
The Xatu Warrior
approved by eevee general and TI

have you ever wanted to play a "class based" meta? or maybe you wanted more then one ability on a pokemon. well i introduce to you the one way to make that possible: COMBOmons!

COMBOmons is a meta where Pokemon get a bunch of abilities based on specific "Catigories". there are three categories to choose from. offensive, support, and defensive. On top of this to keep with the meta's idea, all pokemon gain access to every ability, however any ability not in the three lists will NOT activate. for example, picking tough claws, gives you "offensive abilities" combo. while picking poison heal gives you defensive ones. To clarify, yes, you get ALL abilities mashed up together. hence the name "COMBOmons"

What are the bans and clauses?
this meta follows OU's bans and clauses

additional bans: none as of yet!

here are the abilities you may choose from:

Offensive abilities:
tough claws, adaptability, tinted lens, sheer force, technician.

defensive abilities: poison heal, regenerator, Fur coat, Unaware, magic bounce.

Supportive abilities: immunity, flash fire, sap sipper, mold breaker, prankster.

Q & A since i know this meta is going to be very very confusing at first glance:

if a poke is deemed op in that meta will it be called "Combo breaker"?

hey but what about megas?
depending on how the coder can do this, i'm hoping that "tough luck" to the pokemon who dont have the right ability. (so beedrill and sableye gets all the abilities shown for their current ability, while slowbro, audino, and blaziken sadly, does not.) or maybe ill just let the "unmega" ability take priority if possible.

wait so they have access to all 3 and they have to pick one?
yes. kyurem can pick either offensive, defensive, or supportive abilities. and gain all the effects of said listed abilities.

how does this meta work? isn't this a pet mod? get this outta here broski
actually, after discussing, it is not. since all abilities despite having to have some very sketchy coding, follows a strict formula, it just barely passes as a OM.

how do you pick which ability you want? is there anything specific that needs to be done?
all you need to do, is pick one of the abilities currently in the list of the combination you want. for example, if you want offensive abilities, picking tough claws, adaptability, tinted lens, sheer force, or technician will work.

Wait, so it's the effects of ALL the abilities mashed together?!

if you have any more questions, please ask me! I understand i'm kinda bad at explaining concepts. and if anyone can code this, but find issues also let me know.
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Thundurus @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force [Offensive Category]
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid / Modest Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Thunderbolt
- Sludge Wave
- Dark Pulse


Suicune @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal [ Defensive ]
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Scald
- Roar
- Protect

Those work right? Also congrats on not giving Noivern STAB Boomburst

Thundurus @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force [Offensive Category]
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid / Modest Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Thunderbolt
- Sludge Wave
- Dark Pulse


Suicune @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal [ Defensive ]
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Scald
- Roar
- Protect

Those work right? Also congrats on not giving Noivern STAB Boomburst
yep. and thanks. i tried very hard to resist giving offense aerilate. ;)
defensive abilities: Fur coat
oh boy

one would have thought that from the offensive abilities listed here that physical offense would have been predominant, but that sets it back quite a bit. The likes of Fur Coat Blissey will probably be nigh-unbreakable on a defensive team.

Also, will the Pokémon that are banned in OU that were banned because of their abilities (such as Blaziken and Greninja) be unbanned here because their standard abilities don't work? Just wondering
This seems like a very interesting metagame.

  1. So, do we choose what category the Pokémon is in, or are they pre-decided? It would make more sense if they were pre-decided, since giving offensive Pokémon defensive abilities would be quite bizarre.
  2. The Pokémon can ONLY use the abilities in the category, right?
  3. Are you in need of a banner for the metagame because I'll be able to make one, if you don't mind n_n
oh boy

one would have thought that from the offensive abilities listed here that physical offense would have been predominant, but that sets it back quite a bit. The likes of Fur Coat Blissey will probably be nigh-unbreakable on a defensive team.

Also, will the Pokémon that are banned in OU that were banned because of their abilities (such as Blaziken and Greninja) be unbanned here because their standard abilities don't work? Just wondering
dont forget, support can break stall easily! but is scared of offense in return! and yeah, eventually im going to look into that. but those will be unbanned slowly, since ya know, theres mons who clearly need looking into...(blissey, kyurem, etc)

This seems like a very interesting metagame.

  1. So, do we choose what category the Pokémon is in, or are they pre-decided? It would make more sense if they were pre-decided.
  2. The Pokémon can ONLY use the abilities in the category, right?
  3. Are you in need of a banner for the metagame because I'll be able to make one, if you don't mind n_n
1) you decide. pre-deciding defeats the purpose of basing this off of "classes" as most mmo's etc don't predetermine your class.
2)yes. that is correct.
3)id love a banner to be created! please do. (no guarantees i will use it though, but i'm pretty open minded)
dont forget, support can break stall easily! but is scared of offense in return! and yeah, eventually im going to look into that. but those will be unbanned slowly, since ya know, theres mons who clearly need looking into...(blissey, kyurem, etc)
Support seems like the worst category overall though, judging by the abilities it's given. Sure Mold Breaker will be essential to breaking stall teams, and Prankster is also quite good given its newfound increased distribution, but other than that there's not much... Not much in the way of teambuilding potential, at any rate.

Either way, this seems like an interesting meta and I'll be sure to play it if it gets coded.
not quite, as the three abilities are a "Combination" of 5 abilities. although it will be based around 3 abilities, its not like its some AAA clone watered down or anything :P

Wait, so it's the effects of ALL the abilities mashed together?!
To clarify:

If I give a poke an offensive ability, will it gain ALL offensive abilities? Eg is Sheer Force Tough Claws Technician Adaptability Fake Out a thing? (If my maths is right that's a +3 priotity 213 BP move after STAB).

Ambipom for Ubers?
To clarify:

If I give a poke an offensive ability, will it gain ALL offensive abilities? Eg is Sheer Force Tough Claws Technician Adaptability Fake Out a thing? (If my maths is right that's a +3 priotity 213 BP move after STAB)
yep. but fur coat regen skarm will be shrugging that off.

If that's the case, stall is definitely going to be dominant. All of the abilities defense is given are amazing on their own, but combined they're utterly insane.

Granted, the offensive abilities are great too, especially stacked, but Fur Coat really restricts offensive capability as far as physical moves go. It might actually be worth it to make your offensive 'mons draw from the support ability pool because setup isn't a thing if it's offense versus defense.

yep. but fur coat regen skarm will be shrugging that off.
Skarm might not be the best physical wall here because it doesn't get to take advantage of Poison Heal due to its typing. The likes of Gliscor and Slowbro might be better because they do get the advantage of Poison Heal, plus they have more offensive potential.
So basically an offensive Garchomp would fire off a Double Chop at Mega Aggron and hit 40x2+50%+33%+33% while ignoring the Resist for an effective BP of 120x2, roughly. (No Sheer Force boost for Double Chop)

A defensive Garchomp would ignore all stat boosting, heal on switching, have doubled Defense, bounce back Status moves, and heal off of Poisoning. (This would be amazing if it weren't for offensive anything murdering it in one or two turns)

A support Garchomp would laugh in the face of Will O Wisp, Toxic, Leech Seed (Oh, and the counterpart attacking moves for Will O Wisp and Leech Seed) while bypassing Magic Bounce and outprioritizing your Status moves.

I'll say right out the gate that offense seems liable to simply overwhelm everything else. I like the support and defense "classes", overall, but offense's stacking seems liable to be impossible to account for, even with defense providing stuff like Fur Coat.

252 Atk Garchomp Dual Chop (2 hits) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Cresselia: 126-150 (28.3 - 33.7%) -- approx. 98.7% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery

... I retract my concern. (I calced Dual Chop with 120 BP) Given Cresselia will be running a Toxic Orb and healing off almost all of that damage, while ignoring any boosting you make, it won't even need Moonlight! Just switch if Poison Heal is actually being overwhelmed.

New concern: unbreakable stall teams.

At any rate, offensive teams will need at least one Support Pokemon to be able to deal with stall teams. Stall teams will probably want a Support Pokemon themselves, so they can get in hazards on enemy stall teams, for that matter. They might even want an offensive Pokemon so they can rip apart enemy Support Pokemon, given how so many residual damage sources will be useless.

Honestly, Will O Wisp is nearly useless (Only works on offensive Pokemon, barring Support Mold Breakering a Support -Defense will be Poisoned already, and probably running Protect for healing) and Toxic is probably actively the opposite of productive.

If that's the case, stall is definitely going to be dominant. All of the abilities defense is given are amazing on their own, but combined they're utterly insane.

Granted, the offensive abilities are great too, especially stacked, but Fur Coat really restricts offensive capability as far as physical moves go. It might actually be worth it to make your offensive 'mons draw from the support ability pool because setup isn't a thing if it's offense versus defense.
So basically an offensive Garchomp would fire off a Double Chop at Mega Aggron and hit 40x2+50%+33%+33% while ignoring the Resist for an effective BP of 120x2, roughly. (No Sheer Force boost for Double Chop)

A defensive Garchomp would ignore all stat boosting, heal on switching, have doubled Defense, bounce back Status moves, and heal off of Poisoning. (This would be amazing if it weren't for offensive anything murdering it in one or two turns)

A support Garchomp would laugh in the face of Will O Wisp, Toxic, Leech Seed (Oh, and the counterpart attacking moves for Will O Wisp and Leech Seed) while bypassing Magic Bounce and outprioritizing your Status moves.

I'll say right out the gate that offense seems liable to simply overwhelm everything else. I like the support and defense "classes", overall, but offense's stacking seems liable to be impossible to account for, even with defense providing stuff like Fur Coat.

252 Atk Garchomp Dual Chop (2 hits) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Cresselia: 126-150 (28.3 - 33.7%) -- approx. 98.7% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery

... I retract my concern. (I calced Dual Chop with 120 BP) Given Cresselia will be running a Toxic Orb and healing off almost all of that damage, while ignoring any boosting you make, it won't even need Moonlight! Just switch if Poison Heal is actually being overwhelmed.

New concern: unbreakable stall teams.

At any rate, offensive teams will need at least one Support Pokemon to be able to deal with stall teams. Stall teams will probably want a Support Pokemon themselves, so they can get in hazards on enemy stall teams, for that matter. They might even want an offensive Pokemon so they can rip apart enemy Support Pokemon, given how so many residual damage sources will be useless.

Honestly, Will O Wisp is nearly useless (Only works on offensive Pokemon, barring Support Mold Breakering a Support -Defense will be Poisoned already, and probably running Protect for healing) and Toxic is probably actively the opposite of productive.
yeah, if a specific ability becomes too good, im more then willing to "alter" the combinations a bit. i just think support might help balance out defensive a bit. but yeah.
yeah, if a specific ability becomes too good, im more then willing to "alter" the combinations a bit. i just think support might help balance out defensive a bit. but yeah.
Fur Coat really needs to go tbh. Nearly invalidating physical offense single-handedly won't be healthy for the meta.

Maybe you could replace it with Multiscale or something. Granted that'd still be broken to an extent considering Defense also gets Poison Heal, but it wouldn't be quite as bad seeing as multi-hit moves are good here.

edit: no wait Defense also gets Regenerator that's a bad idea, I have no idea what would be a suitable replacement here seeing as Natural Cure breaks Poison Heal and Magic Guard is mostly redundant over Magic Bounce. You'll have to help me out here, probably
When everyone relizes that everything gets ALL of those abilities.

Supportive should also have Water Absorb do not make it garbage. Actually thinking about it on support how many things get like Nasty Plot + Copycat or SD + Copy with Prankster alongside... See where i am going with this.
252 Atk Garchomp Dual Chop (2 hits) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Cresselia: 126-150 (28.3 - 33.7%) -- approx. 98.7% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery

... I retract my concern. (I calced Dual Chop with 120 BP) Given Cresselia will be running a Toxic Orb and healing off almost all of that damage, while ignoring any boosting you make, it won't even need Moonlight! Just switch if Poison Heal is actually being overwhelmed.
In standard:

252 Atk Garchomp Dual Chop (2 hits) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Cresselia: 84-102 (18.9 - 22.9%) -- possible 6HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Garchomp Outrage vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Cresselia: 126-148 (28.3 - 33.3%) -- 95.5% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery

No point running calcs without comparing them to something we already know.

TC = 1.33x
Adaptability = 1.33x
SF = 1.33x
Technician = 1.5x

So an attack boosted by Technician + any of the others is equivalent to the Fur Coat boost (of course, PH is a thing, which should be accounted for)

(this is mainly focusing on the physical side of things, I haven't thought about special attackers much yet)
Fur Coat really needs to go tbh. Nearly invalidating physical offense single-handedly won't be healthy for the meta.

Maybe you could replace it with Multiscale or something. Granted that'd still be broken to an extent considering Defense also gets Poison Heal, but it wouldn't be quite as bad seeing as multi-hit moves are good here.

edit: no wait Defense also gets Regenerator that's a bad idea, I have no idea what would be a suitable replacement here seeing as Natural Cure breaks Poison Heal and Magic Guard is mostly redundant over Magic Bounce. You'll have to help me out here, probably
252+ Atk Choice Band Hoopa Unbound Hyperspace Fury(133 base power assuming adapt boost since for some reason i didnt just use adapt as an ability) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Cresselia: 266-314 (59.9 - 70.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
lol. our savior. no but seriously, since support is mostly for physical attackers breaking stall, i think as of now imma leave it as it is, and once we get a few games going when its coded ill likely change it to something like filter if support isnt enough to handle it without severely hindering the meta.
252+ Atk Choice Band Hoopa Unbound Hyperspace Fury(133 base power assuming adapt boost since for some reason i didnt just use adapt as an ability) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Cresselia: 266-314 (59.9 - 70.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
lol. our savior. no but seriously, since support is mostly for physical attackers breaking stall, i think as of now imma leave it as it is, and once we get a few games going when its coded ill likely change it to something like filter if support isnt enough to handle it without severely hindering the meta.

yeah, it's probably best to see how this would function in practice before making major changes.

I'm not offering to code this myself seeing as I don't have the knowledge to do so, but how would this be coded? Would each of the abilities part of each combo have their effects replaced by every ability in the combo, or something along those lines?

yeah, it's probably best to see how this would function in practice before making major changes.

I'm not offering to code this myself seeing as I don't have the knowledge to do so, but how would this be coded? Would each of the abilities part of each combo have their effects replaced by every ability in the combo, or something along those lines?
ideally that's what i want to happen yeah.
Interesting concept.

One thing I want you to consider: could you add Guts to offensive combo? Defensive and support can be immune to status by poison heal and flash fire/immunity while offense has nothing to take advantage of status. Kinda unfair I think.
Interesting concept.

One thing I want you to consider: could you add Guts to offensive combo? Defensive and support can be immune to status by poison heal and flash fire/immunity while offense has nothing to take advantage of status. Kinda unfair I think.
i used to have guts but eventually went against it, as having 6 abilities each kinda really cluttered the combinations. maybe ill replace tinted lens with guts, to attempt to bypass fur coat...but idk. maybe.
i used to have guts but eventually went against it, as having 6 abilities each kinda really cluttered the combinations. maybe ill replace tinted lens with guts, to attempt to bypass fur coat...but idk. maybe.

Maybe replace technician. Only a few pokes benefit from technician as not everyone have multi hitting moves.