Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 47 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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1. Does Synchronize work on soft-resetting event Pokemon?

2. After 693 resets (yes, we're looking at more than 11 hours of this), I've come across this Shaymin.

25/x/31/31/27/31 Modest

Toss or keep? (It's just HP Dragon)
1)Synchronize does not work


2) to trade here that's absolutely a toss, you could probaby make it work if you just wanted it to battle with it but 25 is honestly just too low
1)Synchronize does not work

2) to trade here that's absolutely a toss, you could probaby make it work of you just wanted it to battle with it but 25 is honestly just too low
1. Oh thank goodness. I didn't think about that until now, so if I had been able to cut the time down...

2. Yeah, it would be for personal use. I'm going to have to keep thinking about it, thanks~
How do you get a lv.5 porygon with tri attack and recover? To pass down lv. Up moves, both parents need to know it. But porygon can only breed with ditto. I tried 2 porygon. Halp me :(
I missed the last battle competition for the Unnerve Shiny Mewtwo; my question was, will there be another chance to get this code?

If anyone has a spare Unnerve Shiny Mewtwo code, please PM me. Offers can include a copy of the Mewtwo I reset if need be.
I missed the last battle competition for the Unnerve Shiny Mewtwo; my question was, will there be another chance to get this code?

If anyone has a spare Unnerve Shiny Mewtwo code, please PM me. Offers can include a copy of the Mewtwo I reset if need be.
The website said if you had any PLAY! Points from participating this season, the Mewtwo code will be sent to you in late July.
1. Oh thank goodness. I didn't think about that until now, so if I had been able to cut the time down...

2. Yeah, it would be for personal use. I'm going to have to keep thinking about it, thanks~
I'd still toss, even if it's just for personal use. The HP is much too low, and Shaymin almost always prefers Timid. Really, I wouldn't bother with anything with an HP IV less than 29. (339 on Shaymin)
Not many people can do XD RNG so you're gonna have to wait for it.
I'm working on it, and I am planning to do Pidgeotto soon but it'll be a while before I can transfer them over to my Emerald.
I'm just clad I found someone that can do it. Guess I'm gonna be playing the waiting game
I lucked out and managed to breed a Shiny 31/X/31/31/31/31 Timid Snivy, with no TSV hatching assistance. It's male, but has Contrary as its ability

Can anyone tell me what the odds are of getting this? Would be curious to know?
I lucked out and managed to breed a Shiny 31/X/31/31/31/31 Timid Snivy, with no TSV hatching assistance. It's male, but has Contrary as its ability

Can anyone tell me what the odds are of getting this? Would be curious to know?

Assuming you used two perfect 31/x/31/31/31/31 parents, Destiny Knot+Everstone breeding, MM and having a shiny charm: ~(1/6)*(1/512)*(3/5) = 1/5120
Assuming you used two perfect 31/x/31/31/31/31 parents, Destiny Knot+Everstone breeding, MM and having a shiny charm: ~(1/6)*(1/512)*(3/5) = 1/5120

One parent was a 6IV ditto, the other was a 5IV imperfect Snivy - Destiny Knot and Everstone held. No shiny charm, but MM in effect.

Edit: Thanks for this as well, I guessed the odds were slim, but not like that :)
One parent was a 6IV ditto, the other was a 5IV imperfect Snivy - Destiny Knot and Everstone held. No shiny charm, but MM in effect.

Edit: Thanks for this as well, I guessed the odds were slim, but not like that :)

5IV imperfect Snivy as in imperfect in a stat other than Attack?

In that case ~(1/6)*(1/2)*(6/4096)*(3/5) = 3/40960 = 1/13,653.33...
I take it you don't have enough BPs to tutor Superpower onto your current Scizor? (not a Scyther Egg Move)

If you can wait until tomorrow morning, I should have one ready for you.

I have Y so I don't think there is a move tutor that takes BP.

On another note, I would really appreciate the Scizor : ) What do you want for it?
5IV imperfect Snivy as in imperfect in a stat other than Attack?

In that case ~(1/6)*(1/2)*(6/4096)*(3/5) = 3/40960 = 1/13,653.33...

I thought that was Correct, I forget which stat though.

Those odds are ridiculous. I must be wrong in that case :/

Let's assume that the Snivy had the right IVs in the right places - if I don't have a shiny charm, how does that change the original odds? Sorry for all the questions, just genuinely interested :)
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I passed on a Bold Shaymin (31/31/31/27/31/28 - HP Ice) this morning, any reason to keep a Bold Shaymin if I get flawless speed/better special attack? I have ORAS as well and can SR for a Timid one on the other two carts but I don't really want to go for three Timid Shaymin... Bold/Calm/Jolly... suggested other natures? I know that Seed Flare is the main draw of Shaymin but would the surprise Jolly Shaymin have any value? Have passed on a couple of close calls on Jolly's as well.
I passed on a Bold Shaymin (31/31/31/27/31/28 - HP Ice) this morning, any reason to keep a Bold Shaymin if I get flawless speed/better special attack? I have ORAS as well and can SR for a Timid one on the other two carts but I don't really want to go for three Timid Shaymin... Bold/Calm/Jolly... suggested other natures? I know that Seed Flare is the main draw of Shaymin but would the surprise Jolly Shaymin have any value? Have passed on a couple of close calls on Jolly's as well.

Shaymin has no physical movepool. Every single Shaymin set, even the defensive or niche ones, are better off being special with Seed Flare.
This is what a physical pentagon Shaymin would be working with...

Quick Attack, Natural Gift, Frustration, Return, Facade, Giga Impact, Secret Power, Covet, Last Resort, Seed Bomb, Zen Headbutt, Swords Dance

Judge for yourself.

Swords Dance is nice and all, but Seed Bomb/Zen Headbutt/Return as offensive coverage is horrible. Like really really bad...
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I need a Volcanion to complete my dex, can somebody trade me one? I have some shinys (Alakazam, Leafeon, Latias), some event pokemon (darkrai, rayquaza victini) and some ready to battle pokemon (defiant jolly bisharp, technician jolly breelom). And some good iv pokemon (top 6 timid treecko, top 5 bulbasaur chlorophyll, top 5 moody snorunt, top 5 jolly beldum, top 6 lightining road electrike, top 5 modest squirtle (aqua jet, dragon pulse, aura sphere and dive ball)). FC: 1461-6919-6138. Thank you guys (:
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