Silly Things You've Seen In Other Metagames

Whoa whoa whoa. Sunny Day Charizard-Y?

I think I can top that. Feast your eyes on this:
  • One team of Ubers (and Charizard) versus the three legendary birds and the three Hoenn cover legends. Charizard leads (avoiding any potential complications later on) and megas to X, but has the misfortune of facing Rayquaza, except...
  • Non-mega Rayquaza without a teammate with a stone. It is promptly smoked by Zard's Dragon Pulse--waaait a minute...
  • Special Mega Charizard X with Dragon Pulse and Fire Blast. Wrong stone, buddy.
  • Said Zard uses Fire Blast with Primal Kyogre in play, and no, it wasn't on the switch.
  • Offensive Deoxys-D. Yes, I know you don't like Confusion Suicide Forme. No, you're not doing anything off base 70.
  • Physical Mewtwo with Drain Punch. That probably came from an MMX set, but of course Zard had already gone mega.
  • Arceus with Dragon Claw and Heat Wave, which it also used with Primal Kyogre in play. This, Deoxys, and Mewtwo all die to Water Spouts before Giratina finally comes in.
  • I guess Giratina-O can go special if it wants. But it was mixed, with Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Dragon Claw, and Aqua Tail.
  • Mixed Primal Groudon with Mega Kick, Focus Blast, and Thunder. Which, by default, it is using in the sun.
  • The above two trading immunities for a few turns. Seriously, watch it.
  • Zapdos with Fly. No. Just no.
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Whoa whoa whoa. Sunny Day Charizard-Y?

I think I can top that. Feast your eyes on this:
  • One team of Ubers (and Charizard) versus the three legendary birds and the three Hoenn cover legends. Charizard leads (avoiding any potential complications later on) and megas to X, but has the misfortune of facing Rayquaza, except...
  • Non-mega Rayquaza without a teammate with a stone. It is promptly smoked by Zard's Dragon Pulse--waaait a minute...
  • Special Mega Charizard X with Dragon Pulse and Fire Blast. Wrong stone, buddy.
  • Said Zard uses Fire Blast with Primal Kyogre in play, and no, it wasn't on the switch.
  • Offensive Deoxys-D. Yes, I know you don't like Confusion Suicide Forme. No, you're not doing anything off base 70.
  • Physical Mewtwo with Drain Punch. That probably came from an MMX set, but of course Zard had already gone mega.
  • Arceus with Dragon Claw and Heat Wave, which it also used with Primal Kyogre in play. This, Deoxys, and Mewtwo all die to Water Spouts before Giratina finally comes in.
  • I guess Giratina-O can go special if it wants. But it was mixed, with Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Dragon Claw, and Aqua Tail.
  • Mixed Primal Groudon with Mega Kick, Focus Blast, and Thunder. Which, by default, it is using in the sun.
  • The above two trading immunities for a few turns. Seriously, watch it.
  • Zapdos with Fly. No. Just no.
I don't care about the rest. But...THEY NEUTERED MY FAVORITE POKEMON!!! NOT OKAY!

That makes it too painful for me to watch alone.

Regardless, I have more plays!
Using status moves on a PH Regigigas twice.
Boost ecentricity is bad 90% of the time.
The whole battle is silly. From beginning to end.
Togepi tries to sweep me.
Hands down the worst OU team I've fought in BH. Offensive Ferrothorn really takes the cake.
Megas with their normal abilities.

Um...First, it was stupidity, then trolling. When will trolls make up their minds?

More in depth, he thought that Foul Play works on his own attack stat, and thus, his Simple DD Crawdaunt had Foul Play. Then, he started trolling us all when he kept saying that his Scrappy Blaziken was anything but Scrappy, confusing the hell out of us. But that was really all there was to this fight...
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More from the land of Anything Goes.

Ooh ooh, Dreeeeeam Weaver Eater, I believe you can get me through the niiiiight...Darkrai packing Dream Eater as what appeared to be its only attack, as it used it on an awake Deoxys-S after being Taunted. A shortie, unfortunately.

Here, we have something that probably won't be as funny, but nevertheless:
  • Sash Galvantula sets up SW against a Slowbro, gets Fire Blasted down to the sash. Turn 2, it Bug Buzzes, which is more a conservative play than really silly. But why not go for the Thunder? You've got a 91% chance, and if you do you might actually kill it.
  • Metagross tosses rocks twice. Whoops.
  • Special Mega Lucario with Psychic. Okay...and it sets up on Unaware Quagsire. #UnawareofUnaware.
  • Slurpuff be like "Imma break this Quagsire!" You can't break this Quagsire. Especially after Belly Drumming. #UnawareofUnaware. (To be fair, Water Absorb is far from a bad ability when Primal Kyogre's in town, it's just...Unaware.)
  • From the chat: [★pokedudebroguy: do you watch velisify] I figured somebody might find that interesting, since I've been told Smogonites and this gentleman have an interesting relationship.
  • Okay, Minimize Blissey is kinda silly. What are you giving up for that? Not Toxic, and it certainly didn't help as Mega Beedrill finished it off
A second one:
  • Rocks lead Skarmory with Toxic and Double Team. Actually worked pretty well, until Clawitzer came in. Couple of Aura Spheres later...
  • Not switching in Clawitzer sooner.
  • Rocks lead Aerodactyl with Sky Drop. I'm betting the player wished they had Aerial Ace.
  • Pointed stones dug into Alakazam!
  • Aurorus with Ancient Power. That thing really needs a special movepool. Better still, it got the boost. It also had Substitute, which it used at 19% (and no, it wasn't taken down to that).
  • Jumpluff with Swords Dance, Acrobatics, and Sleep Powder. Even base 55 can put a dent in you with 110 BP and boosts. It even got to +6, but alas could not get past Aurorus.
  • Torrent Greninja. The Goodra it was trying to Ice Beam was packing Thunder. You can guess what happened next.
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I swear, these AG players have no idea how to teambuild.

Here's another (what I assume is a challenge; see the names):
  • Electric mono consisting of Raikou and all five Rotom formes on one side. On a side note, shiny Rotom is ugly. I hate that shade of red. It's almost as bad as the puke green they use for Shiny Dragonite. Almost.
  • Gyarados maybe predicting the switch to Raikou, but that still looks like using EQ when five out of six members of the opposing team are Levitators.
  • Heat has Foul Play in addition to spamming Overheat while losing SpA. This results in its inability to break a Skymin. Also, Foul Play...okay?
  • Shaymin-Sky with Dazzling Gleam. What are you hitting with that?
  • And the MVP is...Rotom-Frost, which one-shots a Drifblim at +2 evasion, breaks Skymin, one-shots Rayquaza, and then dents Mega Altaria before biting it. It also gets the freeze on Altaria, but it immediately thaws. And who said this thing sucks?
  • Mega Altaria with Dragon Dance (good), Cotton Guard (okay), and Dragon Rush (um, no).
  • Mixed Raikou with Volt Switch (good) Extrasensory (good), and Bulldoze (um, no).
  • Raikou versus Altaria, firing Extrasensory. This is what happens to Altaria over four turns: flinch, flinch, full para, full para. Odds of this: .0625%.
  • Charizard with Dragon Dance and Dragon Claw. This was on the same squad as Altaria, so you know what that means!

Second replay of this session:
  • Numel with Stockpile. Somebody's really scared of SwagPlay Klefki, aren't they? Apparently this is actually legit, since Numel does have the handy combination of Ground typing and Own Tempo.
  • Quagsire with Stockpile. I'm sensing a theme here. Also has Earthquake, Ice Punch, and Recover. Actually not a bad idea to forgo Water STAB; Ice+Ground is perfect coverage (save Surskit), and base 85's pretty good for a defensive mon, meaning it can actually do something back. It's just that people like Scald burns for some insane reason.
  • Mewtwo setting up on Quagsire, and on top of that, doing so while having Greninja and Azumarill to check for a bluff. On turn 12, the Quagsire player helpfully informs their opponent that it is, in fact, Unaware. #UnawareofUnaware.
  • Mewtwo's side times out, unable to break happy little Marshall. Awww.
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I swear, these AG players have no idea how to teambuild.

Here's another (what I assume is a challenge; see the names):
  • Electric mono consisting of Raikou and all five Rotom formes on one side. On a side note, shiny Rotom is ugly. I hate that shade of red. It's almost as bad as the puke green they use for Shiny Dragonite. Almost.
  • Gyarados maybe predicting the switch to Raikou, but that still looks like using EQ when five out of six members of the opposing team are Levitators.
  • Heat has Foul Play in addition to spamming Overheat while losing SpA. This results in its inability to break a Skymin. Also, Foul Play...okay?
  • Shaymin-Sky with Dazzling Gleam. What are you hitting with that?
  • And the MVP is...Rotom-Frost, which one-shots a Drifblim at +2 evasion, breaks Skymin, one-shots Rayquaza, and then dents Mega Altaria before biting it. It also gets the freeze on Altaria, but it immediately thaws. And who said this thing sucks?
  • Mega Altaria with Dragon Dance (good), Cotton Guard (okay), and Dragon Rush (um, no).
  • Mixed Raikou with Volt Switch (good) Extrasensory (good), and Bulldoze (um, no).
  • Raikou versus Altaria, firing Extrasensory. This is what happens to Altaria over four turns: flinch, flinch, full para, full para. Odds of this: .0625%.
  • Charizard with Dragon Dance and Dragon Claw. This was on the same squad as Altaria, so you know what that means!

Second replay of this session:
  • Numel with Stockpile. Somebody's really scared of SwagPlay Klefki, aren't they?
  • Quagsire with Stockpile. I'm sensing a theme here. Also has Earthquake, Ice Punch, and Recover. Actually not a bad idea to forgo Water STAB; Ice+Ground is perfect coverage (save Surskit), and base 85's pretty good for a defensive mon, meaning it can actually do something back. It's just that people like Scald burns for some insane reason.
  • Mewtwo setting up on Quagsire, and on top of that, doing so while having Greninja and Azumarill to check for a bluff. On turn 12, the Quagsire player helpfully informs their opponent that it is, in fact, Unaware. #UnawareofUnaware.
  • Mewtwo's side times out, unable to break happy little Marshall. Awww.
Stockpile numel is decently common and like C+ on viability rankings iirc (def higher than D) in AG
Oh well, here is another batch of AG replays:
Left side:
  • Take note of the warning "watch out for my latios".
  • Loses Jirachi and Gengar to Darkrai.
  • Articuno, which KOed 2/3 of its opponent's team by itself.
  • Then comes the aforementioned Latios with... Outrage. That not only critted, but also finished off a weakened Darkrai and gives its player the win.
Right side:
  • Mono-Dark team.
  • Crunch + Dark Pulse + Foul Play Tyranitar. Ever heard of coverage? Also, Foul Play uses the target's Attack.
  • Crunch + Assurance Hydreigon. Of course, they're better options than the overrated Dark Pulse (also coverage...).
  • Mixed Scrafty (it has 45 base SpA) with Hidden Power and Dark Pulse.
Ubers team (including the good ol' Dream Eater + Nightmare Darkrai) vs. Ditto squad. It didn't turn out well.
Left side:
  • Sky Drop Skarmory. Fortunately, Forretress only weighs 125 kg.
  • Discharge + Electro Ball + HP Fighting Rotom-W.
  • Another Foul Play Tyranitar.
  • Dragon Breath + Psychic Latios (if it had Psyshock, it could've beaten Blissey).
Right side:
  • Double Team Skarmory, which wasn't lucky enough to evade Rotom-W's attacks.
  • Azumarill using Bulldoze on the aforementioned Rotom-W.
  • Double Team Blissey (maybe to beat Dragon Rush Garchomp?) with Toxic as its only way of dealing damage at all. It was very lucky to face both a Golurk without No Guard and a pissed off Mega Metagross (time out).
Quick forfeit because of DD Mega Altaria. Or, maybe, because of a lack of something on that Altaria.
Stockpile numel is decently common and like C+ on viability rankings iirc (def higher than D) in AG
Well, okay then. I stand corrected.

Anyway, more! (SP458, thank you for reminding me. I should separate the silliness by side of the field.)
Left Side:
  • Weavile with Icicle Crash, Knock Off, Protect, and Hone Claws. Yeah, I know Icicle Crash has a tendency to miss at the worst possible moment. I don't blame that player for choosing that. That said, you do get Swords Dance, and 90% is pretty solid accuracy.
  • Deoxys-A packing BoltBeam. Well, it is BoltBeam, but Thunderbolt's a tad uncommon, if I remember correctly.
  • Manectric with Volt Switch Charge Beam, and Flamethrower. Conservative much?
  • Mega Gallade with Psycho Cut and Leaf Blade. Grass coverage is best coverage?
  • Delphox with Dazzling Gleam, which, come to think of it, is actually pretty good. For neutral coverage, at least.
Right Side:
  • Snorlax with Stockpile...and Rest without a Chesto Berry, Sleep Talk, or even a cleric. Though it's been pointed out that Lax usually has enough bulk to survive two to three hits.
  • Red's team from the PWT, but not an exact copy. Venusaur, the only altered mon, is mega with Giga Drain, Sleep Powder, and Leaf Storm. Sadly, the opponent has a competent OU team and promptly curbstomps the poor Pokemon Master, with Lapras getting a chip kill on a Ferrothorn to save the 6-0.
Okay, I had no business winning this battle.

I took a team from the Ubers Teambuilding Compendium and decided to hit the AG ladder looking for silly things. (The Ubers team was so I could actually play, not just scout.) I can never seem to run into them when I'm playing, probably because I keep getting forfeits at team preview. I did legitimately win a couple of games, but this battle was not going to be one of them. Highlights include me throwing away Diancie at Kyogre, forgetting Water beats Rock, and a ton of other stuff probably. Yes, I am still a new player.

Anyway, my Ho-Oh nabs a kill and survives the recoil with one percent. Alright, despite my mistakes I still played well-enough to only lose 1-0. Not bad, I guess, but then I notice his last mon is an Azelf. Which explodes.

Tie? Nope. I win! Apparently him electing to suicide on his final mon gave me the win. Well, that's a dumb rule. Not sure if that was rocks or screens Azelf, but all he had to do was, say, Taunt or lay rocks and let Ho-Oh break its neck trying to take it down. Or worse, Reflect and then actually win. (I mean, it is a Banded Ho-Oh, but only at one percent.)

So that's me being silly, him being silly, and, frankly, the game being silly. As I said, I had no business winning that. But I did. Somehow.
Turn 10 though:

The opposing Regirock is tightening its focus!
Azumarill is tightening its focus!
Azumarill used Focus Punch!
It's super effective! The opposing Regirock lost 63.2% of its health!
The opposing Regirock lost its focus and couldn't move!

What this is I do not comprehend.
Turn 2 forfeit is late compared to what I'm used to. However, I have to admit, this one's forfeit is understandable. He had a set of Non Mold Breaker Deoxys-S with Spore, Taunt, Spikes and Toxic Spikes, in that order. I switched in my Magic Bounce Registeel. Ragequit. May this serve an important lesson: Don't use Non-Mold Breaker Deoxys-S in BH!

4 Pokemon being BP. I am playing sorta stupidly until I realize its BP. I curse his Moody Aggron, which is using DETECT and he forfeits when he switches into his Arceus. What the heck?

Celebi, "paraflinch" Celebi, "paraflinch" Celebi using Rock Blast without Skill Link, "paraflinch" Celebi using Rock Blast without Skill Linkon Giratina's substitute, "paraflinch" Celebi using Rock Blast without Skill Link on Giratina's Substitute when he had Needle Arm. The end. The battle is sillier than just that, though.
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Between BH and AG, I think we're set for the rest of the gen. The XY OU thread lasted 290 pages and was a hell of a lot of fun (to read; I wasn't around then, but some of you were). If we can come even close to that, I would be proud.

I want to share this as a point of comparison. Nothing real silly, just a nice breather from the insanity to sit back and enjoy two people showing us how AG is truly done.

Now back to the silliness (respective sides are marked with an L and R, respectively):
  • (R) Literally Five Guys and a Gigalith. This player, however, does not show as much skill as that show.
  • (R) Mega Blaziken sees a Delphox facing it and does not switch or Protect. What do you think happens next?
  • (R) Aguav Berry Greninja. Somebody else who just went for the first item on the list.
  • (R) Charizard with Dragon Tail and Dragon Claw. Once again, keeping in mind that Blaziken has already shown its stone, you know what this means.
  • (R) Assault Vest Gigalith with Flash Cannon.
  • (L) Delphox sweep. I know that's not inherently silly if the circumstances are right, but I freaking love Delphox (and Meloetta, Lapras, Swampert, a couple of others). That was very nice to see.