Suggestions for Pokémon Showdown

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Could it be added that starting to type a mega pokemon will appear with that pokemon?
Ex: Typing "mega-m" would show up mega manectric, mega metagross, both mega mewtwos, and all the mega pokemon whos names start with the letter m.
I feel like this would be cool since when we refer to mega pokemon we don't call them pokemon-mega we usually call them mega-pokemon, and the teambuilder reflecting that would be a nice things to add to PS!.

Also could you add another description to certain abilities? Like clicking mega pinsir gives you a mega pinsir in the teambuilder with pinsirite and the ability aerialate, however some people see that the ability aerialate has the description "illegal". If it isn't too much trouble I think it would be cool to have the description instead be something like "Aerialate: (This ability is given to the pokemon upon Mega evolving) This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Flying type and have 1.3x power." or something that tells you that it's the Mega evolution's ability so that it's more obvious to newcomers that the specific ability isn't really banned for the mega of that pokemon.
Also could you add another description to certain abilities? Like clicking mega pinsir gives you a mega pinsir in the teambuilder with pinsirite and the ability aerialate, however some people see that the ability aerialate has the description "illegal". If it isn't too much trouble I think it would be cool to have the description instead be something like "Aerialate: (This ability is given to the pokemon upon Mega evolving) This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Flying type and have 1.3x power." or something that tells you that it's the Mega evolution's ability so that it's more obvious to newcomers that the specific ability isn't really banned for the mega of that pokemon.
Actually there is a recent change in this: It says Illegal because that input field now expects the pre-mega ability. Click on it, and you will see it suggest Hyper Cutter, Mold Breaker and Moxie for your Mega Pinsir.

I suggest leaving the ability field empty rather than inserting Aerilate. This makes it more obvious you can select an ability here.
I'd like to suggest a few things:

1) A command to make the color change website pop up. PS name color preview
2) A relocation for all the rooms you're in. My username is covering them when I get in more than 5.
3) A feature where you can pop up closed PM windows from that day.
A command for breeding that shows all the egg moves a pokemon can learn, for example: /ms axew, egg moves, all would bring up his list of egg moves. Been thinking of this for a while now and i hope it gets consideration, plus it saves going from tab to tab. Thanks for taking your time to read this and I hope it can get implemented.
Quick idea for improving Showdown (imo), they redirected me from there to this thread;
If you want to watch a battle, show the ratings of the players in the tier they're currently playing. Without sounding arrogant, I just prefer to watch better players...

I really like this idea. What's the point of watching battles if you aren't watching good players?
I really like this idea. What's the point of watching battles if you aren't watching good players?


this is kind of the same thing so i thought i would leave it here
So i have been directed here. Is it possible to have the option to cache PM's we receive from people on our own local storage much like how the teams are stored? i find myself reloading a lot and i miss pm's here and there and it is very frustrating to find out what was from whom.
It would be nice if you could change the order of the rooms you're in by dragging the room tabs (similarly to how teams can be moved in the teambuilder). This is especially helpful in cases where you accidentally leave a room and need to close everything to the right of the room you left to get the order correct again.
hello, I post that here because I think that it is important as it can have big relevance in the game. When you use pursuit in the nintendo game, you can see if your opponent has switched or not, but in showdown you can not. So if, for example, my choice scarf pawniard is in front of a ghastly and I use pursuit and I kill it, I can't know if my opponent has seen that I'm faster than him or not, because I can't know if he attacked or he switched. I think it's really important because is an information that I lost and this fail can make the difference in a game.
hello, I post that here because I think that it is important as it can have big relevance in the game. When you use pursuit in the nintendo game, you can see if your opponent has switched or not, but in showdown you can not. So if, for example, my choice scarf pawniard is in front of a ghastly and I use pursuit and I kill it, I can't know if my opponent has seen that I'm faster than him or not, because I can't know if he attacked or he switched. I think it's really important because is an information that I lost and this fail can make the difference in a game.
This is known; I'm personally not sure when it will be implemented (although Joim might know).
Hi, I don't know about anyone else but I personally am extremely annoyed when I log on, rooms I am in will highlight me for messages that happened before I logged on, including messages I may have already seen days ago. Especially for someone who is regularly in about 10 rooms, I can't tell the difference between someone actually needing to talk to me or somebody posting a calc with the number 75 in it 3 days ago. It's also annoying to be notified about tournaments that already have ended... I think it would be really nice to have a checkbox or just entirely disable this offline highlighting feature. Thanks!

Note: I have no idea if anyone's suggested this before so feel free to delete this post if it has been.
I think it might be worthwhile to consider adding some offline functionality to the client, specifically an offline teambuilder and damage calculator. As it stands right now, the PS! client just displays and doesn't work offline.

Being able to connect to smogtours/other servers with the client would also be nice.
I think room specific highlights would help a lot. Many rooms like Game Corner and Cafe Le Wow do minigames, and they announce it with text like 'Hosting ...., do /me in to join'. It'd be useful if we could highlight on 'hosting' without being bothered by it in other rooms.
I think it might be worthwhile to consider adding some offline functionality to the client, specifically an offline teambuilder and damage calculator. As it stands right now, the PS! client just displays and doesn't work offline.

Being able to connect to smogtours/other servers with the client would also be nice.
I'm pretty sure the teambuilder can still function while offline, as long as you didn't close the tab before you did.
And if you think ads are annoying, I would just say that you should enable AdBlock.
Hi, I don't know about anyone else but I personally am extremely annoyed when I log on, rooms I am in will highlight me for messages that happened before I logged on, including messages I may have already seen days ago. Especially for someone who is regularly in about 10 rooms, I can't tell the difference between someone actually needing to talk to me or somebody posting a calc with the number 75 in it 3 days ago. It's also annoying to be notified about tournaments that already have ended... I think it would be really nice to have a checkbox or just entirely disable this offline highlighting feature. Thanks!

Note: I have no idea if anyone's suggested this before so feel free to delete this post if it has been.
On top of this, there should also be an option to allow you to pick what battle music you can hear when battling.
in the 1v1 format (each player chooses only 1 pokemon from a max of 3) ban all sleep moves and ban all mega's this is to create a more reasonably fair fight
in the 1v1 format (each player chooses only 1 pokemon from a max of 3) ban all sleep moves and ban all mega's this is to create a more reasonably fair fight
so basically ban half of the metagame? Isn't the point of 1v1 to bring solid Pokemon and solid strategies and to prepare for those kind of things? If you are equipped with a well thought out team and you actually think of what your opponent is going to choose its already quite fair imo
in the 1v1 format (each player chooses only 1 pokemon from a max of 3) ban all sleep moves and ban all mega's this is to create a more reasonably fair fight
Complaints on bans aren't supposed to be on this thread, and your ideas on banning seem very unrealistic and unfair, to be honest.
in the 1v1 format (each player chooses only 1 pokemon from a max of 3) ban all sleep moves and ban all mega's this is to create a more reasonably fair fight
why is this more fair? you have access to the countermeasures such as grass types and safety goggles, and pokemon that counter those megas
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