Anyone here play World of Warcraft?

Yeah, what I meant is you have to be demo spec and geared like a main tank to be able to hang at all, in contrast to say, an ice mage who has many forms of reactive defense. I got a little past 1900 in 2v2 as destruction, there was no way to go higher with rogues running around, I'd die so fast. But I found destruction much more fun than demo so I didn't mind the glass ceiling. Nice female dwarf priest btw.

Well you're speaking to someone who also has to equip themselves like a tank in order to be any use whatsoever, it's always been this way for Warlocks and Priests in organized PVP though.

As for our discussion, it's perfectly valid due to what the Meta-game in the 2s bracket and 5s bracket has turned into.

2v2 just needs renaming "Warlock" in reality, because that's the class you will obviously meet the most, while 5v5 has turned into 2345 vs 4DPS Facerollers, which isn't very fun on either side of the arena I imagine (I played in the former set-up) is my priest if you're interested, and she's extremely cute!
2v2 just needs renaming "Warlock" in reality, because that's the class you will obviously meet the most

Not really, almost all the top teams in the US battlegroups are Warrior teams, even since Schmity and his Priest crushed every Demonology Warlock team in sight by killing the pet at Blizzcon Warriors have come back to the top (which means double caster is on the rise again, and SL Lock will be on the rise once they get up). EU Warriors must have missed it.

5v5 has turned into 2345 vs 4DPS Facerollers, which isn't very fun on either side of the arena I imagine (I played in the former set-up)

Everyone that says 4dps = faceroll has never played the healer on a 4DPS team, 2345 was named that way because that's all the keys anyone needed to hit to beat other lineups after Heroism was used at any rate. It's fairly fun to play for 4dps teams, I especially enjoy laughing at all the noob warriors who run around in a fully PvE gemmed/enchanted setup and get killed in seconds, if these guys geared properly they might win more vs 4dps.

Mind you, I just play 5v5 for points and don't really care about the balance, gogo uber paladin alt.
The statistics (of the US realms for that matter) prove my above statement right, and yours to be somewhat wrong in regards the masses. Warlocks are currently the kings of the 2v2 bracket when you play at a decent rating (If you're looking at my 2s rating, I jump around teams and sell them :P) and according to #bg9, they're also pretty rampant on most of the decent battle groups.

As for Schmitty getting there, the only reason he was put into that position is because of the gear he was running around in prior to Blizzcon, and I don't think there was a single decent Warlock team at Blizzcon if I recall correctly (I didn't watch, why the hell would I watch that trash when WSVG is on!? :P)

Ermm, as my friend's say who made a 4DPS team and got to the top of their battlegroup's ladder, the only person who needs to play the game properly in 4DPS is the healer, and healers are never really counted in the team summary (after all, I the priest don't really do much of the burst on X target in the burst phase of my 2345!)
2v2 just needs renaming demonology "Warlock" in reality, because that's the class you will obviously meet the most, while 5v5 has turned into 2345 vs 4DPS Facerollers, which isn't very fun on either side of the arena I imagine (I played in the former set-up)

Destruction is very rare in top ranked teams which was my point. Affliction doesn't touch demo either, especially in 5v5 where it's soul link or nothing. Some of us don't roll dps cloth casters to be a tank I guess.
If they weren't so fruity, I may have. Warlocks are far more badass, especially when your boyfriend is a shadow priest.
I got more credit for my WoW account, so I decided to roll a shadow priest on Frostmourne (with about 4 school friends). Boy it is fun rocking up to the Deadmines with 4 good friends and killing stuff. For reference I'm the healer, we have a pally, a warrior, a mage and a lock. Lots of funfunfun dps :D
As for Schmitty getting there, the only reason he was put into that position is because of the gear he was running around in prior to Blizzcon, and I don't think there was a single decent Warlock team at Blizzcon if I recall correctly

AFAIK every single other team there was a Warlock team. The "best" sl locks in the world, and he beat them with premade gear.

The statistics (of the US realms for that matter) prove my above statement right, and yours to be somewhat wrong in regards the masses. Warlocks are currently the kings of the 2v2 bracket when you play at a decent rating (If you're looking at my 2s rating, I jump around teams and sell them :P) and according to #bg9, they're also pretty rampant on most of the decent battle groups.

#bg9 is stuck in season one, theres 2 Warlocks in the top 10 of US-bg9 right now and it doesn't get much better going down to 20 (theres about 6 in top 20, possibly 1-2 more on certain teams that aren't full), hardly total dominance of the bracket.

Ermm, as my friend's say who made a 4DPS team and got to the top of their battlegroup's ladder, the only person who needs to play the game properly in 4DPS is the healer, and healers are never really counted in the team summary (after all, I the priest don't really do much of the burst on X target in the burst phase of my 2345!)

As someone who plays a healer on a 4dps team, I'll put that statement down to inexperience, if my dps/cc team mates don't do their job, things go pear shaped real fast, you know what happens to a paladin who is being chain cc'd because the enemy mage is free? they sure don't get many heals off.
Every single MMORPG on the market at the moment sucks. The main objective of these games is to dress up your paper doll so you are awesome, they take little to no cognitive ability and the motor skills of a seven year old. They're also chock full of restrictions, I am more free to do as I will in real life than in a video game fantasy world! The few games that don't restrict you have shitty combat systems (EVE Online, I'm talking about you!).

There is one MMO on the horizon that I am watching with much interest. Darkfall (google it) promises complete freedom in an elderscrolls esque world, freedom to lie, steal, murder, and go to war. Plus it is using a Mount and Blade esque combat system (again, google it, free demo is out for M&B) that actually makes player skill a true factor. There are no safe zones, mounts will actually have an effect on combat other than increased speed, and there will be real honest to goodness naval combat.
Every single MMORPG on the market at the moment sucks. The main objective of these games is to dress up your paper doll so you are awesome, they take little to no cognitive ability and the motor skills of a seven year old. They're also chock full of restrictions, I am more free to do as I will in real life than in a video game fantasy world! The few games that don't restrict you have shitty combat systems (EVE Online, I'm talking about you!).

There is one MMO on the horizon that I am watching with much interest. Darkfall (google it) promises complete freedom in an elderscrolls esque world, freedom to lie, steal, murder, and go to war. Plus it is using a Mount and Blade esque combat system (again, google it, free demo is out for M&B) that actually makes player skill a true factor. There are no safe zones, mounts will actually have an effect on combat other than increased speed, and there will be real honest to goodness naval combat.

That's great, make your own topic.
So....built in voice chat anyone?

I'm pretty pumped, and i'm also glad that my realm isnt in the first batch so i dont have to deal with the initial bugs.
AFAIK every single other team there was a Warlock team. The "best" sl locks in the world, and he beat them with premade gear.
And like I said, none of the notable Warlock / Healer teams in the US were even represented due to the fact a lot of them wasn't interested at the time or had eligibility issues (The bracket is after all, terrible.)

#bg9 is stuck in season one, theres 2 Warlocks in the top 10 of US-bg9 right now and it doesn't get much better going down to 20 (theres about 6 in top 20, possibly 1-2 more on certain teams that aren't full), hardly total dominance of the bracket.

You'll also note how I included a hash to note that I was referring to the IRC channel, and the people who talk there from all around the world, meaning as a whole, not Bloodlust ;p

As someone who plays a healer on a 4dps team, I'll put that statement down to inexperience, if my dps/cc team mates don't do their job, things go pear shaped real fast, you know what happens to a paladin who is being chain cc'd because the enemy mage is free? they sure don't get many heals off.

Imagine that if your team doesn't do it's CC you'll lose, Imagine that in any form of 5s team? I played at the 2.3k rating earlier in the season against the best team in Europe (GP,) I play a class which is put under a lot more pressure than yours at pretty much any given point against a decent team, and I have a lack of experience thinking something like CC doesn't matter to ANY team set up?

Tricks are for kids I guess ;)
The main thing that excites/freaks me out is the whole 30% of Healing = Spell Damage thing.

I am moderately to incredibly annoyed they did this now that I am a dps specced healer rather than a healing specced healer that had to endure farming shit while raiding for like 8 years or something but I will probably go Restoration on my Shaman now, between that and Nature's Blessing it's going to end up very close to the same +damage I would get in full Elemental gear with the nice addition of having like a thousand more healing or something. The cast time reduction(which is a nerf) thing at least works in my advantage that way since I wouldn't be getting Lightning Mastery, offensively I really only lose that, Storm Reach, the ever unreliable Lightning Overload, and Elemental Mastery(and the 100-150ish +d) which seems like a pretty good trade for 1000 healing, Mana Tide, Earth Shield, and the various healing buffs in Restoration.

I also laugh in the face of Warlocks getting nerfed more even though my Shaman has no Warrior or Rogue buddies to enjoy that fact currently :(

I am interested in the new Battleground rewards too(largely because my Mage is exalted with all three if that becomes a requirement again), hoping likely in vein for something nice there although the honor shit is pretty good already really.
You'll also note how I included a hash to note that I was referring to the IRC channel, and the people who talk there from all around the world, meaning as a whole, not Bloodlust ;p

I knew exactly what you meant. My point is that their knowledge is clearly not current.

Imagine that if your team doesn't do it's CC you'll lose, Imagine that in any form of 5s team? I played at the 2.3k rating earlier in the season against the best team in Europe (GP,) I play a class which is put under a lot more pressure than yours at pretty much any given point against a decent team, and I have a lack of experience thinking something like CC doesn't matter to ANY team set up?

DPS pressure maybe, in a 2345 lineup maybe priests take more CC pressure too. Any healer in a 4dps team takes a boatload of CC pressure, it's the reason druids are probably the best for it (shift out of morph, instants/hots to avoid CS).

Your initial post implied you felt 4dps required no skill, your second one said only the healer has to play properly, I said otherwise and you respond with something pointless.
Oh fuck yes. Shaman getting buffed (No DR on Frost Shock, LO Buff, 2H Talent Removal ect), the huge buff to leveling 20-60, all priests getting Fear Ward, Field Repair Bots (and being able to buy/sell them), and a lot of the other changes sound sweet.
DPS pressure maybe, in a 2345 lineup maybe priests take more CC pressure too. Any healer in a 4dps team takes a boatload of CC pressure, it's the reason druids are probably the best for it (shift out of morph, instants/hots to avoid CS).

Your initial post implied you felt 4dps required no skill, your second one said only the healer has to play properly, I said otherwise and you respond with something pointless.

Okay then, 4 DPS takes a lot less skill than any form of 2345 / Drain team, to the point where it is almost laughable, the Paladin has to do the exact same job he would have to do in any form of line up (all be it not really having to care about his mana, so probably less so..). So in conclusion 4 DPS = Joke, 2345 = annoying gib, and the Paladin has an easier job in 4DPS.
So in conclusion 4 DPS = Joke, 2345 = annoying gib, and the Paladin has an easier job in 4DPS.

You know, the only difference between the two is how long it takes you to setup a sub 1 global cooldown gib. Additionally, lol @ paladin having an easier job in 4dps, I played 2345 for a few weeks, it was stupidly basic.