Circle of Legends [Online Competition]

PSA: Shaymin-Sky will not work in this competition! When you attempt to place a Shaymin-Sky into your PC in-game (this includes the Battle Box) it will revert to Land Forme; there's no way to legally play Shaymin-S in here. rip the perfect Kyogre counter ;_;7
What about Giratina O?
What about Giratina O?
For what?
I think Giratina is not good as a Kyogre counter lol
If you can play Giratina in this tour, Yes, you can, Shaymin is the only one that reverts in the weak-form in the box.

Guys, PS! has not a regular rotation ladder, and I think that it won't have one just for this competition, the rotation format is very difficult for a simulator, for now. Anyway, recently I saw some Korean guys in the Free Rotation Battle and they use legendaries, you can try your strategies there. :)
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For what?
Like a Kyogre counter I think Giratina is not good lol
If you can play Giratina in this tour, Yes, you can, Shaymin is the only one that reverts in the weak-form in the box.

Guys, PS! has not a regular rotation ladder, and I think that it won't have one just for this competition, the rotation format is very difficult for a simulator, for now. Anyway, recently I saw some Korean guys in the Free Rotation Battle and they use legendaries, you can try your strategies there. :)
Giratina is your only safe counter to Ekiller. Plus, If you're running Ekiller yourself, you're gonna want something to switch into predicted fighting type attacks. That and he gets levitate as well. He's actually very versatile as well since he gets to spread status in the forms of wisp and t-wave.
Giratina is your only safe counter to Ekiller. Plus, If you're running Ekiller yourself, you're gonna want something to switch into predicted fighting type attacks. That and he gets levitate as well. He's actually very versatile as well since he gets to spread status in the forms of wisp and t-wave.

Maybe I have not expressed well. My bad.
Ethan said "Rip best kyogre counter"
You quoted his post and youd said "What about giratina-o?"
I just said Giratina, as a kyogre counter, is bad. Then I know Giratina is a good Pokémon, I use it too.
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Maybe I have not expressed well. My bad.
Ethan said "Rip best kyogre counter"
You quoted his post and youd said "What about giratina-o?"
I just said Giratina, as a kyogre counter, is bad. Then I know Giratina is a good Pokémon, I use it too.
You said "for what" and I was replying to that part. I never said anything about Giratina for Kyogre. Fat Ethan06 said Shaymin Sky can't be entered into the tournament. So I simply asked "what about Giratina-O", as in, "does Giratina revert to original form too?" I was asking if his other form can be used, I was not referencing the part about a Kyogre counter. So when you asked "for what?", I assumed you believed Giratina to be a bad Pokemon with no use.
I actually think that there is a way that Choice items could be viable: Trick.

With setup sweepers like Xerneas and Rayquaza running rampant, Tricking them a Choice Scarf would lock them into their setup moves; it becomes even more potent since this is Rotations and you can't switch nearly as easily. TrickScarf Latios could potentially be a really good counter to Mega Rayquaza, since you can either lock it into Dragon Dance or outright OHKO it with Draco Meteor. Thoughts?
I actually think that there is a way that Choice items could be viable: Trick.

With setup sweepers like Xerneas and Rayquaza running rampant, Tricking them a Choice Scarf would lock them into their setup moves; it becomes even more potent since this is Rotations and you can't switch nearly as easily. TrickScarf Latios could potentially be a really good counter to Mega Rayquaza, since you can either lock it into Dragon Dance or outright OHKO it with Draco Meteor. Thoughts?
Awesome idea!!!
A lot of folks are understandably ignoring Stealth Rock since rotating reduces switching on the opponent's discretion, but how about forced switches due to Roar, Whirlwind, and Red Card? Would that combination be worth it?
A lot of folks are understandably ignoring Stealth Rock since rotating reduces switching on the opponent's discretion, but how about forced switches due to Roar, Whirlwind, and Red Card? Would that combination be worth it?
If you mean in combination with stealth rocks, most definitly not - it's way to time consuming.
Yeah don't bother. I thought it might be a nice way of screwing setup sweepers like Power Herb GeoXern but since you only have 4 in a team (so only 1 in reserve) it means you can't even bother if you've knocked something out, and as soon as you've revealed a phasing move your opponent can just keep their main set upper rotated out while they attempt to deal with your phaser. Having to take a hit before you phase in a metagame full of extremely hard hitters means you'd basically need to run a Sash and then only have one shot at phasing anyway

I dunno, maybe it'll have so much surprise factor it'd actually work.... but nah seriously don't bother
A lot of folks are understandably ignoring Stealth Rock since rotating reduces switching on the opponent's discretion, but how about forced switches due to Roar, Whirlwind, and Red Card? Would that combination be worth it?
Well as soon as you knock out on Pokemon, they will have all 3 of their healthy mons out and have nothing to switch to, making roar do nothing. Basically, it would work in theory until you knocked out one of their mons, which is kinda the goal, so.
Well as soon as you knock out on Pokemon, they will have all 3 of their healthy mons out and have nothing to switch to, making roar do nothing. Basically, it would work in theory until you knocked out one of their mons, which is kinda the goal, so.
Except your phaser would have to take a hit before phazing every time, and they can sort of choose what to let get phased. If they get a pokemon up in stat boosts, worst case they let something die and then you can't get rid of it. It might work once a battle for the surprise factor, but that's about it. And that one surprise isn't KOing a pokemon, it's just switching it out.
Oh right. Wow. Stealth Rock really won't work in this format. And consequently the smog dex guides need to be [at least] mentally edited by the reader to accommodate rotations.
Oh right. Wow. Stealth Rock really won't work in this format. And consequently the smog dex guides need to be [at least] mentally edited by the reader to accommodate rotations.
Yeah it actually makes it quite difficult because a lot of dex guides are based on SR damage and removal
Anyone know exactly how Unnerve mechanics work in rotations?

iirc Unnerve is the only ability that announces itself when a Pokemon rotates into the lead spot if they aren't the lead to begin with (as opposed to stuff like Intimidate, Drought and Drizzle which only activate / announce if the Pokemon with them is the lead) and only works when the Pokemon with it is rotated to the front. So no, you can't have Unnerve Mewtwo in the back and spam Dark Void with Darkrai without fear of Lum Berries.

This may be worth testing though as I'm pretty sure this is what happens in the Maison (the only place I really play the format). You could even ask in the Battle Maison thread in Orange Islands, I'm sure someone like turskain may be able to answer it.
This is possibly a really dumb question. I was testing a bit earlier and I came across an Arceus. It was pinkish-purple, and I had no idea if it was fairy, poison, or psychic type (thankfully, Jirachi deals with all 3). Is there any good way to know just by looking at it?
Wow, that's annoying. Especially since it can be shiny as well as normal. I guess I'll be keeping that handy while battling.

The only difference in the shiny form is that arceus' body turns yellow instead of white. Everything else remains the same.

I think the dream world art on bulbapedia is more useful than just looking at the sprites, because then you can see things like eye color better.émon)#Evolution