical while still having control towers to fall back on so that I can put myself in a position to regain momentum/control. Big fan of Pokes I can use both offensively and defensively.

What's your favorite generation of OU and why?
This one, a lot of the teams I see are cool and building is pretty enjoyable. I really liked BW1 as well, people were making loads of cool sets and teams, IR Rain stall, Chestorest Rotom-W, Mynism Croak. Metagames are most fun when they stabilize and people start to 'innovate' in them.

Favorite and lease favorite moments of SPL?
My favorite week was probably when we played the classiest, the teamwork and preparation was the best it had been all season and it showed in the results. Least favorite was probably the first few weeks when there wasn't very good communication within the team, but we've managed to turn it around.

Favorite to win OST and why?
Hmmm a few guys could possibly take it.

A few people could win I think.

Leftiez: Leftiez is criminally underrated on here and I think he can definitely win the whole tournament if he starts surging, he is really motivated to win it as well

Soulwind: Soulwind's incredibly consistent/solid and his plays have always seemed effortless to me. I rate SW very high and he could definitely take the tour.

Ben Gay: A very good player and builder, I feel an aura watching him play, as Bloo would say

If you could change one thing about OU, what would it be and why?
Ban Shadow Tag

Do you have any advice for newer players, and for Smogon in general?
Let your play do the talking. Stathakis went over this but it's really unbecoming when people start popping off in tournament threads when no one knows who they are; it just makes a bad first impression. If people wouldn't know your name if you said nothing but "won, gg" it's probably better to just pipe down. I'm not saying don't post at all, it's just better to be respectful and not confrontational when you're starting out, don't be one of those 5 post dudes trash talking everyone or trying incredibly hard to be funny and get the precious forum likes.

If you are looking to improve then practicing is really important, whether its on the ladder or battling with friends. I think its also good to analyze replays and matches on youtube to keep your mind sharp and avoid from staying on autopilot in an important game and just get better at deciding the right moves in each situation. If you want to improve at teambuilding, then trial and error is pretty important; it really isn't a good idea to give up on a team early and you should always be tweaking things. Using frameworks in teambuilding can be helpful too. I used to look at a lot of gr8astards teams to give me an idea of what went well with what and how Pokemon would work together.

If you could change one thing about Smogon as a whole to make it better, what would it be and why?
It'd be really hard to make things better with one change, maybe cash incentives or an SPL Minor League.

What players do you look up to / are good friends with?
BKC, Heist, Dice, Zebraiken are all close friends and I respect them a lot as players. BKC is incredibly hard to break and consistently makes good reads, probably one of the GOATs in my mind. Dice's prediction game is ridiculous and he can adapt to/learn new metagames very quickly. Heist is another solid dude who is probably one of the most creative players I've seen.

Additional players I look up to are probably Reymedy and Bloo [also friends], as well as gr8astard and Destiny Device, various people on ladder with teams I liked.

Finally, can you provide us a team that’s a good fit for this metagame and reflects your playstyle, with a brief explanation of how it works?

Metagross @ Metagrossite
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Meteor Mash
- Hammer Arm
- Zen Headbutt
- Ice Punch

Chesnaught @ Leftovers
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Impish Nature
- Wood Hammer
- Synthesis
- Spiky Shield
- Spikes

Hippowdon @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Force
EVs: 252 HP / 144 Def / 112 SpD
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Slack Off
- Stone Edge

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 244 Def / 12 Spe
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
- Flamethrower
- Soft-Boiled

Latias (F) @ Colbur Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 72 HP / 184 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Roost
- Defog

Alomomola @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 220 HP / 36 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Wish
- Scald
- Protect
- Toxic

Just a semi-stall I made, it was edited from a team with Metagross+Dragalge so that toxic spikes could weaken Metagross' counters. That team had too many weaknesses so I ended up reworking it into this. Spikes give me some offensive presence while the team can respond to a lot of threats with its defensive backbone. Knock Off/Twave Clefable might be helpful for Heatran and it's definitely worth running, but Scizor is already a pretty huge weakness for the team so I don't know. Ice Punch on meta over GK unfortunately because Gliscor is a huge (BAN ME PLEASE).


There it is. If you have any questions for LSZ, leave 'em down below. I'd like to thank him for doing this. See you next week!
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What's the stupidest thing you've ever faced on PS?

Favorite to win Tour?

I think manual rain dance bulky kingdra or something like that, lots of stupid players too


  • Considering you're a moderator of the RMT subforum what are your thoughts of the RMT subforum as a whole?
  • Is there a particular reason rating practices and reviews stopped or died? Raters such as Rob got their start there and because of that fostered better raters during that time period from what I can tell do to having guidance.
  • I believe the RMT subforum has become more of a showcase than an actual asset to help newcomers these days, am I in the wrong? What do you think the RMT subforum truly needs to get back to its former glory of helping said individuals?
  • You stated that you didn't know how team match-up could be alleviated from the meta however if you had a general idea just for the sake of speaking out loud what would you ponder?
  • Your thoughts on the exclusivity of SPL in terms of its players and population. Some find this to be a negative aspect that isolates newer players from joining in however what's your personal take on the matter?
  • Were there any sets, regardless of meta, you thought would be absolutely trash but ended up doing well for yourself?
  • Thoughts on the Bloo v Tele games for OLT. Thoughts on the PDC v Tele games for the same OLT as well.
  • Any new comers we should look out for in the tournament or rating scene in terms of consistency and quality?

-I think the quality of the threads has declined compared to when I started rating. It'd be nice if experienced players posted their teams more often. It might be worth looking into some sort of incentive for them to do that.

-I don't think so, but maybe I'll work on bringing them back. I agree that they are helpful.

-Sort of, but showcase teams are pretty valuable themselves, because they give good frameworks for certain types of teams, and say a lot about the metagame at that moment in time. There are a bunch of threads from newer players but I agree that the help from raters could be better, though it is hard to cover everything in ORAS when rating teams.

-Probably ban all the megas or ban a ton of them, it sounds a little absurd, especially at this point in the tiering process but it'd probably work out

-Hate it, I posted about this in the "suggestions thread" in IS. I don't know if that thread still exists though, a lot of stuff was getting deleted there. I think it should be a lot less exclusive [I suggested the minor league in the OP] so that the community can internally improve its player base, and the "fun" is available to a lot more people.

-DD Altaria is the big one actually, I thought it was garbage when Ferrothorn and Heatran where everywhere but its pretty vicious when you pair with a Magnezone.

-Bloo vs Tele were some of my favorite games to watch, ever. Tele had a huge uphill battle to fight in terms of team matchup and G2 looked completely unwinnable but Tele didn't give in once and managed to find a path to victory. Kind of a shame that everyone had to circlejerk over it and Bloo had a ton of pressure on him to win. After that, no one really gave credit to Tele when he won, saying he was lucky and that Bloo just misplayed, etc. Tele vs PDC, Tele didn't really prepare well and PDC ended up beating him pretty badly, I was kind of looking forward to see the winner of that game take the tournament but unfortunately neither did.

-For players I'd say xray, he always brings cool teams and has been improving a lot, Axel10 is a cool teambuilder too, Mack Bus and Tom Bus are on the comeup, though I rate Mack a little bit higher. Liberty32/Roscoe is good in any tier, Zebraiken is underrated in OU. Mix uses really cool teams as well

-Raters I think Enki and Celticpride have been solid recently
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  • Considering you're a moderator of the RMT subforum what are your thoughts of the RMT subforum as a whole?
  • Is there a particular reason rating practices and reviews stopped or died? Raters such as Rob got their start there and because of that fostered better raters during that time period from what I can tell do to having guidance.
  • I believe the RMT subforum has become more of a showcase than an actual asset to help newcomers these days, am I in the wrong? What do you think the RMT subforum truly needs to get back to its former glory of helping said individuals?
  • You stated that you didn't know how team match-up could be alleviated from the meta however if you had a general idea just for the sake of speaking out loud what would you ponder?
  • Your thoughts on the exclusivity of SPL in terms of its players and population. Some find this to be a negative aspect that isolates newer players from joining in however what's your personal take on the matter?
  • Were there any sets, regardless of meta, you thought would be absolutely trash but ended up doing well for yourself?
  • Thoughts on the Bloo v Tele games for OLT. Thoughts on the PDC v Tele games for the same OLT as well.
  • Any new comers we should look out for in the tournament or rating scene in terms of consistency and quality?
Hey Living so Zambian,

I don't usually post here but your games have been really enjoyable to watch this SPL, so I'll give it a go. I'm gonna talk about tournament play mostly.
  • How do you prepare for an SPL game? I know this might be hard to answer without giving away ways to beat you, but do you watch replays, do you try to adapt to more global metagame trends..
  • Do you expect people to counter-style you often?
  • When is it important to make strong plays involving prediction? To gain the edge over an opponent or only when you need to come back into a game?
  • Do you build your teams? If so, alone or with friends/other teambuilders?

Thanks for taking the time to answer.
How do you not be counterteamed if you like a certain playstyle/pokemon

Scale of 1-10, how much do u enjoy urself when laddering.

What type of mindset should we be in before a tour match (SPL, OST, etc...)

Do you like to start aggressive and make predictions
Hey Living so Zambian,

I don't usually post here but your games have been really enjoyable to watch this SPL, so I'll give it a go. I'm gonna talk about tournament play mostly.
  • How do you prepare for an SPL game? I know this might be hard to answer without giving away ways to beat you, but do you watch replays, do you try to adapt to more global metagame trends..
  • Do you expect people to counter-style you often?
  • When is it important to make strong plays involving prediction? To gain the edge over an opponent or only when you need to come back into a game?
  • Do you build your teams? If so, alone or with friends/other teambuilders?

Thanks for taking the time to answer.

-I don't want to give the exact method but it just helps to put a lot of time into preparing and bring a solid team

-Yeah I do, I think I like hippowdon a bit too much lol

-To gain the edge, definitely. Playing vs Bloo has taught me this. It's important to make plays when you're behind too, as long as they're plays that actually help you fulfill the win condition you set at that point in the game, and not just random predictions

-Yes I do, but Reymedy, BKC, Dice and Meridian all offer helpful advice that I'm very thankful for.

How do you not be counterteamed if you like a certain playstyle/pokemon

Scale of 1-10, how much do u enjoy urself when laddering.

What type of mindset should we be in before a tour match (SPL, OST, etc...)

Do you like to start aggressive and make predictions

-Consider what your opponent would use to counterteam you, and adjust your team so it's not weak to whatever that would be

-A solid 5, I like it, but at the same time I hate it

-I guess don't be nervous, and make sure you enter with a solid plan. You will regret it later if you get lazy and autopilot, and then lose

-Depends on the game, but I do notice I've had better results when I can start putting my plan into action quicker

In the few times I've laddered, I always seem to over-predict opponents with no prediction skills and under-predict opponents who are actually good. Have you ever had that issue? If so, how do you manage to get through?

-You can usually gauge how good a player is from the first few turns in the game [double switches, safe moves, etc] or by ladder rating. With bad people you can usually just play it safe, with better people, try and see it through their eyes. If he absolutely needs his Charizard to break you and he isn't dumb, he probably won't sacrifice it early on. It just helps to consider what moves your opponent would/could make and what your opponent would hope to gain from his moves, as well as how valuable each Pokemon is to him.

Do u try to make Stour playoffs this season?

Who's ur favorite to win Stour?

Maybe, I might focus on other things

damn, hard to believe that we've known each other since 2011, been quite awhile since that tournament on pokecommunity

where did you disappear to for like a year or so?
when you signed up for spl, did you expect to do as well as you have?
favorites to win the old-gen tour / smogon tour?
can u ever create a team as beautiful as the bw rain squad??

-That team is objectively perfect and also proof of how shitty the BW2 Lando-i metagame was so nah. Came kinda close twice though.

damn, hard to believe that we've known each other since 2011, been quite awhile since that tournament on pokecommunity

where did you disappear to for like a year or so?
when you signed up for spl, did you expect to do as well as you have?
favorites to win the old-gen tour / smogon tour?

Yeah, haha. Should have listed top 8 of the Pokecommunity Official Tour in my "most known for section"

-I trained viciously in the mountains, not letting defeat and nerves get to me. I was chilled out and retired sipping chillzones on my private island for a time, but the fire to excel at the "beautiful game" soon burned up inside me. I carried 6 bastiodons up a mountain a day, for weeks, until my physical fortitude resembled machamp or hariyama and analyzed replays until my mental acumen was akin to Akashi Seijuro from kuroko no basket. Nah but I was legitimately training and chilling in an irc chan during my hiatus. I wasn't really sure about coming back to smogon but dice asked me to join SPL a bunch of times so I figured I would.

-Nah not really, as I said before I wasn't even that keen on joining as first

-Old Gen Tour I would say BKC, Heist, Soulwind or maybe Golden Sun. Smogon Tour I'll say Bloo again to encourage him to play, even though his aura and love for the game are filled with negativity.

favorite animal and favorite food?
do you like pasta? pizza?
thoughts on emboar in OU?

-Not sure on an animal, maybe Garchomp. Favorite food is pizza

-Yes, I like both

-I've never used it or played it so no thoughts to give really
What helps you notice a good team rater, considering there are a lot of people who rate teams in some capacity?

At what point do you feel like you are changing a team too much when rating? I try to keep the team as close to the original as possible and rarely suggest changing more than one mon, to try to keep it more of "their team".

Where did the name VN. come from?

Thanks for the mention in your first post :)
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not a question per say, but youre one of the best "new" (new as in recently made appearances on tourneys) players ive seen play since i joined smogon and a very solid/creative/hardworking builder to boot. keep it up man and trust yourself more, youve got the goods, dont feel pressured.

do you agree yohoe is a (BAN ME PLEASE)?
PC represent! Nice to see a D_A shout-out as well! Anyway, just a few questions from me.

First, please explain your alt-building process. I fashion myself a clever man, but 'cisgengared' made me jealous. 'Atlas Thugged' just made me laugh. I actually do wonder though, do you just pull these out of your ass or...?

More seriously, thoughts on Charizards in this metagame? (especially X but they're both pretty threatening.) Any interesting builds you've seen around either, have thought of yourself/would like to try out, etc.?
To what do you contribute your unique way with words, such as the ones you string together to make alts as mentioned in the post above? I'm a huge fan of the witticisms involving the dropping of mixtapes and based freestyles. I'm also partial to gr8astard being rechristened as "Hidalgo"

Describe your hatred for Mega Gardevoir using stereotypical black metal imagery.

Thoughts on the following moves: Defog, Knock Off, Scald... don't skimp on the details!

Fix the BW2 OU metagame!

I think Assault Vest is an incredible item and wish it was around a generation or two earlier. What do you think its impact would be like in BW and who would make good uses of it?

I tried to think of a word to describe how I've enjoyed watching your growth and persistence throughout the years lead you to where you are now (a big "smogon tuffie") but my vocabulary failed me and I couldn't come up with that anything that didn't sound lame. Not like that atrocious run-on sentence was much better though...

favourite smog article?

The legend http://www.smogon.com/smog/issue37/the-jungle-unbearable

What helps you notice a good team rater, considering there are a lot of people who rate teams in some capacity?

At what point do you feel like you are changing a team too much when rating? I try to keep the team as close to the original as possible and rarely suggest changing more than one mon, to try to keep it more of "their team".

Where did the name VN. come from?

Thanks for the mention in your first post :)

-Honestly, consistency is the first thing that I notice, if people are rating a lot then they are at least dedicated. After that I'd examine the quality of the rates of consistent raters. Quality being how beneficial their changes are to the team. If a rate does a lot to improve the team, without hurting its functionality or opening it up to new threats, then it is a good rate.

-I'd say that's something you could work on. I notice you are conservative with your rates, and while this isn't necessarily a bad thing, you could possibly even improve teams further by changing Pokemon to make them function better [in terms of having the Pokemon on a team support each other offensively] or cover more threats. Again, though, these changes are only "good" changes when they benefit the team. But yeah, there is nothing wrong with changing 1/2 Pokemon or sets if the team will genuinely improve.


Keep up the good work

do you agree that Princess Bri is the cutest girl on smogon

No because it's a guy who thinks hes a sassy white female

not a question per say, but youre one of the best "new" (new as in recently made appearances on tourneys) players ive seen play since i joined smogon and a very solid/creative/hardworking builder to boot. keep it up man and trust yourself more, youve got the goods, dont feel pressured.

do you agree yohoe is a (BAN ME PLEASE)?

-Thanks haha, I appreciate it

-He seems to be a princess bri JR. so yes

PC represent! Nice to see a D_A shout-out as well! Anyway, just a few questions from me.

First, please explain your alt-building process. I fashion myself a clever man, but 'cisgengared' made me jealous. 'Atlas Thugged' just made me laugh. I actually do wonder though, do you just pull these out of your ass or...?

More seriously, thoughts on Charizards in this metagame? (especially X but they're both pretty threatening.) Any interesting builds you've seen around either, have thought of yourself/would like to try out, etc.?

-Cisgengared was a typo from Dice's phone because he talks about Pokemon too much. Atlas Thugged is an original creation. If anything it's just me being stupid

-Both are VERY GOOD and forgotten threats from the XY->ORAS tradition. I think Charizard-Y+Tyranitar is hard to stop without a Chansey and generally unaccounted for in the meta. Charizard-X has also been on the lowkey and is still a potent sweeper and a worthwhile use of a mega slot. I always consider this poke in teambuilding and continue with the old XY OU rule I set for myself; "don't be weak to charizard-x", probably why there are hippowdons on all my teams.

To what do you contribute your unique way with words, such as the ones you string together to make alts as mentioned in the post above? I'm a huge fan of the witticisms involving the dropping of mixtapes and based freestyles. I'm also partial to gr8astard being rechristened as "Hidalgo"

Describe your hatred for Mega Gardevoir using stereotypical black metal imagery.

Thoughts on the following moves: Defog, Knock Off, Scald... don't skimp on the details!

Fix the BW2 OU metagame!

I think Assault Vest is an incredible item and wish it was around a generation or two earlier. What do you think its impact would be like in BW and who would make good uses of it?

I tried to think of a word to describe how I've enjoyed watching your growth and persistence throughout the years lead you to where you are now (a big "smogon tuffie") but my vocabulary failed me and I couldn't come up with that anything that didn't sound lame. Not like that atrocious run-on sentence was much better though...


-I don't know what I contribute it to lol, nah but genuinely I don't know, guess I just fool around too often

-"The Spawn of Satan's Vitriol Smiting Insignificant Teambuilders with an Axe Smeared With The Blood of the Forsaken Christ"

-Defog: Bad move for the metagame that forces stall to become ridiculously and just enhances the strength of the Charizards, Volcarona, etc, so there's not only more threats, but more potent threats for teambuilders to cover. Maybe it's good to have additional fairy resists, though. I think I would still ban this move just because of how it cripples the stall playstyle

-Knock Off: I might sound like a hypocrite here but I guess it isn't that bad when weak pokes use it to break defensive cores. There is a ridiculously rewarding outcome in comparison to other moves, but most Knock Offs in OU aren't that strong, although it's pretty dumb coming from a bisharp or azumarill.

-Scald: No sympathy for Scald, nearly as rewarding with knock off with a much better pool of Pokemon able to use it as STAB. Throws off the type balance in OU and promotes spamming the same move over and over to break cores. I would ban scald probably.

-Ban Kyurem-B, Ban Volcarona for Leftiez I guess, I wish I could take the Landorus-i era out of my mind because I still have PTSD from it. Something should also probably done about sleep.

-I agree, very cool item. I think the usual guys, Tangrowth, Slowbro would benefit from it. Tangrowth is really good now and was cool in BW as well, seems like it'd be a nice staple on balance/semistall/rainstall with his vest on. Maybe people would run a corny AV Terrakion for the 2x SDef boost. Scizor would be neat with it too.

-Thank you BKC, your transformation from the east team sub to a multi gen goat has also inspired me haha
What do u generally look for in a team when deciding whether or not it is showcase worthy? Archive worthy?

What would u say to those that are bitching about gross staying in OU?

Thoughts on the following mons: Lando I, Mega Sab, Kyurem B, Mega Diancie

If you could change any one thing about the RMT forum to improve it, what would it be?
1) Any gimmicks you have used yourself or used well against you?
2) Any memorable instances where people haxes you out of a deserved win?
3) Thoughts on the Aegislash suspect test controversy?
4) Playstyles or Pokemon you hate to face or hate to lose to?
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What do you do when you're trying to build a team? Sure, I can understand how flashes of inspiration come about (pretty randomly) but how do you go about building around it? You mentioned "never be weak to char-x" but what else is on your priority list of things to account for? Basically explain teambuilding process plz :]

Also, how do u feel about the "elitist attitude" that ppl claim smogon has? Why do u think the general wi-fi breeder noob person abhors smogon?
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