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  • Cockgnaw guy are you alive?
    Sir Azelf
    Sir Azelf
    [11:58] +Il Duce: yo soy peniswhisperer
    Croconaw Guy
    i went to the PC forum a few months ago and found it to be kind of a ghost town. obv the battling stuff is gone but i mean the whole thing. it had like a pokemonelite2k vibe or something lol. it was a bummer but maybe it was just a dead time of year. anyway, i'm actually on the discord but never really check it. i kinda did for a little bit but there wasn't really much happening?
    Croconaw Guy
    hard pass on RU lol, i only play adv/dpp/oras ou when i have time, which isn't that often these days -- usually dpp bc the games are pretty fast-paced. i've become a pokemon boomer where some of the new mechanics/designs/conventions in the franchise feel like they've passed me by a lil bit. at least i wasn't trying to #banallmegas

    you still play emerald facilities?
    nice to see you lurking
    Croconaw Guy
    What's up?! I like to follow SPL for the ADV/DPP/ORAS games. I don't have any time to play these days so watching replays scratches the itch.
    i've been playing a bit of old gen ubers in the last year. pretty fun stuff
    Hi i have 4 gold symbols (and still going) in emerald in battle frontier, u proud?
    Sir Azelf
    Sir Azelf
    Also let me know when you're free then i dont have to spam your profile and we can battle or some shit hahaha
    Croconaw Guy
    yeah i sent you a dm, no char limit might be easier. but yes i am simply thrilled that you've been indoctrinated by emerald frontier--tbh now i kind of enjoy getting haxed, like obviously it's garbage but the insane bad luck you can get is kind of captivating. it defies all belief in a very fun way. except in the bad facilities but eh just don't play those.
    Croconaw Guy
    also lol
    [11:58] +Il Duce: yo soy peniswhisperer
    it wouldnt be an upset bro, believe in yourself
    Croconaw Guy
    Heh, thanks. For what it's worth, it's not so much a lack of belief in my ability (I'm probably the best player on PokeCommunity, etc.) but I just haven't had the time to prepare much at all b/c of thesis, finals, graduation, trip planning, etc. those matches were my first since losing to the italian mafia! (y'all banned broke-ass hoopa in the meantime, lol.) but if i can scrounge up some decent teams i know i have a chance, so thanks for the kind words. it would definitely be an upset though, haha.
    hey, ost. im gmt -5, available most weekday evenings. let me know when you want to play
    Croconaw Guy
    I can play tomorrow night, preferably before the Western Conference Finals at 9 PM. The 7-9 time window would be great to play. Does that work? (I am very flexible tomorrow so if 7 doesn't work, another time then would be preferable.)
    7 is fine!
    We have to play for OST r5
    We have to play until wednesday night so I'll let you know that I will be available on tuesday night, 9 pm GMT+2. Tomorrow is still holiday in my country so I'm away with friends, and I gotta play a Force of Will tournament on Wednesday that will last for the whole day
    hey are u in contact with ur last OST opponent? I read your conversation and it seems really iffy when u guys are actually playing. Jw if you have an actual date because I play the winner
    hey when you up to play for the OU mini-tour? i'm gmt -5
    nvm I can't do today, unexpected plans
    sorry how about tomorrow?
    Croconaw Guy
    deadline is today though, so idk if we'll be able to
    Hm guess I gotta postpone my hw for a couple minutes, I have at most 30 minutes now
    Hey, can you tell me a good time to play for you? At the moment is difficult for me give a specific time so it's better if you tell me one and i'll try to be there
    I should be on smogtours in 15-20 minutes
    Croconaw Guy
    so our router isn't working (rip laptop internet) and i'm on a computer that isn't letting showdown cooperate at all. at this point, i feel pretty shitty for delaying this continually (everything keeps going wrong lol) and i'd feel bad doing it further--please take the win. my apologies for my lack of reliability
    ok, i'm sorry we didn't manage to get this done
    Hi, paired for the first round of fuk fairies, when do you wanna play? I'm GMT+1 and available to play mostly at midnight my time or sometimes at 7-8pm
    So you wanna play today? I'll be on the main or on smogtours around 8pm my time
    On showdown my nickname is silver97
    Croconaw Guy
    I'll be a better bet to play in a couple days, an unfortunate life circumstance has eaten *all* of my free time until Friday, but then I should be able to do pretty much whenever, Sorry about that/late reply
    hey man we're paired for r2 of OU minitour... i'm EST & i think you are too... after 5-6p is usually best for me, or potentially one day in the afternoon if we have to
    Jin White
    Jin White
    should be able to sneak some time in between 5:30 - about 7p, and after 11p, but don't stress about it
    Croconaw Guy
    Yeah, I'm driving to Washington tomorrow morning, so I'll probably be asleep then. Sorry about all this hassle. I'm going to take the win in the thread if you don't mind.
    Jin White
    Jin White
    -shrugs- alright
    Sweet Lord, I haven't heard from you in ages! Between you and Asself, I gotta make a return to PC.
    Hey Croconaw Guy, it's me Pyrrhus, we spoke yesterday on Showdown. I checked your rank on Showdown today to see how you were doing and Jesus aha I really think you could teach me a thing or two. I was wondering if you could help me get better?
    Croconaw Guy
    Well, I've hit a little bit of a wall--my team isn't very well equipped to deal with blobs, Clefable, Sylveon, etc. Playing against stall or anything remotely similar has been a total chore despite Kyu-B, so I'm not quite there yet :P I'm happy to give some (admittedly old school) pointers. I tend to predict correctly with Aegislash though!
    it's prolly bad that four of the last ten visitors on your page were banned members
    Haha, nice. Where'll you attend, by the way? I think I'll pay a visit to PC sometime this weekend.
    Ah... 8[ RIP S&M, you provided great memories. Maybe I'll swing by sometime; I wonder how many of the old guys are still there. Excited for college?
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