Other OU Player of the Week #20: Living So Zambian

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Is there anyone that is relatively under the radar (not rly ben gay as he's a lot more well) that you think will make some noise in smogon tour this time?
What do u generally look for in a team when deciding whether or not it is showcase worthy? Archive worthy?

What would u say to those that are bitching about gross staying in OU?

Thoughts on the following mons: Lando I, Mega Sab, Kyurem B, Mega Diancie:

If you could change any one thing about the RMT forum to improve it, what would it be?

-How the team functions and defends against the metagame and what success it has had; an archived team should be metagame-defining

-They're free to express their opinion but I think the fact that it 'restricts teambuilding' isn't as bad as some people make it out to be. There's still a variety of threats in ORAS and having some extra centralization is useful to come with them

-I would ban Landorus-I, it's very powerful, easy to fit on a team and doesn't provide much positive in terms of metagame balance other than checking Clefable
Sableye I don't really think it's broken but Reymedy brought up a good point that its the only poke that forces you to run a full team slot to account for it, but I guess people didn't see it as an issue because most of the things that beat it [Clefable, Diancie, Charizard-Y] are generally very good.
Kyurem-B seems like an okay poke in XY, nothing special I guess
Mega Diancie is powerful but probably not broken

-I'm not sure on this one, but it was cool when #rmt irc channel was really active and rmt cups were hosted there back in 2012.

Did you think mega meta gross deserved a ban?


1) Any gimmicks you have used yourself or used well against you?
2) Any memorable instances where people haxes you out of a deserved win?
3) Thoughts on the Aegislash suspect test controversy?
4) Playstyles or Pokemon you hate to face or hate to lose to?

-Metal Burst Sableye is the one really successful one I've tried, every other time I use a 'gimmick' it goes badly. HP Fire manaphy was used well against me Week 7 vs Stathakis.
-A lot but I try not to focus on them, it happens to everyone
-I didn't think it should be banned because I thought it offered positive centralization for the meta. It did that but it also had a ridiculous opportunity cost where it came in on a huge amount of Pokemon and could fire off a Shadow Ball for like 50% minimum on most pokes. Very broken Pokemon overall and I was wrong to want it in OU at that point.
4. Landorus-I is always difficult to play around, but Gothitelle and Baton Pass probably top my list. They're just very difficult to play around and even if you are doing well in your attempt to beat them, these games are usually prediction reliant and one misstep can be fatal.

What do you do when you're trying to build a team? Sure, I can understand how flashes of inspiration come about (pretty randomly) but how do you go about building around it? You mentioned "never be weak to char-x" but what else is on your priority list of things to account for? Basically explain teambuilding process plz :]Also, how do u feel about the "elitist attitude" that ppl claim smogon has? Why do u think the general wi-fi breeder noob person abhors smogon?

-I usually just build around a core of Pokemon that support each other offensively/defensively/both and from there assess what I am weak to and go from there. Once I get 6 pokes down I continue assessing weaks and tweaking, adjusting Pokemon or sets to better defend against the metagame or help push the goal of the team.

-I think we discredit certain players too much on here since everyone is too busy focusing on a select few, Wifi People don't get shit really, they just stay in their own lane. I think we should be elitist in determining authors for our site's content though, since I think it's important to produce high quality articles and guide.

Is there anyone that is relatively under the radar (not rly ben gay as he's a lot more well) that you think will make some noise in smogon tour this time?

Tele maybe, Meridian could do well also
Most cancerous pokemon?

Think Aegislash would be not-op in this metagame?


-Probably not, it still has a bunch of Pokemon it can come in on and fire off a free shadow ball. It's hard to imagine any format where this Pokemon wouldn't be excellent.
1) Do you think Baton Pass should be further nerfed? If so, how would you do it?

2) Towards the end of BW2, PS implemented a "no Stealth Rock" metagame. Do you think they should reimplement it?
The uu no scald ladder is a lot more enjoy as a meta game and prevents stuff like slowbro and keldeI burning and crippling their checks. It also makes the game less luck reliant. Would you be open to a suspect test on it? And do you think it should be banned?
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