Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 47 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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So I have a little problem here... -.- I have a spread that passes down all IVs except att, and I'm using it to breed a female nidoran, to get a flawless one. So I get a flawless special spread, but the nidoran is male.... Any suggestions? :)
So I have a little problem here... -.- I have a spread that passes down all IVs except att, and I'm using it to breed a female nidoran, to get a flawless one. So I get a flawless special spread, but the nidoran is male.... Any suggestions? :)
Don't use nidoran. Do Illumise instead.

More specifically nidoran and Illumise swap vs the regular gender ratio (it's more complex than this but that's what it amounts to), and everyone has nidoran, so breed a volbeat
Don't use nidoran. Do Illumise instead.

More specifically nidoran and Illumise swap vs the regular gender ratio (it's more complex than this but that's what it amounts to), and everyone has nidoran, so breed a volbeat
I might be completely off course here, but why do I breed an Illumise? :/ I want a flawless female nidoran xD
So I'm catching Ho-Oh (to unlock the dogs) in OR...any suggestions for the ball that would go best with it?
Ah okay :/ Why does that happen, is it because nidoran is only one gender? (just curious)
Just to say, I don't actually know exact algorithms for that in particular... Buuuut:
NidoranF/NidoranM and Volbeat/Illumise have their genders calculated in the same way as other Pokémon
A number between 0–255 (0x00–0xFF) is computed, and then the gender ratio of the species is used to determine the gender.
• 12.5% female Pokémon;
- 0–31 = female; 32+ = male
• 25% female;
- 0–63 = female; 64+ = male
• 50% female;
- 0–127 = female; 128+ = male
• 75 female;
- 0–191 = female; 192+ = male.

This number never gets used to determine gender for genderless/mono-gendered Pokémon; it gets used to calculate something else (no idea what). But that means everything which normally gets calculated after gender (including IV inheritance) will change, even though your "time machine state" is the same.
For example: Say the game generates 4 random numbers to make a Pokémon, and the first of these is used for gender, second for nature, etc. Then on a mono-gendered species, the first isn't used for gender, so gets used for nature, then the second used for whatever's next. So you end up with something which looks completely different, but really it's just been "shifted along" by 1 call.
But the game makers apparently got confused when the "gender" determines the species rather than just gender. So for Volbeat/Illumise and NidoranF/NidoranM: 0–127 = male; 128+ = female. So it'll be the opposite gender to whatever test species you used (assuming you didn't use one of those two to test).
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Just to say, I don't actually know exact algorithms for that in particular... Buuuut:
NidoranF/NidoranM and Volbeat/Illumise have their genders calculated in the same way as other Pokémon
A number between 0–255 (0x00–0xFF) is computed, and then the gender ratio of the species is used to determine the gender.
• 12.5% female Pokémon;
- 0–31 = female; 32+ = male
• 25% female;
- 0–63 = female; 64+ = male
• 50% female;
- 0–127 = female; 128+ = male
• 75 female;
- 0–191 = female; 192+ = male.

This number never gets "called" for genderless Pokémon, which is why their time machine spreads change, since it gets used to determine something else, and then all other characteristics (including IV inheritance) determined afterwards use different numbers.
But the game makers apparently got confused when the "gender" determines the species rather than just gender. So for Volbeat/Illumise and NidoranF/NidoranM: 0–127 = male; 128+ = female. So it'll be the opposite gender to whatever test species you used (assuming you didn't use one of those two to test).
Didn't catch all that about the species et all, but thanks for the info! :)
Does anyone have a Poison Heal Careful Gligar? I don't care about the IVs, since I can breed it with my perfect Ditto.
I have a flawless if you want to use that to breed your own. I don't have a spitback.

edit: I added you and I'm online but I don't see you on there yet.
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Can someone please check my Friend Safari for me and see what Pokémon I give out? FC is in signature, and I have beaten the E4. Also, this is my first time doing this, so what do I need to do to be online at the same time as you?
Can someone please check my Friend Safari for me and see what Pokémon I give out? FC is in signature, and I have beaten the E4. Also, this is my first time doing this, so what do I need to do to be online at the same time as you?
I can help :) All you have to do is add me and then come online in the game (as if we were going to trade). I'm free now, so I'll add you and head online. I'll give you a Nice when I see you, and at that point you can just log off again. :)
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