Balancing Scald - New Mechanics (see post #125)

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The only problem i see is baiting the scald and switching out to tenta so the user can faint. I also think the rates are too high. What are your thoughts on baiting because if i want to hit a hippowdon with scald but they switch to roserade, it doesnt seem right. Its kinda like sucker punch tbh

If you read correctly it says that if you were to scald and entei and your opponent switched out into a resist that it wouldn't factor in your feint chance because you made the right play by scalding an entei. Your feint chance only increases if you decide to stay in and scald a resist -.-
If you read correctly it says that if you were to scald and entei and your opponent switched out into a resist that it wouldn't factor in your feint chance because you made the right play by scalding an entei. Your feint chance only increases if you decide to stay in and scald a resist -.-
But if you watch the battle, apparently scalding an ampharos and a florges desearves a faint even though its nuetral damage.

Once again this isnt balanced
If you guys are gonna do something about Scald, then I have to say that you may also want to take a look at Entei.

If this is real and not just some Joke.
If you read correctly it says that if you were to scald and entei and your opponent switched out into a resist that it wouldn't factor in your feint chance because you made the right play by scalding an entei. Your feint chance only increases if you decide to stay in and scald a resist -.-

Why would they give scald a chance to break through protect if they think scald is broken?
But if you watch the battle, apparently scalding an ampharos and a florges desearves a faint even though its nuetral damage

Because theres a chance when u click scald that you feint even on a neutral mon. Your theory about scald luring is wrong however Sam explains it clearly in the intro go read it again please.
I'm all for this wonderful change that completely and totally balances the metagame, but I can't help but feel like this formula should be made publicly available for analysis. In the name of transparency, of course.
This thread is ridiculous.

Everyone complained about kokoloko (make your SPL shootouts, you fool) and his ban happy system. Now we are taking a different and more balanced approach to make the UU tier enjoyable for everyone, that doesn't require banning every single little threat, like Scald, Staraptor, or Victini, and people are complaining about it. You can't please this crowd.

The Scald thread showed lots of people wanted us to balanced that move, and that lots of people wanted to keep relying on a 30% to beat sweeper that resists Water-type moves, like Salamence and Haxorus. To try to make everyone happy, we settled for the middle ground. This mechanic still allows users to rely on terrible odds to beat threatening sweepers, because running a consistent counter is foolish; the odds are just slightly worse for the Scald user now, because they still risk getting swept by a Pokemon with multiple boosts, but now they also have a chance of automatically fainting. Players are now forced to play smart and run properly built teams, instead of relying on a 30% to beat every physical sweeper.

"But this ruins bulky Water-type Pokemon"

No, it doesn't. If you don't want to risk your Pokemon fainting, you have two options:

- Play smart
- Use Surf

It's foolproof.

The best part about this mechanic change is that we are setting a precedent that can be used to fix other problems in the near future, for example:

- Knock Off: It's not luck based like Scald, so giving the user a chance of auto fainting is dumb. But we can make the user lose its item + take 30% or 50% recoil damage, or simply revert to Gen 5 Knock Off mechanics

- Staraptor: We can just decrease Reckless's power boost, or make moves like Brave Bird and Double-Edge not affected by this ability

- Victini: This one is a bit harder because Victini is incredibly versatile. I guess we can give it a lower BST.

- Klefki: Thunder Wave, Spikes, Light Screen and Reflect don't gain priority. You can still use Magnet Rise, Toxic, Calm Mind, Rest, and Sleep Talk

- Smeargle: We can ban the combination of Geomancy + BP

The possibilities are endless. We can finally balance the tier without banning Pokemon, which is what many people want.

How does one play uu on the actual game with mechanics like these?
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Because theres a chance when u click scald that you feint even on a neutral mon. Your theory about scald luring is wrong however Sam explains it clearly in the intro go read it again please.
They fainted the first fucking time they click scald. The probability is fucked up
Personally, I feel this is an exciting step in the right direction for Pokemon competitive play. I believe we should expand this mechanic to other commonly spammed moves and tactics, such as Knock Off (run Night Slash instead), Ice Beam (Run Blizzard); Will-O-Wisp (do you really need three mons burned? The more things you burn, the higher the chance it is of a faint), Thunder Wave (thunder waving slow Pokemon will trigger the faint; at that point you just want the hax); and perhaps even Voltturn (Instead of getting a U-Turn after a Volt Switch, the user just faints).
Good job, UU!

(Assuming that your post was legit...) Oh yes, so let's ban every single move that has a chance to miss or can cause status... Do you know how ridiculous this sounds? Sure, let's ban Thunder Wave, then we should probably ban Toxic too... Maybe we should ban Ice Beam, cause there's a 10% chance to freeze. Hell, let's start banning choice items cuz players just keep "spamming moves". THIS IS SO DAMN RIDICULOUS.
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They fainted the first fucking time they click scald. The probability is fucked up

No the probability is not messed up the empoleon decided to scald a hydreigon, a mon who resists scald therefore that empoleon had a higher chance of dying and luring scald does not factor in for the feint chance if you scald an entei and they switch out, you have almost a 0% chance of dying LIKE THE INTRO SAYS. Anyways this is probably a joke so lets stop arguing.
No the probability is not messed up the empoleon decided to scald a hydreigon, a mon who resists scald therefore that empoleon had a higher chance of dying and luring scald does not factor in for the feint chance if you scald an entei and they switch out, you have almost a 0% chance of dying LIKE THE INTRO SAYS. Anyways this is probably a joke so lets stop arguing.
But then when the Slowking used it aiming for Infernape but it hit Florges or whatever Slowking died too.
If they reveal the percentages, then everyone will start trying to game Scald again and we will be back to square one. No thank you! #keepitsecret #keepitsafe
If a Sheer Force user uses Scald, does it have the faint chance (because it shouldn't burn unless I'm messing up mechanics)? Or is Special Attacker Feraligatr destined to follow in the footsteps of M-Blastoise and use Water Pulse?

(joking about gatr, but I do want to know what happens if we get a Sheer Force user with Scald as its best STAB)
Wait a second.

That seems like it'd be pretty cool. Watching Scald users never faint and never burn just to troll.
I actually really like this idea, if it isn't a joke.

It opens the door to many more complex bans, which we've pretty much all thought at some point could be healthy. We'd be allowed to unban many pokemon, just by simply making them slightly worse with complex bans. Victini could be dropped to ~85 base stats rather than 100. Just think, so many pokemon being once again allowed in UU at a slight cost -- Weavile, Volcarona, Staraptor, and other fun pokes that we all know and love.

If it is real -- Give it a chance.
After lengthy discussion amongst senior staff, we have decided to make the unilateral decision to shut this down. People in this thread have expressed mixed emotions, but ultimately, changing game mechanics is going too far. Really, what the UU council should be doing is considering a Scald ban instead. I don't know whether or not this would be well-received within the community either, but it would effectively do the same thing as this change without altering the mechanics of the game. Looking forward, senior staff would like to see UU move into a new direction.

Flagrant disregard for the game we all play has led senior staff to question the leadership capabilities of the two current UU tier leaders, Hikari and Sam, so we've decided to remove them from their positions. On their replacements, we trust that Underused will be in good hands under the leadership of King UU. Operating under his command, we trust that UU will move forward from its current dictatorship and into a future as the kingdom it deserves to be. Let us rejoice under the name of King UU.

Shoutouts to the Black City Burglars haha!
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