Media One Piece (spoilers!)

Warning: One Piece Theorymoning:

Either Blackbeard has eaten the Cerberus fruit first (which could give it the power to hold up to three devil fruits at the same time - so Cerberus, Yami, Gura Gura), he's going for Marco's Phoenix (I mean, can you think of a more powerful Zoan?), or the cerberus jolly roger means nothing and he'll stop at two fruits.

I don't see how he would have eaten the Cerberus fruit and not use it to defend himself from certain death like against WB for example. I think his utter fascination with the Yami Yami no mi (to the point gambling his whole entire life on the chance of getting it by staying on WB's ship till he was what, 40?) is its inherent ability to not only shut down the DF of others but by controlling the DFs within your own body so for example activating only one at a time or more than one but in different body parts/hands.

So BBs plan had to start with the Yami Yami no mi. Now BB has publicly stated and shown in battle the one glaring flaw of this fruit, his inability to absorb hits and him needing to tank it with his awesome defense/hp stat. Mihawk would eat him for breakfast, dinner and lunch if he had one sole fruit and WB almost had him. He needs something to deal with Weapon users and keep enemies at distance should they avoid the Yami Yami no mi.

So why doesn't BB go Sylar and eat every fruit he can get his hands on and only activate the ones he needs for battle? BB has other mouths to feed (Burgess, etc.) and going with the Cerberus theory, each head should be equal in strength. The Quake fruit is excellent at keeping foes away and even dealing with awesome power nearby such as him dealing with Sengokus Blast.

So yes either the Cerberus is just a favorite design for BB, or him acquiring the strongest devil fruit/logia (Stated many times), strongest paramecia (Stated many times) means he is going to gun for the strongest Zoan with Kaido being the strongest "creature" alive.


So Aldaron brought the subject of CP0 so these are the parties on Dressrosa so far:

Straw Hat + Heart Pirate alliance: Objective achieved?
Don Flamingo: (almost) Ded?
Revolutionaries: Acquired Mera Mera no mi (objective achieved)
Black Beard Pirates: Lost Mera Mera no mi
Marines: Monitor situation, assist Shichibukai, but Doffy attacked marines and Fujitora hates him, so situation unknown?
CP0: Presumably here to support Doffy, real objective unknown
Kaido: Pissed off

So Aldaron brought the subject of CP0 so these are the parties on Dressrosa so far:

Straw Hat + Heart Pirate alliance: Objective achieved?
Don Flamingo: (almost) Ded?
Revolutionaries: Acquired Mera Mera no mi (objective achieved)
Black Beard Pirates: Lost Mera Mera no mi
Marines: Monitor situation, assist Shichibukai, but Doffy attacked marines and Fujitora hates him, so situation unknown?
CP0: Presumably here to support Doffy, real objective unknown
Kaido: Pissed off

Just going to add some details:

Straw Hat + Heart Pirate alliance: Objective achieved?
Don Flamingo: (almost) Ded?
Revolutionaries: Acquired Mera Mera no mi, still need to shut down DD's arms dealings, so mostly objective achieved.
Black Beard Pirates: Lost Mera Mera no mi, recent chapter shows Burgess has further plans so that is slightly open ended
Marines: Monitor situation, assist Shichibukai, but Doffy attacked marines and Fujitora hates him, so situation unknown?
CP0: Presumably here to support Doffy, real objective unknown
Kaido: Pissed off
Big Mam: chasing after CC at the minimum, don't know how much time has passed (as in if Big Mam received the explosions during the tea party), so maybe going after Luffy as well
I always assumed BB wasn't able to use Haki which is why he needed the Yami so badly. It was the only fruit able to let him compensate for that massive weakness. That's also what is supposedly unique about his body Marco mentioned and what lets him have 2 DF. There is obviously some connection between Haki and DF. Hasn't been explained but BB being unable to use his maybe let's him hold more than one DF. Either way, it's definitely not because of a DF that he can hold more than 1. And yes every living creature has it, but in my theory BB for whatever reason can't.
Poor grandma almost died and there's Fuji.

Either Blackbeard has eaten the Cerberus fruit first (which could give it the power to hold up to three devil fruits at the same time - so Cerberus, Yami, Gura Gura), he's going for Marco's Phoenix (I mean, can you think of a more powerful Zoan?), or the cerberus jolly roger means nothing and he'll stop at two fruits.

Not confirmed, but I'm pretty certain Sengoku's human human model: Budha is stronger. Oda said if a regular person ate Chopper's fruit they'd gain enlightenment-- so the directly superior Budha would do that to a greater degree plus the massive shockwaves, def, etc. phoenixes are heavenly beasts (in eastern lore) but a Buddha is one step from godhood...
Lol, there are so many pretty plausible theories about Kaidou.

One of the translations of one of the early iteration spellings of his name was "sea child" (kai can mean shellfish, dou can mean child. Enkai and kaiyou are both ocean). This lends credence that he may be a fishman, particularly because he was referred to as a "Strongest creature in the world", which could imply he isn't human. Jimbei also had a distinct advantage against / knowledge of Moria during the war, which might point towards why a fishman Kaido whooped Moria in the new world in the past.

If he is a mythical zoan (cause why not), we have all of:

Nemean Lion - Lion from "king of beasts" nickname, nemean being the mythical lion from greek mythology
Typhon - arguably the strongest creature in greek mythology so "strongest creature in the world" would apply and also had a 100 heads, "hundred beast" applies
Dragon - this is honestly the one I believe the most, even though it is the least sexy in regards to potential mythical zoans. It's due to various hints we've gotten in the past two arcs, particularly from Kinemon / Momonosuke.

First, Kaido's yonkou theme is "seiryuu", which means dragon.

Second, both Kinemon and Momonosuke flipped out when they heard Kaido's name, which was suspicious in itself. But if you remember Punk Hazard, Kinemon had this weird almost obsessive hatred of dragons...a bit suspicious if you ask me. Unless of course, Kaido is a dragon and has taken over the Samurai country.

Third, remember the samurai corpse, Ryuma, from Thriller Bark? What did Ryuma do while he was alive? Kill a dragon. Interesting that, since Moria and Kaido clashed in the new world and Kaido whooped Moria, that Moria would have Ryuma's corpse + sword, unless he wanted to use a body and sword that had previously killed a dragon as a trump card of sorts against Kaido.

If I had to pick, I'd say, based on the story / hints so far, I'm most inclined to believe Dragon zoan, then Typhon, then he is simply a fishman, then nemean lion.
The fishman theory is interesting but he tried to kill the one who was basically the saviour of fishmen's island, doesnt make sense unless he is just a huge asshole/didnt like that another yonkou controlled his homeland.
I think the whole dragon hatred thing is just how Wanokuni's samurais are, superstitious and stuff.
The typhon theory is the most likely out of all those you have evoked imo, though I still think a chimera zoan can match his "all kind of beast/hundred beasts" nickname.

EDIT: speaking of greek mythology, the hydra is considered a dragon.
The fishman theory is interesting but he tried to kill the one who was basically the saviour of fishmen's island, doesnt make sense unless he is just a huge asshole/didnt like that another yonkou controlled his homeland.
I think the whole dragon hatred thing is just how Wanokuni's samurais are, superstitious and stuff.
The typhon theory is the most likely out of all those you have evoked imo, though I still think a chimera zoan can match his "all kind of beast/hundred beasts" nickname.

EDIT: speaking of greek mythology, the hydra is considered a dragon.

The hydra is more of a wyvern than a dragon.
If Kaido is a Dragon does that mean artificial (zoan) fruits can have powers of another existing zoan or are we talking different dragon models which mean Momonosuke is just one type and leaving the possibility of Dragon (Luffys papa) being a weather/wind dragon?

Edit: Keeping in mind the Dragon in Punk Hazard is artificial, so is momo's fruit and there can be many mythical zoan dragons.
I personally prefer Dragon being a Storm Man, Dragon have a Dragon zoan is lame as shit. On the other hand, Kaido being a dragon makes sense to me but I like the fishman (this would make him like a literal "sea king") theory a lot, nothing prevents them from both being true though!

As for Blackbeard, I've always thought the Yami Yami No Mi just allowed him to have multiple fruits. Maybe that's "broken" but there's clearly a sort of hierarchy to Devil Fruits so that isn't too troubling a thought. The problem with the idea of the Yami's power is Blackbeard's irregular body type, that must play some role but that'd mean it wasn't due to the Yami. Maybe the fruit allows him to get the Devil Fruits from others and his body allows for him to have multiple powers?
The problem with the idea of the Yami's power is Blackbeard's irregular body type, that must play some role but that'd mean it wasn't due to the Yami. Maybe the fruit allows him to get the Devil Fruits from others and his body allows for him to have multiple powers?

Yup I think it's the best theory that he uses the Yami Yami no mi to "suck it out" and his irregular body type to contain them. In any case the manga makes it clear that his body plays a part:


There is also the scene where he uses a cloak over WBs body to do his thing, is he transforming or something else we don't know. Also this old tidbit might be interesting:

Oda also hinted that "what devil fruits actually are" would be explained when Vegapunk will make his entrance (or so I understood the SBS that way).
There might be a link between the clan of D and the secrets behind devil fruits, which would explain the BB body thing.
Pretty good chapter, while it's annoying that Doflamingo isn't completely finished yet, Sabo vs Burgess looks to be an interesting fight, and we should probably be approaching the end of the Dressrosa Arc in a couple of chapters, after which all hell will break loose in the One Piece World :)
Isn't Sabo supposed to be stronger than Luffy? He should be able to win this, Doflamingo included, in less than 10 minutes, and that's obviously not going to happen, so I wonder who else will get involved.
But Sabo >> Luffy >>>>>>>> Burgess, is there really a point? Sabo already proved Burgess way inferior to him at the arena (before he got the Mera Mera)

Also whether it's DBZ, Naruto, OP or just about any Shounen, it's like no one knows how FREAKIN LONG 10 minutes is.

6mins is a full wrestling match-- in an intense fight, 6 mins is enough to go from fresh to exhausted even between top athletes-- and you'd need at least an hour, but normally 2 or more to be ready for another match.

In a fight, 10 minutes is an eternity!

Also Doffy's toughness is just dumb now-- but I'mma bet he wrapped himself with strong or some shit to reduce the blow. Still dumb he's up again though.
In my experience, 10 minutes is about 5 hours in shonen. So... maybe they don't actually know how short it is either.

True that-- 10 minutes is ridiculously long in a fight, but it's wayyyy too short for hourse of expose, commentary, and powering-up-scenes-that-last-half-an-hour
Man, Gear 4th has some recoil.

So basically, Luffy exchanges incredible strength/durability/speed with an inability to change directions quickly and a 10 min cooldown where he can't even defend himself with Haki (or move much, from the looks of it). This period is kind of like the one he had pre-timeskip with Gear 3rd, but even then Luffy was just small, he could run away or keep going, which is what he did during the CP9 Arc when he had to knock a door down. That weakness was removed from Gear 3rd post-timeskip, but then Gear 3rd is basically a standard augment at this point.

I am satisfied. Oda always seems to keep these things in perspective.
Yea, and that answers whoever was complaining about making the previous gears irrelevant; Luffy's stamina (as I mentioned before) is completely sapped.

Gear 2 / Gear 3 don't have such drawbacks, and as such will remain commonly used techniques. I'm sure with the new emphasis on stamina that we'll get into exactly how much stamina gear 2 / gear 3 actually take (I'm sure they take some even if they don't leave him catatonic like gear 4) which will also get into Luffy increasing his "base stats" as necessary.

I really liked how DD didn't actually say anything this chapter (I took it to mean he was so beaten he couldn't from far away), and his wobbling signals to me that he is basically almost done.

I don't actually have a problem with this line of events and I don't take it to mean Luffy is too weak atm either; remember Luffy had to fight in a battle royale full of New World fighters (where he used a lot of haki as well), then had to run around the country while beating up a bunch of fodder, and then deal with Bellamy (and he took a lot of punishment from Bellamy because he didn't want to hurt him). All DD was make a few clones and then set up bird cage before their fight. Admittedly, bird cage might take up a lot of stamina, but he had almost 0 damage done to him previously until Law hit him with a few attacks, but even Law was fighting on fumes by that point (was beaten up by having to face Fujitoa + DD on greenbit, wearing sea stones cuffs for a long time).

Basically, I take fighting in battle royale + running around a country fighting fodder + taking a bunch of punishment from Bellamy as worse than setting up bird cage + being hit by a basically out for the count Law.

Can't wait for the next few chapters as we're gonna get some fanboy Sabo awesomeness, gladiator sacrifice to give luffy 10 minutes, then the final DD stomping (and who knows, CP0 might finally enter as well!).

The only things that might cloud the recent turn of events is either the 10 minutes being DBZ time and this extending for another 20+ chapters or the eerily similar to when Ace died situation currently has Sabo die as well but...that couldn't happen :P (right????)
ehh Law was heavily damaged by then but that gamma knife shiz was pretty wack, if he's pulling out never before seen techniques that f*ck up your insides like that it's gotta be pretty powerful, like he was probably saving that for DD like rock lee was saving the gates shit for neji or something
In any case, there's nothing pathetic about Luffy getting out of this with the help of others-- since a character's charisma/power to draw others to his cause is considered a great part of "power" in One Piece, and even the marines have said it's a quality of Luffy's that they fear.