Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 47 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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OT is the trainer name and ID is the IDnumber of said trainer (with trainer i'm talking about a savefile). You can find that data by looking at the pokemon's information at the top of the upperscreen.

By the way, "I got it from a friend" isn't the best source to get something from. Often they got it from someone who hacked it whitout knowing that themselves or even hacked it themselves. and if it's 6th gen (thus has blue pentagon) and has 6IVs and you got it from a friend, it's probably hacked
Tanks, I'll take it into account in the future
LF Gen I-III Legends
FT Multiple Hidden Power pokes from my thread

*Gen 6 or RNG is fine.
*Ball choice is preferred but not required.

Modest (HP Ground or Fighting)

Careful or Calm | Defog

Bold or Timid


Impish or Careful

Modest | Hidden Power Fire | Defog


Bold and Brave

Mild, Relaxed, and Impish

Thanks a0161613 and Omastar68 for your inputs about my Darkrai. I ended up keeping it even though I don't expect any use of it...
Now, I'm considering keeping this:
Diancie - Hope - 07245
Nature: Quiet - 31/28-29/31/30/31/4-5
I know the 28-29 still is a bit of a bummer because diancie is a good mixed...
Thanks a0161613 and Omastar68 for your inputs about my Darkrai. I ended up keeping it even though I don't expect any use of it...
Now, I'm considering keeping this:
Diancie - Hope - 07245
Nature: Quiet - 31/28-29/31/30/31/4-5
I know the 28-29 still is a bit of a bummer because diancie is a good mixed...

I'd toss because of the speed. Speed lowering and 0-3 speed (not sure if it's the same case with diancie) gives lowest speed possible but this one has 4-5 and that attack is also dissapointing
Thanks a0161613 and Omastar68 for your inputs about my Darkrai. I ended up keeping it even though I don't expect any use of it...
Now, I'm considering keeping this:
Diancie - Hope - 07245
Nature: Quiet - 31/28-29/31/30/31/4-5
I know the 28-29 still is a bit of a bummer because diancie is a good mixed...
It might be a decent personal Keep it if has a 29 in Atk, its not absolutely necessary for it to have 0 Speed to be usable (1 point higher in Speed can be really clutch in certain scenarios against mirror matches or other super-slow base 50 'mons); but otherwise Toss it and move on.
Thanks a0161613 and Omastar68 for your inputs about my Darkrai. I ended up keeping it even though I don't expect any use of it...
Now, I'm considering keeping this:
Diancie - Hope - 07245
Nature: Quiet - 31/28-29/31/30/31/4-5
I know the 28-29 still is a bit of a bummer because diancie is a good mixed...
It might have some niche value if HP Fire (even if Diancie has no business staying in on most mons HP Fire would be useful for), otherwise I would toss, boosted stat is 30 and the Atk+Spe aren't good enough to make up for a pointless power drop.

EDIT: And just so people stop posting easily researchable stuff...
Only 0-1 works for min-speed lvl 50 Diancie.
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Thanks guys for your views: Atk is 29 and I decided to keep it for personal use because I indeed think it doesn't have a great trade value, but enough for the moment for me (HP is electric).
I know asking this is iffy at best but is there a way to cheat/hack/homebrew/emulate some WiFi functionalities that have been discontinued on fifth Gen?
I just started playing Pokémon White since I need to to get my valuables from Gen IV over to Gen VI but I feel gimped having half the game's features unavailable to me.
I know asking this is iffy at best but is there a way to cheat/hack/homebrew/emulate some WiFi functionalities that have been discontinued on fifth Gen?
I just started playing Pokémon White since I need to to get my valuables from Gen IV over to Gen VI but I feel gimped having half the game's features unavailable to me.
You don't need Wi-Fi to transfer from gen IV to V, though you do need a second DS/3DS.
I know asking this is iffy at best but is there a way to cheat/hack/homebrew/emulate some WiFi functionalities that have been discontinued on fifth Gen?
I just started playing Pokémon White since I need to to get my valuables from Gen IV over to Gen VI but I feel gimped having half the game's features unavailable to me.
You don't need Wi-Fi to transfer from gen IV to V, though you do need a second DS/3DS.

I think he means the C-Gear functions (maybe). Black and White had a lot of "outside game" material like the Global Link, which you can't access anymore :(

Well there is a tool to inject Dream World Pokemon if that is what you are looking for? From there you can then RNG the Pokemon as normal :) but in terms of the actual Global Link itself, there is nothing as far as I know :\
Yeah C-Gear.
I'm about an hour in and this game slaps me in the face with all these explanations for all the cool online stuff ("You can go to the dream world!" "Trade with people all over the world with this Pal Pad") that I can't freaking access without getting hit by the 20110 error.

It's basically taunting me for missing the heydays of this damn game.

PS: I'm interested in that Dream World injector tool.
Keep or toss?

Hoopa (Brave)

HP: 10/11
ATK: 31
DEF: 31
SPA: 30
SPD: 31
SPE: 0

Physical Trick Room Hoopa? Or is the HP too low?
The HP is the first thing you see when checking Hoopa. You literally have no reason to even look further at anything with less than 28+ in that stat, 30+ if you want any sort of trade value for it. If the HP is more than a point off from perfect, toss without looking any further.
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