UU Simple Questions Thread

Blissey is a good partner, since more Defensive Builds have a lot of Pokémon that can resist Fighting-Types aswell, like Sableye and Fat Salamence, but if you want to use it on Balance Builds, Florges and Sylveron are good Clerics, but Gardevoir's Cleric Set is not viable. Alomomola and Umbreon are two good partners on Stall too.
Both Florges and Sylveon can run cleric sets and have good synergy with Aggron. Gardevoir is way too frail for such a role, and it can't pass very big wishes anyway.

edit: mfw I didn't see the question was already answered ._.
You can split roles and use things like Wish Alomomola (did I write right? lol) with another cleric such Blissey, Florges etc :). Aloma is a great partner for fat steel types like Mega Aggron or even Mega Steelix, which could add you a nice electric immunity, being a much better volt-turn stop for defensive teams.
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hey uh so ive wanted to get into uu for a while now and im sorry if this is a bit of a big question to ask but can anyone briefly explain to me what makes each of the S rank mons S? if anyone could take the time to do this i would really appreciate it, thanks!
hey uh so ive wanted to get into uu for a while now and im sorry if this is a bit of a big question to ask but can anyone briefly explain to me what makes each of the S rank mons S? if anyone could take the time to do this i would really appreciate it, thanks!
in a nutshell

Hydreigon - Versatility and lack of solid counters + amazing typing
Aerodactyl - ^pmuch the same (to an extent) + being able to fit on nearly all team archetypes and blazing fast
Suicune - can literally check almost everything that doesn't hit it SEffectively or use it as fodder + Calm Mind (Scald) and other redeeming qualities like Pressure, Roar, and great typing
Salamence - Scariest Sweeper with Dragon Dance, lack of solid counters, and versatility
What EV spread does Choice Band Iron Fist Conkeldurr run? I'm thinking of just using max Attack max Speed because fuck creeping but I want to know if running bulk on it is a good idea or not.
There's literally no reason to not run Max Speed tbh. But I guess if you want to remain some bulk you can go to 190 Speed which hits most relevant fat stuff and outspeeds Florges. 204 EVs it should be the rest of the 52 EVs you dump into HP obviously and you also use Adamant.
With the less and less occurence of Scarf Hydreigon and the Celebi drop, did ScarfCross became viable again? I was using in the middladder during the Zam UU suspect and found it found a nice niche, being a good answer to Krook, Coballion, Celebi and running a nice coverage for BulkMence in stone edge. I kinda liked the result, but wanted an opinion from a more experienced player. And if it is viable, Guts or Moxie?
Not sure about Scarfcross coming back into popularity, but Moxie is usually better to make it more difficult to stop during a late-game sweep. Guts is better for the Choice Band set because Band comes in more early-to-mid to wallbreak so it's more likely that it will take some inadvertant status that would cripple Scarfcross.
Hey, I'm back, and got a question.
What's the normal bulkier sylveon spread people run these days? It's for ev-ing something.
Max HP Max Def you can't really afford splitting the evs on bulky sylveon because it'll leave u 2hkod by Mega Aerodactyls Stone Edge and +1 Salamence's Iron Tail.
I'm new to anything competitive pokemon, haha. I was wondering could you use Rapidash in UU, the Strategy Dex only has it listed for PU.
Dassah said:
I'm new to anything competitive pokemon, haha. I was wondering could you use Rapidash in UU, the Strategy Dex only has it listed for PU.
No unfortunately not. Rapidash doesn't really have anything in its arsenal that would warrant it any use in the current UU metagame.
Hello, I'm new here and new to serious business competitive Pokémon (i only did Random Battles before and 3 UU Battle today)

My team (pretty much randomly picked 6 mons)

Pokémom (Blissey) @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Seismic Toss
- Wish
- Heal Bell
- Protect

Bloo (Blastoise) (M) @ Blastoisinite
Ability: Rain Dish
EVs: 56 HP / 252 SpA / 200 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Dark Pulse
- Aura Sphere
- Ice Beam

Cobrat (Crobat) (M) @ Black Sludge
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 248 HP / 48 Def / 212 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- U-turn
- Taunt
- Defog

Zelf (Azelf) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Explosion
- Taunt
- Knock Off

Merhunes Dragon (Salamence) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 236 Def / 24 Spe
Impish Nature
- Roost
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Dragon Tail

Queen (Nidoqueen) @ Black Sludge
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 248 HP / 240 Def / 20 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Toxic Spikes
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
- Roar

So, How can I improve this team ? Blastoise is one of my favorite Pokémon and sending Salamence against Entei make people ragequit (it happened twice in a row lol) i want to keep them :) And I'm pretty sure i need to replace Azelf and maybe Crobat (they're so frail compared to the other, idk i like bulky Pokémons i guess)

and well... idk... How can i improve as a player ?
Hello, I'm new here and new to serious business competitive Pokémon (i only did Random Battles before and 3 UU Battle today)

My team (pretty much randomly picked 6 mons)

Pokémom (Blissey) @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Seismic Toss
- Wish
- Heal Bell
- Protect

Bloo (Blastoise) (M) @ Blastoisinite
Ability: Rain Dish
EVs: 56 HP / 252 SpA / 200 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Dark Pulse
- Aura Sphere
- Ice Beam

Cobrat (Crobat) (M) @ Black Sludge
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 248 HP / 48 Def / 212 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- U-turn
- Taunt
- Defog

Zelf (Azelf) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Explosion
- Taunt
- Knock Off

Merhunes Dragon (Salamence) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 236 Def / 24 Spe
Impish Nature
- Roost
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Dragon Tail

Queen (Nidoqueen) @ Black Sludge
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 248 HP / 240 Def / 20 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Toxic Spikes
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
- Roar

So, How can I improve this team ? Blastoise is one of my favorite Pokémon and sending Salamence against Entei make people ragequit (it happened twice in a row lol) i want to keep them :) And I'm pretty sure i need to replace Azelf and maybe Crobat (they're so frail compared to the other, idk i like bulky Pokémons i guess)

and well... idk... How can i improve as a player ?
Hey man welcome to UU! If you are looking to learn the tier I recommend reading the analysis of each mon you want to use, this will help you learn the optimal sets and it will refer you to good partners for whichever mon you are using. As for getting better as a player there are plenty of UU tours happening around this time of year, such as UUPL and UU open, that you can find replays for or watch the battles live so that you see how higher level players play. Other than that just play and learn at your pace.
Why does one of Haxorus' UU analysis contain Swords Dance and Dragon Dance on the same set?
Shouldn't it be Swords Dance/Dragon Dance along with Adamant/Jolly nature and another attack as a filler?


It's a strategy called Double Dance. The idea is that you can use Swords Dance against bulkier teams in order to effectively break through things like Cresselia or Mega-Aggron, or Dragon Dance against offensive teams that don't need the sheer wallbreaking power that Swords Dance provides. Since Mold Breaker means that Outrage + Earthquake is actually close to perfect coverage in UU (only missing Whimsicott and the super rare Togetic), Haxorus can get away with this strategy assuming any Fairy-types have been weakened (though you obviously are less effective as a wallbreaker when compared to SD + 3 attacks, and less effective as a sweeper than DD + 3 attacks - basically, you're trading effectiveness for versatility).
I was thinking of writing an article about some Pokémon in UU that don't see that much usage, but are still worth putting on your team. Hidden gems, if you will. So far my list is Kyurem and Rotom-Mow - what other Pokémon would you say are hidden gems in UU?
I was thinking of writing an article about some Pokémon in UU that don't see that much usage, but are still worth putting on your team. Hidden gems, if you will. So far my list is Kyurem and Rotom-Mow - what other Pokémon would you say are hidden gems in UU?
Isn't that hella similar to Hikari 's new article 'Spice UUp Your Game 2', as well as this one: http://www.smogon.com/articles/ru-pokemon-uu ? I don't really think another article on underrated UU Pokemon is necessary. You could definitely talk it through with TFP peeps but im not sure, man.
Machamp has a better Special Bulk and better Speed than Conkeldurr. You can use one benchmark to outspeed stuff like Florges too, but it is risky. Banded Machamp is overall better thank Banded Conkeldurr too.
Anyone knows a good stallbreaker that gets along well with Mega Sharpedo? (I have been trying out Fire Spin Infernape, is pretty fun, tho I'm looking for something more efficient)