Nintendo wants YOU to vote for the next Online Competition

Which did you vote for?

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It’s Your Turn to Choose the Format for an Upcoming Online Competition!

We’re letting you select which format you want to compete in for an Online Competition coming in November! There are five competitive formats to choose from. Which one would you like to play in later this year? Let us know!

Take the survey now!

So over on the PGL / Pokemon's Official Twitter, they're making us vote for what November's Online Competition will be! This must mean that October's is either already locked in, or for some reason there will be a gap between the Primal Battle and the next.

As for the options, we have:
  • No Megas: as the title suggests there will obviously be no Mega Evolutions allowed in this competition. No idea whether this is Singles or something else, but since no format was specified whereas others had doubles or triples in their names, I'd hazard a guess with singles. This format would be really cool, seeing which Pokemon would thrive without the likes of Mega Kangskhan, Mega Salamence, Mega Blaziken etc. running around (kinda like a throwback to gen V GBU).
  • Inverse Doubles: Now this would be interesting. We saw how crazy Inverse Singles was the two times we had it as a Special Season, and I always wondered what it would be like in Doubles
  • Anything Goes Triples: as well as ripping the name of Smogon's own Anything Goes format, it appears to have the exact same ruleset, except for one massive difference; it will be Triple battles! I have no clue what this would be like, but I'm picturing multiple lead Darkrai all spamming Dark Void on you while they try to set up a Geomancy Xerneas...
  • No Evolutions: only Pokemon that can't evolve and haven't evolved are allowed. Much the same as No Megas, no format has been specified so I'm guessing Singles. One thing to note is that apparently Mega Evolution doesn't count as evolution, so single-stage Megas like Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Aerodactyl, Heracross, Sableye, Mawile, Absol, Lati@s, and Audino are allowed.
  • Underdogs Doubles: we've already had this as a Special Season so I'm surprised they want to revisit it again so soon... Anything that finished in the top 12 in a Doubles season is banned.
I voted for No Megas coz I'm old school like that. I'm honestly really surprised that they've come up with weird things like Anything Goes but we haven't had Sky Battles yet!

Worth noting that the Underdogs banlist will be taken from anything that placed in the Top 12 for the online competitions, rather than the season ladders. This includes formats like the Dragon Cup so perhaps event Pokémon and box legends will be legal here? Anyway, I don't want to assume that so my vote will most likely be going to No Evolutions or Inverse Doubles. I like Mega Pokémon too much to let No Megas become a thing...

e: still hanging out for my BS Singles + event Pokémon unbanned competition - make it happen Game Freak
I'm curious about Anything Goes Triples. Will there be a species clause? For Smogon, AG does not include species clause, so it might be funny to run mono-Klefki if AG triples ever becomes a thing.

Also, I can't believe Nintendo is using Surveymonkey.
I'd normally guess No Megas and No Evolutions would be doubles, because that's the standard official format, but you're right, since they specify for the other ones ...

I'd vote for No Evolutions if it were doubles, but as it stands I guess I'll go with Inverse Doubles?

I want to do Anything Goes Triples, because <3 <3 <3 Triples, but as with all legendary competitions, that'd require me obtaining a whole set of viable legendary 'mons I don't have and have never really used.

EDIT -- Ew, no species clause in Anything Goes Triples? Nope.
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I went with No Evolutions because it sounds like a wild and ridiculously limited format like Pikachu Cup was. I also really like Megas so a simple "No Megas" format doesn't interest me too much. Anything Goes Triples only sounds fun if there's a species clause (literally the only reason I can't stand Smogon AG), but given they don't specify it and they never remove species clause otherwise, I'm assuming/hoping it'll still be there.
Yeah chuckaboomboom + Psynergy it said specifically on the survey that you can use more than one of the same species, so it's identical to Smogon Anything Goes. Unless I'm totally misremembering, if someone hasn't done the survey yet maybe they can confirm?

I'm hoping for my own sake that No Megas (if it wins) is singles, also No Evolutions. I suck at Doubles / Triples haha!
I went with No Evolutions because it sounds like a wild and ridiculously limited format like Pikachu Cup was. I also really like Megas so a simple "No Megas" format doesn't interest me too much. Anything Goes Triples only sounds fun if there's a species clause (literally the only reason I can't stand Smogon AG), but given they don't specify it and they never remove species clause otherwise, I'm assuming/hoping it'll still be there.
It actually does specify there's no species clause in the description in the survey. Specifically allows for multiples of the same Pokemon and items.
It actually does specify there's no species clause in the description in the survey. Specifically allows for multiples of the same Pokemon and items.

Huh, I missed the "multiples" part (that or my mind refused to acknowledge it was there). Well there goes my interest in that I guess. Not that I know Triples to begin with, though.

I'm still open to Inverse Doubles though, but having a Singles competition as opposed to another Doubles again would be nice.
When I read the thread title, I thought there would be more options like only fire types, only water types, etc. But this is still really cool I'm going to vote for Anything Goes Triples because it sounds really cool and all the other ones are kinda sound boring, No Megas, Underdog Doubles and Inverse we've had before as special seasons. No Evolutions just sounds like standard anyway because Kang is aloud and all the legends are still there. Oh and I really like most of the legend competitions so Triples sounds really cool.

EDIT: I just looked over it again and realized legends are banned from Anti-Evolutions, that just made it 100% more interesting, and I kinda wish I voted for that now lol.
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I voted for Inverse doubles because I have discovered it is easier for me to play well in double formats (I've discovered I suck at 3vs 3 singles. I wouldn't be sad if the underdogs won either.

Also for the no evolutions format it said Mythicals and legends wouldn't be allowed so no Latis.
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AG triples because


I always love playing with outrageous formats for nintendo online competitions. No species clause would be really funny.
I'm voting Inverse Doubles. I am a CHAMP at Inverse. Inverse Doubles sounds super wild, and I wanna try it. Mega Sableye will be a thing, no doubt (Spiritomb too, but I doubt he'll see much play).
I'm voting Inverse Doubles. I am a CHAMP at Inverse. Inverse Doubles sounds super wild, and I wanna try it. Mega Sableye will be a thing, no doubt (Spiritomb too, but I doubt he'll see much play).
What exactly makes those two good in inverse? :s Being weak to normal sounds kinda meh
What exactly makes those two good in inverse? :s Being weak to normal sounds kinda meh

tbh I don't think we'll be seeing much Normal type in this meta. Normal only has 2 resistances (Rock and Steel), there are better options to hit Ghost.

*nags you about my QC check*
tbh I don't think we'll be seeing much Normal type in this meta. Normal only has 2 resistances (Rock and Steel), there are better options to hit Ghost.

*nags you about my QC check*
Normal is either the best or second best offensive type in inverse because it has no resistances and 3 weaknesses and the best mega is normal.
Anything goes triples. Why?
I am not strong in triples, but I have fun like a child when i use legendaries, so as i had fun in legendary rotation, i wanna try this.

EDIT: No, wait, just now I notice you can play without species clause. Oh god no, I'll vote no megas
tbh I don't think we'll be seeing much Normal type in this meta. Normal only has 2 resistances (Rock and Steel), there are better options to hit Ghost.

*nags you about my QC check*
??? Check the inverse stats when it was the special format. Normal types dominated the meta. I don't know if you realize but it has zero resistances in inverse, that's huge. Also, i can't give you a third check until you write up the analysis :p

But anyway, I voted for No Mega twice. I'm hoping it's singles cause singles with no megas sounds like a pretty comfy meta tbh and i'd be really interested to see how that develops. I imagine there'd be significantly less Rocky Helmet usage with mons like Kanga, Blaziken, Mega Salamence with their 2x/recoil moves gone. Granted the item is still useful for other mons but significantly less so imo. And not having to worry about all the powerhouse megas will be nice too, and stall will really appreciate Mega Gengar being gone. I'm hoping the votes here on smogon are similar to the people voting in Nintendo's poll.

I wouldn't be upset if Anything Goes Triples wins. A format with no species clause sounds absolutely insane. I might just bring 3 or so klefkis to that comp. :^^^^)
Voted for No Megas, one of the things I hate about the ORAS metagame is how many overpowered Megas it introduced, so this should be interesting. All the other options seem either not fun, or already been done. (Sorry, I'm not an inverse guy)

I also can't believe they are using SurveyMonkey, that is so crazy unprofessional.
I also can't believe they are using SurveyMonkey, that is so crazy unprofessional.
I know right? That's what I said in my post too!

Anyways, I voted for Anything Goes Triples. It sounds like the most senseless, centralizing, and chaotic tier. 10/10
I voted for No Evolutions but didn't realize that Megas are still a thing (they really shouldn't be imo) so I'd rather have No Megas or Inverse Doubles. AG triples is a bit meh with no species clause (I have a good feeling someone out there will use 6 Magikarps on one team if they plan to throw the competition) and Underdogs Doubles is a bit interesting, but I'd rather have the two I mentioned before over it.
I wanted Haunter only to be an option... oh well. I voted for No Mega.
Here is what the text from the survey said so everyone who already did the survey can see it again:
No Mega: Mega Stone held items are prohibited.
Inverse Double Battles: All type matchups are reversed.
Anything Goes: Triple Battles in which multiples of any and all Pokémon and items are permitted (including Pokémon brought over via Poké Transporter).
Anti-Evolution: Only Pokémon that can’t evolve and haven’t evolved are permitted. (Mega Evolution does not count as having an Evolution.) All Legendary and Mythical Pokémon are banned.
Underdogs: Pokémon that finished among the top 12 in any 2015 Double Battle Online Competition are banned.