Suggestions for Pokémon Showdown

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This group chat feature is incredibly flawed. In theory, you invite your dumb little friends to chat about whatever and maybe set up some private tours, whatever. Hell, it's even useful for containing shitposters who have no outlet for such a thing.

In practice, however, people are naming their rooms dumb shit or even naming them after already established rooms. This presents a potential splintering problem. Also, what if people are posting porn in their special little group chats? Some websites can be caught, but websites like imgur or hell even tinypic can bypass this. Additionally, this may cause some people to want to push for their private 5-person jerks to become permanent.

My thoughts are to just have the groupchat be named after whatever user creates them. Additionally, the 40 minute timer might seem fine... but you can create 4 group chats an hour which seems excessive. Why not just give one person one chat they can own until the server restarts?
now that the groupchats hype is a thing, can we actually have a /blockinvites? :heart:
I may be a noob on Smogon, but isn't that what Modjoin is for? Once all people are invited, set Mod Join. I'm not very familiar with Group Chat, so if there isn't Modjoin in it, feel free to correct me.
I may be a noob on Smogon, but isn't that what Modjoin is for? Once all people are invited, set Mod Join. I'm not very familiar with Group Chat, so if there isn't Modjoin in it, feel free to correct me.
no she means so that people dont constantly invite her to rooms/group chats that she doesn't want to/won't join
So if you're in a lot of rooms, you'll have the issue that they'll go off to the side and you can't see when people have talked in said rooms. Could we make it so if you're not in battles that the room you're in move into the empty space battles normally go into?

If you're not battling or watching battles it turns that space into empty space that could be used to help solve this issue for people who are generally in 6+ rooms at once.
>> Your mute in [G] Frens has expired.

Group chats won't notify you of a mute, which is good because they could otherwise be used for spam.

They will, however, notify you when the mute ends which can still be a bit annoying. (I get multiple alerts per day, like the one above.)
>> Your mute in [G] Frens has expired.

Group chats won't notify you of a mute, which is good because they could otherwise be used for spam.

They will, however, notify you when the mute ends which can still be a bit annoying. (I get multiple alerts per day, like the one above.)

That's a bug. Will be fixed on next server update.
i suggest group chats list for showdown so people can some people in their group chats this would also not be on default where the group chat is made and the owner needs to enable it for their group chat to be on the list the list would be like battle watch list. I want this because i don't have any firends on showdown and i would like to talk about stuff theirs no room on showdown for.
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Can there be a way added so that groupchats can be edited?
Something like /groupchat hidden/public/private or /groupchat rename, name because I feelsbd whenever I make a mistake and have to make another groupchat
A couple more suggestions and ideas I had.

1. Having people that are online being bolded in the /roomauth [room] and /auth list. It's very useful for people that are room banned, so they can see who they can contact.
2. Adding /roomdriver to the /roomhelp command list. It is obvious for a lot of us, but especially with the new groupchats, the newer Room Owners might not know about the command.
3. A poll command. This is useful for rooms like Other Metas and Tournaments room. They can start a poll to see what tour people want next.
The new restriction on group chats has drained half my motivation to go on PS. I propose that the group chats be re-allowed to the public. Since you people might be thinking about what problems this would cause again, I will try to solve them theoretically.

Should anyone be spammed with invites, this idea could solve the problem.
anto said:
now that the groupchats hype is a thing, can we actually have a /blockinvites? :heart:
In practice, however, people are naming their rooms dumb shit or even naming them after already established rooms. This presents a potential splintering problem.
Frankly, I just don't see this as a problem. Having a bad naming sense isn't really a big issue. Should this be deemed a problem though, a solution has been suggested by the same user.
My thoughts are to just have the groupchat be named after whatever user creates them.
Also, what if people are posting porn in their special little group chats? Some websites can be caught, but websites like imgur or hell even tinypic can bypass this. Additionally, this may cause some people to want to push for their private 5-person jerks to become permanent.
I'm quite sure that images are already banned in group chats. You're probably thinking: What about links? Well, restricting the making of group chats won't solve this. People can still share links in battles and private messages anyway. Solely banning group chats doesn't solve this problem.
This group chat feature is incredibly flawed. In theory, you invite your dumb little friends to chat about whatever and maybe set up some private tours, whatever. Hell, it's even useful for containing shitposters who have no outlet for such a thing.
This doesn't just work in theory. It works practically too.

I consider the invention of group chats to be the smartest move PS! has ever made. Words cannot describe my sadness at the recent restriction on group chats. I hope we are allowed to make them again.
As a player who loves to experience new things / new meta-stuff - I would absolutely love a VGC-random-ladder!

Please make it happen, you would brighten up my season :D
(Not sure if this was suggested before)

When selecting a mega pokemon in the team builder, how about an option to view the speed of the base pokemon next to the mega pokemon's stats, since that speed stat carries in the first turn.
(Not sure if this was suggested before)

When selecting a mega pokemon in the team builder, how about an option to view the speed of the base pokemon next to the mega pokemon's stats, since that speed stat carries in the first turn.

Speed doesn't carry. Turn order does.
The complete set of Vivillon Sprites.

Their is currently only 2 forms of Vivillon available to use. Vivillon's Medow pattern & Shiny Medow Vivillon.
As an avid Bug-type Trainer , it would be amazing to see the rest of Vivillon's Sprite patterns available to use in battle on showdown .
Can we make tab follow people who leave the room? As you can see form the puush I banned the wrong person from NU by using tab. Current how it works is if someone leaves a room as you press tab, it wont complete the name of the last person to talk, rather it will complete the last person in chat with that name. This can cause issues like this where people get banned or muted by mistake when using tab.
Hi guys. I wanted to suggest if it's possible for users to see a list of users online at the moment? Rather than having to search for them manually (some people have difficult usernames which are difficult to remember) or by doing /user.

Thank you!
Hey, I thought of a new tier called duo-abilities Turns out this was very closely linked to another Pet Mod or Om called PokeAbilities. My suggestion is that there is a way that in the tier 'Custom Game' or a new tier all together, you could set up your Pokemon with two or more abilities. Thanks :D
Hey, I thought of a new tier called duo-abilities Turns out this was very closely linked to another Pet Mod or Om called PokeAbilities. My suggestion is that there is a way that in the tier 'Custom Game' or a new tier all together, you could set up your Pokemon with two or more abilities. Thanks :D
For something like this ask the other metas room on ps!, since even though it may not be on ps main it could be in a different server that carries a lot of oms, aqua comes to mind.
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